Ministry Of Road Transport And Highways Tender

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Ministry Of Road Transport And Highways - MORTH Tender

Opening Date19 Feb 2019
Closing Date27 Feb 2019
Tender Amount₹ 16,85,30,000 



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Providing and laying Wet Mix Macadam Base Course of 250mm compacted thickness in two layers of 125mm thick or else as specified on the prepared sub-base with graded stone aggregate and granular material of quality size and grading plasing in layer with motor grader and compaction with Vibrating Rollers of 80 to 100 KN static weight and fine dressing for required grade and cross slope as shown on the drawing equipmentssafety measures testing and incidentals necessry to complete the work as per 406 MORTH IV revision specification.




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Providing and laying single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous material to the absorbent WMM surface using 7.00 Kgs of bituminous Emulsion primer for 10sqm area including cost of bituminous primer including labour charges for preparing the surface to lay the bituminous primer and applying the required quantity of bituminous primer as primer coat by bitumen sprayer etc., Complete as per clause 502.3.2 of MORTH IVth specifications.




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Providing and laying Tack coat using 2.50 Kgs of emulsion bitumen-RS-1 for 10sqm over the WMM surface treated with primer including cost of bituminous binder including labour charges for applying the required quantity of bituminous binder as tack coat by bitumen sprayer etc., Complete as per clause 502.3.2 of MORTH Ist revision specifications.




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Providing and laying Tack coat using 2.00 Kgs of emulsion bitumen-RS-1 for 10sqm over the WMM surface treated with primer including cost of bituminous binder including labour charges for applying the required quantity of bituminous binder as tack coat by bitumen sprayer etc., Complete as per clause 502.3.2 of MORTH Ist revision specifications.




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Providing and laying Tack coat using 3.00 Kgs of emulsion bitumen-RS-1 for 10sqm over the concrete surface including cost of bituminous binder including labour charges for applying the required quantity of bituminous binder as tack coat by bitumen sprayer etc., Complete as per clause 502.3.2 of MORTH Ist revision specifications




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Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam (BM) 50 mm thick overlay using pavers after repairs to cracks and pot holes filling, mixed in hot mix plant of drum type using paving bitumen 60/70 penetration grade as per IS : 73 and percentage of bitumen shall be 4-4.50% by weight of total mix and aggregates shall conform to grading 2 of table 500-4 of clause 507 of MORT & H specifications and as directed by the Engineer.




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Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete 40mm thick which shall consist of construction of single course on a previously prepared bitumenous base to the requirement of the specfication in clause 508 of MORTH using bitumen VG 30-60/70 grade etc., complete.




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Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete 50mm thick which shall consist of construction of single course on a previously prepared bitumenous base to the requirement of the specfication in clause 508 of MORTH using bitumen VG 30-60/70 grade etc., complete.




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Refilling the excuvated soil including compaction




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Sub estimate for widening of RCC Box culvert(1.50x2.00) at km 40/8,41/2,41/4 & 41/8




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank as per SS20B with all leads and lifts and all other incidental charges such as baling out water shoring shrutting, walling & forming protective bunds wherever necessary etc complete as per relevant standard specification for FOUNDATION OF BOX CULVERT




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Vibrated Cement Concrete of Grade M-15, Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of form work, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths tools and plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for Levelling Course




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Reinforced Cement Concrete M-20 Grade(1:1.50:3), Mix usnig 20 mm ISS size hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges etc, complete for RCC M20 Raft Concrete




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Reinforced Cement Concrete M-20 Grade(1:1.5:3), Mix using 20 mm ISS size hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges etc, complete for Concrete for Superstructure




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Providing and fixing seepage pipes of 100mm PVC pipes of required lengths for abutments and wings including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for 900 mm dia semi-spherical backfill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite chips at the periphery and labour charges for fixing,etc,complete to drain the backfill. -1 No.-Veep holes




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Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M15 Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS size HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working at depths , tools and plants and including all other incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant standard specifications, for PARAPET




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Supply and Fabrication of S-415 steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlaping to the required length wherever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc, complete, S-415 grade-1 MT.




