Highways Department Tender

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Highways Department Tender

Civil And Construction
Bridge Construction
Opening Date4 Dec 2024
Closing Date30 Dec 2024
Tender AmountRefer Documents 



Tender Notice No 08 2024 25 Cmdp Do Dated.26.11.2024


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Earth work Excavation in all classes of soil, soft disintegrated rock and hard rock not requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts including cost of all labour, equipments and all incidental charges such as bailing out water, providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring, bracing and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of excavation and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus materials, dressing the bed upto required level etc., complete for pile cap as per relevant standard specification MORT&H Clause - 304.




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Providing reinforced cement concrete cast in situ bored piles of 1200 mm diameter in RCC using M35 (Design Mix) using 20 mm ISS HBG graded metal with minimum cement content of 400 kg per cum, maximum water cement ratio of 0.40 and slump of 150 - 200 mm by Tremie concreting including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement at site but excluding the cost and fabrication of steel and placing it in position before concreting, setting up of piling equipment, shifting the same from one pile location to another pile location, dismantling and including all Labour for boring through soils, leading the excavated earth to a distance of 200 m including the formation of working platform, mixing concrete, filling it in position any Tremie pipe, cutting of pile head to cut off level for casting Pile cap including diversion of water course if any forming and maintenance protective bunds and all incidental charges etc., complete for bored cast in situ pile (using OPC) as per standard specification MORT&H Clause - 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2300.




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Providing and driving in position permanent M.S liners 6mm thick for piles from bottom level of pebble / boulder layer including the cost of liners and fabricating, welded construction with consumable, labour and plants and driving MS liners 6mm thick to be left permanently with the pile shaft as per requirement and as per standard specification and placing them in position with all leads and lifts etc., complete as per standard specification MORT&H Clause - 1000 & 1900 for cast in situ Piles




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Cement concrete M15 Grade using 20mm ISS size hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges for compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete for Levelling course below Pile cap for Pier and abutment piers (Using OPC), as per the relevant MORT&H Rev - V Specifications 1000 & 2100.




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of grade M35 (Design mix) using 20mm ISS graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost cement at site excluding cost and fabrication of steel including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths Tools and Plants and incidental charges such as bailing out water, maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc., complete for Pile Cap of Abutment Pier and pier groups as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2300.




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of grade M 35 (Design mix) using ISS graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and also including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at heights, and hire charges for Tools and Plants including all other incidental charges, etc., complete for Abutment and Returns (above ground level) as per MORT&H Rev - V Specifications 1500, 1700 & 2200.




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Vibrated Reinforced cement concrete of grade M35 (Design mix) using 20mm ISS hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement excluding cost and fabrication of steel but including cost of form work, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Column PIERS (Using OPC) as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2200.




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Vibrated Reinforced cement concrete of grade M35 (Design mix) using 20mm ISS hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement excluding cost and fabrication of steel but including cost of form work, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Pier Capping Beams (Using OPC) as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1500,1600,1700 & 2200




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete of grade M35 (Design mix) using 20mm ISS hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement excluding cost and fabrication of steel but including cost of form work, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Bearing Pedestrals over Abutment piers and Piers (Using OPC) as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1500,1600,1700 & 2200.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete of grade M35 (Design mix) using 20mm ISS hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement excluding cost and fabrication of steel but including cost of form work, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Bed Block cum Dirt wall (Using OPC) as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2200




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Vibrated reinforced Cement Concrete M35 (Design mix) using 20 mm ISS metal, including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement at site, but excluding cost and fabrication of steel but including cost of form work, labour charges for mixing transporting, laying, curing concrete, vibration charges, working at heights, soft water and hire chargesfor tools and plants, including all other incidental charges etc., complete for T-Beams as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2200




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete of grade M35 (Design mix) using 20mm ISS hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement excluding cost and fabrication of steel but including cost of form work, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Cross Beams (Using OPC) as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2200.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete of grade M35 (Design mix) using 20mm ISS hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement excluding cost and fabrication of steel but including cost of form work, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Deck slab (using OPC) as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2200




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Supplying and Fabrication of Fe500 D CRS steel required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule including cost of steel at site and the cost of fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods, straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills including over lapping to the required length wherever necessary and placing the reinforcement in the positions as specified in the drawings including cost of binding wire, provision of space bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Rev - V specification 1600.




