Water Resources Department Tender

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Water Resources Department - WRD Tender

Opening Date8 Jul 2021
Closing Date23 Jul 2021
Tender AmountRefer Documents 



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Filling foundation and plinth with coarse sand well watered and rammed in pannel spaces below lining in bed and slopes and below structures foundations to design level, proper line and grade including cost, carriage, royalty & taxes of all materials, labours, cess and T&P etc. required with all leads, lifts & delifts to complete in all respect as per drawings, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and placing in position Cement Concrete M15 grade with 40mm down graded crushed granite coarse aggregate of approved quality mixed in batching and mixing plant/ concrete mixer, transporting the mixed concrete manually or by mechanical means for laying in proper level and grade on approved surface with cost of all materials, royalties, taxes, labour and hire & running charges of all machineries, T&P and cess etc. including vibrating, finishing, curing, and clearing the site with all leads, lifts and delifts, mobilization and demobilization, site illumination for all materials and dewatering if necessary to complete the work as per approved drawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and placing in position Cement Concrete M15 grade with 20mm down graded crushed granite coarse aggregate of approved quality mixed in batching and mixing plant/ concrete mixer, transporting the mixed concrete manually or by mechanical means for laying in proper level and grade on approved surface with cost of all materials, royalties, taxes, labour and hire & running charges of all machineries, T&P and cess etc. including vibrating, finishing, curing, and clearing the site with all leads, lifts and delifts, mobilization and demobilization, site illumination for all materials and dewatering if necessary to complete the work as per approved drawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and placing in position Cement Concrete M20 grade with 20mm down graded crushed granite coarse aggregate of approved quality mixed in batching and mixing plant/ concrete mixer, transporting the mixed concrete manually or by mechanical means for laying in proper level and grade on approved surface with cost of all materials, royalties, taxes, labour and hire & running charges of all machineries, T&P and cess etc. including vibrating, finishing, curing, and clearing the site with all leads, lifts and delifts, mobilization and demobilization, site illumination for all materials and dewatering if necessary to complete the work as per approved drawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and placing in position Cement Concrete M25 grade with 20mm down graded crushed granite coarse aggregate of approved quality mixed in batching and mixing plant/ concrete mixer, transporting the mixed concrete manually or by mechanical means for laying in proper level and grade on approved surface with cost of all materials, royalties, taxes, labour and hire & running charges of all machineries, T&P and cess etc. including vibrating, finishing, curing, and clearing the site with all leads, lifts and delifts, mobilization and demobilization, site illumination for all materials and dewatering if necessary to complete the work as per approved drawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and placing in position R.C.C. M20 grade with 20mm down graded crushed granite coarse aggregate of approved quality mixed in batching and mixing plant/ concrete mixer, transporting the mixed concrete manually or by mechanical means for laying in proper level and grade on approved surface with cost of all materials, royalties, taxes, labour and hire & running charges of all machineries, T&P and cess etc. including vibrating, finishing, curing, and clearing the site with all leads, lifts and delifts, mobilization and demobilization, site illumination for all materials and dewatering if necessary to complete the work as per approved drawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and placing in position R.C.C. M25 grade with 20mm down graded crushed granite coarse aggregate of approved quality mixed in batching and mixing plant/ concrete mixer, transporting the mixed concrete manually or by mechanical means for laying in proper level and grade on approved surface with cost of all materials, royalties, taxes, labour and hire & running charges of all machineries, T&P and cess etc. including vibrating, finishing, curing, and clearing the site with all leads, lifts and delifts, mobilization and demobilization, site illumination for all materials and dewatering if necessary to complete the work as per approved drawings and specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing, straightening, cutting, bending, binding and tying the grills, laying and placing in position the uncoated HYSD (Fe-415 or 500) grade reinforcement bars including lapping (or welding for higher diameter) of bars where necessary with cost, conveyance, royalty, taxes, labour cess of all reinforcement bars, binding wire 18 to 20 gauge, hire and running charges of equipments required for the work with all leads, lifts and delifts, handling & rehandling to complete as per approved drawings and specifications and dewatering where necessary and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Rigid smooth Steel centering and shuttering at all heights of CD & Bridge work for piers,abutments, wing walls, girders,slabs etc, using required nos. of vertical and horizontal supportsof scaffolding with joists, N.G. rails, channels and steel shuttering plates including welding, bolting and cost, conveyance, royalty and taxes of all materials including cost of conveyance of dismantling and disposing debries clear of work site complete to receive reinforcement grills and concrete as per drawings, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and placing Rough stone dry packing in approns and revetments with H.G. broken stone of 30 cm & above size filling interstices with small stones & wedges and packing surface to proper line and level with all leads, lifts and delifts, cost, conveyance, royalty, loading and unloading of all materials and labour required including cess etc. complete as per specification & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and placing Random rubble hard granite stone masonry in sand grouted with hard granite broken stone of 30 cm and above size filling interstices with small stones & wedges and packing surface to proper line and level with all leads, lifts and delifts , cost , conveyance royalty , loading and unloading of all materials and labour required including cess etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing metal spall backing in the rear of weep holes of abutments, wing and return walls and for deep drains with hard crusher broken granite metal with all leads, lifts and delifts to place in proper position including all cost, carriage, royalty, taxes, labour and cess etc. to complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing weep holes in plane/ R.C.C. Abutments, wing and return walls with 100mm dia AC/PVC pipe extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V: 20H towards drawing face with its all accessories including cost, conveyance,royality, labour, cess and taxes of all materials with all leads, lifts and delifts etc. complete as per approved drawing, specification and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.




