Chennai Port Trust Tender
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Chennai Port Trust - CPT Tender
Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Opening Date10 Jan 2024
Closing Date6 Feb 2024
Tender Amount₹ 2,38,64,658
₹ 4,78,000Document Cost
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Tender No. T/ WMA4/ 06 /2024/ETender Authority
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BOQ Items
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4. Providing Lean mix plain cement concrete 1:4:8 20mm (cement 170Kg/M3) above / below ground level in the Railway track / crossing / below OHE post and wherever required including shuttering, mixture machine, vibrating, and all other required tools for concreting area as specified by the engineer encharge wherever required all as directed including all materials, labour, tools, tackles, equipments plants, transport, fuel etc., complete.
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USSOR 121010 - 5.Dismantling of existing LWR/SWR track of any structure, removing rails,sleepers,fish plates,cutting of rails,segregation and stacking of released Rails,Sleepers and fitting at nominated location in countable manner within a free lead of 500m, levelling of ballast to correct profile for laying new track over it, all as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge
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USSOR 071020/ 071021 - 6.Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block: Dismantling of existing BG turn outs, diamond crossings and derailing switches with all types of rails and sleeper layout, removing rails, switches, crossings, sleepers & fastenings, leveling of ballast to correct profile&stacking all the released materials, sleepers, fastenings, rails, switches & crossings including segregating&stacking at specified locations in a neat and countable manner, with in the lead of 250m & all lift, clear of infringements, crossing of track,if any complete, as directed - Note: 1.This item shall be operated only when existing turnout is replaced either with new turn out in caseof TTR or with plain track when existing turnout is no more required at that location. 2. Rail cutting will be paid extra under relevant item.
3.Laying of new turnout or plain track on prepared ballast bed,asrequired, shall be paid separately under relevant item. (1 in 8½ / 1 in 7.18 Turnout Under conditions not requiring Traffic Block).
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USSOR 081020/ 081021 - 7.Manual deep screening of Plain track / turnout s as per procedure prescribed in IRPWM, June 2020 or latest ,on PSC sleepers of any density and throwing away screened muck arising out of screening on toe of bank or on cess, if low or on spoil banks above top of cutting (including throwing and leveling, if required beyond minimum 5m from the edge of cutting which are up to 3m deep or alternatively carting it up to 50m for disposing it off beyond cutting or platforms) as per direction ofEngineer in-charge, including cutting cess for effective drainage on both sides, one round of kutcha packing with screened ballast and further attending to track parameter to make track fi tfor 20kmph speed complete in all respect. Note:Payment shall be made for length along main line only for turn outs (Depth of 150 mm below bottom of sleeper - For Plain Track)
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USSOR 061020/ 061022 - 8.Dismantling and removing rail of all section & length from track, laid on any type & density of sleeper by removing fish plates, fastenings & fish bolts and other materials including stacking all released materials with in an average distance of 500 metres as directed by Engineerin-charge. Note:1.Cutting of rails shall be paid separately. 2.Work to be done under traffic block. (For Casual / Scattered Rail Renewal work)
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USSOR 061030/ 061032 - 9.Insertion of rails of all types & length in track, laid on any type & density of sleeper to the specified gauge under traffic block. Rates include fastening of rail with sleepers with standard set off a stenings and fixing of fish plates and bolts or, if required, providing gap for welding and stacking of released material with out infringement with in 250m as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: Rail drilling and cutting to be paid separately.
(For Casual / Scattered Rail Renewal work)
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USSOR 172050 / 172051 - 10. Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads.
Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items Lead up to 5 Km
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USSOR 062010/ 062011/ 062012 - 11.Through Sleeper Renewal (TSR) with PSC sleepers involving removal existing sleepers of any type along with fittings from track, insertion of PSC sleepers lying along the cess / formation / slope / toe within 5 metres height with all fittings to specified spacing, gauge and squareness, one round of through packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed, dressing of ballast to standard profile, all in accordance with the latest provisions of IRPWM and stacking of all released material neatly at specified places within an average lead of100 m as directed by Engineer in-charge. 11(a). (For location of work not involving deep screening)
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11(b). For location of work involving deep screening (deep screening to be paid separately).