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Vibrated cement concrete of grade M15 Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths,Tools and Plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENT, WINGS, AND PIERS. 1 Cu.m(Below Sill level)




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Sub estimate for Widening with RCC Box culvert(2.00x2.00) at km 42/4,Reconstruction with RCC Box culvert(2.00x2.00) at km 42/8 &Widening with RCC Box culvert(1.50x2.00) at km 42/10(ii)




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Dismantling the existing RR masonry including all labour and other incidental charges etc., complete




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Dismantling Clearing away and carefully stackig the materials useful for reuse of RCC hume pipe etc., complete




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank as per SS20B with all leads and lifts and all other incidental charges such as baling out water shoring shrutting, walling & forming protective bunds wherever necessary etc complete as per relevant standard specification for FOUNDATION OF BOX CULVERT




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Vibrated Cement Concrete of Grade M-15, Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of form work, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths tools and plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for Levelling Course




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Reinforced Cement Concrete M-20 Grade(1:1.50:3), Mix usnig 20 mm ISS size hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges etc, complete for RCC M20 Raft Concrete




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Reinforced Cement Concrete M-20 Grade(1:1.5:3), Mix using 20 mm ISS size hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges etc, complete for Concrete for Superstructure




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Providing and fixing seepage pipes of 100mm PVC pipes of required lengths for abutments and wings including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for 900 mm dia semi-spherical backfill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite chips at the periphery and labour charges for fixing,etc,complete to drain the backfill. -1 No.-Veep holes




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Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M15 Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS size HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working at depths , tools and plants and including all other incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant standard specifications, for PARAPET




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Supply and Fabrication of S-415 steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlaping to the required length wherever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc, complete, S-415 grade-1 MT.




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Vibrated cement concrete of grade M15 Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths,Tools and Plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENT, WINGS, AND PIERS. 1 Cu.m(Below Sill level)




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Widening with RCC Box culvert(2.00x2.00) at km 44/10 &,47/6 and Reconstruction with RCC Box culvert(2.00x2.00) at km 47/10




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Dismantling the existing RR masonry including all labour and other incidental charges etc., complete




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Dismantling Clearing away and carefully stackig the materials useful for reuse of Reinforced cement concrete etc., complete




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank as per SS20B with all leads and lifts and all other incidental charges such as baling out water shoring shrutting, walling & forming protective bunds wherever necessary etc complete as per relevant standard specification for FOUNDATION OF BOX CULVERT




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Vibrated Cement Concrete of Grade M-15, Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of form work, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths tools and plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for Levelling Course




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Reinforced Cement Concrete M-20 Grade(1:1.50:3), Mix usnig 20 mm ISS size hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges etc, complete for RCC M20 Raft Concrete




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Reinforced Cement Concrete M-20 Grade(1:1.5:3), Mix using 20 mm ISS size hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges etc, complete for Concrete for Superstructure




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Providing and fixing seepage pipes of 100mm PVC pipes of required lengths for abutments and wings including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for 900 mm dia semi-spherical backfill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite chips at the periphery and labour charges for fixing,etc,complete to drain the backfill. -1 No.-Veep holes




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Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M15 Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS size HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working at depths , tools and plants and including all other incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant standard specifications, for PARAPET




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Supply and Fabrication of S-415 steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlaping to the required length wherever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc, complete, S-415 grade-1 MT.




