Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor Tender

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Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor - EDFC Tender

Civil And Construction
Opening Date9 Feb 2024
Closing Date4 Mar 2024
Tender Amount₹ 50,32,60,281.2 



Long Term Comprehensive Maintenance Contract For Track Assets


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BOQ Items

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Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping work for tamping track with all types of rails, sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping machines, which include : (1) Re-adjustment of ballast, heaping-up o f ballast, filling-up o f cavities in tamping zone b y picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / cr ib of adjoining track upto lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them 3 visible to operator, (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTM; (4) Digging, screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position alongwith squaring; (8) Re-setting of worked-out / fallen fittings; (9) Removing and re-fixing joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, wherever necessary; (10) Manual consolidation of ballast in crib / shoulders; (11) Removing and refixing of traction bonds during the block in electrified sections (12) Dressing of ballast NOTE: 1. Contractor to provide minimum 30 men with 2 supervisors for carrying out above work. 2. Tamping blocks are not identical & it may be given at any time either during day or night. 3. Stages of payment a) 30% of the rate will be paid on completion of pre tamping attention, b) Balance 70% of the rate will be paid on completion of post tamping. 4. Recovery at the rate of twice the above applicable rate will be effected in case contractor fails to carry out pre/during/post operation.




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Carrying out pre-tamping, during tamping and post-tamping works for tamping track with all types of rails, sleepers & sleeper density by various Track Tamping machines, which include : (1) Re-adjustment of ballast, heaping-up o f ballast, filling-up o f cavities in tamping zone b y picking ballast from stacks / shoulders / cr ib of adjoining track upto lead of 50 m to ensure effective packing; (2) Clearing of ballast on sleepers to make them 4 visible to operator; (3) Clearing of ballast over rail foot to facilitate holding of rail by rollers of TTM; (4) Digging, screening and replenishment of ballast at mud pumping / rounded ballast in sleeper crib location; (5) Tightening of loose fittings including check rails immediately before & after tamping; (6) Replacement of broken / missing fittings supplied by Railway; (7) Correcting displaced sleepers to position alongwith squaring; (8) Re-setting worked-out / fallen fittings; (9) Removing and re-fixing joggled fish plates & wooden blocks, OHE bonds & other obstructions, wherever necessary; (10) Removing and re-fixing stretcher bar, as directed; (11) Adjustment i n opening and housing of switch for testing operation of points for -




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Leading and loading Railway's ballast, collected at yard / depot / mid-section into Railway's BOB / 5 BKH / any other type of open wagon, using JCB or any other approved mechanized method with all ascents, descents, taxes etc. with lead of 250m & all lifts complete as per specifications and a s directed by Engineer incharge




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Boxing of ballast as per profile mentioned in IR's LWR Manual including cess dressing on both 6 sides of track. The work will include removing excess ballast from track and putting the same in crib and shoulder by leading to a maximum of 50m including crossing of track, deweeding on ballast section etc and as directed by Engineer-In charge




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Earthwork in filling in embankment , guide bunds, around buried typeabutments, bridge gaps, trolley refuges, rain bunds, if provided, platforms etc.with earth, suitable for embankment as per RDSO latest Specifications andguidelines GE: G-14 of Soil Quality Class SQ2, excavated from outsiderailway boundary entirely arranged by the contractor at his own cost includingall leads, lifts, ascents, descents, crossing of nallahs or any otherobstructions. The item shall include demarcation and setting out of profile, siteclearance, removing of shrubs, 7 roots of vegetations growth, heavy grass,benching of existing slope of old bank, all handling/re-handling, spreading inlayers with motor grader, bringing the moisture content to OMC, mechanicalcompaction to specified density and dressing of bank to final profile as acomplete job. The payment shall be made as per finished profile and the rateshall include all costs including taxes, octroi, royalty etc. except formechanical compaction which shall be paid extra under relevant item. Cuttrees shall be property of railways and to be deposited in the railway godownunless specified otherwise in the Special Conditions of Contract.Note: Payment under this item shall be made only upto the thickness asapproved by Engineer-in-Charge. Any additional thickness executed shallbe paid under the item of Earthwork in filling in embankment for Soil QualityClass SQ1.




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