South Eastern Railway Tender

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South Eastern Railway - SER Tender

Telecommunication Services
Opening Date20 Dec 2024
Closing DateCancelled
Tender Amount₹ 55,43,86,895.32 



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Installation, wiring, testing (FAT & SAT) and commissioning of EI System with 'Hot Standby' architecture as supplied. It includes transportation of material from consignee's depot to the site, erection and grouting of EI Relay Racks, fixing and wiring of all the interfacing relays (Vital & 1 Non-Vital),installation and wiring of Microprocessor equipments, interface equipments, power supply equipments and all other associated accessories to make complete EI system to be functional. Note: (i) Technical Requirements are attached with tender document (ii) Contractor has to arrange simulator/simulation testing panel for testing and commissioning by Selection Table and Square Sheet for each Signalling function.(iii) Installation, wiring, testing and commissioning of EI system will be done by OEM after following all the guidelines/directives issued by RDSO from time to time. 2




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Design, manufacture and supply of Electronic Interlocking (EI) system (Distributed configuration(1+2)), Hot standby Configuration between central EI and object controllers as per Specification: RDSO/SPN/192/2019 Ver.2 or RDSO/SPN/203/2011 Ver.1 (for Big Yard having more than 200 Routes) with latest amendments from RDSO approved source only and as per special condition of the contract, technical requirement as per given tentative/approved Signalling Interlocking Plan. The inter-equipment communication arrangement shall be duplicated. It is mainly consisting of Microprocessor Equipments, Interface Equipments, all types of Interfacing Relays 1 including ECR relay, Interconnecting cables, In-built event Logger, In-built Power Supply Equipments, Racks (Only Relay Rack/EI Rack), Wires, Fuses, Fixtures, Network management system, Mounting arrangements along with all the required accessories for EI system to make it functional. Hot standby with Dual VDU and Maintenance Terminals shall be LED based with 4K resolution suitable for 24x7 application with industrial grade. Each VDU to be provided with Industrial grade 3KVA inverter (input voltage 24V DC from IPS). Size of VDU and MT: (i) For less than 50 Routes-49/50 inch, (ii)For more than 50 routes & upto 100 Routes-55 inch,(iii)For more than 100 routes & upto 200 Routes-65 inch. (iv)For more than 200 routes-Larger size or array of LED panel with minimum/zero bezel or video wall with redundant controller as specified by purchaser is to be provided conforming to SIL-II certification for operator console, Maintenance Terminals (Size & model of VDU & MT shall be same) along with laser printer at Maintenance Terminal. Embedded industrial grade fan less PCs shall be as per minimum requirement of Embedded PC for EI mentioned in RDSO TAN no. STS/E/TAN/3007 dated 2.11.12 or latest. The work should be done as per TAN no. STS/E/TAN/3012 Ver 3.0 dated 28.06.2021 or latest. Approved completion drawing shall be submitted immediate after commissioning of EI. The optical fiber connectivity with fiber management and diagnostic analysis system shall be provided to connect EI with SM room PC terminal. (In case of distributed EI, outdoor Optical Fiber cables between centres to goomties in ring path shall be laid through other schedule of the tender).This item also includes supply of following:- (a) Tool Kits required for trouble shooting and repair of hardware and software as per RDSO specification. (b) Documents/manuals for EI system as per para no.10.2 of Specification No. RDSO/SPN/192/2019 Ver.2 or as per para no.11.2 for RDSO/SPN/203/2011 Ver.1 or latest. (c) Supply & provision of protective devices like surge and lightning protection devices compatible to RE standards as recommended by OEM / RDSO. (d) Spare: Supply of essential spares to the extent of 10% of the quantities installed (subject to minimum 1 No.) Note:- i) The functional Vital Bit list is attached for reference (Annexure-D). A-class protection, Ring earth & trainings are not be included in this schedule. Inspection: RDSO. However, items not covered under RDSO inspection shall be inspected by the Representative of Railway .Other Details are in enclosed Annexure. for EI at BAGDEHI , having bits 639 No.




