Public Works Department Tender

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Public Works Department - PWD Tender

Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Opening Date2 Feb 2025
Closing Date11 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 2,39,66,656.72 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.



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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density. (As per MORT&H-4.14-B)




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Providing, laying and spreading of graded stone aggregate (WMM-Stablized) after mixing with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant coarriage of mixed material by tipper to site, laying with 1% OPC cement and 3.5% Emulsinon in uniform single layer on sub base/subgrade and compactiong with the road roller to achive the desire density.(As per MORT&H-4.14-A)




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Providing and laying dense graded bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH batch type HMP producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.5 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 507 complete in all respects.(As per MORT&H-5.04-B)




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Providing and applying tack coat with Bitumen (V.G.-10 Gr.) using Bitumen distributor at the rate of 0.25 kg per sqm on the prepared surfacecleaned with Hydraulic broom as per Technical Specification Clause 503. .(As per MORT&H-5.02-i)




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Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 60-90 TPH batch type hot mix plant producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 5.4 per cent of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause No. 509 complete in all respects.(As per MORT&H-5.05-B)




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Construction of cement concrete kerb with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade on M-15 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per clause 409..(i- PCC M15 for Kerb base (As per MORT&H-8.01-i)




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Construction of cement concrete kerb with top and bottom width 115 and 165 mm respectively, 250 mm high in M 20 grade on M-15 grade foundation 150 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb stone, kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per clause 409..(ii-PCC M20 for Kerb Cast in Situ (As per MORT&H-8.01-ii)




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Providing and laying of 80mm Interlocking concrete block pavement laid in stone dust base and fill joint with fine sand. Joint filled after labling and dressing base including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of the work.(As per PWD-SOR-CH-14-SI-New Item-3)




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Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of approved make and quality on new work with two coat to give to give an even shade. Including supply of all material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work.(As per SOR SI-660+661)




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Zebra crossing- Providing and laying hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms pe sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 the finised surface to the level ,uniform and free from streaks and holes.




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P/L Edge Line road with hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250gms pe sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 on bituminous surface as per M.O.R.T.H.&H. specification No.- 803




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Metal beam crash Barrier- Providing & erecting a ''W'' metal beam crash barrier comprising of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail 70 cm above road / ground level fixed on ISMC series channel vertical posts 150x75x5 mm spaced 2m center to center 1.8 m high , 1.1m below ground / road level , all steel parts are fitments to be galvinised by hot dip process to confirm IS1364, metal beam rail to be fixed to a vertical post with a spacer of channel sectio 150 x75x5 mm ,330mm long complete as per clause 810.(As per Lucknow SOR-CH-26-SI-27)




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Retro-Reflectorised Traffic Signs- Stop Sign Board-(90x90cmx octagonal) Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting type-IV vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cmx45cmx60cm, 60cm below ground level as per approved drawing. the retro reflective sheeting shall be tasted for a certificate of having the sheeting tasted for coefficient of retro reflective , day time color and luminance, shrinkage, flexibliety , linor removel , adhesion , impact ressistant, spceler glosh and fungus ressistant, 3 years outdoor wathering and its having passed this test shall be obtained form international/ goverment labouratry/ instittute by the manufracturer of the sheeting and in case the cerrtificate is obtained from international conditions, its should also be obtained form indian condion within 3 years of lauching of product bye the manufracture in abroad alternatonaly a cerficate confirming to ASTM specifcations (D-4956-09) on artificial acclrated whathering requirement for a reputad laborlattory in india can be accpted provsionaly. in such a situation, the employer/ Clinte, if so desires could seek a for perfomance garntee which would be released after reciept of cerficate meeting the requarement for 3 year outdoor whathering of the sheeting as per IRC-67-2012. legands, latters, numlers and borders etc should be as per MORTH specefication number 801-3-7. prove of the same inform of govement report shall be uploaded while coating tender.(as per lucknow SOR-Ch-26, SI-18-VII)




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TRAFFIC SIGNS - Lay-By-(60cm square) Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting type-IV vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cmx45cmx60cm, 60cm below ground level as per approved drawing. the retro reflective sheeting shall be tasted for a certificate of having the sheeting tasted for coefficient of retro reflective , day time color and luminance, shrinkage, flexibliety , linor removel , adhesion , impact ressistant, spceler glosh and fungus ressistant, 3 years outdoor wathering and its having passed this test shall be obtained form international/ goverment labouratry/ instittute by the manufracturer of the sheeting and in case the cerrtificate is obtained from international conditions, its should also be obtained form indian condion within 3 years of lauching of product bye the manufracture in abroad alternatonaly a cerficate confirming to ASTM specifcations (D-4956-09) on artificial acclrated whathering requirement for a reputad laborlattory in india can be accpted provsionaly. in such a situation, the employer/ Clinte, if so desires could seek a for perfomance garntee which would be released after reciept of cerficate meeting the requarement for 3 year outdoor whathering of the sheeting as per IRC-67-2012. legands, latters, numlers and borders etc should be as per MORTH specefication number 801-3-7. prove of the same inform of govement report shall be uploaded while coating tender.(as per lucknow SOR-Ch-26, SI-18-VII)




