Public Works Department Tender

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Public Works Department - PWD Tender

Civil And Construction
Building Construction
Opening Date25 Jan 2025
Closing Date28 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 9,50,620 
This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.



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Supplying and filling of well gravel by lorry in basement filling including conveyance loading and unloading charges and all other incidential charges filling laying watering and consolidation etc., complete as directed by the Dept., Officers with standard specification.




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Cement Concrete 1:5:10 (One Cement, Five sand and Ten hard broken stone jelly) using 40 mm gauge hard broken granite stone jelly for foundation including dewatering wherever necessary and laid in layers of not more than 15 cm thick well rammed, consolidated and curing etc. complete complying with standard specification.




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Construction of Brick work in following Cement Mortar using Fly Ash Bricks of 230 x 110 x 70mm size conforming to IS: 12894-1989 Class designation not less 50 kg./ average compressive strength in cement mortar 1:5 for load bearing structures for foundation and basement and for superstructure including curing, etc., complete complying with standard specifiction.




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For Foundation and Basement




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S.S. in Ground Floor




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Supplying and erecting steel centering including necessary supports for plane surfaces for Reinforced Cement Concrete works such as column footings, column pedestals, plinth beams, grade beams, staircase steps, etc. which require only nominal strutting using mild steel sheets of size 90cm x 60cm and 10 BG stiffened with welded mild steel angles of size 25mm x 25mm x 3 mm for boarding, laid over silver oak joists of size 10cm x 6.5cm spaced at about 75cm centre to centre or at suitable intervals etc. complete in all floors complying with standard specifcation. (Payment for centering shall be given after the concrete is laid).




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Supplying and erecting steel centering for sides and soffits including supports and strutting upto 3.29m height for plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, rectangular, square tee or ell beams, lintels, staircase, waist slab, landing slab, landing beam, portico slab, portico beams in all floors with all cross bracings using mild steel sheets of size 90cmX60cm and 10 gauge stiffened with welded mild steel angles of sizes 25mmX25mmX3mm for boarding laid over silver oak joists of size 10x6.5cm spaced at about 90cm centre to centre suppported by casurina props 10cm to 13cm dia spaced at 75cm centre to centre etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.




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For plane surfaces such as RCC floor slab, roof slab, beams, lintels, bed blocks, landing slab, waist slab, portico slabs and beams, etc.




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For plane surfaces such as rectangular or square RCC columns, sunshades, top and bottom slab of RCC boxing, etc.




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Providing and laying in position, Standardised Concrete Mix M-20 Grade in accordance with IS 456-2000, using 20mm and down graded hard broken granite store jelly for all RCC items of works with minimum cement content of 325 kg/m3 and maximum water cement ration of 0.55, including admixture (plasticiser/Super plasticiser) in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improveworkability without impairing strength and durability with about (5 cu.m.) 7730 kg of 20mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (3.3 cu.m.) 5156 kg. of 10-12mm machine crushed stone jelly and with about (4.79 cu.m.) 7670 kg. of sand, but excluding cost of reinforcement grill and fabricating charges, centering and shuttering and also including laying, vibrating with mechanical vibrators, finishing, curing etc., and providing fixtures like fan clamps in the RCC floor / roof slabs wherever necessary and bearing surfaces of walls, beams etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. The coarse and fine aggregates to be used should comply with the requirements of IS Standards. (No separate payment will be made by the Department for the excess usage of mateials).




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For Foundation and Basement




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S.S. in Ground Floor




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Manufacturing, supplying and fixing Precast Reinforced Cement Concrete slabs of following thickness in RCC 1:2:4 (one cement, two sand and four aggregates), using following HBGS jelly excluding cost of reinforcement steel in position but including cost of moulding charges, casting of slab, finishing, curing and fixing in position in all floors etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed.




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50mm thick slab (using 20mm HBGS Jelly)




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Supplying, fabricating and placing in position Mild Steel / Ribbed Tor Steel grills for all RCC works as per design given including cost of steel and G.I. binding wire in all floors etc., complete complying with standard specification. and as directed by the departmental officers. (Contractor has to make his own arrangements for the supply of steel and binding wire).




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Brick partition walls of 11.50cm thickness using best quality Fly Ash Bricks of 230 x 110 x 70mm size conforming to IS: 12894-1989 class designation not lss 50 kg./ average compressive strength in Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) using hoop iron reinforcement if found necessary including curing etc. complete and as directed by the departmental officers. (Hoop iron reinforcement will be measured and paid for separately).




