Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation Limited Tender
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Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation Limited - TANSIDCO Tender
Civil And Construction
Opening Date17 Dec 2024
Closing Date24 Dec 2024
Tender Amount₹ 1,17,39,000
₹ 69,000Document Cost
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2024_TANSI_511494_1Bid Award Id
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7011(TN-4)/SE/DB/2024 -2Tender Authority
Tamil Nadu Small Industries Development Corporation Limited ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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Tender condition paruvathanahalli Road
BOQ Items
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Earth work excavation for foundation in Medium Rock and Dense Medium Rock (MR & DMR) not requiring blasting below G.L from 0.00m to 2.00m depth as may be directed except hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring, strutting and bailing out water wherever necessary and depositing on bank with an initial lead of 10 metres and clearing, levelling the site etc., complete.
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Providing and laying Granular Sub-Base (GSB) layer of 200mm compacted thickness on the prepared sub grade with approved graded material of minimum CBR value of 30 grading conforming to Table 400 - 1 of MORTH including screening, spreading in uniform layer with motor grader, watering and premixing in a mechanical Mix plant at optimum moisture content, compacting with power roller of 8 to 10 T static weight to not less than 98% of the maximum laboratory dry density as per IS : 2720 (Part b) and fine dressing to the required grade and cross slope as shown in the drawing or as directed by the Engineer, including obtaining and transporting all materials from approved quarry site to work site with all lifts and lead by mechanical transport, head load or any other mode of transportation, including labour, tools, equipment, safety measures, testing and incidentals necessary to complete the work and as directed by SIDCO Engineers. (As per MORTH Specification 111, 112, 401 & 900)
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Providing and laying WET MIX MACADAM Base Course of 250mm compacted thickness in two layers of 125 mm thick or else as specified on prepared sub base with graded stone aggregate using 0.396cum of 45.00-22.40mm graded metal, 0.528cum of 22.40-2.36mm graded metel and 0.396cum of 2.36mm graded metal and below including premixing the material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed materials by tipper trucks to paver site, laying in uniform layers with paver, spreading the mix for uniform thickness with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compaction by 80 -100 KN vibratory roller to required density etc. including labour for attending the paver site, including hire charges and fuel charges for tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory rollers and all other tools and plants required and all other incidental charges etc., complete and as directed by SIDCO Engineers. (As per MORTH Specification 111, 112, 406 & 900)
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Providing and laying Prime Coat over WMM surface using 6kgs of bitumen Emulsion for 10 Sqm area including cost and conveyance of bituminous binder including labour charges for preparing the surface and applying the required quantity of bitumen as prime coat by bitumen sprayer etc., complete. (As per MORTH Specification 502).
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Providing and laying Tack Coat over WMM surface treated with priming coat using 2.50kgs of bitumen Emulson for 10 Sqm area including cost and conveyance of bituminous binder including labour charges for preparing the surface and applying the required quantity of bitumen as tack coat by bitumen sprayer etc., complete. (As per MORTH Specification 503).
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Providing and laying 50mm compacted thick Bituminous Macadam using 0.42cum of 22.40mm and 13.20 mm graded metal and 0.10cum of 6.70mm and 2.80mm graded metal and 0.18cum of 2.80mm and below with 38 Kgs of bitumen for premixing 10Sqm including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregates to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central Hot mix plant 20-30 tons capacity conveying the mix by Tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix in required temperature for uniform thickness of 50mm with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compaction by 8-10 T power roller to required density etc. including labour for loading bitumen into bitumen tank and metal to feeder unit, labour for attending the paver site etc. including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30T CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, power rollers and all other tools and plants employed etc., complete. (As per MORTH Specification 501 & 504)
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Providing and laying 40mm compacted thick Dense Bituminous Concrete using 0.10cum of 13.20mm Graded IRC HBG metal, 0.21cum of 11.20mm graded IRC HBG metal, 0.23cum of 4.75mm and below with 47.12 Kgs of bitumen for premixing per 10Sqm including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregates to required temperature and mixing them in required temperature in central Hot mix plant 20-30 tons capacity conveying the mix by Tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix in required temperature for uniform thickness of 40mm with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and compaction by 8-10 T power roller to required density etc. including labour for loading bitumen into bitumen tank and metal to feeder unit, labour for attending the paver site etc. including hire charges and fuel charges for 20-30T CMP with bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, power rollers and all other tools and plants required including all other incidental charges etc., complete (As per MORTH Specification 508).