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Vibrated cement concrete of grade M15 Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths,Tools and Plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENT, WINGS, AND PIERS. 1 Cu.m(Below Sill level)




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New construction with RCC Box culvert(2.00x2.00) at km 44/2 and Reconstruction with RCC Box culvert(4.00x2.00) at km 47/2




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Dismantling the existing RR masonry including all labour and other incidental charges etc., complete




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Dismantling Clearing away and carefully stackig the materials useful for reuse of Reinforced cement concrete etc., complete




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank as per SS20B with all leads and lifts and all other incidental charges such as baling out water shoring shrutting, walling & forming protective bunds wherever necessary etc complete as per relevant standard specification for FOUNDATION OF BOX CULVERT




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Vibrated Cement Concrete of Grade M-15, Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of form work, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths tools and plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for Levelling Course




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Reinforced Cement Concrete M-20 Grade(1:1.50:3), Mix usnig 20 mm ISS size hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges etc, complete for RCC M20 Raft Concrete




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Reinforced Cement Concrete M-20 Grade(1:1.5:3), Mix using 20 mm ISS size hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying, curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges etc, complete for Concrete for Superstructure




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Providing and fixing seepage pipes of 100mm PVC pipes of required lengths for abutments and wings including cost and conveyance of all materials to worksite, cost and labour for 900 mm dia semi-spherical backfill arrangements with 100mm size broken granite chips at the periphery and labour charges for fixing,etc,complete to drain the backfill. -1 No.-Veep holes




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Vibrated Cement Concrete of grade M15 Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS size HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost of cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete , working at depths , tools and plants and including all other incidental charges etc; complete as per relevant standard specifications, for PARAPET




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Supply and Fabrication of S-415 steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlaping to the required length wherever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc, complete, S-415 grade-1 MT.




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Vibrated cement concrete of grade M15 Nominal Mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of formwork, soft water,labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths,Tools and Plants and incidental charges such as maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc; complete as per relevant standard specification for FOOTINGS OF ABUTMENT, WINGS, AND PIERS. 1 Cu.m(Below Sill level)




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Construction of Drain at km 43/9-44/1&44/6-44/7




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Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B including cost of all labour equipment and all incidental charges such as baling out water, providing and maintaining necessary coffer dams, sheeting, shoring, bracing and their subsequent removal. Removal of all logs, stumps grubs and other deleterious matter and obstruction, trimming bottom of excavation, back filling, and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus material etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for foundation




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for BASE CONCRETE. MORT & H 2900, 2908




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for SIDE walls MORT & H 2900, 2908.




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Vibrated Reinforcement Cement Concrete M20 using 20mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for SLAB. MORT & H 2900, 2908.




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Supply and Fabrication of High Yield Strength Deformed Bar with Grade Designation Fe-500, conforming to IS:1786-1985, steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlaping to the required length wherever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc, complete,Fe-500 grade




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Sub Estimate Construction of Drain at km 44/7-45/0




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Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B including cost of all labour equipment and all incidental charges such as baling out water, providing and maintaining necessary coffer dams, sheeting, shoring, bracing and their subsequent removal. Removal of all logs, stumps grubs and other deleterious matter and obstruction, trimming bottom of excavation, back filling, and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus material etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for foundation




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for BASE CONCRETE. MORT & H 2900, 2908




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for SIDE walls MORT & H 2900, 2908.




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Vibrated Reinforcement Cement Concrete M20 using 20mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for SLAB. MORT & H 2900, 2908.




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Supply and Fabrication of High Yield Strength Deformed Bar with Grade Designation Fe-500, conforming to IS:1786-1985, steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlaping to the required length wherever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc, complete,Fe-500 grade




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Construction of Drain at km 45/0-45/2 & 47/9-48/0




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Earthwork excavation in all classes of soil except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS20B including cost of all labour equipment and all incidental charges such as baling out water, providing and maintaining necessary coffer dams, sheeting, shoring, bracing and their subsequent removal. Removal of all logs, stumps grubs and other deleterious matter and obstruction, trimming bottom of excavation, back filling, and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus material etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for foundation




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for BASE CONCRETE. MORT & H 2900, 2908




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for SIDE walls MORT & H 2900, 2908.




