Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Authority Tender
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Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Authority - UPSIDA Tender
Opening Date14 Jul 2021
Closing Date29 Jul 2021
Tender AmountRefer Documents
₹ 17,08,068Document Cost
₹ 13,027Tender Fee
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2021_SIDC_603341_1Bid Award Id
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cd_8_6_dt_21052021Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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Mechanical compaction of earth filling to achieve 95% Proctor Density of earth. The compaction shall be done preferably with the help of roller of 8-10 tonne static weight and subsequent layer shall be tested and accepted by the Engineer Incharge.The work includes finishing shaping and dressing the shoulders/ verge/road bed/side slopes to confirm to the alignment, gradients, levels, cross sections and dimensions shown in the drawing or as directed by the Engineer Incharge subject to the surface tolerance as specified. Both the upper and lower ends of the slopes shall be rounded of to improve appearance and to merge the embankment terrain. The clods or hard earth shall be broken to have a maximum size of 50 mm when being placed in the embankment. The moisture content of the earth shall be checked at the site of placement prior to commencement of compaction, if found to be out of agreed limits the same shall be made good. The moisture content of each layer of soil shall be checked and shall be adjusted as required including the cost of all materials labour, T. & P. etc. as required for proper completion of the work.
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Construction of Granular Sub Base by Providing Coarse Graded Material, spreading in uniform layers with motar grader on preapared surface, mixing mix in place method with Rotavator at OMC, and compacting with Vabratory Roller to achieve the desired Density complete as per Clause No. 401 and also supply of all material labour and T&P etc. as required for proper completion of the work.
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Providing, Laying, Spreading and Compacting Graded Stone Aggregateto Wet Mix Macadam specification including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base/base course on well preapared surface and compacting with Vabratory Roller to achieve the desired Density and also supply of all material labour and T&P etc. as required for proper completion of the work.
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Loosening, leveling and compacting original ground supporting embankment to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment, scarified to a depth of 150 mm mixed with water at OMC and then compacted by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in table 300-2 for embankment construction.
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Providing and laying 75 MM Bituminous Macadam with 100-120 TPH Hot Mix Plant producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with Bituminous binder @ 4.50% of the mx, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per clause 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve desired compaction, including supply of all material labour and T&P etc. as required for proper completion of the work including tack coat.
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Providing and laying 40 MM thick Bituminous Concrete with 100-120 P TPH batch type HMP producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with Bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6% of the mix and filler, transportiong the hot mix to work site, laying with hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem roller, to achieve required compaction as per MORTH Specification Clause no. 509, including tack coat complete in all respect, including supply of all material labour and T&P etc. as required for proper completion of the work.
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Providing and laying hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.50 mm thick including reflactrorising glass beads @ 2.50 gms per SqM area thickness of 2.50 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per I.R.C : 35. the finished surface is to be level, uniform and free from streacks and holes as per MORTH Specification no. 803.
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Supply and Fixing of reflective raised pavement markers with its body surface made of tough polycarbonate and its reflective lens made of polycarbonate micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection.
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Earth work in excavation in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) including lift up to 1.50 m and lead up to 30.00 m and also including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into foundation trenches or into the space between building and sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the Engineer Incharge up to a distance of 50.00 m from foundation trenches as required for proper completion of the work.
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Extra for above item No.12 “earth work in excavation in ordinary soil” for additional 50.00 M lead of part of 50.00 M or 1.50 m lift or part of 1.50 M.
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Plain Cement Concrete with 40 mm gauge approved stone ballast, approved coarse sand and cement in the proportion of 10:5:1 including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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M-150 Brick work in 1:6 with cement and coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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25 mm thick 1:2:4 cement concrete floor with cement, approved coarse sand and approved 20 mm gauge stone grit laid in panels finished with 3 mm thick floating coat of neat cement or cement and marble dust ratio of 5:1 as specified without base concrete and removing any over lapping mortar at the joints of the panels if any and giving them a uniform finish including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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Struck Pointing with cement and sand of 1:5 F.M. mortar in 1:2 including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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Flush Pointing with cement and sand of 1:5 F.M. mortar in 1:2 including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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R.C.C works with cement , approved coarse sand and 20 mm gauge stone grit in proportion of 1:2:4 excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24B.W.G.G.I. binding wire and including the cost of binding wire, necessary centering and shuttering etc. and also including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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Plain Cement Concrete with 40 mm gauge approved stone ballast, approved coarse sand and cement in the proportion of 8:4:1 including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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M.S. (tor steel or plain) in plain work such as in R.C.C. or in R.B. work including bending for proper shape and supply of steel and its wastage bends, hook and authorized overlapping shall be measured and including cost of binding wire, including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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R.C.C works with cement , approved coarse sand and 20 mm gauge stone grit in proportion of 1:1:5:3 excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24B.W.G.G.I. binding wire and including the cost of binding wire, necessary centering and shuttering etc. and also including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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M-150 Brick work in 1:3 with cement and coarse sand mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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Finishing wall with water proof cement paint of approved make and quality on new work with two coat to give an even shade and including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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Plain Cement Concrete with 20 mm gauge approved stone grit, approved coarse sand and cement in the proportion of 4:2:1 including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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Painting or varnishing on new wood or iron work in small areas with one coat (up to one sq m) of ready mix priming paint and two coat of approved quality ready mix paint or varnish and to be used should confirm the I, S. l. No. 103.1950 including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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Supply of 80 mm thick shaped Mechanically compressed inter locking cement concrete pavers block manufactured by high pressure & controlled vibration machine having plan dimension 200x(160+120 mm) with minimum 5 mm thick topping of D.P. cement mixed with 25% marble powder. The compressive strength of concrete paver block shall not be less than 30 MPa by weight 2.80 Kg/no. including cost of all material, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge. Laying of interlocking tiles of thickness 60 to 80 mm including levelling and dressing of surface to required level and slope, filling joints with local sand including the cost of all labour T&P etc. complete.
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Cast cement concrete door sills chaukhats, boundary posts, shelves and similar small works with cement, approved coarse sand and 20 mm gauge stone grit in proportion of 1:2:4 excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24B.W.G.G.I. binding wire and including the cost of binding wire, necessary centering and shuttering etc. and also including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as directed by the Engineer In charge.
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