Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation Tender
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Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation - TNCSC Tender
Civil And Construction
Building Construction
Opening Date27 Nov 2024
Closing Date26 Dec 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents
₹ 1,33,000Document Cost
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2024_TCSC_505301_1Bid Award Id
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33/CED6/039430/2024Tender Authority
Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Supplying and filling in foundation and basement with clean M.SAND in layers of 150mm thick, well watered, rammed and consolidated including watering etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed.
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Supplying and filling in foundation with Gravel in layers of not exceeding 150mm thick well watered, rammed and consolidated including watering etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed.
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Refilling with excavated earth other than crushed stone sand with an initial head load of 100 mts and depositing the earth as shown by the departmental officers in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, watered and consolidated etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying and filling with 40mm gauge HBG stone jelly for dispersion trench including loading conveying and unloading and as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete complying with standard specification.
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supplying and filling in basement with wetmix 250mm thick in layers of not exceeding 250mm thick, well watered, rammed and consolidated including machineries for hire and running charges leader 5 Cum capacity, hire charges for tipper,water sprinkler,vibratory roller all labour charges etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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CEMENT CONCRETE 1:5:10(one cement, five sand and ten aggregate)using 40mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for foundation including de-watering, side shuttering , strutting, wherever necessary including curing etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers.
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BRICK WORK in cement mortor 1:5(one cement, five sand) using best quality Country bricks of size 8" 3/4"x4 ¼ x 2 ¾ “ for walls including cost of scaffolding curing, finishing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. In foundation and basement
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In Ground floor Upto 4.50M height above basement.
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Above 4.50M height from basement
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Supplying and laying of Ready mix M15 grade of concrete having characteristic strength not less than specified in the IS 456 - 2000 using Ordinary Portland cement with minimum cement content of 366 Kg / cum confirming to IS 8112. Coarse aggregate having a specific gravity of 2.60 using 20 mm down graded hard blue granite broken stone jelly and fine aggregate without fly ash as per IS 383 - 1970 (2007) with suitable water cement ratio not less than 0.45 of water quality confirming to IS 456 - 2000 including use of plasticizer of approved make & dosage of required grade at all location and levels with specified high workability as per IS 1199 - 1959 (2004). The initial & final setting time confirming IS 12269 - 1987 (2004) .The admixtures affecting the quality and strength of the confirm IS 9103 - 1979 [ usual admixture - Air entraining & water reducing).
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Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M20 Grade in accordance with IS:456-200 using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement content of 325 kg/M3 and mazimum water cement ratio of 0.55, including admixture (Plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improvement workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5 Cu.m) 7730 Kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 Cum)5156 kg of 10-12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.7 Cum) 7670 kg of sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement gril and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, cutting etc., and Providing fixtures like fan clams in the RCC floor/ roof slabs wherever necessary without claiming extra etc., complete complying with standard specfication and as directed the departmental officers. The coarse and five aggregates to be used should comply with the requirements of 15 Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of materials. In foundation and basement.
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In Ground floor Upto 4.50M height above basement.
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Above 4.50M height from basement.
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Providing FORM WORK for centering the soffits of all reinforcement concrete work including strutting to the required (3 metre) height with mild-steel sheets of size 90cmx60cm 10 gauge stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size 25mmx25mmx3mm laid with country wood joist of average of size 10cmx6.50cm at about 90cm centres with casurina props of 13cm dia at 75cm centre to centre with all nails coir, wedges complete and removing the form work after necessary curing period as directed by the corporations officers. The rates should inclusives of cutting , bending, welding , charges of M.S sheets, M.S. angles etc., Complete Column footing, Plinth beam , top tie beam etc.,
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For Plane surfaces such as vertical slab, side slabs of boxing, vertical drops, facia, vertical wall etc.,
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Rectangular beams and floor slabs, tie beams, lintels, landing slab, loft etc.,
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Columns, ratguard slab, curtain slab and sun shades etc.,
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Supplying, fabricating and placing in position MS/RTS grills for reinforcement for all R.C.C.works including cost of steel, labour for straightening, bending, cranking, tying grills with 18 gauge galvanized binding wire and placing grills in position complete complying with standard specification and as directed..
