Water Resources Department Tender
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Water Resources Department - WRD Tender
Civil And Construction
Opening Date29 Nov 2024
Closing Date17 Dec 2024
Tender Amount₹ 5,29,78,000
₹ 2,80,000Document Cost
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Tender Id
2024_WRD_505469_1Bid Award Id
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06 PBC TVMalai F51 24 25 JDO2 Dt 26 11 2024Tender Authority
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GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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Rehabilitation of flood damaged Panjapalli Anicut and Rajapalayam Anicut in Palacode Taluk of Dharmapuri District, Tender Notice.
BOQ Items
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Removing Medium rock and dense medium rock requiring blasting including all leads and lifts inluding shoring, strutting, shuttering and bailing out water wherever necessary and refilling the sides of foundation with excavated soil in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick well rammed and consolidated etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Earth work in hard rock by wedging,chiselling and trimming to propoer shape so as to receive the foundation concrete where blasting is prohibited and conveying the removel materials to the down stream of body wall portion including cost of usage of labour and all other incidential charges requried for removing the hard rock etc.,complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers
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Earth Work Excavation for foundation in all soils and sub soils and to full depth as may be directed by the Departmental Officers except hard rock requiring blasting including shoring, strutting and baling out water wherever necessary and refilling the sides of foundation with excavated soil in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick, well rammed and consolidated and depositing including all initial leads and initial lifts, etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers (Open Excavation)
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Providing and fixing 25mm dia 2.00m long cold twisted deformed steel Anchor rod with 1.50m length driven into 50mm hole drilled in old masonry/concrete/rock and remaining length embedded in concrete/masonry including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, drilling and clearing hole, driving anchor rod, grouting hole with cement slurry ect., complete with initial lead up to 100m and all lifts etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying, fabricating and placing in position of Mild Steel or Ribbed Tor Steel for all RCC works as per design & drawing given including cost of steel, binding wire and labour charges for cutting, bending, laying in position and tying with binding wire, etc. complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying and erecting centering for vertical plain / RCC concrete walls of supply channel, retaining wall etc for following height height with necessary supports, all cross bracing with mild steel size of 90 cm x 60 cm and gauge BG 10 stiffened with welded mild steel sheet angles of size 25 mm x 25 mm x 3 mm for bearing laid silver Oak / Country wood joist of size 7.50 cm x 5.0 cm spaced @ about 90 cm C / C and supported by Casurina props of 10 cm to 13 cm spaced @ 75 cm C / C, etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers
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Vertical centering 0 to 0.9m height
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Vertical centering 0-1.8m height
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Vertical centering 0 to 2.70/3.00m height
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Vertical centering 3m to 4m height
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Vertical centering 4m to 5m height
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Vertical centering 5m to 6m height
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Vertical centering 6m to 7m height
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Vertical centering 7m to 8m height
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Vertical centering 8m to 9m height
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Vertical centering 9m to 10m height
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Vertical centering 10m to 11m height
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Providing and placing in position of plain cement concrete M 10 grade using M.Sand and graded hard blue granite broken stone jelly of 40 mm size mixing with mixer machine including the cost of bailing/pumping wherever necessary laying the concrete in layers of not exceeding 15 cm thick, compacting, consolidation finishing, watering, curing etc. complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers
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Providing and placing in position of plain cement concrete M 15 using M.Sand and hard blue granite broken stone jelly of size 20 mm mixing with mixer machine including the cost of bailing/pumping wherever necessary laying the concrete in layers of not exceeding 15 cm thick, compacting, consolidation by using vibrators, finishing, watering, curing etc. complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers
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Providing and placing in position of plain cement concrete M 15 grade using graded hard blue granite broken stone jelly of 60% of 40 mm size and 40% of 20 mm size mixing with mixer machine and laying in layers oincluding the cost of bailing/pumping wherever necessary laying the concrete in layers of not exceeding 15 cm thick, compacting, consolidation by using vibrators, finishing, watering, curing etc. complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers
