Moradabad Development Authority Tender
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Moradabad Development Authority Tender
Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Opening Date27 Dec 2022
Closing Date23 Jan 2023
Tender Amount₹ 2,74,35,634
₹ 5,48,800Document Cost
₹ 5,900Tender Fee
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2022_MDA_762731_1Bid Award Id
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88/MDA/CE/2022-23Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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Cleaning Jungle including uprooting of Rank, vegitation, grass, bush, wood, trees, and sapling girth up to 30 cm measured at aheight of 1 m above ground level and Rmoval of rubbishup to adistance of 50 M OUTSIDE THE PERIPHERY OF AREA cleared. (S.I. No. 259/2022)
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M-150 brick work in 1:4 (one cement and four coarse sand of 2.25 F.M. mortar) in foundation and including supply of all material and T &P etc. required for proper completion of work. (S.1. 307A)/2022
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Dismentling existing plaster including disposal of refuse a with in a distance of 60 M. (S.I. 706/2022
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12 mm. thick plaster with 1:4 (one part cement & Four parts of coarse sand of 2.75 F.M.) over brick work minimum thickness not to be less than 1 cms. Including supply of all material, labour. T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work. (S.I.No.584)/2022
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Cement Concrete with 2cm, guage approved stone ballast coarse sand and cement in proportion of 4:2:1 including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. (S.I.No.279A)/2022
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Painting two coat over priming coat (including cost of priming coat) on new wood or plastered surface with superior synthetic enamel paint of standered make brushing to give an even shade and finished and including cleaning the surface all durt and other foreing metter sand paparing and stripping including cost matter and scoured with wire brushed fine steel/wood scrappers sand paparing and knotting including coat of all and supply of all materials, labour tools and plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. New item 1b+2+4(iii)
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Renewing patries including dressing surface filling up to 8 cm.(3") depth and making Namunas at every 15 meters (49") a part on both side of the road true to patri template with side slopes of 1:2 etc. trenches for taking the earth to be so dug. that they form a continuous side drain at road boundry. Analysed as per SI No.764/2022
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Poviding laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to We Mix Macadam specification including premixing the Material with wat OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by yer to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub-base/base course well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density. Approved rate.
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Providing and applying Primer Coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared ce of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying iner at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means. Approved rate.
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Providing and applying Tack Coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.25 kg/sqm on prepared bituminous / granular surface cleaned with mechenical broom etc all complete. (Approved rate)
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Providing and laying Bituminous Macadam with higher capacity hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with 80/100 (VG-10) bituminous binder. transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired compaction (Bitumen@ 3.4 per cent of mix)
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Providing and applying Tack Coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.20 kg/sqm on prepared bituminous surface cleaned with mechanical broom
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Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete with higher capacity batch type hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed with 60/70 (VG-30) bituminous binder @ 5% of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORT&H specification clause No. 507 complete in all respects.
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Supply & Laying of 80 mm thick precast cement concrete paver block with a top layer of minimum 8mm thickness having plan dimension 200 x(160+120) of O P cement, smooth high gloss finish, skid reditant, Manufactured from rubber moulds threw vibro-compression machanism. The compressive strength of concrete paver blocks shall not be less than 30 MPa & weight 5 kg/no. confirming to IS: 15658- 2006 with a 4cm thick layer of fine sand including cost of all materials, labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per direction of E/I. Item No. 5(1) From page No. 51/PWD SOR 2020
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Providing and applying 2.5 mm thick road marking strips (retroreflective) of specified shade/ colour using hot thermoplastic material by fully/ semi automatic thermoplastic paint applicator machine fitted with profile shoe, glass beads dispenser, propane tank heater and profile shoe heater, driven by experienced operator on road surface including cost of material, labour, T&P, cleaning the road surface of all dirt, seals, oil, grease and foreign material etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and accordance with applicable specifications. as per DSR No-16.62/2021
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MORTH-804 Reflective Raised Pavement Markers (Cat Eyel Road Stud) RPM (with shank) (8.35)- Supply and fixing of raised pavement marker with Made of Plastic body of RPM Road Stud shall be Suggestive moulded from ASA (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrite) or HIPS (High-Imoact Polystyrene) or Acrylonitrite Butadien Styrene (ABS) or Any othar suitable material approved by the Engineer. The Marker shall support a load of 13.635 kg tested in accordance with ASTM D4260. The Refective panels shall consist of number of lenses containing single or dual prismatic cubes capable of providing total Interna reflection of the light entring the lens face, Lenses shall be mouled of methyl methecrylate conforming to ASTM D788 of equivalent. The slop or retro-refecting surface shall preferably be 35-1-5 degree to base and the area of each retro-reflecting surface shall not be less than 13.00 sq cm. the marker height shal not be less than 10 mm and shall not exceed 20 mm & Width shall not exceed 130 mm The base of the marker shall be fat within 1.3 mm all road studs shat be legibly marked with the name trade or other means of identification of the manufacture. epoxy instalations, excess adhesive around the edge of the marker, excess adhesive on the pavement and adhesive on the exposed surfaces of the markers shal be immediately removed. The contractor shall submit a two year warranty for satisfactory field performance including stipulated retro-reflectance of the reflecting panel, to the Enginear In addition, a two year warranty for satisfactory infield performance of the finished road marker shall also be given by the contractor who carries cut the work of fixing of reflective road markers. In case the markers are displaced. damaged, get worn out or lose their relactivity compared to stipulated standards the contractor would be required to replace all such markers wahin 15 days of the intimation from the Engineer, at his own cost The rate shall include all materials, tabour, T&P, transportation, installation and incidentals all complete as per drection of the Engineer-in-Charge as per SOR PWD LKO
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R.C.C. Work with cement approved coarse sand and 2cm. gauge approved stone grit in proportion of 1:1/2:3 in slabe excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 B.W.G.G.I Binding wire and including necessary centering and shuttering etc. and supply of all meterials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. Binding wire to be supplied by the contractor free of cost. lncludinq makinq of drip coarse. SI No-284 (a)/2022
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Mild steel or TMT Bars (Fe-500 D grade or higher) or HYSD Bars or iron in plain work such as reinforced concrete or reinforced brick work (when not included in an over all rates) brought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work and including supply of
all steel. SI No-504/2022
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