Water Resources Department Tender

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Water Resources Department - WRD Tender

Civil And Construction
Irrigation Work
Water Storage And Supply
Opening Date17 Dec 2024
Closing Date7 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 30,52,18,767 


  • EMD

    ₹ 61,04,375
  • Document Cost

    ₹ 10,000
  • Tender Fee

    ₹ 2,500


Construction Of Anicut On Parwati River Near Village Kachhawan Tehsil Chhabra District Baran


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Excavation including loading unloading disposal and dressing of excavated rock within initial lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area, de-watering wherever required complete in all respect. (b) Hard rock not requiring blasting




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Excavation including loading unloading disposal and dressing of excavated rock within initial lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area, de-watering wherever required complete in all respect (d)Hard rock (dry or moist) requiring blasting (where hardness of rock is more than 2) including disposal of excavated material in the designated spoil bank / embankment, dressing of excavated material and dewatering with all leads and lifts of excavation and disposal. The contractor is free to use the usable excavated stone else where for which any transition expenditure and royalties, tax etc if required to be paid then it will be liability of contractor as the cost of usable stone has already been deducted from the rate




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Final excavation by line drilling including removing of hard rock by wedging and barring and chiseling near final levels (only upto 0.3 m depth) without resorting to blasting including dewatering, disposal of excavated material within initial lead of 50m and lift of 1.5m complete in all respect




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11.12 Preparation of foundation of structure including removal of all loose stones, silt and final washing. 11.12.2 By compressed air and water under pressure




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11.1.1 Drilling holes of 35 mm diameter for anchor rods. i) Upto 1.50 m depth




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Labour charges for Fixing of anchor bars in neat cement grout including cost of cement and curing etc. complete




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Supply of Tor steel anchor bars of required diameter, length and shape at site of work complete.




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9.1 Providing and Laying in position of Cement concrete Design mix M-15 including leads of all construction materials, plasticizers (if required), curing, compaction and finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken stone aggregate of maximum size upto; (For mix design Cement content considered 320 kg/ cum of concrete) 9.1.3 40 mm




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9.1 Providing and Laying in position of Cement concrete Design mix M-15 including leads of all construction materials, plasticizers (if required), curing, compaction and finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken stone aggregate of maximum size upto; (For mix design Cement content considered 320 kg/ cum of concrete) 9.1.4 20 mm




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9.2 Providing and Laying in position of Cement concrete Design mix M-20 including leads of all construction materials, plasticizers (if required), curing, compaction and finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken stone aggregate of maximum size upto; (For mix design Cement content considered 400 kg/ cum of concrete) 9.2.4 20 mm




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9.3 Providing and Laying in position of Cement concrete Design mix M-25 including leads of all construction materials, plasticizers (if required), curing, compaction and finishing with rendering in cement sand mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and making good the joints excluding the cost of centering, shuttering and reinforcement. Well graded crusher broken stone aggregate of maximum size upto; (For mix design Cement content considered 420 kg/ cum of concrete) 9.3.4 20 mm




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10.10 Extra labour charges for RCC due to obstruction in laying and placing the reinforced cement concrete due to reinforcement. 10.10.1 In foundation rafts, beams, columns bases stilling basins, buckets, aprons etc. (non suspended horizontally laid mass concrete)




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10.10 Extra labour charges for RCC due to obstruction in laying and placing the reinforced cement concrete due to reinforcement. 10.10.2 Columns, slabs, cantilevers projections staircases, lintels, beams, chajjas, Retaining walls, piers, abutments, galleries, arch covers, bed plates, sluice capstan bases etc.




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10.1 Side shuttering including propping etc. complete (to achieve finish F 2 for 10.1.1 Block joints of foundation stilling basins buckets, aprons etc. (non -suspended horizontally laid mass concrete)




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10.1 Side shuttering including propping etc. complete (to achieve finish F 2 for 10.1.3 Retaining wall, counterfort, abutment, wing walls up stream or down- stream slope facings of dams and open faces of construction joints etc.




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10.1 Side shuttering including propping etc. complete (to achieve finish F 2 for 10.1.4 Curved edges or sides of special shapes like baffle or chute blocks, end sills, Basin Block, projected copings, extended sills, curved surfaces arches, circular ducts etc.




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10.9.2 Supplying of M.S. reinforcement including labour charges for bending binding and placing in position all reinforcement as per drawing including cost of binding wire and all leads and lifts using. Tor or ribbed bars (IS :1786)




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10.7.3 Supply and fixing 6 mm thick PVC water seal of approved quality in construction/contraction joint as per drawing complete in all respect. 305 mm wide




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Design, Drawing, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of Vertical lift fix wheel type sliding gate/inter changeable Stop log gates consisting of skin plate, stiffeners, horizontal girders, pulley, pulley supports, bracings, lifting lug, bracket, rubber seals, clamps plates etc., with all accessories as per relevant for Canal, sluice Vertical gates and spillway gates including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, cutting, bending, aligning, anchoring, welding, seal fixing, tools and tackles etc., finishing, cleaning, applying two coat of zinc rich epoxy primer to give dry film thickness of 70 plus/ minus 5 microns and finish coat(two coats)of solvent less coal tar epoxy paint using airless spray to provide dry film thickness of 150 plus/minus 5 microns per coat thus total dry film thickness of all coats, including primer coating, should not be less than 350 microns., complete as per specifications and approved drawings complete, including packing and forwarding, transportation charges for structural steel components and other materials.