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Design, manufacture and supply of Electronic Interlocking (EI) system (Distributed configuration(1+4)), Hot standby Configuration between central EI and object controllers as per Specification: RDSO/SPN/192/2019 Ver.2 or RDSO/SPN/203/2011 Ver.1 (for Big Yard having more than 200 Routes) with latest amendments from RDSO approved source only and as per special condition of the contract, technical requirement as per given tentative/approved Signalling Interlocking Plan. The inter-equipment communication arrangement shall be duplicated. It is mainly consisting of Microprocessor Equipments, Interface Equipments, all types of Interfacing Relays including ECR relay, Interconnecting cables, In-built event Logger, In-built Power Supply Equipments, Racks (Only Relay Rack/EI Rack), Wires, Fuses, Fixtures, Network management system, Mounting arrangements along with all the required accessories for EI system to make it functional. Hot standby with Dual VDU and Maintenance Terminals shall be LED based with 4K resolution suitable for 24x7 application with industrial grade. Each VDU to be provided with Industrial grade 3KVA inverter (input voltage 24V DC from IPS). Size of VDU and MT: (i) For less than 50 Routes-49/50 inch, (ii)For more than 50 routes & upto 100 Routes-55 inch,(iii)For more than 100 routes & upto 200 Routes-65 inch. (iv)For more than 200 routes-Larger size or array of LED panel with minimum/zero bezel or video wall with redundant controller as specified by purchaser is to be provided conforming to SIL-II certification 2 for operator console, Maintenance Terminals (Size & model of VDU & MT shall be same) along with laser printer at Maintenance Terminal. Embedded industrial grade fan less PCs shall be as per minimum requirement of Embedded PC for EI mentioned in RDSO TAN no. STS/E/TAN/3007 dated 2.11.12 or latest. The work should be done as per TAN no. STS/E/TAN/3012 Ver 3.0 dated 28.06.2021 or latest. Approved completion drawing shall be submitted immediate after commissioning of EI. The optical fiber connectivity with fiber management and diagnostic analysis system shall be provided to connect EI with SM room PC terminal. (In case of distributed EI, outdoor Optical Fiber cables between centres to goomties in ring path shall be laid through other schedule of the tender).This item also includes supply of following:- (a) Tool Kits required for trouble shooting and repair of hardware and software as per RDSO specification. (b) Documents/manuals for EI system as per para no.10.2 of Specification No. RDSO/SPN/192/2019 Ver.2 or as per para no.11.2 for RDSO/SPN/203/2011 Ver.1 or latest. (c) Supply & provision of protective devices like surge and lightning protection devices compatible to RE standards as recommended by OEM / RDSO. (d) Spare: Supply of essential spares to the extent of 10% of the quantities installed (subject to minimum 1 No.) Note:- i) The functional Vital Bit list is attached for reference (Annexure-D). A-class protection, Ring earth & trainings are not be included in this schedule. Inspection: RDSO. However, items not covered under RDSO inspection shall be inspected by the Representative of Railway .Other Details are in enclosed Annexure. for EI at DHUTRA, having bits 1349.