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In Ground Floor (11.50cm thickness)




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Supplying and fixing 50mm dia GI pipe for staircase hand rail including labour charges for cutting, welding and fixing with MS flats (excluding cost of flat), etc., as directed by the departmental officers.




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Supplying and fixing by drilling holes and not by puching for Roofing with pre painted Galvalum sheet of 0.47mm thick of best approved quality with required size with curved shape and white ridge sheet with necessary bolts and nuts bitumen washers, including cutting the sheet to the required size found necessary during execution etc., Complete complying with standard specifications. [The sheet should be got approved by the Engineer incharge before use on works]




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Manufacturing, supplying and fixing in positon of RCC Jally of 5cm thick in cement concrete 1:2:4 using 20mm machine crushed stone jelly (excluding cost of reinforcement steel) including cost of mould, finishing, curing, lifting, fixing in position etc., complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Paving the floor with ceramic tiles of size 305 x 305 x 6 mm laid over 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) base mortar over the existing slab / floor including cutting the tiles to the required size with special cutter wherever necessary, laying in position and pointing with white cement mixed with colouring pigment at the rate of 0.3 Kg. / sq.m. etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make and brand of the tiles should be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works)




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Dadooing walls with Colour designed digital print ceramic tiles, with borders, with following size and above set in Cement Mortar 1:2 (One Cement and Two M-sand) 10mm thick and pointing the joints with white cement mixed with colouring pigments at the rate of 0.40 Kg. / sq.m. nbatly in all floors, curing, etc,,complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The make and brand of the tiles should be like Johnson / Kajaria / Somany / Nitco / RAK or Equivalent which has to be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works).




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Dadooing with printed design colour glazed tiles of size 300mm x 450mm x 8mm




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Providing granolithic floor finish of the following thickness with plain cement concrete 1:2:4 (One Cement, Two sand and Four aggregate) using 10 to 12mm gauge hard broken stone jelly including laying, finishing and the top rubbed smooth with power trawl, thread lining, curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers. (The rate is inclusive of necessary planking for panelling wherever necessary and as directed by the departmental officers) 25mm thickness.




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Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:5 (One cement and Five sand), 12mm thick in all floors including curing etc. complete complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Plastering and finishing the exposed surface of all RCC items of work such as slabs, beams, sunshades, facia, canopy slab, staircase waist slab, landing slab etc., with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) 10mm thick including hacking the surfaces, providing cement mortar nosing, beading for sunshades, staircases, steps, landing slabs and curing, etc., in all floors complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Plastering with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement and Three Sand) 12mm thick mixed with water proofing compound conforming to BIS at 2% by weight of cement used including finsihing, curing, etc., complete in all floors complying with standard specification and as directed by the departmental officers.




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Colour washing two coats in all floors using best freshly burnt white shell lime and best quality of approved variety of colouring pigment including cost of lime, colouring pigments, fevicol type gum, brushes, scaffolding charges etc., complete complying with standard specification. Mineral colouring pigments not affected by lime should only be used (stainers and colour solutions should not be used.)




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Painting new iron works such as steel doors, windows, ventilators, window bars, balustrades etc., with two coats of best approved first quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint over the existing red oxide priming coat in all floors excluding cost of priming coat etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The make, quality and colour of paint should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works.)




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Supplying and fixing of Steel doors with following specification. MS angle of size 40x40x6mm at 3.5 kg/m used for outer frame and MS Angle of size 35x35x5mm at 2.6 Kg/m for the shutter frame. Stiffeners with 32x6mm at 1.5 Kg/m MS Flat is provided as the lock rail of the door and welded intact on both ends to the shutter frame. 18 G CR Sheets of best quality is laid as panel in the shutter frames. 18x5mm at 0.70 kg/m MS flat is welded over the 32x6mm at 1.50kg/m MS Flat on the rear side of the door, sandwitching the CR Sheet for rigidity. Additional stiffeners with 18x5mm at 0.7 Kg/m MS flats are provided diagonally on the rear side of the shutter. 300mm length of highes 4 Nos. for shutters is provided. 6 Nos. of hold fasts 200mm length spliced at the ends are welded to the outer frame of the door. 250mm lenght of Tower bolt 2 Nos., one at the top and the other at bottom are provided. 250x16mm size of One aldrop is provided in case of double leaf door at lock rail section in the door. Additional provision for locking arrangements for lock is provided on the rear side of the door at an appropriate placeand 2 Nos. MS Handles of Heavy duty. MS flat 32x4mm at 1.10 Kg/m is provided on the edge of the one shutter to conceal the gap between the two shutters. A tie bar is provided at the bottom of the outer frame to prevent twisting of the frame during transportation and fixing. All members are given one coat of red oxide primer as directed by the departmental officers. The rate includes cost of all materials, labour charges, transportation, taxes and all other incidental charges, etc., complete.