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Providing and placing in position of Reinforced Cement Concrete M 20 using M.Sand & hard blue granite broken stone jelly of 20 mm size mixing with mixer machine including the cost of bailing/pumping wherever necessary laying the concrete in layers of not exceeding 15 cm thick excluding form works, centring, shuttering and steel fabrications compacting, consolidation by using vibrators, finishing, watering, curing, etc complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers
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Random Rubble Masonry in Cement Mortar 1:4 (one part of cement and four parts of M.sand) using old hard granite stones and bond stones including simultaneous pointing with same mortar on the exposed surface and all incidential charges, bailing out of water, watering, finishing, curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers
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Pointing the existing random rubble masonry with cement mortar 1:4 (One cement four M.sand) to full depth for side slopes including the cost of watering, curing, finishing etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers
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Supplying and fixing 300mm wide PVC EXPANSION JOINT in the 20mm expansion gap provided in between decks over piers and in between deck and dirt wall over abutment as shown in the drawing including cost and conveyance of expansion joints including shalimar pad and joint sealant etc., complete
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Supplying and fixing 110mm dia PVC pipe (4kg/cm2) for Weep holes including cost and labour for 110mm dia. Semi spherical back fill arrangement with 110mm size borken granite chips at the periphery and labour charges for fixing ect., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Dewatering using upto 7.5HP diesel engine pumset including Hire charges, cost of Diesel, Engine oil, Pump operator, labour charges, conveyance of pumpset and fuel to site and back, loading, unhloading and any other incidental charges etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Fabricating, Supplying and erection of Screw gearing steel shutters of size above 1.00 m and upto 2.00m width consist of skin plate made out of 8mm thick mild steel plate and horizontally stiffened with 100x50mm mild steel channel at an interval not more than 0.50m and vertical stiffeners made out of same section at an interval not more than 0.60m and provided with 8mm thick mild steel gusset plate of required size on both sides fastened with rust free bolts and nuts etc. Conveying the fabricated shutter by using lorries including loading, unloading and leading the shutter to the vent. Dismantling the eroded shutter and shuttering arrangements by using necessary gas cutting equipment. Erecting the new shutter and the shuttering arrangements in the vent in proper position by using necessary hoisting equipment. The shutter shall be painted with two coats of Anticorrosive black paint over one coat of Red Oxide Primer. The rate including cost of materials consumables, labours power charges, conveyance charges for all equipment required conveying the dismantled materials to the section stores, cost of petty civil works, trial operation of shutter and warranty for 5 years etc.,complete.
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Fabricating, supplying and fixing of Shutter Groove Angle made up of 65x65x6mm Mild Steel angle for required height including welding hold fast of size 25x25x6mm Mild steel angle 2 Nos on both sides and conveying and leading the groove angle to the vents. Fixing the angle to the grooves in proper alignment including dismantling the existing damaged groove angles, conveying and stacking at section store. The groove angle should be painted with two coats of AC black paint over one coat of red oxide primer. The rate including cost of materials, consumables, labours charges for all fabricating and hoisting equipments, conveyance, petty civil works and warranty for 5 years etc., complete, etc.,
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Fabricating, supplying and fixing of 63mm dia Screw Rod made up of Mild Steel duly machined and fully threaded to suit the Head set Assembly and provided with required holes. Conveying and leading the screw rod to the worksite. Fixing the screw rod to the shutter gusset plate with required bolt and nut in proper alignment to the head set including dismantling the existing damaged screw rod,conveying and stacking at section store. The Screw rod should be painted with two coats of AC black paint over one coat of red oxide primer. The rate including cost of materials, labours, charges for all fabricating and hoisting equipments, conveyance charges for labours and materials and warranty for 5 years etc., complete
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Fabricating, Supplying and fixing of Top Beam made up of 150x75mm (ISMB 150) duly drilled to suit the Head Set Assembly with required bed bolt made out of 25mm mild steel round rod duly threaded with suitable anchorage arrangements to a height of 0.60m with necessary Fish plate made out of 12mm mild steel plate of size 0.30 x 0.15m 2Nos with required holes. Conveying and leading the top beam arrangements to the work site. Fixing the top beam arrangements at the top of the vent in correct position including dismantling the existing eroded top beam, conveying and stacking and the section stores. The top beam should be painted with two coats of AC black paint over one coat of Red Oxide primer. The Rate including cost of materials, labours, charges for all fabricating and hoisting equipments, cost of petty civil works conveyance charges for labours and materials and warranty for 5 years etc.., complete.
