Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University Tender
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Supply and fixing of 16A / 6A 1 way 2 Module Combi Socket Modular Socket with shutter. ( Sockets combined 2 in one) with 20A 1 Way Modular Switch with indicator of Legrand Myrius / Million mway /Goldmedal Curve/ Anchor Roma viola / Havells Fabio / Panasonic Vision / Hager Insista / Benlo Vesta / C&S Primo / CPL Vysma / Polycab Levana.. make make with suitable cover frame and Modular box and earth connections including cost and conveyance of all material and all labour charges etc., complete in N.R.B. / R.B
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Supply and Run of 3 of 56/0.3mm (4.00 FRLS/HFFR PVC insulated 1100V grade as per IS:694/1990 specification for copper cable of makes :finolex / RR kabel / Havells / APAR EBXL / KEI (HFFR) / Polycab ((HR_FR-LF) / L&T / V-Guard (HFFR) make in existing pipe for run of mains inlcuding all labour charges etc., com
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Supply and Run of 3 of 36/0.3mm (2.50 FRLS/HFFR PVC insulated 1100V grade as per IS:694/1990 specification for copper cable of makes Finolex / RR kabel / Havells / APAR EBXL / KEI (HFFR) / Polycab ((HR_FR-LF) / L&T / V-Guard (HFFR).. make in existing pipe for run of mains inlcuding all labour charges etc., com
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Wiring with run of 2 of 22/0.3mm (1.50 FRLS/HFFR PVC insulated 1100V grade as per IS:694/1990 specification for copper cable of makes :Finolex / RR kabel / Havells / APAR EBXL / KEI (HFFR) / Polycab ((HR_FR-LF) / L&T / V-Guard (HFFR). make in existing PVC conduit pipe including Supply and fixing of Jumbo Ceiling rose and 10A ISI Mark 1way Modular switch with make Legrand Legrand Myrius / Million mway /Goldmedal Curve/ Anchor Roma viola /Havells Fabio / Panasonic Vision / Hager Insista / Benlo Vesta / C&S Primo / CPL Vysma / Polycab Levana. with cover frame of ISI Mark Legrand Legrand Myrius / Million mway /Goldmedal Curve/ Anchor Roma viola /Havells Fabio / Panasonic Vision / Hager Insista / Benlo Vesta / C&S Primo / CPL Vysma / Polycab Levana makes with required cover frame to be fixed with Modular box in existing surface / consealed pipe wiring including cost and conveyance of all material and all labour charges etc., complete including cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc., complete for light and bell points in N.R.B
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Wiring with run of 3 of 22/0.3mm (1.50 FRLS/HFFR PVC insulated 1100V grade as per IS:694/1990 specification for copper cable of makes :Finolex / RR kabel / Havells / APAR EBXL / KEI (HFFR) / Polycab ((HR_FR-LF) / L&T / V-Guard (HFFR). make in existing PVC conduit pipe including Supply and fixing of Jumbo Ceiling rose and 10A ISI Mark 1way Modular switch with make Legrand Legrand Myrius / Million mway /Goldmedal Curve/ Anchor Roma viola /Havells Fabio / Panasonic Vision / Hager Insista / Benlo Vesta / C&S Primo / CPL Vysma / Polycab Levana. with cover frame of ISI Mark Legrand Legrand Myrius / Million mway /Goldmedal Curve/ Anchor Roma viola /Havells Fabio / Panasonic Vision / Hager Insista / Benlo Vesta / C&S Primo / CPL Vysma / Polycab Levana makes with required cover frame to be fixed with Modular box in existing surface / consealed pipe wiring including cost and conveyance of all material and all labour charges etc., complete including cost and conveyance of all materials and all labour charges etc., complete for light and bell points in N.R.B
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Supply and fixing of 25mm outer dia Heavy(1.50mm thickness) grade with IS:9537 part 3 regid PVC pipe makes Sudhakar / Finolex / Modi / VIP / Precision / Universal / Million Plast / Gold / Polycab / DEC along with reinforcement is concealed in wall with all required accessories including chiseling the wall whenever necessary including masonry work including all labour charges etc., complete and as directed by the department for fan point, light point and plug point including all labour charges.
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Providing repairs to staircase and refixing with a gap of 1 feet from rat proof projection including all labour charges etc., complete.
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Providing Pin headed glass 4mm thick including cost of putty chips etc., cost of conveyance of all materials, labour charges, etc., complete as directed by the department.