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USSOR 172030 / 172031/ 172032 - 12.Loading, leading and unloading of PSC Sleepers of 52Kg/60Kg by Railway's Rail Dolly / DipLorry to the nominated location under traffic incase road carriage is not possible for differen tleads and lift up to 5metres. 12(a). For lead up to 500 metres
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12 (b). For lead beyond 500 metre and up to 1 Km
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USSOR 171030 / 171031 / 171032 - 13.Loading, leading and unloading of 52Kg/60Kg rail upto 13metre length by Railway's Rail Dolly / Dip Lorry to the nominated location under traffic with line protection in case road carriage is not possible with different lead with a lift up to 5metre during block period. 13(a). For lead up to 500 metre
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13 (b). For lead beyond 500 metre and up to 1 Km.
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USSOR 083010 - 14. Lifting and packing for regrading the existing PSC sleeper track to required height / level instages not exceeding 75mm or part thereof at a time, providing permissible ramp for the track, insertion of moorum /sand /stone ballast uniformly under the existing track and placing the same to safe approved gradient, gauge, cushion including levelling and oner ound of through packing to allow train movement at restricted speed of 30kmph for a specified length with all leads & lifts and fixing, marking, painting rail level pegs at every 30m interval.
Note:Lifting of track shall be done in stages as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM to get the proposed final level as per approved working profile, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
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USSOR 131050 / 131051 - 15. Through packing of points and crossings, derailing switches including gauging, fittings recoupment, ballasting as required, elimination of sag and to the required alignment after Deep Screening as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Note:This work shall be operated inexceptional cases with written approval at EE level when UNIMAT is not available and immediate packing is required to pass train over it.
1 in 8½ / 1 in 7.18 PSC layout
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USSOR 123090 / 123091 - 16 .Shifting / Slewing the existing or newly assembled track of any rail section with any type of sleepers and any density under line block to correct locations & alignment and attending to one round kutcha packing to run safely at 20KMPH speed with all contractors tools and consumables complete and as directed by Engineer in-charge. Maximum Shifting / Slewing up to 1 metre
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USSOR 085010 / 085015 - 17. Manufacturing, supply and stacking of machine crushed Track Ballast conforming to RDSO Specification (IRS-GE-1) with latest correction slips at Railway depot or nominated location. Note:Distance of nearest quarry mentioned in each sub-item is only for the purpose of selecting the items for preparation of estimates / tender schedule, based on the minimum distance between nearest quarry and centre of supply points and will not affect the selection of quarry during physical supply in any way till prescribed specification is met fully. When distance of nearest quarry is more than 40 km and up to 50 km
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USSOR 082010 / 082011 / 082012 - 18. Recoupment of ballast in running line with railway's stone ballast from existing stacks available along alignment either on top of cutting or on cess or at toe of bank by head leads or by any other means and spreading to make up deficiency in the required profile with contractor's labour, tools & plants, as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note: Payment shall be made based on ballast stack measurement. 18(a) For average lead up to 50m and lift up to 5m
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18 (b). Extra over item no.082011 for each additional average lead of 50m or part thereof when total average lead exceeds 50m, but up to 250m. Note:This item may be used only in exceptional circumstance under prior order on record.
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USSOR 123030 - 19. Spreading of ballast, from existing stacks available along formation on top or at cess,inrequired uniform thickness, compaction of ballast layer laid on new formation at all the locations with smooth wheeled power roller of 8-10 tonne capacity to sufficient number of passes to form consolidated ballast bed of approximately 250 mm thickness to a width of 4m symmetrical to centre line of proposed track in correct line& level with all ascents & descents, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note:Item is inclusive of (a) providing ramp for taking roller to formation and removing the same & making good formation after completion of work; (b) redistribution & leveling of excess ballast while rolling to obtain uniform plane cambered surface.
