Kamarajar Port Limited Tender
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Kamarajar Port Limited - KPL Tender
Civil Works Others
Opening Date31 Jan 2019
Closing Date12 Feb 2019
Tender Amount₹ 13,44,760
₹ 26,900Document Cost
Refer DocumentsTender Fee
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2019_MoS_437667_1Bid Award Id
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KPL/OP/CS/02/2018-19Tender Authority
Kamarajar Port Limited ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Providing and placing machine batched and machine mixed cement concrete of grade design mix of M40 for Raft & Ramp (Reinforced cement concrete work ) etc all as per relevaent specification as drawing and or as directed by the Engineer in charge including mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, curing the concrete including all labour, materials, tools, equipment, fuel and all sampling, testing and records etc., including all labour, material, equipments, tools, fuel, etc. complete. (Providing steel reinforcement will be measured and paid separately).
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Providing and Placing in-situ cement concrete of mix 1:1.5:3 in volumetric proportions (1 cement: 1.5 coarsesand: 3 graded hard granite stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) for R.C.C works such as Column footings all as per relevant specifications, drawings and as directed including mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, shuttering, curing, dewatering if any including all labour, material, equipments, tools, plants, fuel, etc. complete. 1.Providing steel reinforcement will be measured and paid separately under relevant item.
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Providing and laying cement concrete of design mix M30 grade for RCC Column below floor level all as per relevant specifications, drawings and as directed including shuttering, mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, curing including all labour, equipment, materials, tools, plants, fuel, etc., complete. Note:
1.Providing steel reinforcement will be measured and paid separately under relevant item.
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Providing and Placing cement concrete of grade M30 (design mix) for R.C.C works such as Plinth beam all as per relevant specifications, drawings and as directed including mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, shuttering, curing, dewatering if any including all labour, material, equipments, tools, plants, fuel, etc. complete.
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Providing and injecting chemical emulsions for pre-construction and stage-wise construction anti-termite treatment, creating a chemical barrier as per IS 6313 (Part-2) in column footing, plinth beam, foundation basement and back filling the earth in stages as filling proceeds, top surfaces of plinth filling, along external perimeter of the weigh bridge, all complete as per specification and as directed including the cost of all labour, materials, equipments etc. complete. NOTE:
1. The work shall be carried out through a reputed agency specialized in the anti – termite treatment with prior approval of the Nodal Officer or his representative.
2. The contractor must obtain Ten years guarantee duly signed and stamped for efficiency of the Anti-termite treatment, on a non-judicial stamp-paper from the agency on the pro-forma prescribed by the Nodal Officer.
3.Payment for this item of work shall be made in stages on the basis of "Plinth area" as given below:
(i) 25% of the quoted rate shall be paid on completion of stage of treatment as per Clause 7.3 of IS 6313 of part 2 (2001).
(ii) 85% of the quoted rate less payment made under (i) above shall be paid on completion of stage of treatment as per Clause 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 of IS 6313 of part–2(2001).
(iii) 95% of the quoted rate less payment made under (i) & (ii) above on completion of stage of treatment as per IS 6313 of Part–2(2001) and on virtual completion of work. The balance 5% shall be paid after satisfactory completion of the maintenance period
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Refilling the available excavated earth (excluding boulders, rubiish, debric etc.,) in foundation and basement of Weigh bridge in layeres of not exceeding 200mm thick all as per relevant specfication and as directed consolidating the depositing earth in layers by watering and ramming including all labour tools equipment etc., complete.
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Refilling with available excavated earth (excluding boulders, rubbish, debris etc.,) in basement of cabin base and in layers not exceeding 200mm. thick all as per relevant specifications and as directed, consolidating the deposited earth in layers by watering and ramming including all labour, tools, equipment, etc., complete
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Providing and laying cement concrete of design mix M30 grade for RCC Column above floor level all as per relevant specifications, drawings and as directed including shuttering, mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, curing including all labour, equipment, materials, tools, plants, fuel, etc., complete. Note:
1.Providing steel reinforcement will be measured and paid separately under relevant item.
