Public Works Department Tender

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Public Works Department - PWD Tender

Civil And Construction
Road Construction
Opening Date29 Nov 2024
Closing Date5 Dec 2024
Tender Amount₹ 1,72,65,000 


  • EMD

    ₹ 3,45,300
  • Document Cost

    ₹ 2,000
  • Tender Fee

    ₹ 2,000


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Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures including cleaning of road surface as per MoRTH specification CIause- 502,112 '7.0-10.0 kg /10 Sqm




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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface including cleaning as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 2 kg /10sqm with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification CI.503,112 On surface treated with primer 2.50 to3.0 kg/10sqm




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Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20 mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm. and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required), transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with all lead for mix of material (MoRTH Specification : Clause 510,112) with all lead In Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader. 'b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)




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Add extra for adding Shreaded Plastic Waste as per Guidelines envisaged in IRC:SP:98-2013 over item No 19.1.a, 19.1.b, 19.1.c, 19.2.a, 19.2.b & 19.2.c @ 8% of the quantity of bitumen by weight including mixing of aggregate and plastic waste in Hot Mix Plant (The bitumen content wil be as per respective Clause of MoRTH Specification.




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Providing and applying premixed seal coat type "B" comprising of thin application of fine aggregate (0.06 Cum. per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kg. per 10 sqm bitumen binder (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required) in mini hot mix plant 6-10 TPH and laying and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material [MORTH Specification : Clause 511] with all lead 'b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)




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Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having P.I.not more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2: iii) Grading lll




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बीडीओ क्वार्टर से गजराज जी के मकान तक रोड मरमत कार्य




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Dismantling upto 1.5m in foundation and/or 1.5m above ground level including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material, and stacking serviceable material within a lead of 1000m. [MoRTH Specification clause 202] Cement Concrete plain 1:3:6 mix.




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured)Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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फतेहपुरी गेट के अंदर प्रहलाद खटीक के घर से कैलाश ढोली के घर ,पूनम चंद खटीक के घर से बाबूलाल नायक के घर तक , जीतू जी नायक के घर से रामेश्वर नायक के घर तक रोड़ मरमत कार्य




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Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having P.I.not more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2: iii) Grading lll




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured)Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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ग्रामोथान स्कूल के पीछे से दिनेश सिंह शेखावत घर तक रोड मरमत कार्य




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Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having P.I.not more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2: iii) Grading lll




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured)Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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चूंगी चौकी से मेदासर चौराहा वाया वैशाली नगर सड़क का मरमत कार्य (MDR 181)




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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface including cleaning as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 2 kg /10sqm with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification CI.503,112 'On existing BT surface 2.00 to 2 .50 kg /10sqm




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Providing and laying Dense Bituminous Macadam on prepared surface with specified graded crushed aggregates as per table 510 and design mix for base/binder course including loading of material with F.E loader, heating of binder (including cost of antistripping compound wherever required) aggregate and filler in hot mix plant 40-60 TPH transporting the mixed material by tippers and laying with sensor paver finisher as per clause 507.3.5 to the required level and grade, rolling by self propelled power rollers and vibratory rollers or pneumatic tyred roller 150-250KN. TP=0.7MPa to achieve the desired density (approved by the department) but excluding cost of primer/tack coat. [MoRTH Specification : Clause 507,112] with 4.50 % Bitumen with all lead. 'b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)




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Providing and laying bituminous concrete as per design mix on prepared surface with specified graded stone as per table 500 - 8, 9,10 for wearing course including loading of aggregate with F.E. Loader and hot mixing of binder (including cost of anti-stripping compound, wherever required) and 3% cement filler with aggregates in hot mix plant 40-60 TPH Transporting the mix material with tipper to paver and laying with sensor paver finisher (as per clause 505.4.8) to the required level, grades and rolling with vibratory compactor and pneumatic tyred roller 150 - 250 KN, TP = 0.7 MPa, to achieve the desired density (approved by the department) excluding cost of primer/tack coat (MoRTH Specification : Clause -505,112) with all lead. '30-45 mm compacted thickness with 5.5% binder grading - 2 with all lead of mix material. 'a) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)




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Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal of dismantled materials upto a lead of 1000 metres, scaking serviceable and unserviceable materials separately as per MoRTH specification claue : 202 By Mechanical Means Granular Courses




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Construction of dry lean cement concrete sub- base over a prepared sub - grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS : 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15 : 1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per Table 600 -1, cement content not to be less than 150 Kg/Cum, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant as per mix design, transported to site, laid with a hydrostatic paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8 -10 tonne vibratory roller, finishing and curing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 601.




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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PART "C" Road Furniture




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P& F Mukhya Mantri Sadak Yojana logo for roads funded by State road fund having M.S. Definition plate of 1.6mm thickness frame to steel hollow dsection of 75mm x 75mm, 2.5m long stove enamelled paint with hold fast including paint logo as per approved design and colours. The logo shall be made out of 1.6mm thick circular plate fix on 1200mm x 150mm rectangular steel base plate 1.6mm thick, the base of circular shall be plain at the junction of base plate. The size of definition plate shall be 1500x600mm and embedding the posts by M-15 mix C.C. block 300x300x600 mm including lettering / writing and painting etc. complete in all respect




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Providing and laying of hot applied thermo plastic compound inclusive of type-1 reflectorising glass beads as per table 800.9, 800.10 applied in uniform thickness of at least 2.5 mm and spread uniformlywith reflectorising glass beads type-2 in addition @ 250 gm/scm with a road marking machine as per latest IRC : 35 complete with traffic diversion arrangement as per MoRTH specification clause 803.4. '-do- without surface applied galss beads type-2




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नागौर रोड़ शंकर जी की चक्की से गोविन्द सोनी के मकान तक रोड मरमत कार्य




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Dismantling upto 1.5m in foundation and/or 1.5m above ground level including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material, and stacking serviceable material within a lead of 1000m. [MoRTH Specification clause 202] Cement Concrete plain 1:3:6 mix.