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Supplying and fixing(under lintel grove) cold rolled ROLLING SHUTTERS of approved quality of 18 gauge 7.5 cm wide cold rolled lathe section in one piece interlocked together with specially designed pipe shaft with adequate number of high tensile steel wire springs of approved quality complete with brackets side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking arrangements with push and pull operations and pulling back handle with all accessories in best workmen ship and the entire shutter painted with two coats of best quality anti-corrosive paint over one coat of red oxide primer and clear opening of 1.80M width 2.60M height. The rolling shutter shall be placed below the lintel and behind the RCC curtain slab of 7.5 cm thick and 45 cm depth. Each rolling shutter shall be provided with one pair of approved quality of ball bearing complete. Rolling shutter should confirm to I.S.6248-1979and should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before fixing .[This specification consists of the following component materials required for erection of rolling shutter.(1).18 G 3" lathe section 1.90M long-29 Nos. (2)10 G guide channel 2.6Mlong-2 Nos.(3).13 G bottom plate for 1.8M long with angle.(4).M.S.pipe 40mm dia. C'class -2M long.(5).10SWG side plate 13"x12"-2 Nos.(6).2 SWG spring 3" bore. (7).'U'-clamp.(8).ball bearing suitable for 2 1/2 "pipe.(9).18 SWG clip suitablefor 4"lathe.(10).20 SWG M.S.sheet. Etc.
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Supplying and fixing of Steel glazed AIR INLET WINDOWs of size 0.6m x 0.6m using extruded angles (Z-section) alround for frame with centre mullion T-section) and shutter with the same Z-section properly fixed with hinges 2 nos. for each shutter. The panel of shutter fixed with G.I. sheet of'18 gauge and necessary locking arrangements including weld mesh cover using weld mesh 25mm x 25mm x 10mm gauge and welded with iron square bars of 10mm size - 3nos. horizontally and 2nos. vertically welded together to form a grill and welding grill to the main frame with 4mm thick and 12mm wide MS flats. The rate is also inclusive of one coat of steel primer and two coats of ANTI CORROSIVE METALLIC paint and quality, 2 nos. 20cm long stays for shutters etc complete (The paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on work ) The shutters should open inside.
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Supplying and fixing steel N-Type VENTILATOR of size 1.20m x 0.60m using extruded angle (Z-section 25mmx25mmx3mm) for outer frames with center mullion (T-section)and with weld mesh of 25mmx25mm 10guage on all three sides ( 2 verticals 1 horizontal) and 10mm size MS square bars horizontally one at top and one at bottom welded to the frames with necessary MS flats of size 20mmx4mm thick and with necessary FRP plain sheets properly fixed with teakwood fillets MS hold fast 20cm long and necessary ring. The rate shall be inclusive of one coat of steel red oxide primer and two coats of anti corrosive paint of approved quality paint (N-Type Ventilator should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works). Undert weld mesh 75x25mm.
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Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M20 Grade in accordance with IS:456-200 using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement content of 325 kg/M3 and mazimum water cement ratio of 0.55, including admixture (Plasticiser / super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improvement workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5 Cu.m) 7730 Kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 Cum)5156 kg of 10-12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.7 Cum) 7670 kg of sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement gril and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, cutting etc., Placing of concrete and surface hardner finishing with power floated and power trawler to obtain the hard surface including provision of expansion joints at 6Metre intervals across the platform by Groove cutting 6mm wide with polysulphide sealant in full depth of concrete etc., The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requirements of 15 Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of materials.
