Public Works Department Tender
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Public Works Department - PWD Tender
Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Opening Date22 Jan 2025
Closing Date22 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 44,50,000
₹ 4,23,000Document Cost
₹ 2,714Tender Fee
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Tender Id
2025_CEUCZ_993450_2Bid Award Id
ViewTender No
313/523(2)-Lko.Cir/2024-25 Dated 15-01-2025Tender Authority
Public Works Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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P/L of hot applied thermoplastic compound Transvers Bar (Repeated Bars) 5.0 mm thick including reflecto rising glass beads @ 500 g. per sqm. Area, thickness of 5.0 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC 35 finished surface to be level uniform& free from streak & hole.(Excluding GST)
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Providing and fixing of retro-reflectorised cautionary, mandatory and informatory sign as per IRC:67 mad of high intensity grade sheeting vide clause 801.3, fixed cover aluminium shting, 1.5 mm thick supported on a mild steel angle iron post 75 mm x75 mm x6 mm firmly fixed to th ground by means of properly dsignd foundation with M-15 grade cment conc. 45 cm x 45 cm x 60 cm, 60 cm below ground lvel as per approved drawing (Excluding GST)
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Repeated Bar Sign Board
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Cross Road
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Accidental Caution Board (90 cm high octagon)
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6M Span Cantilever Structure with 300 dia M S one vertical post
Supply, fixing & eraction of built up Cantilever Structure 6 m span comprising of one vertical posts of 6.00 M height made up of 300 mm NB heavy class MS pipe as vertical member welded with 10 mm MS plate at top & 12 mm M S plate at bottom. The horizontal Truss shall comprise of 50 mm dia heavy class M.S. pipe and 40 mm dia heavy M S pipe as bracing & 10 mm MS plate at bottom for fixing to vertical post as per structure design & drawing with one of steel primer and two coats of synthetic enamel plant. The work includes construction of RCC Foundation of size 90x90M of required depth as per site condition for built up structure including Earth work in excavation 100 mm thick Lean Concrete in 1:4:8 cement coarse sand and 40 mm gauge stone ballast. RCC withand 1:2:4 cement coarse sand and 20 mm stone grit including supply and fixing of 25 mm dia Foundation Bolts 600 mm long as per provision of structure design including cost of reinforcement & shuttering. The lateral vertical clearances and complete.
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Retro-ReflectiveSheeting type VI with 4 mm thick ACM Single Side:
Providing & fixing of reflective signs with a corrosion resistant 4 mm thick with 0.4 to 0.5 mm bath side 4 aluminium skin aluminium composite panel face to be fully covered with High Intensity prismatic sheeting type IV as per IRC-67.2012 retro reflective sheeting with back frame MS angle of 35x35x5 mm Legends, letters, numerals and borders etc should be as per MORTH specification No-801 3.7 The sheeting shall have a pressure - sensitive adhesive of the aggressive - tack type requiring no heat solvent other preparation for adhesion to a smooth clean surface, in a manner recommended by the sheeting manufacturer. The ACM (Aluminium Composite Materials) shall be fixed on the Back frame MS Angle with niveting Micro prismatic type IV Retro reflective sheeting confirming to ASTM D4956-09 shall be Pressure fixed. The Retro reflective sheeting shall be tested for a certificate of having the sheeting tested for coefficient of retro reflection, daytime colour and luminance, shrinkage, flexibility iner removal, adhesian impact resistance, specular gloss and fungus resistance, 3 years outdoor weathering and its having passed these tests shall be obtained from International/Goverment Sam Laboratory! Institute by the manufacturer of the sheeting and in case the certificate is obtained from international condition, it should also be obtained from Indian condition within 3 years of launching of product by the manufacture in abroad. Alternatively, a certificate conforming to ASTM Specification (D 4858-09) on artificial accelerated weathering requirements from a reputed laboratory in India can be accepted provisionally. In such a situation, the Employer Client, it so desires, could seek for a performance guarantee which would be released after receipt of certificate meeting the requirement of three years outdoor weathening of the sheeting as per IRC 67 2012 & Proof of the same Report shall be uploaded which quoting tender. The rate shall Include all materials, labour, T&P transportation, installation and incidentals all complete as per direction of the Engineer-r-Charge
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Supply and fixing of reflective raised pavement marker with its body surface made of tough ASA (Acrylic styrene Acrylonitrite) or HIPS (Hi- impact Polystyrene) or acrylonitrile butadiens styrenc (ABS). The marker shall supported a load of 1335 kg tested in accordance with ASTMD 4280 and its reflective panels shall consist of number of lenses containing single or dual prismatic cubes of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face. Retro reflecting surface shall preferably be 35± 50 to base and area of each retro- reflecting surface shall not be less than 13.0 sqcm road studs shall be legibly marked with name trade mark or other means of idenfification of the manufacturer. Dimensions of road studs should not be less than 100 mm x100mm x10mm
Without Shank