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11.2 Drilling 35 mm to 48 mm dia holes in all types of rock or artificial hard material like concrete or masonary for consolidation/ curtain grouting in stages by percussion drilling including cost of drilling equipment, compressed air, water etc. complete and re-drilling in the hole through set grout, if required. 11.2.1 Up to 5 m depth




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11.2 Drilling 35 mm to 48 mm dia holes in all types of rock or artificial hard material like concrete or masonary for consolidation/ curtain grouting in stages by percussion drilling including cost of drilling equipment, compressed air, water etc. complete and re-drilling in the hole through set grout, if required. 11.2.2 From 5 to 10 m depth




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Supplying and lowering into holes and fixing of casing pipes of suitable diameter to enable drilling of minimum 48 mm dia grout holes.




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Washing and open flushing of drilled holes by alternate jet of air and water under pressure prior to pressure washing and flushing or grout after stage grouting including cost of equipment, compressed air and etc. complete.




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Normal pressure washing of drilled hole in stages in approved pattern for cleaning of clay, soil and other filler materials from the seams and joints in the foundation rock by establishing connections under pressure with air and water including cost of equipment, accessories compressed air, water, labour, admixtures if any required etc. complete as per specification.




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Conducting water intake test in test holes under pressure for determining permeability before or after grouting including cost of equipment and water etc. complete




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Grouting of drilled holes minimum 35 mm dia with or without packers with cement/ clay and or chemicals (in the form of slurry with water) in prescribed ratio till refusal including cost of grouting equipment, compressed air and water etc. complete but excluding cost of cement, clay and chemicals (only dry weight of ingredients excluding chemicals to be considered ) with a working pressure upto 15 kg/Cm2 (Dry cement consumption)




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Cement PPC (in bags) 50 Kg in weight. As per IS 1489 and IS 8112 (excluding cost of empty bag).




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Refilling the excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth side of foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming and watering including cost of water, loading and un-loading wherever required with cost of dewatering wherever required




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Supply of wire crates in required sizes made of hot dipped G.I. Wire conforming to IS 4826 -1979 having mesh of 10 cm x 10 cm (surface area of crate will be measured) made of wire of 5 mm diameter.




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Filling crates with stone, in position at site including hinging with hot dipped G.I. Wire 5 mm dia, excluding cost of wire crates, including cost of stones in position complete in all respects.




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If required as per site, add extra over rate of concrete work with the permission of Superintending Engineer, Rs 260.00 per cum of concrete if computerized password protected composite weight-batching and mixing plant with suitable green concrete transportation mechanism or transit mixer is used




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Excavation including loading unloading disposal and dressing of excavated rock within initial lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area, de-watering wherever required complete in all respect (d)Hard rock (dry or moist) requiring blasting (where hardness of rock is more than 2) including disposal of excavated material in the designated spoil bank / embankment, dressing of excavated material and dewatering with all leads and lifts of excavation and disposal. The contractor is free to use the usable excavated stone else where for which any transition expenditure and royalties, tax etc if required to be paid then it will be liability of contractor as the cost of usable stone has already been deducted from the rate 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required




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Excavation including loading unloading disposal and dressing of excavated rock within initial lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area, de-watering wherever required complete in all respect (d)Hard rock (dry or moist) requiring blasting (where hardness of rock is more than 2) including disposal of excavated material in the designated spoil bank / embankment, dressing of excavated material and dewatering with all leads and lifts of excavation and disposal. The contractor is free to use the usable excavated stone else where for which any transition expenditure and royalties, tax etc if required to be paid then it will be liability of contractor as the cost of usable stone has already been deducted from the rate 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required




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Excavation including loading unloading disposal and dressing of excavated rock within initial lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area, de-watering wherever required complete in all respect (d)Hard rock (dry or moist) requiring blasting (where hardness of rock is more than 2) including disposal of excavated material in the designated spoil bank / embankment, dressing of excavated material and dewatering with all leads and lifts of excavation and disposal. The contractor is free to use the usable excavated stone else where for which any transition expenditure and royalties, tax etc if required to be paid then it will be liability of contractor as the cost of usable stone has already been deducted from the rate 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required




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Excavation including loading unloading disposal and dressing of excavated rock within initial lead of 50m and lift upto 1.5m in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area, de-watering wherever required complete in all respect (d)Hard rock (dry or moist) requiring blasting (where hardness of rock is more than 2) including disposal of excavated material in the designated spoil bank / embankment, dressing of excavated material and dewatering with all leads and lifts of excavation and disposal. The contractor is free to use the usable excavated stone else where for which any transition expenditure and royalties, tax etc if required to be paid then it will be liability of contractor as the cost of usable stone has already been deducted from the rate 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required 5.11 Add extra over item No. 5.1.1 to 5.8.3 for disposal of excavated material above initial lift of 1.5m and for every additional lift of 1.5m or part there of including loading and un- loading wherever required




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16.9 Single levelling with auto level, recording level @ 30 meter interval, chaining pegging for l-section and cross section survey work for new dam and canal etc.Level book, bench mark value and location and plotting of the survey data (L-section or X-section) is to be submitted to the department. 16.9.3 In plain area




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Grid survey at interval of 30 x 30 meter to conduct submergence survey with TS / DGPS instrument and prepare 0.50 m interval contour plan and superimposing over khasra map including all ancillary works as described in specifications and conditions of contract.Note: Khasra map will be provided by department Marking of existing FRL, MWL, MDDL contours and dam alignment. Prepare area-elevation and storage -elevation curves and tables.




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Geological investigation (where directed) Checking of retrogression below spill arrangement, logging of bore log, rock strata classification, suitability of structure foundation and suggesting remedial measures for control of excessive seepage from foundation or body of the dam etc. by the Geological expert having experience more than 15 years and submission of final report.




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Computation of peak flood, routed flood and checking of the adequacy of flood discharge, capacity of existing spill arrangement. In case of existing spill arrangements are found inadequate, the alternative proposals for increasing spill capacity without changing the existing MWL or encroaching the free board be suggested




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