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Providing plinth protection with brick masonry in CM (1:3) on edge (115 mm width by 300 mm height),100 mm thick PCC(1:5:10) Prop. using 40 mm size HBG metal and on top 75 mm thick PCC M-20 (1:2:4) in panels of size not exceeding 1.5x1.5 mts and providing 5 mm thick glass strips between the panels and finishing the to surface to require smoothness and slopes including Grooves & thread lining as directed by the Engineer - incharge including cost conveyance of all materials to work site, labour charges, curing, excluding seigniorage charges sales and other taxes on all materials etc. complete for finished item of work
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD Fe 500 manufactured by Primary producers like TATA,SAIL,VSP, Jindal (as approved by Ministry of steel guidelines) of different diameters for RCC works complete, including labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending to required sizes and shapes, placing in position with cover blocks of approved materials and size and tying and lap-splicing with binding wire, forming grills for reinforcement work as per approved designs and drawings, including cost and conveyance of steel bars to site, including all wastages such as overlaps, couplings, chairs, spacer bars including cost and conveyance of binding wire, cover blocks and all incidental, operational, labour charges such as cutting, bending, placing in position, tying on all materials etc. ,complete
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Plain Cement Concrete M-20 (1:2:4) proportion nominal mix (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) for foundation levelling courses and below flooring beds using 40mm size (SS5) hard Granite metal upto Plinth level from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site, excluding seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials and including all charges for mixing, laying concrete in foundations ramming in 15 cm layers finishing top surface to the required level curing etc., complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 402) for:-Machine Mix-PCC M-20(1:2:4) NOMINAL MIX
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Plain Cement Concrete (1:5:10) proportion nominal mix (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) for foundation levelling courses and below flooring beds using 40mm size (SS5) hard Granite metal upto Plinth level from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site, excluding seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials and including all charges for mixing, laying concrete in foundations ramming in 15 cm layers finishing top surface to the required level curing etc., complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 402) for:-Machine Mix-PCC (1:5:10) NOMINAL MIX
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Providing Antitermite treatment as per IS 6315 (Part - 2) 2001 (Pre-constructional chemical treatment measures) along the internal & external vertical faces of the columns, plinth beams, basement and top surface of the basement filling below flooring bed as per the specified procedure conforming to IS 6315 (Part-2) 2001 and other relevant approved specification duly using Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane emulsifiable concentrate 20% with 1% concentration @ 7.5 Liters/ sqm of the vertical surface & @ 5.0 Liters/ sqm of the horizontal surface of the substructure to a depth of 500 mm around columns & 300 mm deep around plinth beams, basements & floor filling area including excavation channel along the wall & rodding etc & cost & conveyance of all materials to the site, cost of labour for spraying, rodding etc complete for finished item of work as per the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Painting to walls with 1 coat of acrylic emulsion paint weather proof water-based, modified acrylic with silicon additives exterior grade having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound ) content less than 50 grams/ liter.of approved brand and shade after thoroughly brushing the surface to remove all dirt and remains of loose powdered materials, including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and all operational, incidental, labour charges etc. complete.
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Plastering 12 mm thick in two coats with base coat of 8mm thick in CM (1:5) and top coat of 4mm thick in CM (1:3) with dubara sponge finishing including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, water etc., to site, excluding seigniorage charges, sales & other taxes on all materials, and all operational, incidental charges on materials and including cost of all labour charges for mixing mortar, finishing, scaffolding, lift charges, curing, including cutting Grooves as directed by Engineer - in - charge etc., complete.
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Brick masonry 230 mm thick for panel walls in super structure, parapet walls with cement mortar (1:6) prop (Cement:sand) using Bricks second class or ground moulded (Non-Modular or traditional size) 23 x 11 x 7 cm from approved source having minimum crushing strength of not less than 3.5 N/ including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, sand, bricks, water etc., to site,cost of excluding seigniorage on all materials and all incidental and operational, labour charges like mixing cement mortar, scaffolding charges, constructing masonry, lift charges, curing etc., complete for finished item of work as per SS 504. for:-Brick Masonry in CM 1:6 (Country)
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Demolition and disposal of unserviceable materials within 100 metres lead - Unreinforced Cement concrete upto 15 cm thickness - CC flooring
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Demolition including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within 100 metres lead for Brick work
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Repairs and Renovations to old processing hall cum storage godown at Seed Research Technology Cent;Item Detailed Specification Description
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