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Supplying, laying and jointing RCC Hume Pipe of 200mm dia NP3 Grade Class with socket and spigot ends as per IS 458/2003 manufactured with sulphate resistant cement with 12 mm HI - alumina lining with rubber ring joints including cost of pipe as a finished work, all other incidental charges, testing charges, loading, unloading, transport and delivery in good condition at work site. The rate includes lowering RCC pipes & specials into the trenches, laying to proper grade & alignment and jointing RCC pipes with cement using necessary collars including the cost of jointing materials as per specification etc., complete and as directed by TANSIDCO Engineers. (As per MORTH Specification 803)
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Providing and laying of Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound 2.5mm thick including reflectorising glass beads at 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC : 35. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes. The rate includes cost of thermoplastic and labour charges etc., complete. (As per MORTH Specification 803)
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Manufacturing, Supplying and fixing of Plot Stones / Demarcation Stones in true alignment as directed by department officers of size 0.60 x 0.15 x 0.15m in PCC 1:2:4 (One of cement, two of M Sand and four of Hard Broken Stone Jelly) using 20 mm size HBG metal including necessary earth work excavation of size 0.30 x 0.30 x 0.30m, cost of mould charges, refilling charges, conveyance of plot stones and fixing charges etc. complete.
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Earth work excavation for foundation in all kinds of soils and subsoils and to the required depth as may be directed except hard rock requiring blasting but inclusive of shoring, strutting and bailing out water wherever necessary, refilling the sides of foundation and basement with excavated earth in layers of 15cm thick well rammed, consolidated and depositing the surplus earth in places shown with an initial lead of 10 meters and initial lift of 2 meters and clearing, levelling the site etc., complete.
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Supplying and filling in foundation and basement with Crushed Stone Sand (M Sand) in layers, not exceeding 150mm thickness well rammed, watered and consolidated complying with relevant standard specification etc., complete.
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Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (One cement, four of M Sand and eight of coarse aggregate) using 40mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for foundation inclusive of dewatering if found necessary, shoring, strutting, side shuttering, ramming, curing and laid in layers not more than 15cm thick etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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Supplying and erecting Shuttering with necessary supports for Plane Surfaces such as RCC Column boxing, top & bottom slabs, sill slabs, sunshade with all cross bracings including strutting using silver oak (country wood) joists of size 10cm x 6.5cm spaced at about 90cm centre to centre etc., complete.
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Supplying and erecting Centering for sides and soffits including supports and strutting for Plane Surfaces such as RCC slabs, rectangular beams 'T' or 'L' beams, lintels, bed blocks, staircase, waist and landing slabs, landing beams, canopy etc. with all cross bracings using silver oak (country wood) joists of size 10cm x 6.5cm spaced at about 90cm centre to centre supported by casurina post of 10cm to 13cm dia spaced at 75cm centre to centre etc. complete.
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Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two of M Sand and four of coarse aggregate) using 20mm gauge hard broken stone jelly for foundation inclusive of dewatering if found necessary, shoring, strutting, side shuttering, ramming, curing and laid in layers not more than 15cm thick etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:1.5:3 (One of cement, one & half of M Sand and three of coarse aggregate) using 20mm gauge HB stone jelly for all RCC items of works excluding centering, shuttering and also cost of reinforcement grill in position but including laying, curing and finishing etc., complete and also fixing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slab wherever necessary etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying, fabricating and placing Reinforcement Steel of high yeild strength ribbed bar of various diameter and grade confirming to IS1786 of reinforced concrete work. The work including decoiling, straightening, cutting, bending, fabricating and placing in position at all levels and floors including lead and lift according to drawings, specifications, etc complete. Supply and use of 18Gauge black annealed binding wire double fold to tie the bars in position, chairs pins, space bars, unauthorised laps which will not be measured separately neither for payment nor for reconsilation and providing precast cement / pvc cover blocks for main reinforcement to ensure specified cover and as directed. Steel and binding wire will be procured by the contractor at his own cost.
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Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One of cement and five of M Sand) of 12mm thick including centering, strutting, finishing and curing etc complete complying with standard specification.
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Colour Washing two coats over one coat of white washing with fine screened shell lime approved colour pigments gum conjee etc., The rate includes one base coat of white washing, two coats of colour washing and labour charges.
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Conveyance the Surplus Earth to the places shown by the Engineer incharge including loading into lorries, conveying unloading from lorries and spreading in places indicated as instructed by the Engineer incharge with a lead of 0 to 1 km etc., complete.
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