Kamarajar Port Limited Tender
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Kamarajar Port Limited - KPL Tender
Civil And Construction
Coronavirus COVID 19
Opening Date4 Jun 2019
Closing Date13 Jun 2019
Tender Amount₹ 30,21,505 This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
₹ 64,750Document Cost
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2019_MoS_475179_1Bid Award Id
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KPL/OP/RLY/01/2019Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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Removing the seized elastic rail (pandrol) clips inside the psc sleepers duly heating the insert with oxygen and Accetyline gas and removing seized clips from the PSC sleepers insert gently using chisels and small hammers without breaking PSC sleepers and re-insertion of removed/new ERCs including handling PSC sleepers with all contractor's labour,material,such as Oxygen,Actylene gas ,tools all lead,lift crossing of tracks for handling PSC sleepers etc.,complete and as dirceted by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Cutting of rails 52/60 kg with oxygen and actylene gas using contractor labour,tools,gas cutting equipment materials including leading lifting,positioning of the rails to facilitate cutting complete and crossing of tracks as directed by Engineer-in-charge at site.the gas cutting has to carried out either CESS or IN SITU
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Cutting of rails of all sections, through cut with abrasive disc cutting machine, true section including all labour, tools, Machines, equipment all as directed.etc, complete
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Charges for drilling of holes to the web portion of stock rail and check rail(26.5mm/32mm the rate including shifting of drilling Machine, kerosene, petrol, cost of labours, Materials all as directed etc, complete.
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Through renewal of GR pads in psc fan shaped layout (1 in 8.5) including removal of plate screws,ERCs and greasing the same (excluding ceased screws and ERCs) and replacement of missing fittings/worn out fittings with contractors labour,tools,plant including crossing of tracks with all lead and lift under traffic conditions with railways GR pads,grease/paint,fittings complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
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Boxing and sectioning of ballast in LWR/CWR track including deweldin if any over the ballast and on cess duly filling the ballast wherever deficiency noticed in cribs and shoulders by leading excess ballast on cess and between tracks,extra ballast on out side curve completing the profile same as IRPWm and as directed by Engineer-in-charge with all contractor's labour,tools,plant,consumables,stores etc,complete.
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Insertion of glued joints 60/52Kg.in running line under traffic blocks, drilling of holes, replacing of rails with new glued joints under line block including tracking out released rails near KPL stack yard and stacking them properly with contractor's tools and plants all as directed etc, complete. Note: 1).The cost towards cutting of rails will be paid separately. 2).The contractor co ordinate with Railway authorities to get the Line/Traffic blocks for the fixing of glued 3).The contractor shall get inspection/testing and completion certificate for this item of work from competent authorities of railways.
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Labour Charges for dismantling the existing worn out P.S.C damaged sleepers wherever required, as directed and transporting, handling and laying of new 60 Kg sleeper in the rail joints and also adjusting the existing PSC sleepers in rail joints if required, and packing under and on the sides of sleepers and as directed at site of work including conveying and stacking the removed/damaged sleepers at Department yard within 5 km lead including all labour, tools, equipments, transport, all as directed etc., complete. Note: 1).P.S.C sleeper will be supplied free of cost by KPL. 2).Contractor has made arrangement for loading, transporting, unloading from KPL yard within 5KM lead.
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Labour charges for loading, transporting, unloading, placing and providing through packing using machine crushed stone Ballast of 65mm to 20 mm well graded for partially in depressed portions of tracks on straight or curve with any sleeper density to a good and acceptable geometry to conform to specified alignment & level and other track para-meters including squaring of sleepers, slewing of tracks to correct alignment, gauging, tightening of fittings, lifting of track if required to obtain the required cross level, packing of sleepers and boxing to approved Ballast profile including all labour tools equipment, all as directed etc, complete. as per P.Way manual the track should be fit enough to withstand a speed up to 50 kmph. Note: Supply of ballast will be paid under item No.29 of BOQ
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Labour charges for loading, transporting, unloading, placing and providing through packing using machine crushed stone Ballast of 65mm to 20 mm well graded for partially in depressed portions of 1 in 8 1/2 turnouts/points and crossing to bring them to a good and acceptable geometry to conform to specified line, and levels and parameters including spacing, squaring of sleepers, slewing of points and crossings to correct alignment, Gauging, greasing/oiling and tightening of fittings, lifting of points and crossings to correct alignment, as may be necessary to obtain the required cross levels, packing of sleepers and boxing to approved ballast profile to conform to specified line and level as per P.Way manual the track should be fit enough to withstand a speed up to 50 kmph, including all labour tools equipment all as directed etc, complete. Note: Supply of ballast will be paid under the item No.29 of BOQ.