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CAUTION BOARD (60cm square) Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting type-IV vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cmx45cmx60cm, 60cm below ground level as per approved drawing. the retro reflective sheeting shall be tasted for a certificate of having the sheeting tasted for coefficient of retro reflective , day time color and luminance, shrinkage, flexibliety , linor removel , adhesion , impact ressistant, spceler glosh and fungus ressistant, 3 years outdoor wathering and its having passed this test shall be obtained form international/ goverment labouratry/ instittute by the manufracturer of the sheeting and in case the cerrtificate is obtained from international conditions, its should also be obtained form indian condion within 3 years of lauching of product bye the manufracture in abroad alternatonaly a cerficate confirming to ASTM specifcations (D-4956-09) on artificial acclrated whathering requirement for a reputad laborlattory in india can be accpted provsionaly. in such a situation, the employer/ Clinte, if so desires could seek a for perfomance garntee which would be released after reciept of cerficate meeting the requarement for 3 year outdoor whathering of the sheeting as per IRC-67-2012. legands, latters, numlers and borders etc should be as per MORTH specefication number 801-3-7. prove of the same inform of govement report shall be uploaded while coating tender.(as per lucknow SOR-Ch-26, SI-18-VII)




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Retro-Reflectorised Traffic Signs- Hazard marker (left/Right)- Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting type-IV vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cmx45cmx60cm, 60cm below ground level as per approved drawing. the retro reflective sheeting shall be tasted for a certificate of having the sheeting tasted for coefficient of retro reflective , day time color and luminance, shrinkage, flexibliety , linor removel , adhesion , impact ressistant, spceler glosh and fungus ressistant, 3 years outdoor wathering and its having passed this test shall be obtained form international/ goverment labouratry/ instittute by the manufracturer of the sheeting and in case the cerrtificate is obtained from international conditions, its should also be obtained form indian condion within 3 years of lauching of product bye the manufracture in abroad alternatonaly a cerficate confirming to ASTM specifcations (D-4956-09) on artificial acclrated whathering requirement for a reputad laborlattory in india can be accpted provsionaly. in such a situation, the employer/ Clinte, if so desires could seek a for perfomance garntee which would be released after reciept of cerficate meeting the requarement for 3 year outdoor whathering of the sheeting as per IRC-67-2012. legands, latters, numlers and borders etc should be as per MORTH specefication number 801-3-7. prove of the same inform of govement report shall be uploaded while coating tender.(as per lucknow SOR-Ch-26, SI-18-x)




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Providing and fixing retroreflective delinator post IZ-ASTMAD- 456-04 made of 75mm dia round pipe of 1-20 mtr. Height with fixing support of flat iron 25x25 mm retroreflective strip 4 no fixed round side of the post electric welded and coveres with jali and painted with black paint including GST and all other taxes and cartage etc. complete with fixing at site as per direction of E/I Two at Four Point (as per lucknow SOR-Ch-26, SI-1)




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Reflective Raised Pavement marker (Cat Eyes)- Supply and fixing of every dennison / 3 M brand RPM series 290 (CAT Eye) (RED/YELLOW COLOUR) made of polycarbonate with electronic welded prismatic retro reflective lens on both side for maximum retro reflection in wet and dry condition with bitumen adhesive BT 69. (as per lucknow SOR-Ch-26, SI-5-shank)




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Retro-Reflectorised Traffic Signs-Maximum Sppeed Limit Board (60cm square) Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC :67 made of high intensity grade sheeting type-IV vide clause 801.3, fixed over aluminium sheeting 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75mmx75mmx6mm firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45cmx45cmx60cm, 60cm below ground level as per approved drawing. the retro reflective sheeting shall be tasted for a certificate of having the sheeting tasted for coefficient of retro reflective , day time color and luminance, shrinkage, flexibliety , linor removel , adhesion , impact ressistant, spceler glosh and fungus ressistant, 3 years outdoor wathering and its having passed this test shall be obtained form international/ goverment labouratry/ instittute by the manufracturer of the sheeting and in case the cerrtificate is obtained from international conditions, its should also be obtained form indian condion within 3 years of lauching of product bye the manufracture in abroad alternatonaly a cerficate confirming to ASTM specifcations (D-4956-09) on artificial acclrated whathering requirement for a reputad laborlattory in india can be accpted provsionaly. in such a situation, the employer/ Clinte, if so desires could seek a for perfomance garntee which would be released after reciept of cerficate meeting the requarement for 3 year outdoor whathering of the sheeting as per IRC-67-2012. legands, latters, numlers and borders etc should be as per MORTH specefication number 801-3-7. prove of the same inform of govement report shall be uploaded while coating tender.(as per lucknow SOR-Ch-26, SI-18-VII)




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