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Supplying and fixing of Elastomeric bearing of size as shown in the drawing including cost and conveyance of material to work site, labour for fixing the bearing in position and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per Section 2000 of MORT&H Rev - V Specification and IRC:83-2015(Part-II).




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Vibrated cement concrete M15 (Nominal mix 1:2:4) using 20mm ISS size hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site including cost and labour charges for formwork, centering, labour charges for laying, compacting, curing all incidental charges etc., complete for Base Course below Approach slab (Using OPC) as per relevant MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1000, 2100 & 2704.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M30 Grade (Design mix) using HBG graded metal of 20mm and below ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges for laying, compacting, curing including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Approach slabs (Using OPC) as per MORT&H Rev - V specification 1000,1500,1600,1700, 2300 & 2704.




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Supplying and installation of Strip seal expansion joint system - Providing and laying of a strip seal expansion joint catering to maximum horizontal movement up to 40 mm wide expansion gap provided in between decks over piers and in between deck and dirt wall over abutments with fatigue tested structural steel section at the nosing and anchorage assembly including cost and conveyance of all materials, cost of testing and to be installed by the manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's instructions for installation and including labour, equipment and incidental charges for fixing the joints complete in all respects as per approved drawings and MORT&H Rev - V specifications 2600, 2607, 2608 & 900.




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Vibrated cement concrete M30 (Design mix) 75mm thick using 25mm, 12mm, 6mm ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site including cement at site including all labour charges for mixing concrete, laying, hire charges for Tools and plants, compacting, curing with all leads for softwater, including all other incidental charges formwork, cost of premoulded expansion joint and fixing the same in position etc., complete for Wearing coat as per relevant MORT&H specifications 1000,1500, 1600, 1700, 2702, & 2300




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M40 grade design mix using ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement but excluding cost and fabrication of steel including labour charges for mixing, laying, transporting and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants including all other incidental charges etc., complete for End Crash Barrier as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2300.




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Providing and fixing of Galvanized iron drainage spouts 100mm dia, as per GOI drawing SD/205 with grating arrangements at top as shown in the drawing and 100mm dia drainage spout projecting at least 600mm beyond the bottom of decks slab as shown in the drawing including cost and conveyance of Galvanized iron pipes and flats and fixing them in position etc., complete as per MORT&H Rev - V specifications 2705 & 900.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M35 Design Mix using 20 mm ISS HSG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement and site including cost of formwork, lead for soft water, labour charges for mixing, tansporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depth, tools and plants and incidental charges such as bailing out water, maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdam, shoring, struting etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for Kerb and Footpath.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M35 Design Mix using 20 mm ISS HSG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement and site including cost of formwork, lead for soft water, labour charges for mixing, tansporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depth, tools and plants and incidental charges such as bailing out water, maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdam, shoring, struting etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for Hand Rail and Post.




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Supply and fixing of best quality ISI PVC pipes (A class) 4kg/cum of 150mm dia including necessary special fittings such as elbow, tee etc., including cutting, threading, jointing for providing bends at ends and tees in the middle, including cost of fixing clamps, including cost and conveyance of pipes and special fittings, labour charges for fixing in position vertically in trestle portion and all other incidental charges etc., as per MORT&H specifications 2706.




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Backfilling with Quarry fines uniformly to the entire depth not exceeding 250mm thick of CBR 7% as diected by the department officers including compacting each layer to the required density in accordance with IS 2720 part VII at 95% Proctor density for top 0.50 m depth as sub grade level and keeping the moisture content of earth at the time of compaction within the range of 1% above and 2% below the OMC determined and plasticity index value of not more than 20 and liquid limit not greater than 40 in accordance with IS 2720 using required capacity earth rammers to achieve the required density in each layer including watering with all leads for water and finishing the surface to the line and grades, sections as directed by the departmental officers for Back filling over Abutment & Wings as per MORT&H specification 305,




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Providing Filter media behind retaining walls for 600 mm thickness using filter material well packed with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall including cost and conveyance to worksite including all labours and other incidental charges etc., complete as per Clause -710.1.4 & Appendix-6 of IRC. 78-2014.