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The solar cateye shall be produced from an engineered polymer selected for superior impact resistance and weather-ability. The top of the marker should be transparent for solar charging and light output in active mode. The base of the body shall be yellow or neutral white as approved by Engineer In-charge. The marker shall incorporate a solar panel (comprising of solar cells) for converting solar energy into electricity, a storage device for storing the energy, LEDs for illumination and a design for providing 360 degree uniform smooth illumination through light tube. The marker shall also have high reflective plastic lenses for conspicuity in passive mode and dual shanks for improved road presence. These markers are intended for application directly onto pavement surfaces and shall be applied with epoxy resin adhesives designed for use with raised pavement markers and as supplied by the marker manufacturer separately. The solar cateye shall be of height: 65 ± 2 mm & Maximum Diameter: 136 ± 4 mm. The solar stud/ cateye shall be tested for water ingress as per IP 65 standards & IP 68 standard & compressive strength of 13635 Kg tested in accordance with ASTM D4280 and test report shall be submitted at the time of bidding of tender. If somehow tender pre qualification condition do not ask for government report then the report shall be submitted to engineer-in-charge before finalization of bill. The rate shall include all materials, labour, equipments, fabrication, transportation, erection, installation and incidentals all complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing and Fixing of Flexible Median Markers as per IRC 79-2019 which shall be made of combination of tough, high impact resistant molded thermoplastic body along with florescent yellow color retro-reflective type XI sheeting with minimum exposed reflective area 285 square mm and with rebound property. The reflective sheeting should confirm to Type XI Florescent Yellow sheeting as per IRC 67 2012 and ASTM D4956-11. The flexible median marker shall have overall height of minimum 180 mm, body thickness of minimum 2mm and shank depth of minimum 30mm. The retro-reflective sheeting shall be on both sides of the Flexible Median Marker and shall be edge protected with no exposed edges which will prevent edge lifting, vandalism, sheeting damage, etc. The edge of sheeting should not come out easily by putting nails, sharp objects etc. The logo of the manufacturer shall be embossed on either side of the body. The product design has to with stand all natural impacts and should not get damaged if any pedestrian stamp on top of it intentionally or unintentionally. The product should bend up to 90 degree on both sides without breakage or damage. The product shall be tested for reboundability & tensile test as per IRC 79-2019 and government lab test report shall be submitted along with tender. If somehow tender pre qualification condition do not ask for government report then the report shall be submitted to engineer-in-charge before finalization of bill. The rate shall include all materials, labour, equipments, fabrication, transportation, erection, installation and incidentals all complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Linear Delineator System (LDS)
Supply & fixing of Linear Delineator System (LDS) panels made of Micro Prismatic Retro Reflective sheeting type XI duly laminated on thin aluminium foil to a unique corrugated shape to provida Retro Reflection across wide range of observations and external angles. Ealch LDS panel should be of No. nominal length of 33 inch and each ridge shall be approximately 0.34 inch high. Each LDS panel is to be firmly fixed on existing concrete/brick work with 16 Nos fastner/ screw
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Road Delinator Delineator: Supply & Foxing of MS Delineator made of the minimum thickness of powder coating Mild steel with pure polyester powder coating with of not less than 40 micron for protection against corrosion The surface should be concealed so that there should not be any exposed surface without powder cooling. Alternatively, these matal gulde poles can be concealed with thermoplastic body. The posts shalt have fan ellipsoidal or circular design with the height of the pole shall be 800 to 900 mm above the ground with about 200 to 300 mm base which can be anchored onto the ground. Mild steel Guide Poles shall conform to Type XI sheeting specifications as per IRG:67 and ASTM D4956 which would ensure to obtainl clear visibility of the road alignment during night time. The Retro reflective sheeling shall be tested for A certificate of having the sheeting lested for coefficient of retro reflection, daytime colour and luminance, shrinkage, flexibility, liner removal, adhesion, impact resistance, specular gloss and fungus resistance, 3 years outdoor weathering and its having passed these tests shall be obtained from International/Govemment Laboratory/ Institute by the manufacturer of the sheeting and in case the certificate is obtained from International condition, it should also be obtained from indian condition within 3 years of launching of product by the manufacture in abroad. Alternatively, a certificate conforming to ASTM Specification (D4956-00) on artificial accelerated weathering requirements from a reputed laboratory in India can be accepted provisionally, In such could seek for a performance guarantee which would be a situation, the Employer Client, if Iso desires released after receipt of certificala meeting the requirement of three years outdoor weathering of the sheeting as per IRC 67:2012 & Proof of the same Report shall be uploaded which quoting tender. The rate shall include all materiais, labour, TAP. transportation, installation and incidentals all complete as per direction of the Engineer-n-Charge
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