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured)Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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निमडी चोराहा पर रोड़ मरमत कार्य




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken Add extra for WBM patching work




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Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures including cleaning of road surface as per MoRTH specification CIause- 502,112 '7.0-10.0 kg /10 Sqm




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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface including cleaning as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 2 kg /10sqm with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification CI.503,112 On surface treated with primer 2.50 to3.0 kg/10sqm




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Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20 mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm. and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required), transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with all lead for mix of material (MoRTH Specification : Clause 510,112) with all lead In Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader. 'b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)




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Add extra for adding Shreaded Plastic Waste as per Guidelines envisaged in IRC:SP:98-2013 over item No 19.1.a, 19.1.b, 19.1.c, 19.2.a, 19.2.b & 19.2.c @ 8% of the quantity of bitumen by weight including mixing of aggregate and plastic waste in Hot Mix Plant (The bitumen content wil be as per respective Clause of MoRTH Specification.




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Providing and applying premixed seal coat type "B" comprising of thin application of fine aggregate (0.06 Cum. per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kg. per 10 sqm bitumen binder (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required) in mini hot mix plant 6-10 TPH and laying and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material [MORTH Specification : Clause 511] with all lead 'b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)




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शैतान राम डारा व गिरधारी सिंह सेवा व रतन सिंह व भोमा राम के मकान तक रोड मरमत कार्य




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Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having P.I.not more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2: iii) Grading lll




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured)Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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ब्रहम देव के घर से स्टेशन रोड़ तक (राजपूत कॉलोनी) रोड़ मरमत कार्य




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Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having P.I.not more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2: iii) Grading lll




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured)Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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स्टेशन रोड़ विद्याश्री स्कूल से भवानी जी चोमू के मकान व चांदजी बीठूडा के मकान तक रोड़ मरमत कार्य




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Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having P.I.not more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2: iii) Grading lll




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured)Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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वार्ड नं 33 टीबा बास दुर्गादत टाक के मकान,गोपीराम टाक के मकान से कुमारों की ढाणी तक रोड मरमत कार्य




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Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having P.I.not more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2: iii) Grading lll




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.2 (63-45mm) crusher broken




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured) Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Providing and applying primer coat over prepared surface or granular base with bitumen emulsion as per IS: 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures including cleaning of road surface as per MoRTH specification CIause- 502,112 '7.0-10.0 kg /10 Sqm




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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion on the prepared surface including cleaning as per IS : 8887 & manufacturer’s specifications @ 2 kg /10sqm with a self propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and temperatures as per MoRTH specification CI.503,112 On surface treated with primer 2.50 to3.0 kg/10sqm




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Providing and laying open graded premix carpet 20 mm thick (compacted) on prepared surface in a single course as wearing course, aggregates as per Table 500-23, heating bituminous binder @ 14.6 Kg/10 Sqm. and aggregates in Hot Mix Plant (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required), transporting the mixed material with tipper and laying with paver finisher to the required level and grade, rolling with power roller 8 - 10 tonne but excluding cost of tack and seal coat with all lead for mix of material (MoRTH Specification : Clause 510,112) with all lead In Hot Mix Plant 40-60 TPH, including loading of aggregates with F.E loader. 'b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)




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Add extra for adding Shreaded Plastic Waste as per Guidelines envisaged in IRC:SP:98-2013 over item No 19.1.a, 19.1.b, 19.1.c, 19.2.a, 19.2.b & 19.2.c @ 8% of the quantity of bitumen by weight including mixing of aggregate and plastic waste in Hot Mix Plant (The bitumen content wil be as per respective Clause of MoRTH Specification.




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Providing and applying premixed seal coat type "B" comprising of thin application of fine aggregate (0.06 Cum. per 10 Sqm) premix with 6.8 Kg. per 10 sqm bitumen binder (including cost of antistripping compound, wherever required) in mini hot mix plant 6-10 TPH and laying and rolling with power roller 8-10 tonne including all lead of mix material [MORTH Specification : Clause 511] with all lead 'b) with bitumen grade 60/70 (VG-30)




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वार्ड नं 34 ओमप्रकाश जांगिड़ केटर मशीन के पास वाली गली रोड़ मरमत कार्य




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Providing and laying granular sub-base material (From Natural Quarry) having P.I.not more than 6, including spreading in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and consolidation by 8-10 tonne power roller to required camber and grade including cost of water and hire charges of machinery, including T&P and all lead of material from quarry (compacted thickness to be measured).as per MoRTH specifaction table 400-1,400-2: iii) Grading lll




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregate of specific size as per table 400-8 & 400-9 to Water Bound Macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with power roller 8-10 tonnes, in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of Crushable screening to fill-up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering (with water browser) and rolling, making necessary earthen bund to protect edegs, lighting, guarding, barricading and maintenance of diversion etc. [MoRTH specification : Clause 404] (by manual means) with all leads (compacted thickness as specified to be measured)Grading no.3 (53-22.4 mm) crusher broken




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Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub-base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383 as per design mix, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrance, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing complete as per MoRTH specification clause 602. Design mix grade M30




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