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Supplying and fixing of Head Set Assembly medium duty with hexagonal nut (Approximate 70 Kg) made up of cast iron including moulding, machining and the hexagonal nut threaded to suit the Screw Rod provided with thrust bearings for smooth operation. Conveying and leading the head set assembly to the work site. Fixing the head set assembly to the top beam by using required rust fre bolts and nuts in proper alignment including dismantling the existing damaged Head set assembly, conveying and stacking at sectio store. The Head set assembly supplied with operating key and the both should be painted with two coats of AC black paint over one coat of red oxide primer. The rate including cost of materials, labours charges for wooden pattern, moulding and charges for labours and materials and warranty for 5 years etc., complete.
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GST @ 18%
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Inspection, testing and maintenance of radial gates, vertical gates, hoist assembly and gantry crane shall be carried out in pre & post monsoon i.e., twice a year for a total period of 5 years as per IS 10096 (Part 3): 2002 and IS7718: 1991.The inspection of components & materials shall be carried out as follows. The drain holes in horizontal girders and arms shall be checked & cleared, visual inspection of exposed surfaces of embedded parts such as sill beam, wall plate, seal seats and gate leaf, vertical stiffeners, horizontal stiffeners, arms, trunnion assembly, trunnion girder, yoke girder, thrust block, rope connections, hoisting equipment – gear train assembly, drive unit, gear boxes, flange coupling, bearing housing & foundation bolts in hoist bridge. All exposed bolt & nut connections shall be checked for tightness. The defects found during visual inspection of rubber seals, painting, weldments in steel structures, wire ropes, gears & gears trains, embedded parts, roller tracks & grooves shall be immediately notified to the engineer in charge. The weldment visual inspection shall be done with magnifying glass. The maintenance of radial gates, vertical gates, hoist assembly and gantry crane shall be executed as follows. The exposed gate leaf & structures, embedded parts, hoists assembly, gantry crane and hoist supporting structure shall be thoroughly cleaned from dust, sharp materials and foreign particles. The trunnion bearing shall be greased. The oil level in the worm reduction shall be maintained. The following after inspection, if necessary, shall be repaired or replaced. The draining & refilling of gear oil, the worn-out EM brake linings in gates, the adjustment of flexible couplings, damaged bolt & nut in gate and hoist assembly, bearings and bearing housing. The rotation of guide roller shall be checked. The lubrication of moving components such as guide rollers, vertical gate rollers, trunnion assembly, pulley sheaves, brackets, rope drums, line shaft bearing, wire ropes, matching teeth of gear box shall be carried out. The inspection and maintenance check list shall be maintained as directed by engineer in charge. Replacement of defective / worn out ropes, electrical relays & controls, motors, generator parts, rubber seals and repainting shall be done departmentally, if and when, indicated / suggested in the periodical inspection. The cost includes cost of inspection, testing & maintenance, industrial grease, bearing grease, gear oil, inspection charges and documentation, process charges for cleaning, checking & adjustment, scaffolding charges, consumables charges for cotton waste & solvents for cleaning, labour charges for checking, cleaning, application of lubrication, tools / tackles, trial operation as directed by departmental officers.
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