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Providing and laying in position, Standardized Concrete Mix M20 Grade in accordance with IS:456-200 using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite stone jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement content of 325 kg/M3 and maximum water cement ratio of 0.55, including admixture (Plasticizer / super plasticizer) in recommended proportions as per IS:9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improvement workability without impairing strength and durability with about (5 Cum) 7730 Kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 Cum)5156 kg of 10-12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.7 Cum) 7670 kg of sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement gril and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, cutting , Placing of concrete and surface hardener finishing with power floated and power trawler to obtain the hard surface including provision of expansion joints at 6Metre intervals across the platform etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requirements of 15 Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of materials.
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PLASTERING with cement mortor 1:5 (one cement and five sand) 12mm thick including cost of scaffolding, finishing, curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed.
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PLASTERING with cement mortor 1:3 (one cement and three sand)10mm thick including cost of scaffolding, finishing, curing etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed.
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Weathering course in brick jelly lime concrete using broken brick jelly of size 20mm uniform gauge in pure slaked lime (no sand to be used) to the proportion of brick jelly to lime being 32:12.5 by volume and laid over the RCC roof slab in a single layer of required slope and finished by beating the concrete with wooden beaters of approved pattern, keeping the surface constantly wet by sprinkling lime jaggery water, etc., complete as per standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Finishing the top of roof with one course of machine pressed tiles of size 23x23x2cm laid in cement mortar 1:2 (one of cement and two of sand)mixing with water proofing compound confirming to ISS at 2% weight of cement used and pointed with water proofing compound mixed with red oxide etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying and fixing of 110mm dia PVC rain water down fall pipes having pressure of 4Kg/sqcm including cost of PVC specials fixing them in position with necessary shoes, bends, clamps, TW plugs, screws, nails etc., complete. As per standard specifications
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Providing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) Door: Providing and fixing casement doors fabricated from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (UPVC) sections. Profiles: The Profiles should be three chamber system which provides high insulation properties with outer frame 60mmx55mm with an outer wall thickness of 2.4mm. The window unit should be designed with all corner joints mitred and fusion welded. Windows should be steel reinforced with 25x24x25mm steel reinforcement with a thickness of 1mm to have dimensional stability. The sash should be of 60x102mm. The mullion should be of 60x74mm. The profiles should have co-extruded seals. Hardware: All the hardware like friction stays, handles should be screwed with self tapping screws. The handles, locks should be designed so that they cannot be released from outside.
Glazing: The window system should be glazed with 5mm plain float glass / 6mm bison lam Installation. The profiles should be cut to length and welded 45 degres. The window should be designed such that the water drainage does not passs through the reinforcement chamber. The window system should be fixed directly to the plastered brick wall using self expanding sylon plug and driving ms electroplated screws into plug.
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Paving the flooring with vertified Tiles of size 600 x 600 x 8mm of approved colour, shade and quality laid in cement mortar 1:3 (one cement and three sand) 20mm thick in all floors and the top pointed with the white cement mixed with same colour pigments etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The make and brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works)
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Supplying and fixing M.S Grill to special windows and ventilators etc using 20mmx6mm angle including cost of MS grill, one of red oxide and fixing in position etc. complete complying with Standard Specification and as directed.
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Supplying and fixing UPVC (Un-Plasticized Polyviny Chloride ) windows of casement type (open) from the profile the size of outer frame 60mmx58mm and shutter profile are reinforcement with GI/1mm 125GSM and 100% corrosion free, the profiles are multi chambered sections with wall thick of 2mm. The EPDM rubber (black colour) covered with over all the edges of frame and shutter the shutter will be provided with Espag multi power point locks and also it operates as handle. The corners and joints should be welded and cleaned. Radiations free pin headed plain or brown colour glass 4mm thick should be provided to the shutter and it should not allow leakage of water even at most ranging storms and should have key lockable action, security protective hinges, strong locking systems and as per size for arresting noise and energy loss. The connecting mechanism between sash an outer frame that enables opening of the window. The window should be fized to the wall the 100% packing with screws and silicon packing all round the frames. The window should be got approved from the Executive Engineer before use on work.
