V O Chidambaranar Port Trust Tender

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V O Chidambaranar Port Trust Tender

Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Opening Date9 Dec 2024
Closing Date23 Dec 2024
Tender Amount₹ 2,80,94,276 



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Filling basement with available excavated earth in trenches, plinth, sides of foundation etc., in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating and watering etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Providing and laying of Granular Sub-base (GSB) - [Plant Mix Method] by mechanically and compacting in layers in each layer 125mm using stone aggregate by providing close Grading - I materials 53mm to 9.50mm at 50%, 9.5mm to 2.36mm at 20% and 2.36mm and below at 30% mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC and loading tippers conveying of mixed material to work site dumping and spreading in uniform layers with dozers and motor grade on prepared sub grade surface in stage to proper grade and camber and compacting with vibrator power roller 8-10 Tonne to achieve the desired density complete as per clause 401 of MORT&H Specification (Fifth Revision) and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Providing Form work including centring, shuttering for foundation footings of columns, mass concrete so as to give a rough finish shuttering and propping etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Fabricating and placing in position of M.S / Tor steel grills for R.C.C works in all floors including cost of Steel, cutting, bending, binding with 16 Gauge GI Binding wire and placing in position etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Supplying and laying impregnated bitumen pad of 20 mm thickness and 275 mm depth (approximately) for expansion joints to the required length as specified in the drawing and as directed including making necessary holes in the pad and fixing the same in to the dowel bars all labour, materials, transportation, tools, equipment etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers. Note: 1.The rate shall include making necessary holes in the pad for fixing the same in to the dowel bars. 2.The joint filler shall comply with IS 1838 - 1983 or its latest edition.




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Supplying and laying in trenches 110 mm dia. PVC inflow pipe line 6Kg./CM2 with necessary pipe specials such as elbow, tee, union joint etc., and the joints being tightened including threading cost of pipe, specials etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.




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White washing with lime powder on new wall surfaces One COAT to give an even shade including cleaning the surfaces, preparaton of wall, cost of lime powder, brushes, scaffolding, etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Painting the Floor surfaces with Two Coats of Synthetic Enamel Paint of approved quality (excluding priming coat) on previously painted concrete / masonry / plastered surfaces with ready mixed paint brushing for use on floors to give an even shade including cleaning the surface of dirt, dust and other foreign matter and sand papering as required including cost of Synthetic Enamel Paint and labour charges etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Preparation of sub grade by excavating earth work to 15 cm average depth, dressing to camber and consolidating with power road roller including making the undulation area levelling etc., and disposal of surplus earth to the low lying area to a lead of 1km. etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by departmental officers.




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Providing and fixing Reflective Road Studs of 'Category - A' Raised pavement markers made out of poly carbonate / methyl methecrylate/ABS mouled body confirming to ASTM D 788 and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face with retro reflectance and chromaticity values conforming to ASTM D 4280. The reflective raised pavement markers shall also confirm to the MORT&H circular No RW / NH 33023 / 10 / 97 - DO.III, dt 11.06.97. The height, width and length shall not be less than 15mm, 90mm and 100mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 Sq.cm. on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 +/- 5 degree. Each reflector shall have a CIL not less than values specified in Table 2 of said MORTH circular. The strength of detachment of the integrated cylindrical shanks, (of dia not less than 19 +/- 2 mm and height not less 30 +/- 2mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500 Kgf. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks to go inside, without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive as per manufacture's recommendation and complete as directed by the engineer. The marker shall support a load of 13635 Kg. tested in accordance with ASTM D4280 and confirming to IRC 35 - 2015 guidelines and MORT&H specification (Fifth Revision) Clause 804 etc., complete. The cost inclusive of studs and other tools and plants fixing materials drilling holes etc., complete as per MORT&H Specification (Fifth Revision) and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub- grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600- 1, cement content not to be less than 150 kg/ cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported tosite, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing etc,.complete and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Supplying and installing of Delineators (road way indicators, hazard markers and object markers), 80-100 cm high above ground level painted at alternatively black and white in 15cm wide strips, fitted with 80x100mm rectangular or 75mm dia. circular reflectorised panels at the top, buried or pressed into the ground and conforming to IRC-79 etc., complete as per MORT&H Specification (Fifth Revision) Clause No.806 and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement @ 400 kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in abatching and mixing plant as per approved mix design (M40), transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of admixtures as approved, finishing to lines and grades etc., complete as per clause 602 of MoRT&H specification and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Supplying and laying bitumen sealing compound of grade 'A' conforming to IS 1834 - 1984 (or its latest edition) for Expansion joints to a width of 20mm and 25mm deep for filling and including painting the edges of the joint with an approved primer all as specified and as directed at site of work including all materials, labour, tools, equipment, fuel, etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Providing and fabricating 38mm dia MS bars and placing in position as dowel bars for expansion joints as per details shown in the drawing and as directed including all handling, cutting, bending, all labour, materials, equipment, tools etc., complete. Dowel bar of length 500mm for expansion joints (one half of the rod painted with bitumen and greased to avoid bonding with concrete) including providing necessary PVC sleeve & cap, cotton waste @ 300mm c/c etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Supplying and laying bitumen sealing compound of grade 'A' conforming to IS 1834 - 1984 (or its latest edition) for Longitudinal joints and Contraction joints to a width of 10mm and 65mm deep for filling and including painting the edges of the joint with an approved primer all as specified and as directed at site of work including all materials, labour, tools, equipment, fuel, etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Providing and Laying of Debonding Layer of 125 micron PVC sheet for road construction including overlaps over the upper sub-base including cost of materials & laying charges etc,.complete and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Providing and laying (to level and slope) and jointing Reinforced Concrete Heavy duty non pressure pipes, IS class NP3 of 300mm diameter with flush joints including testing of joints etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmentalofficers.




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