Water Resources Department Tender
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₹ 6,000Tender Fee
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2021_CEBMB_68363_11Bid Award Id
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EE-HID- 02/2021-22Tender Authority
Water Resources Department ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Earth work in excavation of foundation in hard soil including stony earth and gravel mixed with boulders not exceeding 0.014 cum in volume, D.I.Rock & slushy soil with all leads, lifts, delifts including dressing and leveling the bed to design section and depositing excavated materials away from working area in spoil banks with all leads, lifts and delifts including dewatering, shoring, shuttering and propping of bullah piles and construction of coffer dam if required, bailing out water with all cost, conveyance, labour and cess and all other taxes, cess etc. complete, but excluding GST as as per approved drawing, design, specification and direction of the Engineer in charge
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Excavation of foundation in hard rock (granite) removed by chiseling, depositing the material with in initial lead and lift including rough dressing and leveling with all labour, T&P, taxes and cess etc complete, but excluding GST as as per approved drawing, design, specification and direction of the Engineer in charge
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Filling foundation and plinth with sand in layers well watered and rammed including cost, conveyance, royalty of all the materials required for the work, labour T&P and cess etc. complete in all respect but excluding GST as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing C.C (1:3:6) in foundation and plinth using 40 mm size C.B.H.G metal of approved quality from approved quarry including hoisting, lowering and laying in layers not excedding 15cm thick to the required level, rammimg, vibrating, watering and quring etc complete including all cost, conveyance, royalty, cess and taxes of materials, labour charges etc complete in all respect but excluding GST as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Cement concrete (1:2:4) with using 12mm size C.B.H.G Chips broken hard granite coarse aggregate of approved quality free from weathered skin surface and any other deleterious materials, uniform colour and texture including dewatering, cost, conveyance, royalty , tool & plant and , Workers Welfare Cess including cost of shuttering, finished smooth to all heights including casting with all lead, lifts, delifts, watering and curing etc. complete with all labour for mixing by concrete mixture, placing in position by manually and compacting with vibrators etc. complete including hire and running charges of all machineries, etc. complete but excluding GST and as per approved drawing specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) for P.C.C./R.C.C. using 12mm C.B.H.G chips of approved quality free from weathered skin surface and any other deleterious materials, uniform colour and texture including dewatering, cost, conveyance, royalty and all other as applicable of all materials to site of work, tool & plant with all lead, lifts, delifts, watering and curing etc. complete with all labour for mixing by concrete mixture, placing in position by manually and compacting with vibrators etc. complete including hire & running charges of all machineries, Workers Welfare cess etc. complete, but excluding GST and as per approved drawing,design and specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing M.S reinforcement for R.C.C work including cutting, bending, binding, tying the grills and placing in position including cost of steel & binding wire etc. with all labour, materials, T&P, taxes and CESS etc. complete but excluding GST and as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing rigid and smooth centering and shuttering for Concret works including false work, dismentaling and finishing them after casting including cost, conveyance, Workers Welfare cess, as applicable and T&P with all labour & materials etc complete, but excluding GST and as per approved drawing, design, specification and direction of the Engineer in charge
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RCC Foundation ,plinth band ,footings,bases of column ,mass concrete ,pre cast slabs etc.
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RCC work walls and fins including attached pilasters etc
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RCC work in slab for culvert and bridges up to 8 m span etc
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Supplying and laying RCC NP3 pipe including joining the joints with C.M (1:2_ with all labour, materials T&P, taxes and cess etc excluding GST and as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. (i)Humpe pipes NP3 (900 mm dia)
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Filling foundation and plinth with good quality exacavated earth available from foundation exacavation including spreeding and leveling the earth in layers of 22.5 cm thick to make ready for watering and ramming in canal base and sides for all height and including, watering with cost of royality lebour Cess etc. complete, but excluding GST as per approved design, drawing , specification and direction of the Engineer in charge.
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Cement washing two coats with cement to exterior surface of bridge proper including watering, curing T&P etc compelte to the required level including cost, carriage royalty and cess of all materials etc excluding GST as per approved design, drawing , specification and direction of the Engineer in charge.
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Providing rough stone dry packing in approns and revetments with Stone other than granite quarried, broken and staked above 0.003 Cum including cost conveyance of all materials to site etc. with all labour, materials, T&P, royalty, taxes and CESS etc. complete, but excluding GST as per approved design, drawing, specification and direction of the Engineer in charge.
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Providing PVC pipe 100mm dia weep holes in plain/reinforced concrete abuttments, wing walls/return walls. with all labour, materials, T&P, royalty, taxes and CESS etc. complete but excluding GST and as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge
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