Public Works Department Tender

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Public Works Department - PWD Tender

Civil And Construction
Building Construction
Opening Date25 Sep 2023
Closing Date3 Oct 2023
Tender Amount₹ 1,65,00,000 



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Drilling suitable holes in reinforced or plain cement concrete with power driven drill machine to a minimum depth of 100mm upto 200mm in RCC beams, lintels, columns and slabs to introduce steel bars for sunshades/balconies including fixing the steel bars in position using epoxy resin anchor grout of approved make but excluding the cost of reinforcement, all complete as per direction of Engineer-In- Charge.Upto and including 10mm dia.




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Providing, mixing and applying bonding coat of approved adhesive on chipped portion of RCC as per specifications and direction of Engineer-In-charge complete in all respect.Epoxy bonding adhesive having coverage 2.20 sqm/kg of approved make.




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Polymer Application: Providing, mixing and applying SBR polymer (of approved make) modified Cement mortar in proportion of 1:4 (1 cement: 4 graded coarse sand with polymer minimum 2% by wt. of cement used) as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge.Note: Measurement and payment: The pre- measurement of thickness shall be done just after the surface preparation is completed and Payment under this item shall be made only after proper wet curing has been done and surface has been satisfactorily evaluated by sounding / tapping with a blunt metal instrument and/or the 75mm size cube crushing strength at the end of 28 days to be not less than 30 N/Sqmm2. 25 mm to 30 mm average thickness in 3 layers




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M&L (Material & Labour) for encasement to columns/beams/pardi etc. with free flow high strength non shrink micro concrete M-35 using single component cement micro concrete shrinkage components and added with 100% by weight saturated dry stone dust water cement ratio shall be maintained properly as per manufactures specifications to achieve dense solid mass prepared micro concrete shall be poured properly as per in prefixed holding boards slurry tight form work properly aligned to required size and shape and well-oiled air bubbles if any shall be removed by tapping the boards removing the boards after 24 hours and curing the micro concrete thoroughly for 14 days cost inclusive of curing etc. complete. (Note: Micro concrete mixing with 6mm down size aggregates in the ratio of 1 part micro concrete with 0.3 part of aggregate by weight.) complete all as directed at site Engineer-in-charge.




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Drilling and fixing Teflon nozzles in PRC/PSC members including Drilling Holes (Drilling 12 mm dia., 40 mm deep holes in structural members at the intervals of 600 mm in staggered manner or as directed by the engineer-in-charge in RC/PSC structural element)and Cleaning of holes (To Clean the holes by air blower prior to fixing nozzles)and Fixing of Nozzles(To Insert 12 mm dia. Teflon nozzles in cleaned holes ). External end of nozzles to be machined to receive outlet of grouting gun and Fixing it inside the holes by applying thixotropic epoxy putty to ensure complete sealing and Curing the system for min. 12 hrs)and Cutting of Nozzles(To Cut the nozzles by chisel after completion of grouting without damaging structural elements) etc.complete




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Providing and injecting approved grout in proportion recommended by the manufacturer into cracks/honey-comb area of concrete /masonry by suitable gun/ pump at required pressure including cutting of nipples after curing etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.(The payment shall be made on the basis of actual weight of approved grout injected.Epoxy injection grout in concrete/RCC work of approved make




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Providing and Applying 100% solvent-free, mixed density 1.1 kg/ltr Flexural Strength conforming to IS 4456 (Part 1) not less than 50 MPa Low viscosity epoxy resin as a priming compound Bond strength conforming to ASTM D 4541 used for enhancing adhesion between substrate and epoxy overlay and fill in the scratches should have high moisture tolerance such that can be used even with 6% moisture in the substrate. It should also have wide range of curing temperatures. The proportions as specified by the manufacture Part A & Part B in suitable container. Mixing with help of TE -2 using a low RPM (400-500RPM) stirrer. Apply the mixture using 3" clean brush on to the surface of the substrate.




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Strengthening structural elements with nonmetallic composite fiber wrapping system comprise of uni-directional CFRP Sheets- Providing and Application of CFRP Fabric having composite modulus of atleast 90Gpa and min composite thickness of 0.9mm. Weather resistance, pultruded CFRP Fiber with stress-strain ratio within the limit of elasticity confirming to ACI codes and tensile strength of fabric used at least 4000 MPa. Cutting the fabric to required size. Wrapping: Wrapping the fiber sheet to structural element at desired orientation using tamping roller to avoid any air voidsetc (Mode of measurement: Per of Carbon fiber sheetconsumed and not surface area of application) Including 100% Solvent free epoxy resin, mixed density of 1.8kg/lit. Flexural Strength conforming to IS 4456 (Part 1) greater than 30 MPa,Bond strength conforming to ASTM D 4541 used for saturation of CFRP Sheets, proportions as specified by the manufacturer. (Mode of measurement: Per of CFRP sheet consumed and not surface area of application)




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Providing and fixing carbon fiber anchor including drilling hole in the base concrete fixing the anchor using epoxy 50X55 system spreading the anchor fibers in star pattern including application of saturant etc. complete.




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Activated Confining Fibre Bands: M&L (Material & Labour) for Providing and applying a priming coat of two component Epoxy Resin confoms to ASTM-C-882-91 CFRP Fabric having composite modulus of atleast 90Gpa and min composite thickness of 1.3mm. Weather resistance, CFRP Fiber with stress-strain ratio within the limit of elasticity confirming to ACI codes and tensile strength of fabric used at least 4000 MPa. Cutting the fabric to required size, stressing the same. cost including material man power, machine, suply and application etc.




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Providing & Applying high strength Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Pultruted Plates with a Tensile Strength of 2800MPa of 1.4 mm thickness and 100 mm width.(Mode of measurement: Per running Mt.laminate applied ). Including 100% solvent free epoxy resin based Adhesive flexural Strength conforming to IS 4456 (Part 1) greater than 25 MPa Bond strength conforming to ASTM D 4541 used for bonding high strength Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Pultruted Plates to the well prepared concrete substrate.




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Anchor Plates for stressed laminate Providing and Fixing in position Anchor plates made up of high grade Aluminium for Pre- stressed and Non-prestressed including drilling holes in concrete surface and fixing mechanical anchor bolt or equivalent, to fix the Plates.




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Providing and fixing double scaffolding system (cup lock type) on the exterior side, up to seven story height made with 40 mm dia M.S. tube 1.5 m centre to centre, horizontal & vertical tubes joining with cup & lock system with M.S. tubes, M.S. tube challies, M.S. clamps and M.S. staircase system in the scaffolding for working platform etc. and maintaining it in a serviceable condition for the required duration as approved and removing it there after .The scaffolding system shall be stiffened with bracings, runners, connection with the building etc wherever required for inspection of work at required locations with essential safety features for the workmen etc. complete as per directions and approval of Engineer-in-charge .The elevational area of the scaffolding shall be measured for payment purpose .The payment will be made once irrespective of duration of scaffolding. Note: - This item to be used for maintenance work judicially, necessary deduction for scaffolding in the existing item to be done.




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Steel reinforcement




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Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of formwork.Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts.




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APPLICATION of aliphatic poly uthrerne based chemical compount of sand plastering for protection from uv rays .




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