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Filling foundation and plinth with excavated suitable materials well watered and rammed including cost, conveyance, labour, cess and taxes of all materials with all leads, lifts and delifts etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing, fitting and fixing P.V.C. water stop for drainage gallery as per approved design including fixing in proper alignment and joining with araldite etc. including cost of P.V.C. water stop, taxes, royality, cess etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing, fitting and fixing in position M.S. Angles of 75 x 75 x 6mm size in expansion joint of deck slab with 6mm thick M.S. Plate and 12mm dia HYSD bars, salitex board etc. including all leads, lifts and delifts labour, cost, conveyance, royalty, taxes of all materials, cess and hire & running charges of all equipments required to complete as per approved drawings, specification and as directed by Engineer-in-charge etc. complete.




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Providing and fixing 15cm dia and 1.00m long guard posts of RCC M-25 using 3.5 kg of steel for each guard post with 20mm nominal size crusher broken hard granite chips with cost, carriage cess and royalty of all materials and labour including cost of all reinforcement and centering and shuttering and watering for curing etc. complete and as per the specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and fixing cast iron gratings with 100mm dia PVC pipe of required length in bridge slab to facilitate proper drainage of water from deck slab with cost, carriage,cess and taxes of all materials and labour including all leads, lifts& delifts etc. complete and as per the drawing, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing, fitting and fixing of good and approved quality Bitumenous expansion joint board (I.S.I) in expansion joint of required size with cost of all materials, taxes, labour, transportation,cess etc. complete as in specification, approved drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing, fitting and fixing of good and approved quality Tar paper in expansion joint of required size with cost of all materials,taxes, labour, transportation,cess etc. complete as in specification, approved drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Loosening, leveling and compacting the original ground supporting embankment/ road, scarified to a depth of 150mm. mixed with water at OMC and then compacted by vibratory roller so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in table 300-2 for embankment construction & Clause 305 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) including cost of all materials, labour, royality, cess and Taxes etc complete in all respect and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded Granular Sub-base Grading-III material as per table 400-1 spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotovator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density complete as per Clause 401 of MoSRT & H Specification for Road & Bridge work(4th Revision) including cost of all leads, lifts and delifts, loading and unloading including watering, ramming to required density in OMC with PRR, cost, carriage, royalty, labour, cess and Taxes etc complete in all respect and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Collecting and Supplying good quality moorum of approved quarry and stacking at proposed road site and conveying from stacks and spreading on both sides of shoulders with all leads, lifts and delifts, loading and unloading including cost, carriage, royalty of all materials, labour, cess, taxes and hire charges of all machineries, watering & compacting to the required density in O.M.C with PRR etc. complete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes(Grading-II) to water bound mecadam (WBM) specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with three wheeled steel roller 8-10 tons in stages to poper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggeregate, watering and compacting to the required density as per clause 404 of MoSRT&H specification for rod and bridge works (4th revision) including all cost, carriage, royalty, taxes, cess and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes(Grading-III) to water bound mecadam (WBM) specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with three wheeled steel roller 8-10 tons in stages to poper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggeregate, watering and compacting to the required density as per clause 404 of MoSRT&H specification for rod and bridge works (4th revision) including all cost, carriage, royalty, taxes, cess and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and fixing in position pre-cast R.C.C. M-15 grade (1:2:4), 150cm long Kilometer Stone/ RD pillars @ 500m each of standard design as per IRC: 8 – 1980, for NH/SH etc. including painting and lettering ,cost of all materials, labour, cess, royality and Taxes etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and laying Cohesive Non-Sweling Soil (CNS) in canal bed and slopes in layers not exceeding 100mm, watering upto OMC condition and compacting by vibratory rollers/ plate vibrators to each layer to required density and finished to proper line and grade manually for laying cement concrete lining with cost, carriage, labour, royalty and taxes of all materials including hire and running charges of all the machineries, T&P required for the work and cess etc complete as per approved drawings, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. ( Measurement of fill will be taken on finished compacted sections after deducting the volume of trench cutting for sleeper beams & drains. The rate includes compacting the CNS layer to wider sections and cutting to design sections for laying cement concrete lining as directed).