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Providing and fixing PVC seepage pipes of 100mm dia. of required lengths for abutments and wings including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site, cost and labour for 900mm dia. semi-spherical back filling arangements with 100mm size broken granite chips at the periphery and labour charges for fixing, etc., to drain of the backfill in between the Abutments and Wings.




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Formation of Approach Road




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soils except hard rock requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts as per SS 20B including cost of all labour charges, materials, tools, equipments and all incidental charges, including compacting with power roller, watering, including all hire and fuel charges for all tools and plants, removal of other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming of bottom of excavation back filling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus materials etc., complete as per standard specification. For embankment, Box culvert and Drain




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Filling with Quarry dust having CBR not less than 6% including cost and conveyance , spreading in uniformly for embankment formation in layers of not exceeding 200 mm thick as directed by the department officers including compacting each layer to the required density in accordance with IS 2720 part VII at 97% Procter density for sub grade level keeping the moisture content of Quarry fines at the time of compaction within the range of 1% above and 2% below the OMC using required capacity rollers to achieve the required density in each layer including watering with all leads for water and finishing the surface to the lines and grades as directed by the department officers and including hire charges and running charges for the roller and all other tools and plants employed for the work and all labour charges widening of embankment including compacting the original ground with power roller etc., complete.(As per MoRT&H Spec.No: 305,401&408),Rev-V2013




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A) For Embankment




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B) For Subgrade




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Vibrated Cement Concrete M15 nominal mix 1:2:4 using 40mm ISS size HBG metal including cost and coveyance of all materials to site including cost and labour for form work and centering labour charges for compacting curing and all other incidental charges baling out water etc complete for Foundation (Base course) and as per MoRTH Specification 1000, 1500, 1700 & 2100.




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Construction of Granular Sub - Base course (GSB) 210mm thickness by mechanically mixing well-graded materials, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller of 80 to 100 KN static weight and fine dressing to required grade and cross slope as shown in the drawing with all lifts and leads complete as per MORT&H specifications Clause - 401 confirming to table 400-1 & 400-2 - Grading V.




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Providing and laying Wet Mix Macadam Base Course of 250mm compacted thickness in two layers of 125 mm thick or else as specified on the prepared sub base with graded stone aggregates and granular materials of quality size and grading placed in layers as specified , including mixing in base plant , spreading in uniform layer with motor grader and compaction with vibrating rollers of 80 to 100KN static weight and fine dressing to required grade and cross slope as shown in the drawing as per MORTH&H Specifications Clause 406.




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Providing and applying Prime coat over WMM surface using 7.00Kg of Bitumen Emulsion (SS - I) per 10.00Sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it, including cost of material, labour charges, machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Rev-V specification Clause - 502




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Providing and applying Tack coat over WMM surface (treated with Primer) using 2.50Kg of Bitumen Emulsion (RS-1) per 10.00Sqm for preparatory to the another bituminous construction over it, including cost of material, labour charges, machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Rev - V specification Clause - 503.




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Providing and laying Tack Coat over Existing BT surface using 2.00Kg of Bitumen Emulsion (RS1) per 10.00 sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it including cost of material, labour charges, rentals for machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Rev-V specification Clause 503




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Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam of 75 mm consolidated thick with VG30 Bitumen for premix including cost and conveyance of all material to CMP site heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them at required temperature in CMP of 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper truck to works site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 50mm with paver to the specified grades and cross section and compacted by vibratory roller to required density etc., including labour for attending to paver at site etc. including hire charges and fuel charges for bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory roller and all other incidental charges ect., complete for Approach road as per MORT&H Rev - V specification Clause - 505.




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Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete 30 mm thick with VG-30 bitumen for premixing including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to the required temperature and mixing them at required temperature in CMP 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and consolidated by 8-10 tonne power roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver to site etc., including mechine charges and fuel charges for bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, power rollers and all other tools and plant required, including all other incidental charges etc., complete complete for Approach road as per MORT&H Rev - V specification Clause - 507.




