Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply And Sewerage Board Tender
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483127Bid Award Id
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953/CGM(E)/O&MC.II/D4/2023-24, Dt.01.12.2023 (1st Call)Tender Authority
Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply And Sewerage Board ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Manufacture supply and delivery of 150mm dia MS flanges of 16mm thickness with making holes to flanges including cost of MS and its fabrication, colouring with epoxy on both sides cost and conveyance for suction and delivery and labour charges etc. complete as per SSR-2023-24, Public Health Items (Part-IV), SI. No 5. Page No. 469.
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of double flanged sluice valve of rating PN 16 with non rising spindle bronze/gun metal seat, ISI marked complete with nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets and conforming to IS 780 of following sizes as directed by the departmental officials.
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Laying and jointing of HDPE pipes in ready made trench by butt fusion welding as per IS 7634-part-11/1975 as amended from time to time to the alignment and gradient and testing the pipeline to the required pressure. and contracter profit 10,615% as per SSR-2023-24, Public Health Items (Part-IV). S.No. 15. Page No.439
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Supply and delivery of Outer Dia 160mm and Inner dia 136mm. double walled corrugated HDPE duct made as per specification BSEN - 500 86/IS 14930 Part-II with all accessories like couplers, bends, end caps, Ts etc. complete. Makes: DURA LINE (Dura Guard) / Bajaj / Gamson / Ultra Plus / CPE. but excluding taxes, including 5% conveyance charges and 5% Transportation 400 profit 10615% as per SSR-2023-24. ELEC-4.9.1. S. No.994 f, Page No 316,
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Supply and delivery at site 1.0 MT capacity Heavy chain pulley Block with spur gear arrangement as per IS th standard chain of 10 Mtr. Length of apporved make.
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Supply and fixing of alloy steel chain of 8 mm thick to suit 1.0 MT Chain pulley block etc., complete.
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Providing MS plate cover with PVC Coat for receiving sump at sewage pumping station in sewerline with require block etc.. complete. 1
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Copper Flexible cable, duel PVC sheathed round type of size min 4 core/6 sq mm to suit to star Delta starters of 5 HP capacity - Finolex/Equivalent Standard and approved make.
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Providing independent earthing 1 Nos at with charcoal and salt, plate earthing with copper plate, running copper flat wiret to LT panel and reducing electricity discharge to standard ohmic value duly meggered Etc..
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Manufacture, supply and fixing of LT panel-1 No. of industrial type at S.P.S Inside 20MLD STP at Necklace road consisting of buit in Voltmeter and Ammeter, R/Y/B indicators, Star/Delta starters of 5 hp capacity -2No and star/Deltaof with on/off indicators, water levels controller, seal monitor, Ammeter, Temp. inter lock buit in man switch of 100A, MCCB with 32 Switch for capacitor with copper lugs and approved make cables, copper bus bars in required thickness, with earthing provision all in closed enclosure, duly painted
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Supply and fixing of AQUA JASCO /Equivalent make submersible seweage pumpset of 700lpm/bs discharge to a working head of 13.0 Mtr and 3PH 415 V 50Hz 5/3.75 HP/KW 960 rpm, having fluid sludge specific gravity of 1.05kg/litr casting with Cl impeller with CEF 8M pumpmechanical seal (Cvs sic) Equivalent with all required accessories etc., complete as directed by the departmental officers (1 no working & 1 no
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Carting away the surplus excavated materials such as rock / earth the site to a suitable distance of about 3 Kms including loading, unloading, conveyance charges and dumping the carted material at the contractors cost labour charges, all leads and lifts, all other incidential and operational charges etc., complete. as directed by the H.M.W.S.&. S. Board Engineers.
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Supply and delivery of HYSD per Kg including Area allowance @40%, CP&OH @13.615% etc Provided @80Kg per Icum of CC
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Plain Cement Concrete (1:2:4) mix with 6mm to 20 mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all meterial to site, machine mixing of concrete, lifts, leads, form work laying in position, vibrating, compacting, curing, all labour charges, tools and plants and all other incidental and operational charges etc. complete as directed by departmental officers as directed by the H.M.W.S.&,S. Board Engineers. (For floor slab).