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Preparing the surfaces of the new rails of 52 / 60Kgs and painting (as per IRPWM) two coats of bituminous emulsion to a dry film thickness of 350 microns (each coat of 175 microns) over one coat of primer Zinc chromate including all labour, materials, tests, brushes, tools equipments all as directed etc, complete.
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Hire charges for engaging JCB (Tyre mounted) with bucket capacity of not less than 1 Cum for excavating earth near railway siding embankment sides, heal portions and refilling the same to the embankment as directed and any other related works as directed then and there etc., The rate includes cost of all materials, labour, equipments, fuels, insurance, all as directed etc., complete. Note:- 1) The payment will be made only for the actual time of work done by the JCB without taking in to account the break down time, mobilization/ demobilization and idling time. 2) The time of start for the every day of work shall be maintained jointly by the department and contractor. 3) The JCB shall be worked minimum 4 hrs at a time excluding break down time, mobilization/ demobilization and idling time.
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Providing and fixing check rails for curved track by cutting rail flange of 52/60 kg rails of required size and bending/planning the ends as per RDSO drawings,drilling holes in web,fixing the check rail to the inner side of the running rail of the curve with the help of CI brackets,bolts,nuts and plate screws at the intervels as directed by the engineer in charge maintaining proper check rail clearenance and fixing them on each concrete sleeper,store which are to be transported aby the contractor at his own cost.
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Collection & stacking of released cut rails,all types of sleepers, p.way materials like bearing plates,side chairs,screw spikes all scrap avilable along side the track duly trucking out by contractor's rail dollydip lorry under railway supervision in line lock including leading and stacking at nominated road approachable locations,LC with in average lead of 2 kms.including crossing of track where ever necessary with all lead and lift etc.,complete and as directed by the engineer in charge.(all labours,tools,& materialstransportation material,crew,consumables,store etc.,are to be supplied cotractor only).
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Handling , lifting and leading of ballast from stack with lead of 50m .which have been duly measuredand spreading ballast on formation,Track & turnouts to ensure uniform and compat ballast cushion under the sleepers desired ballast profile,spreading linr and level and maintaining approved profile as technical specifications.spreading of ballast on formation will be done only after supply is completed for a particular stretch as directed by engineer in charge and ballast stacks have been released for spreading.
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Labour charges for squaring the rails by means of cutting the edges of the rails, re-drilling the rails to the correct alignment in between rails and re-fixing the rails without damaging the sleepers and gauge checking work including all labour tip lorry, tools plants, equipments, all as per specification and as directed etc, complete.
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Supplying and applying grease graphite powder of approved quality confirming to IRS Specifications etc., for points and crossings whenever required and The rate includes cost of all materials, labour, loading, transportations, unloading, leading, stacking & taxes, octroi, levies, including all labour, tools, equipments, consumable and all as directed etc, complete.
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Supplying and applying approved quality grease (grease graphite powder) for the existing elastic rail clips fixed in the PSC sleepers and wherever necessary. The rate includes, removing of elastic rail clips from the psc sleepers, applying greases on the surfaces of the clips and restore the clips in to the original position etc., and the rate includes cost of all materials, labour, tools, brushes, loading, transportations, stacking & taxes, octroi, levies, including all labour, tools, equipments, consumable and all as directed etc, complete.
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Renewal of existing worn- out 52 kg/ 60 Kg toungue rail with new 1 in 8 1/2 /1 in 12, 52 kg/60 kg tongue rail within a lead of 30 m to the existing points and crossing with round spikes/plate screws to the required gauge, cant and level and tightening the joint blots including removing and stacking the released tongue rails and fitting etc,, at the nominated place or yard within a lead of 30 m including packing switch portion as required and as directed by Engineeer - in - charge including tools and labour charges only under traffic working condition.
