Tender Results of Village Panchayat
Tender Results of Village Panchayat
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2024 onwards
2022 onwards
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Village Panchayat Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
South Goa, Goa
Extension To Existing Mrf Shed And Fixing Of Compound Gate To Garbage Site At Saddar In V.p. Shiroda Ponda Taluka
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 10.3 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
South Goa, Goa
Construction Of Material Recovery Facility (mrf) In Sy.no.2/2, Of Village Betalbatim Salcete Goa.
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 10.7 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Building Construction...+1Civil And Construction
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
South Goa, Goa
Construction Of Dhalomand At Ashewada Betoda In Ward No. 5
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 11.2 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Road Construction
Result Stage: Potential AOC Released
South Goa, Goa
Construction Of Road And Pathway From Internal Road To Gurudas Parwar,
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 12.1 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Drainage Work
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
South Goa, Goa
Construction Of Drainage From Opposite St. Sebastian Chapel To Near Menino Dcosta House And Cross Drainage Opposite Menino Dcosta House At Quineabhat Avedem In Ward No. 6 Of V.p. Avedem-cotombi And Chaifi
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 12.9 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Technical Bid Opening
South Goa, Goa
Construction Of Anganwadi At Bhati In Sanguem Taluka.
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 13.6 Lac
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Civil Works Others
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
North Goa, Goa
Construction Of Shed For Material Recovery Facility In Village Panchayat Socorro
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 14 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Paints and Enamels
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
South Goa, Goa
Painting , Construction Of Shed And Other Upgradation Works For Existing V.p. Bldg. In V.p. Shiroda Ponda Taluka
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 14.5 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+1Construction Material
Result Stage: Technical Bid Opening
South Goa, Goa
Construction Of Material Recovery Facility Shed In Sy No.105/1 At Village Panchayat Netorlim, Sanguem Taluka
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 15 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
Village Panchayat Tender Result
Civil And Construction...+2Civil Works Others, Construction Material
Result Stage: Technical Evaluation
South Goa, Goa
Construction Of Material Recovery Facility Shed (mrf) In Vp Morpirla
Contract DateNA
Contract Amount₹ 15.3 Lac
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
1071-1080 of 1111 active Tender Results