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Supply and placing of the RCC M30 Grade Design Mix Concrete Using OP cement corresponding to IS 456 using WEIGH BATCHER/MIXER( Weigh batch at site) with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand)(As per GO Ms No 37 Industries and Commerce(Mines-1) Dept. dated 29.05.2018, the Government have directed all the Engineering works Departments to useManufactured Sand (Rock sand) and natural river sand in the ratio of 50:50 in all the mixes of Cement concrete and in the items of works) coarse aggregate, water ete, to site, as specified by departmental officers at site, Seignorage charges sales & other taxes on all materials including all operational. incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching. machine mixing. laying concrete, curing etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charees for finished item of work (Baffle Wall , Side Wall)
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Supply and placing of the RCC M30 Grade Design Mix Concrete Using OP cement corresponding to IS 456 using WEIGH BATCHER/MIXER( Weigh batch at site) with 20mm size graded machine crushed hard granite metal (coarse aggregate) from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials like cement, fine aggregate (sand)(As per GO Ms No 37 Industries and Commerce(Mines-1) Dept. dated 29.05.2018, the Government have directed all the Engineering works Departments to useManufactured Sand (Rock sand) and natural river sand in the ratio of 50:50 in all the mixes of Cement concrete and in the items of works) coarse aggregate, water ete, to site, as specified by departmental officers at site, Seignorage charges sales & other taxes on all materials including all operational. incidental and labour charges such as weigh batching. machine mixing. laying concrete, curing etc., complete but excluding cost of steel and its fabrication charees for finished item of work(for Raft )
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Plain cement concrete 1:2.5:5mix with 20mm guage hard granite machine crushed metal including cost and conveyance of all material to site, machine mixing of concerete, lifts, leads, form work laying in position, vibrating, compacting, curing all labour charges, tool and plants and all other incidential and operational charges etc., complete as directed by the deptl. officers
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Dewatering pipeline trenches duly bailing out water with 5HP Oil engine driven pumps including hire charges fuel charges wages of driver and helper and all other incidental and operational charges including suction and delivery hoses lead of drain into natural drain etc. complete as directed by the H.M.W.S.&.S. Board Engineers.
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Barricading, Boarding lighting and watching etc., for water supply and sewerage works trenches of depth upto 6'0"(2 meters) below G.L. using casurina ballies 125mm dia 2.5 meters long placed at 5ft c/c complete including all incidental and operation charges as directed by dept Officers. (250mm dia SWG)
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Earth work excavation and depositing on bank in hard rock and boulders more than 3 cum in size requiring control blasting excluding stacking complete as directed by the deptl. Officers including all leads and litts, all incidential and operational charges etc., and depositing the same on bank with an initial lead of 10Mts lift of 2M etc.. complete but excluding dewatering for pipe line trenches (Where the depth is less than 1.5 times width)including back filling
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Earthwork excavation and depositing on the bank in all types of soils like black cotton soil, red earth, and ordinary gravel, hard gravelly soils, mixture of gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with fair size boulders except rock requiring blasting with different lifts as per specifications and drawings and as directed by the departmental officers, including protecting the walls and other structures , existing water supply lines, sewers, power cables, telephone cables/ducts, storm water drains, traffic signals etc., wherever it is possible so as not to distrub the existing utility services etc., taking all precautionary measures in the restricted areas such as urban areas including diversion of the traffic,removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and including backfilling for pipeline trenches for laying Water supply/sewer lines including all incidental and operational charges etc., complete as directed by the HMWS&SB Engineers.. (For Sumpand pipeline trenches).
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Electrical Work and Civil Work;Cutting of open CC road surface including labour charges, all leads and other incidental and operational charges tool and plants etc complete for pipe line trenches as directed by the HMWS&SB Engineers.
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