Visakhapatnam Tender Results
Visakhapatnam Tender Results
Select Contract Period
2024 onwards
2022 onwards
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National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - NTPC Tender Result
Energy, Oil and Gas
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Procurement Of Id Fd Pa And Aph Lube Oil Pumps For Ntpc Telangana
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 31.2 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
National Aluminium Company Limited - NALCO Tender Result
Aerospace and Defence...+1Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
CATEGORY: Compressor for Ship Loader (Q3)
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited - BHEL Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
CATEGORY: L793512460001001 CS - GATE VALVES - 15NB - 800 class -
SW - LP , L793512460002002 CS - GATE VALVES - 20NB -
800 class - SW - LP , L793512460003003 CS - GATE VALVES
- 25NB - 800 class - SW - LP , L793512460004004 CS - GATE
VALVES - 40NB - 800 class - SW - LP , L793512460005005
CS - GATE VALVE - 50NB - 150 class - FLG - LP ,
L793512460006006 CS GATE VALVES - 150NB - 150 class -
FLG - LP , L793512460009001 CS - GATE VALVES - 15NB -
800 class - SW - MP , L793512460010002 CS - GATE VALVES
- 20NB - 800 class - SW - MP , L793512460011003 CS -
GATE VALVES - 25NB - 800 class - SW - MP ,
L793512460012004 CS - GATE VALVES - 40NB - 800 class -
SW - MP , L793512460013005 CS - GATE VALVE - 50NB -
300 class - FLG - MP , L793512460014006 CS GATE VALVE -
100NB - 300 class - FLG - MP , L793512460015007 CS GATE
VALVE - 150NB - 300 class - FLG - MP , L793512460019001
CS GLOBE VALVES 80NB 300 class - FLG - MP ,
L793512460020002 CS GLOBE VALVE 100NB 300 class -
FLG - MP , L793512460021001 CS REG GLOBE VALVE
100NB 300 class - FLG - MP , L793512460022002 CS NRV
100NB 300 class - FLG - MP , L793512450010001 0.75 inch
-800 class -SW-GATE VALVE-F316 - IA , L793512450001001
0.5 inch -SW-HO-800 class -A105-GATE VALVE - NI ,
L793512450001003 0.75 inch -SW-HO-800 class -A105-
GATE VALVE - NI , L793512450001004 2 inch -FLG-HO-150
class -CS-GATE VALVE - NI , L793512450005003 1 inch -SW-
HO-800 class -A105-GATE VALVE - PA , L793512450005004
0.75 inch -SW-HO-800 class -A105-GATE VALVE - PA ,
L793512450011001 CS-GATE VALVE-20NB-800 class -SCRF-
DW , L793512450011002 CS-GATE VALVE-25NB-800 class -
SCRF-DW , L793512450011003 CS-GATE VALVE-40NB-800
class -SCRF-DW , L793512450012001 CS-GATE VALVE-
20NB-800 class -SW-SERVICE WATER , L793512450012002
L793512450012003 CS-GATEVALVE-100NB-150 class -FLG-
150NB-150 class -FLG-SERVICEWATER , L793512450014001
CS-GATE VALVE-15NB-800 class -SW-FLO ,
L793512450014002 CS-GATE VALVE-20NB-800 class -SW-
FLO , L793512450002001 1 inch -SW-HO-800 class -A105-
GLOBE VALVE - NI , L793512450006001 2 inch -FL-RF-150
class -HO-WCB-GLOBE VALVE - PA , L793512450007002 1
inch -SW-HO-800 class -A105-GLOBE VALVE - PA ,
L793512450013001 CS-GLOBEVALV-100NB-150 class -FLG-
15NB-800 class -SW-FLO , L793512450015005 CS-GLOBE
VALVE-20NB-800 class -SW-FLO , L793512450003001 1 inch
-SW-HO-800 class -A105-CHECK VALVE - NI ,
L793512450008001 1 inch -SW-HO-800 class -A105-CHECK
VALVE - PA , L793512450016006 CS-CHECK VALVE-15NB-
800 class -SW-FLO
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
Indian Navy Tender Result
Housekeeping Services
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Pest And Animal Control Service - One Time; Once; Termite Control (spot Treatment/drilling Treatmen
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountNA
Visakhapatnam Port Trust - VPT Tender Result
Software and IT Solutions
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
CATEGORY: Desktop Computers (Q2)
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 1 Cr
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - NTPC Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
CATEGORY: GASKETS-100237597 M0511380356 , M0511036297 ,
M0511040322 , M0511205185 , M0511300275 ,
M0511090804 , M0511100865 , M0511125113 ,
M0511175303 , M0511250200 , M0511250501 ,
M0510103107 , M4724156078 , M4724156074 ,
M4724156073 , M4724156077 , M4724156084 ,
M4724156079 , M4724156083 , M4724156081 ,
M4724156082 , M4724156086 , M4724156087 ,
M4724156088 , M4725076060 , M0510104650
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 7.2 Lac
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited - HPCL Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Basket Strainer, 325 Mesh, Ss410,basket Strainer, 625 Mesh, Ss410
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 4.5 Lac
Bharat Dynamics Limited - BDL Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Lwt Extended Battery
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 96.3 Lac
Indian Navy Tender Result
Manpower Supply
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
CATEGORY: Manpower Outsourcing Services - Minimum wage - Highly-
Skilled; Admin; Data Entry Operator
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountNA
National Thermal Power Corporation Limited - NTPC Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
CATEGORY: ITEM_ 10_ PIPE, SS316, TP316, SMLS, 8.18MM, 200MM (Q3) ,
ITEM_ 20_ PIPE: SS, A312-TP316/316L, 9.53MM, 300MM (Q3)
Contract Date25 May 2024
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract AmountRefer Documents
9941-9950 of 10000 active Tender Results