Public Health And Municipal Engineering Department Tender
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566832Tender No
571/DB/D5/TUFIDC/IBP/CC roads /NIT/2024-25/10 Date: 07-01-2025Tender Authority
Public Health And Municipal Engineering Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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cc road;RBR-CCPV-6-Construction of M30 grade plain cement concrete pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement @ 350 kg per cum or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 M30 (Grade), coarse and fine aggregates conforming to IS : 383, maximum in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in approved fixed side formwork (steel channel, laying and fixing of 125 micron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates including levelling the formwork as per drawing), spreading the concrete with shovels, rakes, compacted using needle, scareed and plate vibrators and finished in continuous operation including provision of contraction and expansion, construction joints, applying debonding strips, primer, sealant, near approaches to bridge / culvert and construction joints, admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 14- days, curing compound and water finishing to lines and grade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 602 MORD.
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cc road;Vaccum dewatering of freshly laid cement concrete floor using 100% air tight suction mat of suitable size and length,vaccum pump to maintain vaccum pressure 0.7-0.8 atmosphere as per the standard procedure,floating with power floater,vibrating using Screed vibrator, mechanical trowelling, finishing with sound edges and corners,including hire and operational charges of machinery, labour,fuel etc,complete for finished item as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
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cc road;TBSC-T.I 15: Grove cutting of 2-4mm for 1/3rd depth of concrete salb using concrete grove cutting machine with demand studded saw within 24 hrs carting of cc pavement.
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cc road;Carting of surplus excavated earth /rock/ soil or any debris for a lead of 5kms from the site to suitable place including loading, unloading charges, cost & conveyance, dumping, labour charges, all leads & lifts and other incidental and operational charges etc., complete as directed by the Engineer in Charge.
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cc road;TBSC-U.I-01 DISMANTLING Stone masonry in cement mortar
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cc road;RBR-FNDN-1- (i-A) In ordinary soils, by Mechanical means: Earthwork excavation in all kinds of soil for Pipe line trenches as per drawings and technical specifications including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material , dressing of sides and bottom as per Technical Specification 304 MORTH and as directed by the departmental officer including protecting the existing utility services wherever it is possible during the execution and taking all precautionary measures in the restricted areas for laying sewer/water lines including divertion of traffic and backfilling in trenches with excavated suitable material and disposal of remaining earth upto a lead of 50 m, including all incidental and operational charges etc., complete for Pipe Lines by mechanical means. 600mm & 300mm Dia Pipe Line
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cc road;RBR-FNDN-1- (IV) - Hard rock (blasting prohibited) - up to 3.00Mts. below GL: Excavation in Hard Rock in habitant areas where conventional blasting can not be done for Pipe line trenches as per drawings and technical specifications including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious material , dressing of sides and bottom as per Technical Specification 305 MoRD / 304 MoRTH and as directed by the departmental officer including protecting the existing utility services wherever it is possible during the execution and taking all precautionary measures in the restricted areas for laying sewer/water pipe lines including divertion of traffic and disposal of rock upto a lead of 50 m, including all incidental and operational charges etc., complete
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cc road;Manufacture, Supply And Delivery Of 600mm Dia R.C.C. Socket And Spigot Np-3 Pipes Conforming To B.I.S. 458/2003 Ex-Factory (Rate Per Meter Of Effective Length) Including Transportation,Taxes & Duties.(Pressure) 600 mm dia NP-3 Pipes
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cc road;PHE-LRCS-6: Lowering the RCC S/S pipes carefully into the trenches laying them true to alignment and gradient, jointing with rubber rings and testing including filling with water with a water lead upto 500 meters excluding cost of rubber rings as per BIS No. 783/1985-NP3-600 mm
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cc road;PHE-LJSW-13: Supply, Lowering and laying in ready made trench true to alignment and gradient, jointing, and testing of stone ware pipes including cost of jointing material such as cement mortar (1:1) proportion and Spun yarn including cost and conveyance of pipe. (Reference to specifications BIS No. 6530/72) 300 mm dia
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cc road;Manufacture, Supply and Delivery of Rubber rings to suit R.C.C. Spun / Vibrated Cast (Reinforced) Socket and Spigot pipes conforming to B.I.S 5382/ 1985 (rate per each rubber ring) including transportation but excluding taxes. the Rubber Rings shall be tested at the factory premises conforming to B.I.S. 5382/1985. (600mm dia)
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cc road;Construction of sewer Circular conical manhole as per type design using flyash Bricks of size 225 x 10 x 6 cms having minimum strength 75 Kgs per Sqm as per IS: 12894-1990 - CLASS - 7.5 in CM (1:3) prop: including CC (1:4:8) bed for foundation and of M15 (1:2.5:5) prop. using 20mm HG metal for benching and channels, inside pastering with 20mm thick using Sulphete resisting cement in CM (1:3) prop: the foundation concrete in Cc (1:4:8) prop. using 40mm nominal size hard broken granite stone and supporting incoming pipes with concrete block/ masonary wherever necessary including finishing the gap with CM (1:3) prop. on both the sides including excvating pits upto required depth in all types of soils and supply and fixing of 560mm dia manhole frame and cover (HD-20) and PVC encapsulated steps including cost & conveyance of all material, labour and all otehr incidental and operational charges etc., complete. 0.90 x 0.90
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cc road;Additional 0.1m depth
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cc road;1.2*1.65
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cc road;Additional 0.1m depth
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