V O Chidambaranar Port Trust Tender
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V O Chidambaranar Port Trust Tender
Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Opening Date28 Aug 2024
Closing Date18 Sep 2024
Tender Amount₹ 2,02,37,785
₹ 4,05,000Document Cost
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2024_VOCPT_206181_1Bid Award Id
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03CE/PD/2024_25/D.2403Tender Authority
V O Chidambaranar Port Trust ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Epoxy Jointing Compound: Clean the concrete surface, remove the loose particle, if any.Make sure that the form work is ready for positioning. Mix the base and hardener of the epoxy resin jointing compound and apply the same to the prepared surface. Care should be taken that the micro concrete needs to be done within 5 hours maximum from the time of application of epoxy jointing compound Nitobond EP of Fosroc or equivalent. The rate shall include cost of equipments, plants, materials, sand, instrumentation, hiring of boat, catamaran, pontoon,labour and survey, fuel etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying, mixing, and placing free flow micro concrete mixed with 10mm to 6mm down graded, cleaned, washed and saturated surface dry aggregates. The proportion of aggregates shall be 50% by weight of micro concrete for pile caps, slabs and beam and pile 100% for extension of pile caps all as per the drawing and as per specification of manufacturer. The grout shall be placed for an average thickness of 100 mm using positive displacement pump. The rate shall include cost of materials, equipment, interacting, drilling holes in deck/beam, mixing, placing, making, arrangements for supply, micro concrete, labour, transport and fuel, cost of boat hiring, catamaran, Pontoon, curing etc. complete. and including Fabricating shutters for facilitating micro concrete work using water proof plywood/FRP sheets of thickness 8 mm with ribs all as per drawings and as directed including ribs and fittings and supporting members, equipment, plants, cost of materials, cost of boat hiring, catamaran, Pontoon, labour and fuel, labour and transport etc. complete
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Supplying, mixing, and placing free flow micro concrete mixed with 10mm to 6mm down graded, cleaned, washed and saturated surface dry aggregates. The proportion of aggregates shall be 50% by weight of micro concrete for pile caps, slabs and beam and pile 100% for extension of pile caps all as per the drawing and as per specification of manufacturer. The grout shall be placed for an average thickness of 75 mm using positive displacement pump. The rate shall include cost of materials, equipment, interacting, drilling holes in deck/beam, mixing, placing, making, arrangements for supply, micro concrete, labour, transport and fuel, cost of boat hiring, catamaran, Pontoon, curing etc. complete. and including Fabricating shutters for facilitating micro concrete work using water proof plywood/FRP sheets of thickness 8 mm with ribs all as per drawings and as directed including ribs and fittings and supporting members, equipment, plants, cost of materials, cost of boat hiring, catamaran, Pontoon, labour and fuel, labour and transport etc. complete
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Curing Compound: Immediately after striking the form work or after completion of the repair works, the surface should be sprayed water once and followed by application of membranebased curing compound like Concure WB of Fosroc or equivalent diluted with water in the ratio of 1: 1 as a curing membrane - Complete. The rate shall include cost of equipments,plants, materials, sand, instrumentation, hiring of boat, catamaran, pontoon, labour and survey, fuel etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers
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Core Cutting: Mark the core holes along the RC beam interval of 1 m/RC deck slab interval of 1 sqm to facilitate for the pouring of micro concrete. The core cutting need to be done with an electrically operated core drilling machine fitted with diamond tool of dia not less that 69 mm and to the entire depth of the slab portion. Care to be taken to minimize the cutting of the rebar as reinforcements are expected at the negative bending moment zone. complete and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Protective coatings for Environmental face using Dekguard S of Fosroc: Providing and applying a single component high build elastomeric, crack - bridging, resistant to CO2 and Chloride ion diffusion, UV resistant, breathable acrylic coating with elongation at break exceeding 200% using Dekguard S of Fosroc or equivalent material applied in two coats(Each coat 125 micron DFT) on acrylic based primer at an average thickness of 250 microns DFT in two coats including acrylic resin based primer as per recommendation of the manufacturers.Item rate is inclusive of the materials all labour, supervision, tools and tackles and transportation etc. complete as per specification and as directed by the departmental officers
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Fabricating and placing in position of M.S / Tor steel grills for R.C.C works in all floors including cost of Steel, cutting, bending, binding with 16 Gauge GI Binding wire and placing in position etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Fabrication and fixing of steel ladder hot dip with G.I coating 80micron of size (2.80m x 0.44m) using 75 x 20 mm .M.S Flat (2Nos. 2.80m)and 25mm dia M.S bar 44cm long at 30cm . Centre as cross bars and to welded with 2 nos . M.S flat (75 x 20mm) to a length of 35cm with 7cm length 25mm dia M.S bar (cross wire) to hold the ladder, drilling holes at M.S flat for holding M.S bar and welded and painting the steel ladder with one coat of red oxide primer and two coats of anti-corrosive black paint and fixing the ladder in the sea side wharf as per standard specifications and as directed by the EIC. The cost inclusive of all materials and fabrication charges, labour for fixing in position etc. complete complying with AISS and as directed by the EIC.
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Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-30 Grade in accordance with IS:456-2000, using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement content of 400 kg/mᶾ and maximum water cement ratio of 0.45, including admixture (plasticizer / super plasticizer) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability with about (0.50 cu.m.) 773 kg. of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (0.33 cu.m.) 515.6 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about(0.479 cu.m.) 767 kg. of sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing, etc. and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra, etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requirements of IS Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of materials)..
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Supplying the structural steel, MS Flats, Square Rods, Angles, Channels etc., for vertical members / bracing /stiffeners / Base plates or for any other usage as a structural member,fabricating, welding and erecting the frame work in position at the locations shown in the drawing including all labour, materials, conveyance, tools & plants, etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers (Note : 1. While fabricating, necessary holes and bolt & nut shall be provided at no extra cost in the structural members. 2. In case, the specified MS section is not available in the market, the nearest alternative section may be used after approval of the Engineer).
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Removing the existing SCN 1600 fender fixed at Coal Jetty II berthing face with required cranes, pontoons, towing boat, Men & Materials, tools & plants and re-fixing the same fender in the same location at Coal Jetty II after retrofitting works in the berthing face including replacing the damaged bolts & nuts, all labour charges, transportation & handling charges,
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Providing Form work including centring, shuttering for wall concrete so as to give a rough finish shuttering and propping etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Dismantling and removal of Reinforcement Cement Concrete (RCC) including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials with in a lead of 100m including all labour, tools, equipments, transport, fuel, etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers
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Shear Connectors: Drilling 12mm dia holes up to a depth of 75mm maximum and fixing 8mm dia L shaped anchor rods as shear connectors at every 500mm c/c on the surfaces of the Pile or any other structural member as the case may be. Clean the same using water and make sure that there are no fine particles present in the hole. Mix the base and hardener of the polyester resin with the spatula thoroughly. Fill the drilled and cleaned holes to a minimum depth of 1/3rd of the hole with the prepared polyester resin. Make sure that the resin has reached till the end of the hole. At this stage push the shear connector gently into the hole and finish the excess resin which comes out of the hole and allow the shear connectors not to be disturbed for minimum 20 minutes - complete. The rate shall include cost of equipments, plants, materials, sand, instrumentation, hiring of boat, catamaran, pontoon, labour and survey, fuel etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers.
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