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USSOR 123040 / 123042 - 20. Linking of BG track (except at LC, Bridges and SEJs) with any type of rail section and sleeper of specified density, on ballast bed spread and compacted with suitable roller, over prepared formation including leading free rails /welded panels available along the alignment on to formation, leading and spreading all fittings and fastenings, spreading of sleepers at specified spacing, squaring, placing of rails over sleepers and fixing rails to sleepers with all types of fittings and fastenings to correct gauge & alignment, lubrication of fittings and fastenings with contractor's greaseas per IRPWM standards with contractors labour, tools, consumables, with all lead, lifts etc.complete and raising, levelling and initial packing of track to make it fit for 30 kmph and meet other pre requisites prescribed in Indian Railway Track Machine Manual for deployment of Tamping Machine.
Note: 1.Rail cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately. 2.Spreading of ballast and compaction shall be paid separately underrelevant item. For sleeper density of 1540 sleepers per km
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USSOR 072000/ 072010 / 072011 - 21. Assembling, Insertion and laying Works- Assembling complete BG Turnout on staging, clear of infringements, to correct gauge and alignment as per standard drawings with all types of rail sections over PSC sleepers at specified locations, duly leading rails, special sleepers, switches, crossings with a maximum lead of 500m, all lift & crossing of track as required and testing points with S&T staff for throw of switch station yard after levelling surface complete including lubrication of all fastenings, complete in all respect. Note:
1.Rail cutting and Drilling shall be paid separately 2.Required P.Way fittings / fastenings shall be supplied at the .P Way stores. 1 in 8½ / 1 in 7.18 Turnout
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USSOR 211040 - 22. Dismantling Check Rail on curves on track of all rail sections, duly removing fish plates and bolts including removing chairs from sleepers, leading and stacking released materials away from track clear of infringements, complete and as directed.
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USSOR 211030 - 23. Fabricating of check rails of 52 Kg and 90R sections for providing to curves by cutting web of rail horizontally by gas, grinding for smoothening the cut edge and drilling of parabolic shaped holes to the web of check rails as per drawing and specification and as per directions of engineerin-charge with all contractor‟s labour, tools and materials complete. Note:
1. Rails shall be supplied by Railways 2.The both ends of head of check rails are to bent/cut as per drawing. 3.The released rail scrap shall be stacked neatly within a lead of 500m. 4.Drilling of holes shall be paid under relevant item.
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USSOR 211050 - 24. Fixing of check rails on curves on track of all rail sections as per drawing and to correct alignment and level with Railways fastenings including leading of rails and fittings, crossing of tracks, greasing of plate screws with approved grease etc.,as per drawing and directions of Engineer incharge with all contractors labour,tools,plants, machinery, consumables etc., complete.
Note: Required P.Way fittings CI distance block and brackets will be supplied at EE/P.Way stores.
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USSOR 161040 / 161041/ 161042 - 25. Drilling holes of 16mm to 32mm dia. with Rail Drilling machine including chamfering with appropriate chamfering tools in all types of rail section with contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Rail Drilling Machine will be as per RDSO Specification No.TM/SM/3,dated 24.04.1991. 25 (a).Outside Track
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25 (b). On Running Line
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USSOR 136080 - 26.Drilling holes of 16mm to 22 mm dia. On all types of PSC sleepers and fixing the dowels with adhesive of RDSO approved quality for fixing check rails & guard rails, as directed by Engineer in-charge.
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USSOR 063070 - 27. Lubrication of Elastic Rail Clips on PSC sleepers with contractor‟s grease, conforming to Railway‟ specifications , labouretc. Complete as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM.
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USSOR 063100 - 28. Removing seized ERC from SGCI inserts of existing track by using suitable approved chemicals and re-fixing after greasing of insert eye and ERC with Contractor's grease of specified quality as per provisions of IRPWM, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Note:1.List of Seized ERC along with location shall be prepared after inspection of EE/P.Way and marked prior to execution of this item. 2. Due care shall be taken to avoid any damage to the sleeper 3.A penalty of 50% of the basic cost of new sleeper in nearest sleeper factory shall belevied on each, if SGC I insert is broken or sleeper gets cracked in the process.
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USSOR 211200 / 211201 - 29. Hiring of machinery for minor miscellaneous works for short duration including operator/driver, fuel, lubricants and consumable. The contractor shall arrange all statutory permits as required by rules and regulations prevailing in the area of work. Payment shall be made for actual working hours at site.