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Providing and laying Cement concrete in mix 1:1.5:3 in volumetric proportions (1 Cement: 1.5 coarsesand: 3 graded hard granite stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) for RCC in tie beam all as per the details shown in the drawings, specified in the relevant schedules and as directed including centering, shuttering, scaffolding, mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, curing including all labour, materials, tools, equipments, etc, complete.
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Brick Work using bricks of class designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 Course river sand) upto basement. All as per the details shown in the drawings and specified in the relevant schedules and as directed including scaffolding, curing all labours, materials, tools, equipments etc., complete.
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Brick Work using bricks of class designation 50 in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 Course river sand) above plinth to 1st st floor) All as per the details shown in the drawings and specified in the relevant schedules and as directed including scaffolding, curing all labours, materials, tools, equipments etc., complete.
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Supplying, laying and rolling to levels using suitable roller with the coarse river/M.sand to a finished thickness of 30mm all as per relevant specifications, drawings and as directed including all labour, tools, equipments, fuel, transport etc, Complete.
Note: Based on the availability of coarse river sand in the market, using of crusher sand or coarse sand shall be decided by the Engineer In-charge during execution of work.
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Providing and laying cement concrete of design mix M30 grade for RCC roof Beams and slab including lift charges etc all as per relevant specifications, drawings and as directed including shuttering, mixing, transporting, placing, vibrating, curing including all labour, equipment, materials, tools, plants, fuel, etc., complete. Note:
1.Providing steel reinforcement will be measured and paid separately under relevant item.
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Supplying, transporting and fabricating TMT Fe 500D bars for reinforcement and placing it in position in RC works for all RCC members as shown in the drawing including handling, cutting, bending and tying with 1.25 mm dia black annealed binding wire wherever required including all materials, labour, lifting, tools, equipments, etc., complete.
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Preparing the external and internal surfaces of walls and providing plastering in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 fine river sand) 12 mm thick to the required finish, all as per relevant specification, drawings and as directed including curing all materials, labour, scaffolding, tools, equipments etc., complete.
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Preparing the surface of ceiling etc, and plastering in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine river sand) 6mm to 10mm thick to the required finish in weign cabin and wherever necessary all as per relevant specification, drawings and as directed including curing, all materials, labour, scaffolding, tools, equipments etc., complete
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Preparing the surfaces of the ceiling , and applying with three coats of white wash using lovelycem or equivalent to give an even shade, including all labour, materials, brushes, tools, materials, scaffolding etc., complete.
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Preparing the surfaces of ceiling of cabins, newly plastered wall surfaces and Painting with two coats of plastic emulsion Paint (Asian/ Berger / Birla or equivalent ) over one coat of plastic emulsion primer (Asian / Berger / Birla or equivalent) paint of approved colour to give an even shade all as directed including all materials, labour, scaffolding, tools, equipments, brushes, etc. complete.
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Providing weathering course for all roof slab with brick jelly lime concrete to an average thickness of 75 mm laid to necessary falls and slope with 20 mm nominal size brick aggregate and 50% lime mortar 1:2 (1 Lime putty: 2 Surkhi) rammed and finished with gur and belgiri treatment complete including rounding off junctions of roof slab with parapet wall all as per the details shown in the drawings specifications and as directed at site of works including curing all labour, materials, tools, equipments, transport, fuel etc., complete.
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Providing and laying over lime concrete terracing on roofs, one course of Hydraulic pressed clay tiles of size 230 mm x 230 mm or of sizes available in local market with the prior approval of the Nodal Officer with thickness not less than 12 mm and set in C.M. 1:3 (1 cement: 3 clean coarse river sand) 12mm thick mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement including pointing the joints of tiles with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine river sand) added with WPC and finished neat, all details as per specifications, drawings and as directed, including curing, all labour, materials, tools, equipments etc., complete.
