Water Resources Department Tender
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₹ 65,900Document Cost
₹ 10,000Tender Fee
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2025_CEDC_109084_1Bid Award Id
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EE-DD-CTC-12/2024-25Tender Authority
Water Resources Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Providing and laying Cement concrete M 15 in approved surface using 40 mm down graded hard granite well graded crusher broken stone aggregates free from weathered skin surface and any other deleterious materials, using sharp sand of approved grading and quality conforming to the specification, using water of approved quality and using cement as per approved specifications with all leads, lifts and delifts and transportation by mechanical/manual means including carriage, royalty, cess and taxes of all materials, mixing the ingredient in a mechanical mixer, vibrator of concrete by mechanical means, supplying T&P, watering, curing including cost of carriage of water, mobilization and demobilization of men & machineries etc including quality control testing charges as per approved drawing and specifications and direction of the Engineer-in -charge.
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Supplying, laying and fixing in position RCC spun pipe 1200mm dia confirming to NP3 with collar jointed in CM (1:3) including cost, carriage & all other taxes, all labour, cess T&P etc complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying, straightening, cutting, bending, binding the reinforcement steel bars of different diameters conforming to I.S.1786 and I.S 432 of all diameters, tying the grills in position at all heights including cost of rod, binding wire 18 to 20 gauge with cost, conveyance, taxes of all materials including chairs, dowel, benches, lapping, wastage & welding wherever necessary with all leads, lifts & delifts including quality control testing charges of uncoated HYSD bar with cost of labour T&P required for the work etc. complete as per the design, specification & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing and placing in position Reinforced Cement concrete M 25 grade with crusher broken hard granite aggregate 20 mm down graded of approved quality free from weatheered skin surface and any other deleterious materials clean coarse sand inclusive of cost,carriage, royalty and taxes of all materials with cost of labour and T&P to mixing yard ,mixing by concrete mixture, carrying hoisting and placing in position for all heights and compaction with vibrators,curing etc.complete in all respect inclusive of all general and incidental charges,dewatering etc complete with maintenance and haul road etc including quality control testing charges complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. (excluding cost of HYSD bars).
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Providing and laying Cement Concrete M 20 (as per design mix) in approved surface using 20 mm down graded hard granite well graded crusher broken stone aggregates free from weatheered skin surface and any other deleterious materials,using sharp sand of approved grading and quality confoming to the specification,using water of approved grading and quality and using cement as per approved specifications with all leads and delifts and transportation by mechanical/manual means including carriage,royality,cess and taxes of all materials,mixing the ingredient in a mechanical mixer,vibrator of concrete by mechanical means,supplying T&P,watering,curing including cost of carriage of water, mobilzation and demobilization men & mechineries etc including quality control testing charges as per approved drawing and specifications and direction of the Engineer-in -charge.
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Rigid smooth centering and shuttering for RCC works including false works and dismantaling then after casting including all labours,cost of all materials ,cess,transportation and T&P complete as directed by the Engineer in Charge.
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Earth work in approved type of soil brought from borrow area by mechanical means and transportation by any means, spreading the earth over properly prepared surface of coffer dam, diversion road & approach road etc and breaking clods to maximum 5 cm to 7cm sizes including levelling the earth in 22.50 cm, layers for all heights with all leads within 5.00km, lifts and delifts including cost, carriage, royalty , taxes of all materials with cost of labour, T&P required for the work including lighting and watering of haul roads and borrow area etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge.(Borrow area should be arranged by contractor and Measurement to be taken on finished compacted section on initial and final level basis).
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Construction of granular subbase by providing close graded granular subbase grading -III material as per table 400-1,spreding in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface,mixing by mixing in place method with PRR to achieve the desired density complete as per clause no 401 of MoSRT&H specifications for Road & Bridge works with cost,conveyance,royalty of granite stone and labour charges,T&P and cess complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. .
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Providing rough stone dry packing in appron and revetments with hard granite stone boulder size not less than 0.025 cum free from weathered skin surface to proper line and level including filling the interstices with required broken stone spalls with all leads, lifts and delifts including cost, carriage, royalty, taxes of all materials and cost of labour and T&P, cess, dressing of earth work in bed and slopes & trimming to the required profile including dewatering if required etc. complete with all general and incidental charges as per drawing, design and specification and per the direction of the Engineer-in -charge.
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Filling in foundation and plinth with excavated materials well watered and rammed including cost of labour and T&P, cess required for the work complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in -charge.
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