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Disposal of excavated earth by transfer with a lead of 5.00Km away from worksite as directed by the Departmental officers for disposal as per standard specifications including conveyance of all materials away from site, including all labour charges with all leads, hire charges and fuel charges for all tools and plants required and all other incidental charges etc.,




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Supply and fabrication of steel Grade Fe 500D CRS required for all RCC items of works involved in the schedule including cost of steel, cost of fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the bars straightening, cutting, bending tying grills, hoisting and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawings including cost of binding wire, provision of spacers bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc., complete and as per MoRTH Specification 1000, 1600.




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M 30 mix using 20 mm and below metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site excluding cost and fabrication charges of steel but including cost and conveyance of cement complying to the required standard specification including cost and labour charges for centering, labour charges for form work, mixing, laying, compacting, finishing & curing using vibrator including hire and fuel charges for all tools and plants engaged in curing and all other incidental charges etc complete for Box culvert and return wall raft (below sill) and as per MoRTH Specification 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200. for Base slab & Side wall and top slab and Drain




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Providing and fixing Precast Heavy duty manhole frame with cover (Rectanglur shape) of size 600mm x 600mm as shown in the drawings, including costs and conveyance of all materials to work site and labour charges for fixing the same at 10m intervel along the top of cover slab, hire charges for tools and plants, incidental charges, etc., complete as per standard specifications




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Removal of sludge, slush, silt, debris, plastic waste, water weeds, using appropriate special machineries like dredger along the cutter section having maximum capacity of 300cum solids per hour which can dredge to a maximum of 8.00m depth and dispose the dredged material to a maximum of 4Km on either one of the outer slope of river banks whichever is convenient as per the prevailing site conditions for easy conveyance and jungle clearance by pumping operation along with suitable pipeline and other required accessories with other mechanical devices for the entire stretch to reach the bank. the rates including cost of transportation, Mobilization and demobilization of machinery, hire charges, cost of fuel, labour charges for surveying and operation of dredger, crew and other related works etc




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Earth work excavation in all classes of soil, soft disintegrated rock and hard rock not requiring blasting and depositing on bank with all leads and lifts including cost of all labour, equipments and all incidental charges such as bailing out water, providing and maintaining necessary cofferdams, sheeting, shoring, bracing and their subsequent removal, removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions, trimming bottom of excavation and clearing the site and disposal of all surplus materials, dressing the bed upto required level etc., complete for Retaining wall Pile cap as per MORT&H specification Clause No.304.




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Providing reinforced cement concrete cast in situ bored piles of 600 mm diameter in RCC using M35 (Design Mix) using 20 mm ISS HBG graded metal with minimum cement content of 400 kg per cum, maximum water cement ratio of 0.40 and slump of 150 - 200 mm by Tremie concreting including cost of and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement at site but excluding the cost and fabrication of steel and placing it in position before concreting setting up of piling equipment, shifting the same from one pile location to another pile location dismantling and including all labour for boring through soils, leading the excavated earth to a distance 200 m including the forming of working platform, mixing concrete, filling it in position any Tremie pipe, cutting of pile head to cut off level for casting Pile cap, including diversion of water course if any forming and maintenance protective bunds and all incidental charges etc., complete for Bored cast in situ pile (using OPC) as per MORT&H specification Clause-No. 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2300.




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Vibrated Cement concrete M15 grade using 20mm ISS size hard broken granite metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges for compacting, curing and all incidental charges etc., complete for levelling course below Retaining Wall and PCC Retaining wall (using OPC) as per MORT&H specification Clause -No. 1000 & 2100




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Providing and driving in position permanent M.S liners 6mm thick for piles from bottom level of pebble / boulder layer including the cost of liners and fabricating, welded construction with consumable, labour and plants and driving MS liners 6mm thick to be left permanently with the pile shaft as per requirement and as per standard specification and placing them in position with all leads and lifts etc., complete for Piles of Retaining Wall as per MORT&H specification Clause No. 1000 & 1900




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete of M35 grade (Design mix) using 20mm ISS graded metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost cement at site excluding cost and fabrication of steel including cost of formwork, soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depths Tools and Plants and incidental charges such as bailing out water, maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdams, shoring, strutting etc., complete for Pile Cap for Retaining Wall as per MORT&H Rev-V specification Clause No. 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2300.




