Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply And Sewerage Board Tender
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Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply And Sewerage Board - HMWSSB Tender
Civil And Construction
Water Storage And Supply
Opening Date30 Sep 2023
Closing Date3 Oct 2023
Tender Amount₹ 1,12,386
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Tender Id
470062Bid Award Id
ViewTender No
896/CGM(E)/O&MC.II/D4/2023-24, Dt.30.09.2023 (1st Call)Tender Authority
Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply And Sewerage Board ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Water Supply;Supply and delivery fixing of RCC Precast manhole chambers having the size of 36"x21" dia at top fixing in CC 1:4:8 Prop:along with FRC Cover and frame laying CC 1:2:4 prop: including cost of materials labour charges earth work curing conveyance etc., Complete as directed by the HMWS&SB Engineers
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Water Supply;Jointing CI/DI pipes and valves with flanged ends including the cost of jointing materials such as bolts nuts rubber insertionwhite lead and including filling with a water lead upto 500M and testing to required pressure etc., complete as directed by the deptl.Officers ( For 100mm dia)
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Water Supply;Lowering, Keeping in position and fixing CI sluice valves ( with cap/ with hand wheel & reflex valves) excluding cost of bolts, nuts , rubber insetion, sluice valve and tail pieces.(100mm dia sluice valves)
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Water Supply;Jointing the 250 mmdia DI pipes fittings with rubber gaskets excluding cost of gasket but including all sundries filling with water and testing to required pressure including labour charges and all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete for the following diameters.
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Water Supply;Jointing the 100 mmdia DI pipes fittings with rubber gaskets excluding cost of gasket but including all sundries filling with water and testing to required pressure including labour charges and all other incidental and operational charges etc., complete for the following diameters.
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Water Supply;Lowering of 100mm dia DI pipes with S/s ends carefully into readymade trenches and laying them true to alignment & gradient including all incidental & operational charges, as directed by departmental officers.
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Water Supply;Cutting of 100mm dia CI pipes without water in the main etc., complete as directed by the H.M.W.S.&.S. Board Engineers.
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Water Supply;Conveyance of SWG pipes from departmental stores to work site, including loading, unloading, labour charges etc. complete as directed by the H.M.W.S.&.S. Board Engineers. (100mm dia SWG)
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Water Supply;Earthwork excavation and depositing on the bank in all types of soils like black cotton soil, red earth, and ordinary gravel, hard gravelly soils, mixture of gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with fair size boulders except rock requiring blasting with different lifts as per specifications and drawings and as directed by the departmental officers, including protecting the walls and other structures , existing water supply lines, sewers, power cables, telephone cables/ducts, storm water drains, traffic signals etc., wherever it is possible so as not to distrub the existing utility services etc., taking all precautionary measures in the restricted areas such as urban areas including diversion of the traffic,removal of stumps and other deleterious material and disposal upto a lead of 50 m, dressing of sides and bottom and including backfilling for pipeline trenches for laying Water supply/sewer lines including all incidental and operational charges etc., complete as directed by the HMWS&SB Engineers.. (For Junction portion and pipeline trenches).
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Water Supply;Cutting of open CC road surface including labour charges, all leads and other incidental and operational charges tool and plants etc complete for pipe line trenches as directed by the HMWS&SB Engineers.
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Water Supply;Description of Item
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