Water Resources Department Tender
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₹ 67,500Document Cost
₹ 10,000Tender Fee
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Improvement To Malaguni Left Embankment On Road From Raipur To Masania Village (sl. No.06)
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2025_CELBB_109477_5Bid Award Id
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e-Procurement Notice No.- KHD-06 of 2024-25Tender Authority
Water Resources Department ViewPurchaser Address
GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Excavation of foundation in hard soil or gravelly soil with all leads, lifts, delifts including dressing and levelling the bed to design section and depositing excavated materials away from working area in spoil banks with all leads, lifts and delifts including dewatering shoring shuttering and propping of bullah piles and construction of coffer dam if required bailing out water, with all cost,conveyance, labour and cess with all leads, lifts and delifts including labour welfarecess and all other taxes etc. complete as per approved drawing design specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Filling foundation and plinth with sand in layers not exceeding 22.50cm in thickness, well watered and rammed including cost, conveyance, royalty, DMF, EMF, additional charges of all materials with all leads,lifts and delifts, cost of all labour , T&P, taxes, labour welfare cess etc. complete as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing, Collecting, supplying good quality moorum and sand from approved quarry and stacking the same at work site or at approved stack yard for premeasurement in regular box heaps of 1.50m x 1.50 m x 0.50 m to be measured as one cum and conveying from premeasured stacks and mixing the muroom & sand in required proportion (60:40) to form the admixture and spreading the admixture over the prepared surface for sub-base not exceeding 10mm in layers to required thickness including watering and compacting to required density with H.R.R. including cost, conveyance,royalty,DMF, EMF, additional chargesand all other taxes of all materials and cost of labour , T&P, taxes required for the work including hire & running charges of machineries and labour welfare cess etc.complete in all respects,with all leads , lifts and delifts as per specification and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.
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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of IRC Grade- II metal of size 63mm to 45mm free from weathered skin and deleterious materials to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel roller 8-10 tones in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding materials as moorum to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering & compacting to the required density and thickness of 75mm as per clause No. 404 of MOSRT&H specification for road and bridge works (4th revision) including cost, conveyance, royalty, DMF, EMF, additional charges, taxes of all materials, hire and running charges of PRR with cost of all labour T&P, taxes required for the work, labour welfare cess etc. complete and as per specification & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. (Measurement will be taken on the finished section only)
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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of IRC Grade- III metal of size 53mm to 22.4mm free from weathered skin and deleterious materials to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel roller 8-10 tones in stages to proper grade and camber, applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding materials as moorum to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregates, watering & compacting to the required density and thickness of 75mm as per clause No. 404 of MOSRT&H specification for road and bridge works (4th revision) including cost, conveyance, royalty, DMF, EMF, additional charges, taxes of all materials, hire and running charges of PRR with cost of all labour T&P, taxes required for the work, labour welfare cess etc. complete and as per specification & direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. (Measurement will be taken on the finished section only)
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Clearning the existing granular base surface including removal of binding materials & other foreign materials with wire brushes & small picks, sweeping with brooms or soft brushes & finally dusting with old gunny bags and / or compressed air to receive bituminous including all labour, T& P, taxes, labour welfare cess etc.complete and as per specification & the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing & applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared road surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface with brooms, bushes & spraying primer at the rate of 0.60kg /sqm using mechanical means as per clause no. 502 of MOSRT &H, specification for road & bridge works (4th revision) & including all cost, carriage & taxes of all materials etc. labour T&P, taxes hire and running charges of machineries with all taxes including all leads, lifts & delifts, labour welfare cess etc complete as per specification & the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing & applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor at the rate of 0.2kg per Sqm on the prepared bituminous / granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom as per clause no. 503 of MOSRT & H specification for road & bridge works (4th revision) & including all cost, carriage & taxes of all materials, labour, T&P, taxes, hire and running charges of machineries including all leads, lifts & delifts, labour welfare cess etc complete as per specification & the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing & laying bituminous macadam with hot mix plant using crushed aggregate of specified grading premixed with bituminous binder of 60/70 penetration grade, transporting the hot mix to work site laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with censor control to the required grade, level, alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled vibrator & tandam rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per clause 508 of MoRT&H specification for road and bridge works (4th revision) (Grade-II)(19mm nominal size).
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Providing & laying SDBC with batch mix hot mix plant using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed with bituminous bider of 60/70 penetration grade, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finished with censor control to the required grade, level alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibrator & tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per clause 508 of MoRT&H specifrication for road and bridge works (4th revision).Grade-II
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Collecting, supplying & stacking at work site good quality of sand from approved river for premeasurement . conveying from stack and blinding road surface with sand 6mm thick including cost of all materials with labour, T&P, taxes charges,welfare cess etc. complete as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Collecting,supplying and stacking good quality moorum from approved quarry and stacking the same at work site or at approved stack yard for premeasurement in regular box heaps of 1.50m x 1.50 m x 0.50 m to be measured as one cum and conveying from premeasured stacks and spreading the moorum over the prepared surface for sub-base not exceeding 10mm in layers to required thickness including watering and compacting to required density with H.R.R. including cost, conveyance,royalty, DMF, EMF, additional charges and all other taxes of all materials and cost of labour , T&P, taxes required for the work including hire & running charges of machineries and labour welfare cess etc.complete in all respects,with all leads , lifts and delifts as per specification and as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.
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Cement Concrete in (1:2:4) proportion using crusher broken hard granite coarse aggregate 12 mm and down graded size of good quality collected from approved quarry free from weathered skin and all deleterious materials using screened and washed coarse sand, mixing by mechanical mixer, placing in proper position, compacting by mechanical vibrator including cost, conveyance, royalty, of all materials with all leads,lifts and delifts, centering and shuttering, curing, hire and running charges of all machineries, with cost of all labour,T&P, taxes, fixing of embedments if any and labour welfare cess etc complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying & fixing 15cm dia 1.00m long guard posts of RCC (1:2;4) using 3.5kg of steel for each guard post with 12mm size black hard granite stone ships including cost of reinforcement and materials centering shuttering and watering carrying hire and running charges of all machineries, with cost of all labour,T&P, taxes,and labour welfare cess etc complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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