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M30 grade (Design mix) using HBG graded metal of 20mm and below ISS size including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site but excluding cost and conveyance and fabrication of steel but including cost and labour charges for form work and centering, labour charges for laying, compacting, curing including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Retaining wall stem (using OPC) as per MORT&H specification Clause No. 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2300.




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Vibrated reinforced cement concrete M35 Design Mix using 20 mm ISS HSG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cost of cement and site including cost of formwork, lead for soft water, labour charges for mixing, tansporting, laying and curing concrete, working at depth, tools and plants and incidental charges such as bailing out water, maintaining of protective bunds, cofferdam, shoring, struting etc., complete as per relevant standard specification for Kerb and Footpath.




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Vibrated Reinforced Cement Concrete M 40 grade design mix using ISS HBG metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement but excluding cost and fabrication of steel including labour charges for mixing, laying, transporting and curing concrete, working at heights, hire charges for tools and plants, including all other incidental charges etc., complete for Crash Barrier for Retaining Wall as per MORT&H Rev - V specification Clause No. 1000,1500,1600,1700 & 2300.




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Supply and fabrication of reinforcement steel of grade Fe 500 D CRS, for all the reinforced cement concrete items of work involved in the schedule including cost of steel, cost of fabrication, labour charges for cleaning the rods, straightening, cutting, bending, tying grills, hoisting and placing the reinforcement in position as specified in the drawing including cost of binding wire, provision of spacer bars, cover blocks and all other incidental charges etc., complete for Retaining wall as per the MORT&H Specifications Clause No. 1600.




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Providing and fixing PVC Seepage pipes of 100 mm Dia of required length for abutments and return walls including cost and conveyance of all materials to work site and labour charges for fixing etc., complete to drain the backfill as per drawing for Retaining wall and as per MORT&H specification Clause No. 2200 & 2706.




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Excavation including removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials necessary for the construction of road way and side drains in accordance with specifications and the lines, grades and cross sections shown in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer for Carted Earth with a lead of 2Km for formation of Diversion Road.




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Filling with Quarry fines including cost and conveyance of sand to worksite, laying, handling charges and filling in layers, tamping under optimum moisture content to get the maximum density including watering, with all leads for water and all other incidental charges etc., Below Pipe portion and filling in the ramp portion




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Vibrated Cement Concrete M15, Grade, Nominal Mix, 1:2:4 using 20mm ISS hard granite broken metal including cost and conveyance of all materials to site and cement at site including cost of formwork, lead for soft water, labour charges for mixing, transporting, laying and curing concrete, working in heights and hire charges for tools and plants and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per relevant specifications for Body Wall, Levelling course below the Body wall and cradle concrete for formation of Diversion Road.




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Supply of NP 3 class RCC 1000 mm dia. pipes supplied by the Contractor at his own cost specified below confirming to IS 458/1989 cost of pipe as a finished work including all other incidental charges, testing charges including loading and unloading transport and delivery in good condition at work site as directed by the departmental officers etc., complete for formation of Diversion Road.




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Hoisting and fixing of 1000 mm dia. NP 3 pipes at proper gradient including all labour charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete for formation of Diversion Road.




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Construction of Granular Sub - Base course (GSB) 210mm thickness by mechanically mixing well-graded materials, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller of 80 to 100 KN static weight and fine dressing to required grade and cross slope as shown in the drawing with all lifts and leads complete as per MORT&H specifications Clause - 401 confirming to table 400-1 & 400-2 - Grading V. - For Diversion Road




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Providing and laying Wet Mix Macadam Base Course of 250mm compacted thickness in two layers of 125 mm thick or else as specified on the prepared sub base with graded stone aggregates and granular materials of quality size and grading placed in layers as specified , including mixing in base plant , spreading in uniform layer with motor grader and compaction with vibrating rollers of 80 to 100KN static weight and fine dressing to required grade and cross slope as shown in the drawing as per MORTH&H Specifications Clause 406. - For Diversion Road




