Public Works Department Tender
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Public Works Department - PWD Tender
Civil And Construction
Bridge Construction
Opening Date18 Jan 2025
Closing Date24 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 1,31,29,000
₹ 8,56,000Document Cost
₹ 2,714Tender Fee
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Tender Id
2025_CEMRT_994600_1Bid Award Id
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184/11Cashier-MC PD Baghpat Dt 09-01-25Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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PCC Grade M 15 (1:2:4) Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub-structure complete as per drawing and Technical specifications. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in Open Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.(foundation). RCC Grade M-30 Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in super-structure complete as per drawing and technical specifications. Including cost of all material labour T&P etc (Including Upkar, Levy fee, Toll and Royality but excluding G.S.T.) required for proper completion of work as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. SI No. 504. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Empty cement bags. Providing & fixing empty cement bags filled with carted earth upto 1.00 km. lead, hand sewing with suja & sutli and placing in position within 60m. Including cost of E.C.Bags, all labour, material and T&P required for proper completion to work SOR No New Item-16 10.29. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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PCC Grade M 20 (1:1.5:3) Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in sub-structure complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Supply and fixing of 10cm. (4") internal dia for 10.0 cm. PVC down pipe Everest or charminar make complete with bends with door at top and plain at bottom and grantings and including supply of neary M.S. clamp 2.5cm x 3 mm. (1" x1/8") fixed to walls with cement motar (1:2) and including supply of 15 cm (6") long 6mm. (1/4") dia nail all materials, labour and T& P. etc. required for proper completion of the work and also including repair of plaster pointing etc. if damaged during fixing of the pipes. Including cost of all material labour T&P etc (Including Upkar, Levy fee, Toll and Royality but excluding G.S.T.) required for proper completion of work as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. SI No. 730a. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Dewatering. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Finishing wall with water proof cement paint of approved make and quality on new work with two coat to give an even shade including supply of all materials, labour, Tools & plant etc. required for proper completion of the work. (660) but for each coat of water proof cement paint after the first two coat to give an even shade. (Including Upkar, Levy fee, Toll and Royality but excluding G.S.T.) Item no 660+ 661. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRT&H specifications to a thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing and Technical Specification. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Earth work in cutting or in embankment in ordinary soil excavation to be in the form of regular pits not exceeding 0.50 M. in depth and earth work in embankment to be in 20 cm. layers including remming and dressing the surface to required levels and slopes and also including 1.50 M. lift and 30 M. lead. The earth from cutting to be used in making embankment or to be deposited as spoil banks with-in 30 M. distance as directed by the Engineer incharge. (Royality removed by Govt.) for small works/ Abadi area. (where machine can not move) Lead upto 1.00 Km. SI No. 253 + SI No. 261(b). Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Brick soling with strainght over burnt bricks laid flat and dry with brick edging on both sides including preparation of subgrade to prescribed camber and including supply of bricks, filling joints with local earth of P.I. 5 to 7, spreading blinding coat 1 cm (3/8") depth of local earth over the entire surface and including supply of all materials, labour Tools & Plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. As in item No. 762(a) above but with bricks laid on edge. SI No. 762(B). Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Supply of 1000mm dia NP-3 Class hume pipe. All Material, Labour, T&P etc also including labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes (But excluding GST). SI No. New Item Chp-1. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Laying of 1000 mm dia NP-3 hume pipe in position ( Labor only) including labour and T & P etc. required for completion of the work. ( SI No. 10.27). All Material, Labour, T&P etc also including labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes (But excluding GST). Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Direction and place identification signs More then 0.90 size Board. Providing and erecting direction and place identification retro-reflectiosed sign as per IRC-67 made of high intensity grade sheeling the retro-reflecive sheeting type -lV shall be tested for 3 year outdoor weathering test in lndian conditions as per IRC 67-2012 & proof of the same in form of Government report shall be uploaded while quoting tender vide MOR&TH clause 801.3 fixed over aluminium sheeting 2mm thick with area exceeding 0.9 sqm suppoded on a miled steel single angle iron post 75x75x6 mm firmly tixed to the ground by means of property designed foundation with M-15 grade cement concrete 45x45x60 cm below ground levelas per approved drawing complele. as per direction E-ln- Charge. Ch. 27 New Item-2. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded material, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401. For grading-I Material. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Cement Concrete Pavement Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with approve grade cement @ 400 kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing. Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection against scour with stone boulders weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per drawing and Technical specification.(Including Upkar, Levy fee, Toll and Royality but excluding G.S.T.). Including supply of all Material, Labour, T&P etc labour cess, royalty and all other applicable Taxes required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer in charge but excluding GST.
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