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Vibrated Reinforcement Cement Concrete M20 using 20mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for SLAB. MORT & H 2900, 2908.




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Supply and Fabrication of High Yield Strength Deformed Bar with Grade Designation Fe-500, conforming to IS:1786-1985, steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule cost of steel at site fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, including overlaping to the required length wherever necessary and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings, including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc, complete,Fe-500 grade As per Bridge data Sl.No.70




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Construction of Centre median Kerb at km 40/6-42/6




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for SIDE walls MORT & H 2900, 2908.




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Filling with stone dust including cost and conveyance of to worksite, laying, handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum density including watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental charges etc,complete. -1 Cum




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for BASE CONCRETE. MORT & H 2900, 2908




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Construction of Centre median Kerb at km 43/0-43/8 & 44/0-45/2




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for SIDE walls MORT & H 2900, 2908.




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Filling with stone dust including cost and conveyance of to worksite, laying, handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum density including watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental charges etc,complete. -1 Cum




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 using 40mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site., complying to the required standard and specifications including labour for formwork, laying, watering, curing and compacting vibrator charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for BASE CONCRETE. MORT & H 2900, 2908




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Sub estimate for RCC centre median in km 42/8-43/0




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Providing RCC Centre Median of size 0.610m at bottom 0.250m at middle 0.150 at top and to height of 1.00m from the road level including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site including picking the existing B.T surface if necessary and excavating the necessary depth to have a median, and providing form work for shuttering on both sides and chamfered edges at top, including cost of steel reinforcement as per the Bar bending schedule appended here with, fabrication and placing in position of steel grills including cost of binding wire, laying of R.C.C M20 concrete using ISS HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site from the approved sources including labour charges for mixing laying curing etc middle of the median as directed by the departmental officers, Rendering Smoothness over the CC surface with 10 kg of cement for 10 sqm area and painting two coats over the CC surfaces with best approved quality of synthetic enamel paint including primer etc., including all labour charges, hire and fuel charges for the tools and plants employed and as per the standard specification and in accordance with the drawings appended here with and as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete.




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Sub estimate for RCC centre median in km 43/8-44/0




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Providing RCC Centre Median of size 0.610m at bottom 0.250m at middle 0.150 at top and to height of 1.00m from the road level including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site including picking the existing B.T surface if necessary and excavating the necessary depth to have a median, and providing form work for shuttering on both sides and chamfered edges at top, including cost of steel reinforcement as per the Bar bending schedule appended here with, fabrication and placing in position of steel grills including cost of binding wire, laying of R.C.C M20 concrete using ISS HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site from the approved sources including labour charges for mixing laying curing etc middle of the median as directed by the departmental officers, Rendering Smoothness over the CC surface with 10 kg of cement for 10 sqm area and painting two coats over the CC surfaces with best approved quality of synthetic enamel paint including primer etc., including all labour charges, hire and fuel charges for the tools and plants employed and as per the standard specification and in accordance with the drawings appended here with and as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete.




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Sub estimate for RCC centre median in km 47/2-48/0




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Providing RCC Centre Median of size 0.610m at bottom 0.250m at middle 0.150 at top and to height of 1.00m from the road level including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site including picking the existing B.T surface if necessary and excavating the necessary depth to have a median, and providing form work for shuttering on both sides and chamfered edges at top, including cost of steel reinforcement as per the Bar bending schedule appended here with, fabrication and placing in position of steel grills including cost of binding wire, laying of R.C.C M20 concrete using ISS HBG graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site from the approved sources including labour charges for mixing laying curing etc middle of the median as directed by the departmental officers, Rendering Smoothness over the CC surface with 10 kg of cement for 10 sqm area and painting two coats over the CC surfaces with best approved quality of synthetic enamel paint including primer etc., including all labour charges, hire and fuel charges for the tools and plants employed and as per the standard specification and in accordance with the drawings appended here with and as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete.




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Add 12% for GST




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