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Providing and applying Prime coat over WMM surface using 7.00Kg of Bitumen Emulsion (SS - I) per 10.00Sqm for preparatory to another bituminous construction over it, including cost of material, labour charges, machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Rev-V specification Clause - 502 - For Diversion Road




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Providing and applying Tack coat over WMM surface (treated with Primer) using 2.50Kg of Bitumen Emulsion (RS-1) per 10.00Sqm for preparatory to the another bituminous construction over it, including cost of material, labour charges, machinery, fuel and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per MORT&H Rev - V specification Clause - 503. - For Diversion Road




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Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam of 50 mm consolidated thick with VG30 Bitumen for premix including cost and conveyance of all material to CMP site heating the bitumen and aggregate to required temperature and mixing them at required temperature in CMP of 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper truck to works site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness of 50mm with paver to the specified grades and cross section and compacted by vibratory roller to required density etc., including labour for attending to paver at site etc. including hire charges and fuel charges for bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, vibratory roller and all other incidental charges ect., complete for Diversion road as per MORT&H Rev - V specification Clause - 505.




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Providing and laying Bituminous Concrete 30 mm thick with VG-30 bitumen for premixing including cost and conveyance of all materials to CMP site, heating the bitumen and aggregate to the required temperature and mixing them at required temperature in CMP 20-30 ton capacity, conveying the mix by tipper trucks to paver site, spreading the mix to uniform thickness with mechanical paver to the specified grades and cross sections and consolidated by 8-10 tonne power roller to the required density etc., including labour for attending to paver to site etc., including mechine charges and fuel charges for bitumen boiler, tipper trucks, paver finisher, power rollers and all other tools and plant required, including all other incidental charges etc., complete complete for Diversion road as per MORT&H Rev - V specification Clause - 507.




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Supply and fixing of RCC guide post of size1.20 x 0.20 x 0.20 m with reflective star stickers with tin M.s sheet with two side packing and top cover of 0.75 inches in RCC 1: 2: 4 Mix using 20 mm HBG ISS metal with 10 mm. dia bars as vertical with 8mm dia Stirrups including 8.25 inches x 4.25 feet mould with star shape of 5 inches and top projection by 0.75 inches x 3 inches including cost and conveyance of materials to worksite etc., complete.,




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Providing and laying of hot applied Thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35. The finished surface to be level, uniform and free from streaks and holes etc complete as per MORT&H specification No.803




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Providing and fixing reflective road studs of ‘category A’ Raised pavement markers made out of poly carbonate / methyl methercrylate /ABS moulded body confirming to ASTM D 788 and reflective panels with micro prismatic lens capable of providing total internal reflection of the light entering the lens face with retro reflectance and chromaticity values conforming to ASTM D4280. The reflective raised pavement markers shall also confirm to the MORTH circular No RW / NH. 33023/ 10/ 97-DO.III dt 11.06.97. The height, width and length shall not be less than 15 mm, 90 mm and 100 mm and with minimum reflective area of 13 Sq.cm on each side and the slope to the base shall be 35 +/ - 5 degree. Each reflector shall have a CIL not less than values specified in Table 2 of said MORTH circular. The strength of detachment of the integrated cylindrical shanks, (of diameter not less than 19 +/ - 2mm arid height not less than 30+/ - 2 mm) from the body is to be a minimum value of 500 Kgf. Fixing will be by drilling holes on the road for the shanks to go inside, without nails and using epoxy resin based adhesive as per manufacturer’s recommendation and complete as directed by the engineer. The marker shall support a load of 13635 Kg tested in accordance with ASTM D428O and confirming to IRC 35 - 2015 guidelines and MORT&H specification 804 etc., complete