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Providing and spreading graded sand of approved quality and specification on compacted surface of longitudinal & transverse drains in filter blanket and horizontal filter zone below canal lining to designed thickness in proper line and grade including cost, carriage, royalty & taxes of all materials, labours, cess and T&P etc. required with all leads, lifts & delifts to complete in all respect as per drawings, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and spreading 40 mm to 20mm size graded hard granite crusher broken metals of approved quality satisfying filter criteria on compacted surface of longitudinal & transverse drains in filter blanket and horizontal filter zone below canal lining to designed thickness in proper line and grade including cost, carriage, royalty & taxes of all materials, labours, cess and T&P etc. required with all leads, lifts & delifts to complete in all respect as per drawings, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and spreading 20mm down graded hard granite crusher broken chips of approved quality satisfying filter criteria on compacted surface of longitudinal & transverse drains in filter blanket and horizontal filter zone below canal lining to designed thickness in proper line and grade including cost, carriage, royalty & taxes of all materials, labours, cess and T&P etc. required with all leads, lifts & delifts to complete in all respect as per drawings, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and fixing 160mm dia 6 Kg/Sqm perforated PVC pipe of required length in longitudinal/traverse drain in proper alignment and joining with araldite to facilitate proper drainage of water including cost, carriage,cess and taxes of all materials and labour including all leads, lifts& delifts etc. complete and as per the drawing, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and laying Cement Concrete of grade M-15 with 20mm. down graded hard granite crusher broken chips, clean & coarse sand and approved cement mixing in batching and mixing plant/ concrete mixer for cast-in-situ cement concrete lining in bed and slopes of canal with sleeper beams and keys etc. in pannels including cost, carriage, royalty, cess and taxes of all materials, with all leads, lifts & delifts and supply of all labours, machineries, T&P & including cutting trenches for sleeper beam, keys and drainage etc. with required form work, centering and shuttering, dewatering if required, compacting & finishing with concrete paver finisher to proper profile and grade, expansion/contraction joints, waterig for curing to required period and supplying and laying polythene film of 100micron, tar paper and filling compounds for joints etc. complete as per approved drawing, specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing, fitting and fixing pressure relief valves (PRVs) in position with 750mm long x 90mm dia as per IS: 4985-1968 with 5mm thick porforated PVC pipes/ stainer (6mm dia perforation) ) in position with Neoprene rubber flap in longitudinal and cross drains and in pockets of canal slopes and bed at specified locations to release hydrostatic pressures and positioning in proper line and grade including cost, carriage, royalty & taxes of all materials, labours, cess and T&P etc. required with all leads, lifts & delifts to complete in all respect as per drawings, specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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