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Renewal of rails and lead rails of point and crossing and renewal of worn out/corroded rails at LC gates and at isolated locations including removal of fishplates,old rails and laying new rails,refixing of fishplates etc.duly greasing /oiling with Railways grease and oil etc.complete with contractor's labour ,tool,plant,lead,lift,crossing of tracks etc.complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge
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Arranging and engaging the labour categories of Khalasi, and Mazdoor Cl-1 for carrying out assistance to the railway men’s whenever derailment occur, carrying out patrolling the track, filling the pot holes, packing the ballast materials cleaning the track and whatever the work assigned related to the maintenance of the p-way during rainy seasons and to attend repair, service, emergency works whenever required and as directed by the Engineer. The rate includes cost of all labour, tools, equipments, transportation, insurance, and taxes, octroi, levies, all as directed etc., complete. Note: 1). Number of labour to be posted as and when required. 2). The Numbers of labours indicated in the schedule is tentative it may vary. 3). Penalty: A penalty of Rs.683/- per day for Khalasi’s and Rs.595/- per day for Mazdoor Cl-1’s will be levied and recovered from the running bills for non- posting of labour by the contractor. 4). The contractor should maintain a muster roll in the prescribed form and should get the acknowledgement from the Engineer’s daily. 5). All the tools, equipments tackle etc., may arranged by the contractor.
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Khalasi (6 months)
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Mazdoor cl-1( 6 months)
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Leading of P.way materials such as rails and sleepers by means of contractor diplorry - under traffic conditions including the carrying the materials from stocks with an average lead of 100 m , loading into the diplorry leading to the required spot, unloading , placing at the incdiated locations with all contractors, labours, tools etc, with lead of approx. 100 to 2000 mtr and with all lead and lift and as directed by engineer-in- charge and including croosing of track where ever necessary.
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Supply of empty cement plastic bags of approved good quality and manufacturers specification and stocked in covered places etc., complete the rate includes cost of all materials, labout, loading, transportation to site, unloading, insurance, inspection charges, stacking and taxes, octroi, levies, etc., complete.
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Supply of elastic rail clips at site with flat toe (MK.111) for BG 52 kg rails on 60 kg PSC sleepers to RDSO Drg. No, 3701 (Alt.4) conforming to specification IRS_T_ 31/92 corrigendum 2-4-99. the rate includes cot of all materials, testing charges, labour, loading, transportation to site, unloading, insurance, inspection charges, stacking and taxes, octroi, level, etc., complete.
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Supply of Grooved Rubber Sole Plate of thickness 6mm 52 Kg rail on 60Kg PSC sleeper and as per IRS specifications etc., complete with including octroi, levies, etc., complete.Supply of groooved rubber soie plate of thickness 6mm as per RDSO Drg.No T-3711, at site (for use with 52kg rail on 60kg PSC sleepers to RDSO DRG. No. T-2496) and confiming to IRS t-37-1982 provisionl 1997 corrigandam No - 5 November 2001. the rate includes cost of all materials, labout, loading, transportation to site, unloading, insurance, inspection charges, stacking and taxes, octroi, levies, etc., complete.
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Supplying and stacking of machine crushed stone ballast of 1300 65mm to 20mm well graded conforming to latest RDSO track ballast specification, with latast amendments. Stacking of ballast to be done along the alignment on cess/ toe of the embankment, or inside cutting including all types of transportation, leads, lifts, handling, re- handling, ascends, descends, crossing of tracks and any other obstructions etc., up to the stacking ground. the rate includes necessary testing of materials, leveling of the stacking space property and all taxes, levies, duties, octroi, royalty, cess, seineage, testing charges as per specification and special conditions of contractor, including all material and labour ect., no deduction will be made on stack measurement for shrinkage
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Supply of Check rail bolt & nuts and as per IRS specifications etc., complete
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Supply of spring washer and as per IRS specifications etc., complete
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