JCB Back hoe Loaders 3DX Plus or similar with minimum 1.10cum bucket capacity for carrying out the works then and there required and as directed by Engineer in Charge. Log book should be maintained in triplicate for payment purpose.
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30. Supply of Labours for clearing of unwanted materials along the railway tracks and yard and desilting of drains unwanted plastic papers, tea cups and waste materials inside the marshalling yard drain and the deposited materials cleaned and collecting and stacking the materials nearest area wherever required all as directed at site of work including all labour, tools, equipments etc., complete.
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USSOR 063110 - 31. Lubrication of gauge face of rail on curves, cross overs, points & crossings, turn-in curves and at locations as required with contractor's grease graphite grade "O" IS 408 and as directed.
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32. Supplying of labours (12 nos /day) for Cleaning the grooves of railway track |(Broad guage) at level crossings and near by, after chipping he spoil or clotted materials about 150mm thick as available at site inside the twin rails of running and guard rails in the railway dolamite, limestone, scrap and other debris from the road portion adjacent to track junction for the movement of railway wagons, locos etc., including clearing away the removed materials to the dustbins kept along the road sides within a lead of 50metres for disposal all as directed at site of work. Including all labour, tools, brushes, equipments etc., complete. Note: Total Twelve (12) nos of labours (cooli) to be posted per day with out fail 1. for Cleaning the grooves of Rly Level crossings at radio road, south of FCI Godown and inbetween E1,E2,E38 E4 FCI Godown in PW (East) at Inner Harbour- 4 Nos. 2.for Cleaning the grooves of railway tracks and road level crossings at JD west track leeading to SQ-1 from Junction opposite to Old gate No.8- 4 Nos. 3. for Cleaning the groves of Rly tracks and road portion West side of pollution contral room ,North side of D6 points ,Rly control office North side, |Crossing opposite to Chairman's Bangalow-4 Nos. 4. Recovery for nonposting of labours will be made as per tender conditions of section 6 - General condition of 13.
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USSOR 136100 - 33. Removing weeds & bushes in ballast section and cess up to 3.95m from centre line of track in midsectio n & station yard, as specified by Engineerin-charge including disposal of branches, bushes out side cess/yard
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USSOR 211140 - 34. Supplying and spraying in specified proportion Weedicide Chemical, capable to kill entire weed on track /cess /embankment with all labour, material, tools & plants etc. complete job in all respect. Scientific name of the chemical is Isopropylamine Salt of Glyphosate, in which active ingredientis Glyphosate(41%), colouris light amber to brownish, very low in toxicity and has favourable environmental characteristics. It will been sured that no weed growth occurs up to six months period,otherwisere-spraying shall be done by the contractor free of cost.
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35. Loading, transporting, dumping and leveling the debris within a lead of 3Kms inside the port premises all as directed at site of work including all labour, tools, transport, fuel etc., complete. Note:
1. Payment will be made based on the lorry cubical contents. 2.The tenderer shall maintain trip sheets in triplicate in approved format at his own cost for the quantity of debris transported.
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USSOR 172040 / 172041 - 36. Loading, leading and unloading of all types of P.Way fittings and all other miscellaneous material except Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road vehicles for different leads to RSO yard. Note:Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. Lead up to 5 Km
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USSOR 161010 / 161011/ 161012 / 161014 / 161015 - 37. Quick cutting with abrasive rail cutter of all types of rail sections including wear resistant, head hardened rails up to110UTS, with contractors tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete as directed by Engineerin-charge. Abrasive Rail Cutter will be as per RDSO Specification No.TM/SM/1(Rev.01of2012) with latest status of RDSO; Rail Cutting Wheel Abrasive Disc will be as per RDSO Specification No.TM/SM/2 (Rev. 01 of 2020) 37 (a ). 60 Kg - 110/90 UTS - Outside Track
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37 (b). 52 Kg - 90 UTS - Outside Track
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37 (c ). 60 Kg - 110/90 UTS - On Running Line
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37 (d). 52 Kg - 90 UTS- On Running Line
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USSOR 063050 / 063051 - 38. Lubrication of fish plated rail joints under traffic, by using Grease Graphite Grade'O' (IS:408) and Black oil supplied by contractor, for all types of rail sections as per procedure laid down in latest version ofI RPWM and as directed by Engineer In charge. Note:Release U/S bolt & nuts is to be deposited back. If any fish bolts is jammed it should be cut with chisel and hammer and replaced with fresh fish bolt supplied. For 610 mm long fish plates.