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Providing and laying as flashing over lime concrete at junctions of roof slab with parapet wall, one course of flat brick tiles of minimum thickness 12 mm and size 230 mm x 230 mm or sizes available in local market fixed in C.M. 1:3 (1 cement: 3 clean coarse river sand) 12 mm thick mixed with 2% of integral water proofing compound by weight of cement including pointing the joints of tiles with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine river sand) added with WPC and finished neat, all details as per specifications, drawings and as directed including curing all labour, materials, tools, equipments etc., complete.
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Providing and fixing rigid unplasticised PVC rain water down take pipes of 110mm dia (Truebore or Finolex or equivalent) (6kgf/cm2) conforming to IS 13592 with necessary bends, shoes, specials etc., on wall with necessary G I special clamps including cutting pockets in masonry/concrete of size 100 x 100 x 100 mm embedding the clamps in PCC 1:2:4 ( 1 cement: 2 coarse river sand : 4 graded hard granite stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) and making good the disturbed portions of wall curing including joining the pipe with suitable adhesives all as per drawing relevant specifications and as directed including all labour, materials, tools, equipments, scaffolding etc., complete.
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Supplying, transporting and fabricatingstructural steel angles of size 65 mm x 65 mm x 8mm and placing in position as shown in the drawing including all handling, cutting, including painting 2 coats over one coat of anticorrosive paint including all materials and labour, lifting, tools, equipments, etc., complete
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Providing flooring in weigh cabin with first quality vitrified tiles (Marbonite D1 series/Asian/Italian series/Equvalent) 600mm X 600mm or nearest size available in the market of 10mm nominal thickness and set in cement morter 1:4,20mm average thick with required slope fixed with neat cement slurry and joints neatly pointed with polymer based grout mix (Bal Endura or Fevimate or equivalent ) added with pigment to match the colour of the tiles,curing all as directed including all materials,labour,tools,equipment etc., complete.
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Providing wall skirting in weigh cabin room and wherever required with first quality VITRIFIED TILES (Italian service of Asian or equivalent) of 100 mm height and 10 mmnominal thickness or nearest size (as available in the market) of approved color and shade set in cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 Fine river sand) 12 mm thick and joints neatly pointed with polymer based grout mix(Bal Endura or Fevimate or equivalent) addded with pigment to match the color of the tiles curing all as per revelant specification,drawings and as directed including all materials,labour,tools,equipments etc.,complete.
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Providing and fixing in position good quality country wood (Paudak or equivalent) wrought main frame of size 95 x 58 mm for doors in weigh cabin with necessary M.S hold fast /clamps fixed suitably to the masonary/concrete including cutting pockets and grouting with P.C.C 1:3:6 in volumetric proportions, curing including painting with one coat of boiling coal tar paint on the portions of timber abutting aganist masonary/concrete all as per relevent specification and as directed including all materials,labours, tools equipments, scofolding etc.
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Providing and fixing anodised aluminium (AC grade) fittings for doors, windows etc, with necessary screws all as per relevent specification drawings and as directed including all materials, labours,tools, equipments etc., complete.
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Providing and fixing anodised aluminium (AC grade) fittings for doors, windows etc, with necessary screws all as per relevent specification drawings and as directed including all materials, labours,tools, equipments etc., complete.