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Providing and Erecting of Retro - Reflectorised Hazard Marker Traffic Sign made out of High Intensity Prismatic Grade Sheeting confirming to Type-IV standards of IRC-67: 2012 and ASTM D 4956 —09, specification and fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet fixed over a back supporting frame of 25mmx25mmx3mm Mild Steel angle and supported on a mild steel angle post 75X75X6mm and 0.60m below ground level. The sign post should be painted as per IRC 67-2012 and firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with MIS grade cement concrete 45cmX45cmX60cm size including cost and conveyance of all materials, equipment, Machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by the engineer in charge. High intensity Retro - Reflectro sheet shall consist of minimum coefficient of Retro-reflection as per Table 6.6 of IRC 67-2012. The retro- reflective sheeting shall be covered under 7 year warranty issued for field performance and a certified copy of three years outdoor exposure report shall be obtained as per IRC 67:2012. (as per MORT&H Specification No.801)




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Providing and fixing of Median marker double sided made of polycarbonate for impact resistance and good weather ability. Polycarbonate used for molding the median marker shall have a minimum load impact strength value of 600 J/m at room temperature. The impact strength of the poly carbonate should not decrease to less than 70% of its initial value on being subjected to UV weathering. The body of the median marker shall be in the form of isoceles trapezoidal structure of length 15cm height and width of 10 x 10cm. The median marker shall have fluorescent yellow retro-reflective sheeting conforming to Type XI specifications as per ASTM D 4956. Area of reflective sheeting should not be less than 70cm2. Edge of retro reflective shall be concealed using a grill/mesh/similar mechanism to prevent vandalism and pilferage. The logo of the manufacturer shall be embossed and painted in contrasting colour on both side of median marker for distinct identification.




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Providing and erecting of Retro - Reflector›sed Cautionary, Maridatory and Informatory signs {without definition board} made out of High Intensity Prismatic Grade Sheeting confirming to Type-IV standards of IRC-67: 2012 and ASTM D 4956 —09, specification and fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet fixed over a back supporting frame of 25mmx25mmx3mm Mild Steel angle and supported on a mild steel angle post 75X75X6mm with a clear height of not less than 2. 10m from the ground level to the bottom of the sign board and 0.6Om below ground level. The sign post should be painted as per IRC 67-2012 and firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45cmX45cmX60cm size including cost and conveyance of all materials, equipment, Machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by the engineer in Charge. High intensity Retro - Reflectro sheet shall consist of minimum coefficient of Retro-reflection as per Table 6.6 of IRC 67- 2012. The retro - reflective sheeting shall be covered under 7 3 ear warranty issued for field performance and a certified copy of three years outdoor exposure report shall be obtained as per IRC 67:2012 . ( as per MORT&H Specification No.801)




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A) 60 cm x 45 cm rectangular




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B) 60 cm circular




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C) 60 cm equilateral triangle




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Providing and erecting of Retro - Reflector›sed Cautionary, Maridatory and Informatory signs {without definition board} made out of High Intensity Prismatic Grade Sheeting confirming to Type-IV standards of IRC-67: 2012 and ASTM D 4956 —09, specification and fixed over 2mm thick Aluminium sheet fixed over a back supporting frame of 25mmx25mmx3mm Mild Steel angle and supported on a mild steel angle post 75X75X6mm with a clear height of not less than 2. 10m from the ground level to the bottom of the sign board and 0.6Om below ground level. The sign post should be painted as per IRC 67-2012 and firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with M15 grade cement concrete 45cmX45cmX60cm size including cost and conveyance of all materials, equipment, Machinery and labour with all leads and lifts, loading charges necessary for satisfactory completion of the work as directed by the engineer in Charge. High intensity Retro - Reflectro sheet shall consist of minimum coefficient of Retro-reflection as per Table 6.6 of IRC 67- 2012. The retro - reflective sheeting shall be covered under 3 year warranty issued for field performance and a certified copy of three years outdoor exposure report shall be obtained as per IRC 67:2012 . ( as per MORT&H Specification No.801)




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A) Rate per sqm ( for sign having area more than 0.9 sqm) Type-IV




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B) Rate per sqm ( for sign having area less than 0.9 sqm) Type-IV




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Calculation of SubTotal, GST and Total carried out by system automatically




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Sub Total Amount for above all items




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GST 18% for the above SubTotal Amount




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Total in Figures (SubTotal + GST)




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