East Sikkim Tender Results
East Sikkim Tender Results
Select Contract Period
2024 onwards
2022 onwards
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Indian Army Tender Result
Textile, Apparel and Footwear
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
East Sikkim, Sikkim
Quotation For Supply Of Frp Living Shelter (10 Men) (camouflage Pattern
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 60.9 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indian Oil Corporation Limited - IOCL Tender Result
Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
East Sikkim, Sikkim
Custom Bid For Services - Contract For Operation And Running Maintenance Of Dg Set Ht Lt Power Dis CATEGORY: Custom Bid for Services - Contract for operation and running
maintenance of DG set HT LT Power Distribution Panels Fire
Engines Jockey Pumps Air compressors Capacitor Banks other
electrical equipments and Miscellaneous electrical jobs at
Rangpo BP
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 61.2 Lac
Lanco Teesta Hydro Power Limited - LTHPPL Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Technical Bid Opening
East Sikkim, Sikkim
Construction Of Wire Crates For Slope Protection Of Damaged G E Store Land On The Right Bank Of River Bank Towards Kanan Khola At Teestavi H E Project Pamphok, South Sikkim, Sikkim
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 61.3 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indo Tibetan Border Police - ITBP Tender Result
Building Construction...+1Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
East Sikkim, Sikkim
Construction Of Sos Mess,02 Nos Jawan Barrack And Toilet Batroom Block,at Bop Point4685 Of 48th Bn Itbp Katihar.
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 62 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Indo Tibetan Border Police - ITBP Tender Result
Building Construction...+1Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
East Sikkim, Sikkim
Construction Of Sos Mess,02 Nos Jawan Barrack And Toilet Batroom Block,at Bop Point4685 Of 48th Bn Itbp Katihar.
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 62 Lac
Border Roads Organisation - BRO Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
East Sikkim, Sikkim
CATEGORY: Title1 , Title2 , Title3 , Title4 , Title5 , Title6 , Title7 , Title8 ,
Title9 , Title10 , Title11 , Title12 , Title13 , Title14 , Title15 ,
Title16 , Title17 , Title18 , Title19 , Title20 , Title21 , Title22
, Title23 , Title24 , Title25 , Title26 , Title27 , Title28 ,
Title29 , Title30 , Title31 , Title32 , Title33 , Title34 , Title35
, Title36 , Title37 , Title38 , Title39 , Title40 , Title41 ,
Title42 , Title43 , Title44 , Title45 , Title46 , Title47 , Title48
, Title49 , Title50 , Title51 , Title52 , Title53 , Title54 ,
Title55 , Title56 , Title57 , Title58 , Title59 , Title60 , Title61
, Title62 , Title63 , Title64 , Title65 , Title66 , Title67 ,
Title68 , Title69 , Title70 , Title71 , Title72 , Title73 , Title74
, Title75 , Title76 , Title77 , Title78 , Title79
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 62.9 Lac
Border Security Force - BSF Tender Result
Building Construction...+1Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
East Sikkim, Sikkim
Providing Of Separate Bathing And Toilet Facilities At Bops And Op Points For Mahila Praharis In Aor Of 15 Bn Bsf Under Shq Bsf Siliguri (sh Co 06 Nos Toilet And Bath At Various Bops And 18 Nos Toilets At Op Points Of Bops)
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 63.4 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
NHPC Limited Tender Result
Electrical Generators And Transformers...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
East Sikkim, Sikkim
Supply, Erection, Testing And Commissioning Of 5 Mva, 66/11 Kv Transformer
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 64.1 Lac
Border Roads Organisation - BRO Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
East Sikkim, Sikkim
CATEGORY: Title1 , Title2 , Title3 , Title4 , Title5 , Title6 , Title7 , Title8 ,
Title9 , Title10 , Title11 , Title12 , Title13 , Title14 , Title15 ,
Title16 , Title17 , Title18 , Title19 , Title20 , Title21 , Title22
, Title23 , Title24 , Title25 , Title26 , Title27 , Title28 ,
Title29 , Title30 , Title31 , Title32 , Title33 , Title34 , Title35
, Title36 , Title37 , Title38 , Title39 , Title40 , Title41 ,
Title42 , Title43 , Title44 , Title45 , Title46 , Title47 , Title48
, Title49 , Title50 , Title51 , Title52 , Title53 , Title54 ,
Title55 , Title56 , Title57 , Title58 , Title59 , Title60 , Title61
, Title62 , Title63 , Title64 , Title65 , Title66 , Title67 ,
Title68 , Title69 , Title70 , Title71 , Title72 , Title73 , Title74
, Title75 , Title76 , Title77 , Title78 , Title79 , Title80 ,
Title81 , Title82 , Title83 , Title84 , Title85 , Title86 , Title87
, Title88 , Title89 , Title90 , Title91 , Title92 , Title93 ,
Title94 , Title95 , Title96 , Title97 , Title98 , Title99 ,
Title100 , Title101
Contract DateNA
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 64.2 Lac
Border Roads Organisation - BRO Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
East Sikkim, Sikkim
CATEGORY: galvanized steel chain link fence fabric as per IS 2721 (Q3)
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 65.2 Lac
8141-8150 of 8752 active Tender Results