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150mm hinges
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Draw bolt 250mm long
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Tower bolt 150mm
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Aldrop 250mm long
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D - type handle - 100mm long
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Door stopper (heavy) with rubber brush
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Providing and fixing colour anoidized aluminum section for windows of Main frames with extruded built up standard section of approval make ( HINDAL/JINDAL or equivalent) as available in the market,anodized in bronze or chocolate brown (matt finish) or any other approved colour and shade and finish, accoding to IS 1868 (Minimum anodized quoting of grade AC15) with necessary accessories like snap on beading (clips), cleat angles, fully threaded 75mm long metel screws, wooden plugs etc, including drilling holes in the concrete/brick masonary etc. wherever required all as per drawing and as directed at site of work including all materials, labours,tools,equipments,scaffolding,transport,fuel,etc., complete. Note 1.Aluminum sections shall be smooth, rust free,straight, Milered and jointed properly whereever required. 2.The rate shall be inclusive of items like necessary anodized aluminum cleat angles,lock,C.P brass/stainless steel screws, wooden plugs, rawl plugs/expansion hold fasteners used for fixing frames etc.,
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Providing and fixing colour anoidized aluminum section for windows of shutter frames with extruded built up standard section of approval make ( HINDAL/JINDAL or equivalent) as available in the market,anodized in bronze or chocolate brown (matt finish) or any other approved colour and shade and finish, accoding to IS 1868 (Minimum anodized quoting of grade AC15) with necessary accessories like snap on beading (clips), cleat angles, fully threaded 75mm long metel screws, wooden plugs etc, including drilling holes in the concrete/brick masonary etc. wherever required all as per drawing and as directed at site of work including all materials, labours,tools,equipments,scaffolding,transport,fuel,etc., complete. Note 1.Aluminum sections shall be smooth, rust free,straight, Milered and jointed properly whereever required. 2.The rate shall be inclusive of items like necessary anodized aluminum cleat angles, C.P brass/stainless steel screws, wooden plugs, rawl plugs/expansion hold fasteners used for fixing frames etc.,
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supplying and fixing 5mm nominal thick plain glass of ( Saint gobain or Modiguard make ) to windows all as shown in the drawing or as directed with PVC/Neoprene gasket,snap on beading, glazing clips etc., all as per relevent specification, drawings and as directed, including all materials, labour, tools etc., complete. Note :The actual area of glass provided alone will be measured for payment purpose.
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Supplying fabrication and fixing in position and M.S grills of approved pattern and design for windows, etc., with necessary M.S pintels/wall clamps, being fixed to the necessary / concrete portion by cutting pocket of 100 mm x 100mm size and providing PCC of1:2:4 mix(1 Cement: 2 Coarse river sand : 4 hard granite stone graded aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) including painting one coat of red oxide primer making good the disturbed portion all as per revelant specifications,drawing and as directed including necessary cutting, welding, shaping etc., including all materials, labours, transport, tools, equipment, scaffolding, fuel, brushes etc., complete.
1. The weightment of the M.S grill and accessories will be done at site using approved weighing scale in the presence of Engineer's assistant. Necessary changes for transport, weightment etc., will be borne by the contractor.
2.In case the specified M.S section is not available in market, the nearest higher alternative section may be used after approval of the Nodal Officer.
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Providing dedicated earthing with 600 x 600 x 3.15mm copper plate along with 50 mm dia 10feet long G.I poipe with other accessories in the earth filled with necessary salt,char coal etc it should be covered with G.I Manhole cover with necessary civil works etc.
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Supply & Laying of 6 sq mm PVC insulated Mutistrand copper conductor laid in 25 mm dia PVC pipe for dedicated earth leads from the earth electrodes to the UPS system
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Supply & Laying of 8SWG copper wire
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Providing and fixing 3"G.I pipes complete with G.I pipes with G.I fittings including trenching and refilling as mentioned in the approved drawing etc.complete
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Centering and shuttering for raft, ramp including strutting, propping etc, and removal of form work etc all as per direction of Engineer In charge.
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Providing and laying G.I pipes of 150 mm dia (Medium B class ) of reputed brand make for connecting cable chase across the yard below the concrete at container scanner yard as per the direction of Engineer In charge. The rate is inclusive of all labour charges,trenching and refilling at specified location, for plumbing, handling,laying, G.I fittings including transportations etc. complete
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