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Painting the walls with two coats of Interior emulsion paint of first class approved quality and colour over a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed.
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Painting the walls with two coats of Exterior emulsion paint of first class approved quality and colour over a priming coat including thorough scrapping, clean removal of dirt, and including necessary plaster of paris putty, wherever required etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed.
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Supplying and fixing in position 100mm x 50mm x 9.4 kg channel for the face of RAT GUARD EDGING SLAB with MS bolts 16mm dia 45cm long at 2m centres forming protection to the loading platform finishing in flush with the slab with C.M. 1:3(one cement and three sand) etc., complete including painting the exposed surface of MS channel with two coats of ANTI-CORROSIVE METALLIC PAINT over one coat red oxide primer etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed.
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Supplying and laying of High profile colour galvalume sheet (as per ISI Standard) with combination 55A1:43 4Zn:1:6SI of TCT bent type 0.47mm thick not less than 150 GSM and standard width of 1.06m with yield strength of 550 MPA made from high tensile/ CR sheets of approved quality for roofing with necessary fixing arrangements like 65m and long hexagonal head screws with EPDM rubber seal etc., complete, complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. (Test certificate for quality should be furnished on receipt of material at site)
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Supplying and laying of High profile colour galvalume sheet ridges (as per ISI Standard) 55A1:43 4Zn:1:6SI of TCT bent type 0.50 mm thick not less than 150 GSM and standard width of 1.06m with yield strength of 550 MPA made from high tensile/ CR sheets of approved quality for roofing with necessary fixing arrangements like 65m abd long hexagonal head screws with EPDM rubber seal etc., complete, complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officer. (Test certificate for quality should be furnished on receipt of material at site)
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Supplying and fixing corrugated Poly Carbonate sheet of size 3mx1.06m of 6mm thick on the roof in-between the colour coated Galvalume sheets for proper lighting with necessary G.I screws and EPDM rubber washers, Complying with standard specification and as direct and specified by the departmental officers including cost of loading unloading and transportion charges etc., complete.
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Supply and fixing of 40x6mm G.I flat over the Galvalume sheet roofing which is placed on the top of purlin in the longitudinal direction to avoid the lifting of roofing due to wind, the rate inclusive of neccesary G.I screw, Rubber, Aluminium washer with necessary adhesive flashing tap fixed directly over the galvalume sheet, labour charges for fixing, conveyance loading, unloading and cutting, etc. complete for 42m length.
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Supply and erecting and hoisting of ISMB 300x140mm steel stanchion post including cleats to receive the purlines all cutting drilling holes welding and fixing of members with necessary bolts, nuts anchor bolt of approved quality hoisting aligning and glazing the trusses in position as per plan. The rate should include the cost of painting the members with one coat of red oxide primer and zinc chromate etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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Supplying fabricating, hoisting and erection of ROOF TRUSSES PURLINS AND WIND BRACING with structural steel member like angle and channel iron and M.S.plates for all truss, purlin members including all cutting drilling holes, and welding and fixing of member with necessary bolts and nuts, of approved quality and hoisting, aligning and placing the trusses in position etc., complete the trusses will be manufactured as per the detailed plan. The rate should include the cost of painting with one coat of red oxide primer with two coats of best quality of aluminium paint over priming coat.
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Supplying and fixing of Rotary Ventilators over the roof with necessary bolt and nut arrangement to withstand the wind velocity as specified by the departmental officers.(Size 600mm x 600mm).
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Supplying and fixing RCC PRECAST Slab of 50mm thick in cement concrete 1:2:4 (one cement, two sand, four HBGS jelly) using 20 mm HBG Stone jelly as per design and specification, including cost of steel rods and fabrication charges cost of moulding, labour charges for finishing, curing, fixing in position etc., complete.
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Supplying and fixing in position of Bitumen Pad of 12mm thick for Expansion Joints in between cement concrete road at a regular intervals in both longitudinal and cross ways includes cost of Materials, labour charges etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.
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