Tender Results of Industrial Training Department
Tender Results of Industrial Training Department
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2022 onwards
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Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Thrissur, Kerala
CATEGORY: Ductable Split AC 1.5 ton , Split AC 2 ton inverter technology
, Split A C 1.5 ton Non inverter
Contract Date12 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 3.6 Lac
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Thrissur, Kerala
CATEGORY: DC-AC Ammeter , DC-AC Voltmeter , Wattmeter
Dynamometer motor type , Insulation Tester , Earth tester
Contract Date8 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 1.1 Lac
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Healthcare and Medicine
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Thrissur, Kerala
CATEGORY: Defibrillator , Fetal Monitor , 60ma Mobile X Ray Equipment
, Pulse Omimeter with Wave Form , Baby Incubator ,
Ventillator , Pathological Binocular Microscope , Incubator ,
Flame Photometer , Film Viewer , X Ray Casseette Lead
Back 12x15 , X Ray Casseette Lead Back 10x12 , X Ray
Casseette Lead Back 8x10 , Lead Apron , Suction Apparatus
Contract Date8 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 13.8 Lac
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+1Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Kozhikode, Kerala
CATEGORY: D.C. compound motor , D.C.shuntmoto , DC series motor 3
hp ,250V , Capacitor motor , Split phase motor , Universal
motor , M.G. Set consisting of squirrel cage induction motor
5 H.P. 415 V 50Hz with directly coupled DC compound
generator 3 K.W. 250 V with built in panel board consisting
of , Automatic Reverse Forward starter , Two point starter
for DC series motor , 3 PHASE2 KVA ALTERNATOR
Seperately Excited , Slipring induction motor with rotor
resitance startor 5 HP 440 V , Transformer single phase ,
Autotransformer single phase
Contract Date6 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 7.2 Lac
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Kozhikode, Kerala
CATEGORY: Foot rule or steel tape , Steel Measuring Scale , Marking
Knife , Bevel Square , Carpenter marking gauge , Carpenter
mortise gauge , Hand Saw , Tenon saw , Metal Jack plane ,
Metal smoothing plane , Mallet medium size , Oil stone ,
Contraction measuring scale , Hand brush for cleaning ,
Trammel , Key hole saw , Fret saw frame , Adze , Plough
plane , Spoke shaves , Plane adjustable circular , Router
plane , Cabinet scraper , Gauge chisel, scribing , File slim
taper , Card file steel wire brush for file , Country drill with
bow ball bearing type , Expansion bit sets , Snip straight ,
Combination side cutting pliers , Round crow bar , T bar
cramp , Carpenter vice , Carving tools set , Surface plate ,
Grease gun
Contract Date4 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 7.7 Lac
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Kozhikode, Kerala
CATEGORY: Portable router machine , Universal wood working machine
Contract Date3 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 2.2 Lac
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics...+1Solar Installation and Products
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Kozhikode, Kerala
CATEGORY: DC Power supply , Solar Panel with Battery , Inverter
Tubular Battery
Contract Date2 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 43.9 K
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Electrical Goods and Equipments...+2Electrical and Electronics, Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Kozhikode, Kerala
CATEGORY: Contactor and auxiliary contact , Limit Switch, liver
operated , Rotary switch , Cut out relays , Reverse current
relay , over current Relay , Unter voltage
Contract Date2 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 46.5 K
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Machinery and Tools
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Kozhikode, Kerala
CATEGORY: Screw driver , Screw driver insulated Nylone handle , Heavy
duty screwdriver insulated , Electrician screwdriver thin
stem insulated handle , knife double bladed electrician ,
Hammer, cross peen with handle , Bearing puller inside and
out side , pipe vice cast iron with hard end jow open type ,
Crimping tool , Wire cutter and stripper , Hack saw frame
fixed , Plier long nose insulated , Plier flat nose insulated ,
Plier Round nose insulated , Guage ,Wire imperial stain less
steel marked in SWG and mm metric , De Soldering Gun -
Heat proof nozzle, PVC type , Soldering iron , Temperature
controlled Soldering iron
Contract Date2 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 1.3 Lac
Industrial Training Department Tender Result
Electrical and Electronics
Result Stage: Awarded (AOC Available)
Kozhikode, Kerala
CATEGORY: Knife Electrician D.B. , Plumb bob , Neon tester pencil bit
type , Drill bit , Rubber matting , Set of Wall jumper
octagonal , Rule fourfold wood , Bradawl square pointed ,
Firmer chisel , Rawal tool holder and Bit , Scriber , Spanner
set of 6 , Foot print Grip , Electric soldering iron , Blow lamp
Capacity , Rubber gloves , Trowel
Contract Date1 Aug 2022
This is an estimated contract date, exact date may vary.
Contract Amount₹ 1.2 Lac
181-190 of 1064 active Tender Results