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Single Leaf




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Supplying and fixing in position 15mm dia brass CP screw down tap / Pillar tap (heavy duty) of approved make conforming to BIS specifications and quality including cost of shellac, thread, etc., complete complying with standard specification and including cutting and threading wherever necessary. (Taps should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on the works).




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Supplying and fixing UPVC pipes of approved quality and best variety conforming to BIS of the following dia including cutting, threading and fixing UPVC specials using UPVC adhesives (but excluding cost of such specials) and fixing into wall with teak wood plugs, PVC clamps and screws making holes on the wall (or) drilling holes in the roof and making good the dismantled portion to original condition with necessary brick work / cement concrete and plastering neatly wherever necessary with necessary scaffolding charges upto 4 metre height above ground level, etc., complete complying with standard specifications. The UPVC pipes shall be got approved by Executive Engineer before use on works. (Above Ground Level) (External Water supply)




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25mm dia UPVC Pipe




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20mm dia UPVC Pipe




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Supplying and fixing in position best quality PVC soil / waste pipes of various dia having 6 kg / pressure BIS mark and providing leak proof joints using PVC adhesives including fixing to the wall with special PVC / MS clamp, teak wood plugs, brass screws, etc., and making connection to all sanitary fittings, dismantling masonry / RCC works wherever found necessary and making the good dismantled portion to the original condition, including testing for any leakages, etc., complete complying with standard specifications. (The PVC pipes should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works). The rate for earth work excavation will be measured and paid separately in the cases where the pipe lines are proposed to laid below ground level.




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110mm dia PVC Pipe




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75mm dia PVC Pipe




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Supplying and fixing in positon Indian Water Closet (Oriya type) of size 580 x 440mm white glazed earthern ware of approved quality and brand with "P" or "S" trap conforming to BIS with sand cushion and forming flooring alround the closet using 40mm broken brick jelly in lime concrete 1:2:5 (One lime, Two sand and Five brick jelly) 100mm thick and finishing the top to the required slope and including giving necessary connection to CI soil pipes (including the cost of 100mm dia CI pipe for a length of 600mm) by dismantling brick masonry wall / reinforced cement concrete roof / floor slab and making good the dismantled portion to the original condition with leakages etc., complete complying with standard specifications and as directed by the departmental officers. (The water closet should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works).




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Supplying and fixing in position Indian make white glazed earthenware squating type urinal of best quality and approved make including dismantling masonry, if necessary and re-doing the same to original condition, etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The squatting urinal should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works).




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Supplying and fixing position PVC Nahani Trap of following size with best PVC gratings of approved brand and quality, fixed over a bed of brick jelly lime concrete 1:2:5 (One part of lime, two part of sand and five part of 40mm gauge brick jelly) and finished with Cement Mortar 1:3 (One Cement, Three sand) including dismantling masonry works wherever found necessary and making good the dismantled portions to the original condition and giving connection to the PVC pipes, etc., complete complying with standard specification. (The Nahani Trap should be got approved by the Executive Engineer before use on works).




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Nahini Trap of size 100 x 75mm




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Supplying and fixing of PVC water tank 500 litres of ISI brand of approved quality and including cost of materials trasportation to site and necessary Brick work and Plastering for embedding the water tank, the Brick work and plastering measured and paid seperately to the relevant items as directed by the departmental officers.




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Providing Leach pit reconstruction of new leach pit with necessary excavation, well rings 6 numbers of 90cm dia and RCC covering slab including cost of all materials, labour charges etc., complete as per standard specification.




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Supplying and fixing of incinerator for Ladies Bathroom.




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Sub Total Amount for above all items (excluding GST)




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GST 18% for above SubTotal Amount




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