Tender Results of Medical Education And Drugs Department
Tender Results of Medical Education And Drugs Department
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Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Aurangabad Mh, Maharashtra
Digital Moisture Analyser
Contract DateNA
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Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Aurangabad Mh, Maharashtra
Muffle Furnace
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Electronics Equipment
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Aurangabad Mh, Maharashtra
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Osmanabad, Maharashtra
Ciprofloxacin I V Inj 200mg 100 Ml Bottle,dextrose I V 10 Percentage 500ml,dextrose I V 5 Percentag CATEGORY: null
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Ratnagiri, Maharashtra
Drill Machine,metal Hand Saw,band Saw,mortuary Cooler,storage Tank,plastic Tank,meat Cutting Machin CATEGORY: Drill Machine , Metal Hand Saw , Band saw , Mortuary Cooler
, Storage Tank , Plastic Tank , Meat Cutting Machine ,
Embalming machine , Dissection table , Anatomic model ,
Microscope binocular research , Anatomic charts ,
Microscopes Monocular , Dissection microsopce , Rotary
Microscopes , Microtome sledge large cutting , Paraffin
Embedding Bath , Hot Plate for flattening Sections ,
Articulated Skeletons , Articulated Skeleton set ,
Disarticulated bone set , Incubator , Hot air oven cover for
drying slides , Balance Analytical 1 , Balance Analyitical ,
Dissection instrument , Distilled Water Plant , Student locker
, LCD Projectors , Laptop , LCD Projector screen with stand ,
Refrigerator 310 liters , Desktop Computer , Printer ,
Laboratory analytical balance , Urinometer , Hot air oven ,
Digital colorimeter , Monocular microscope , Glucometer
with strips , Thermometer , Semi auto analyser low end ,
Boiling water baths , Constant temperature water tank ,
Centrifuge , Digital pH meter , Fixed Volume Pipettes ,
Bottle Dispenser , Variable Volume Micropipettes , Elisa
reader with Washer technical low end , Complete
chromatographic unit for paper TLC , Complete
Electrophoresis apparatus with power supply , Digital Vorex
Meter , Fume Cupboard , Digital Analyitical Balance ,
Balance Micro , Digital spectrometer , Glassware of
Different size , ABG machine , LCD projectors , LCD
projector screen with stand , Monocular microscope high
end , Demonstartion eye piece , Double Demonstartion eye
piece , Stage incubator , Westergrens pipette for ESR on
stand , Wintrobe pipette for ESR on stand , Haemoglobin
meter Sahlis or Hellige , Haemocytometers , Tunning fork
time marker , Electrodes , Spirit lamps , Mareys tambour ,
Perimeter Pristely Smith , Stethoscopes , Stethoscopes
demonstartion with multiple ear pieces , Spirometer
ordinary , Sherrington starting kymograph , Electromagnetic
time marker , Douglas bag copmete , Basal metabolism
apparatus , Mossos Ergo graph , Clinical thermometer
mercury based instruments to be replaced with suitable
alternatives , Compass aesthesiometer ,
Thermoaesthesiometer , Apparatus for passive movement ,
Knee hammer , Stethograph , Olfactometer , Ophalmoscope
, Schematic eye , Phakoscope , Perimeter with Charts ,
Color percep on lantern dridge green , Maddox rod ,
Newtons color wheel , Tunning fork , Dynamometer ,
Otoscope , Stop watch , Multi Channel physiograpgh 3
channels complete with accessories , Centrifuge high speed
with techno meter , colorimete photectric , Myography
stand , pH meter electric , Electronic stimulator ,
Thermometer Balances micro slides and glassware , ECG
machine , Upgradable advance spirometer , Color vision
original ishihara , Chart with or without remote control , BP
apparatus , Digital sphygmomanometer , Near vision chart
with different languages , LCD projecor , Student
Physiograph single channel with accessories , Gas analysis
apparatus , Venous pressure apparatus
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Hcv (elisa) Test Kits
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Environmental Service
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Aurangabad Mh, Maharashtra
Water Purification System
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Nashik, Maharashtra
Buy Back - Stationary Value Regulated Lead Acid Batteries
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
Medical Education And Drugs Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Under Evaluation
Dishwashing Products-is 6047,toilet Cleaning Brush,100 Wt Bulb,battery Cell As Per Is:9128 And Is:8
Contract DateNA
Contract AmountNA
1211-1220 of 1333 active Tender Results