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39. Supplying of Elastic rail clips MK III suitable for 60/52 Kg rails to drawing No. RDSO T-3701 Alt IV as per IRS specification No.T-31-1992 with latest amendments. Note: Third party inspection certificate from RITES / RDSO should be accompany with the supplied materials.
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40. Supplying of M.S. square headed bolts and nuts half threaded of size 25mmx140mm RDSO No.T 1899 for fixing of 60 kg fish plates Note: The Manufacture's test certificate/Test certificate from Government approved lab shall accompany with supply for each item. Necessary testing charges have to be borne by the supplier. (Guarantee certificate should be provided)
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41. Supplying of M.S. square headed bolts and nuts half threaded of size 25mmx170mm RDSO No.T 11603 Note: The Manufacture's test certificate/Test certificate from Government approved lab shall accompany with supply for each item. Necessary testing charges have to be borne by the supplier.Guarantte certificate should be provided)
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42. Supplying of grooved rubber sole plate 6mm thick suitable for 60 kg rail to drawing No. RDSO T-3711 with latest ammendments up to date 1997 (provision as p[er IRS specification) Note: Third party inspection certificate from RITES / RDSO should be accompany with the supplied materials.
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43. Supplying of GFN-66 liner for use with ERC (Elastic rail clip) MK-III (flat toe) on 60 kg (UIC concrete sleeper with 60 Kg rail to drawing mNo. RDSO T- 3706 Ait-V and to IRS specification provisional 1995 with latest ammentmends. Note: Third party inspection certificate from RITES / RDSO should be accompany with the supplied materials.
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44. Supply of cast iron distance block as per sample fit to 60 / 52 kg rail
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45. Supply of compressed oxygen gas to work spot as and when required and as directed by the Engineer in charge, complete. All labour and material.
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46. Supply of compressed Acetylene gas to work spot as and when required and as directed by the Engineer in charge, complete. All labour and material.
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USSOR 137011 / 137012 - 47. Anti-corrosive painting of rail out side track on rail bottom, web, foot and fishing plane with two coats of thickness of 100 microns each by bituminous black paint confirms to IS-9862 of reputed make including surface preparation, as a complete job as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM. 47 (a). For 60 Kg Rails
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47 (b). For 52 Kg Rails
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USSOR 137020 /137021/ 137022 - 48. Anti-corrosive painting of rail on running track of any sleeper density on web, foot etc. including liner contact area (excluding bottom of foot) and fishing plane as per requirement with two coats of thickness of 100 microns each by bituminous black paint confirms to IS-9862 of reputed make including painting of liners, ERCs and including surface preparation, as a complete job as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM Note:60%of payment shall be made if painting on only gauge face side is done. 48 (a). For 60 Kg Rails
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48 (b). For 52 Kg Rails
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49 . Hiring of vehicle carrying capacity van up to 2.0 tone including driver. The vehicle shall be suitable for Transportation of Men, Material & Spares such as Railway tools , fittings, railway track accessories, Gas Cylinders, Welding plants with Cables and other fittings alongwith work force to carry out day to day maintenance work at various places inside and outside Port premises. The vehicle shall be utilized for collecting materials from Stores and transporting RSA materials from various respective division to RSA Depot.(The above is only indicative list) and purchase of materials/spare from outside Port premises. Note: 1. The proposed vehicles should have been registered in the name of the firm or in the name(s) of the partner(s) / proprietor (or) any lease agreement with other travels.
2. Log book should be maintained in triplicate for payment purpose.
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USSOR 211250 - 50. Manufacturing and fixing buffer stop with Railway supplied rails, cutting, including bending of rails as per plan, with all contractor‟s labour, materials, tools, plants etc. and all lead and lift including crossing oft rack where necessary and as directed by Engineer in charge at site. Note:Excavation, fixing rails in cement concrete,drilling of holes will be paid separately.
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