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Design, manufacture and supply of Electronic Interlocking (EI) system (Distributed configuration (1+2)), Hot standby Configuration between central EI and object controllers as per Specification: RDSO/SPN/192/2019 Ver.2 or RDSO/SPN/203/2011 Ver.1 (for Big Yard having more than 200 Routes) with latest amendments from RDSO approved source only and as per special condition of the contract, technical requirement as per given tentative/approved Signalling Interlocking Plan. The inter-equipment communication arrangement shall be duplicated. It is mainly consisting of Microprocessor Equipments, Interface Equipments, all types of Interfacing Relays including ECR relay, Interconnecting cables, In-built event Logger, In-built Power Supply Equipments, Racks (Only Relay Rack/EI Rack), Wires, Fuses, Fixtures, Network management system, Mounting arrangements along with all the required accessories for EI system to make it functional. Hot standby with Dual VDU and Maintenance Terminals shall be LED based with 4K resolution suitable for 24x7 application with industrial grade. Each VDU to be provided with Industrial grade 3KVA inverter (input voltage 24V DC from IPS). Size of VDU and MT: (i) For less than 50 Routes-49/50 inch, (ii)For more than 50 routes & upto 100 Routes-55 inch,(iii)For more than 100 routes & upto 200 Routes-65 inch. (iv)For more than 200 routes-Larger size or array of LED panel with minimum/zero bezel or video wall 3 with redundant controller as specified by purchaser is to be provided conforming to SIL-II certification for operator console, Maintenance Terminals (Size & model of VDU & MT shall be same) along with laser printer at Maintenance Terminal. Embedded industrial grade fan less PCs shall be as per minimum requirement of Embedded PC for EI mentioned in RDSO TAN no. STS/E/TAN/3007 dated 2.11.12 or latest. The work should be done as per TAN no. STS/E/TAN/3012 Ver 3.0 dated 28.06.2021 or latest. Approved completion drawing shall be submitted immediate after commissioning of EI. The optical fiber connectivity with fiber management and diagnostic analysis system shall be provided to connect EI with SM room PC terminal. (In case of distributed EI, outdoor Optical Fiber cables between centres to goomties in ring path shall be laid through other schedule of the tender).This item also includes supply of following:- (a) Tool Kits required for trouble shooting and repair of hardware and software as per RDSO specification. (b) Documents/manuals for EI system as per para no.10.2 of Specification No. RDSO/SPN/192/2019 Ver.2 or as per para no.11.2 for RDSO/SPN/203/2011 Ver.1 or latest. (c) Supply & provision of protective devices like surge and lightning protection devices compatible to RE standards as recommended by OEM / RDSO. (d) Spare: Supply of essential spares to the extent of 10% of the quantities installed (subject to minimum 1 No.) Note:- i) The functional Vital Bit list is attached for reference (Annexure-D). A-class protection, Ring earth & trainings are not be included in this schedule. Inspection: RDSO. However, items not covered under RDSO inspection shall be inspected by the Representative of Railway .Other Details are in enclosed Annexure. For Auto EI (between BAGDEHI - DHUTRA Section) in (1+2) configuration with functional Vital Bits 390 no.




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Design, manufacture and supply of Electronic Interlocking (EI) system ( (Centralized configuration )), Hot standby Configuration between central EI and object controllers as per Specification: RDSO/SPN/192/2019 Ver.2 or RDSO/SPN/203/2011 Ver.1 (for Big Yard having more than 200 Routes) with latest amendments from RDSO approved source only and as per special condition of the contract, technical requirement as per given tentative/approved Signalling Interlocking Plan. The inter-equipment communication arrangement shall be duplicated. It is mainly consisting of Microprocessor Equipments, Interface Equipments, all types of Interfacing Relays including ECR relay, Interconnecting cables, In-built event Logger, In-built Power Supply Equipments, Racks (Only Relay Rack/EI Rack), Wires, Fuses, Fixtures, Network management system, Mounting arrangements along with all the required accessories for EI system to make it functional. Hot standby with Dual VDU and Maintenance Terminals shall be LED based with 4K resolution suitable for 24x7 application with industrial grade. Each VDU to be provided with Industrial grade 3KVA inverter (input voltage 24V DC from IPS). Size of VDU and MT: (i) For less than 50 Routes-49/50 inch, (ii)For more than 50 routes & upto 100 Routes-55 inch,(iii)For more than 100 routes & upto 200 Routes-65 inch. (iv)For more than 200 routes-Larger size or array of LED panel with minimum/zero bezel or video wall with redundant controller as specified by purchaser is to be provided conforming to SIL-II certification 4 for operator console, Maintenance Terminals (Size & model of VDU & MT shall be same) along with laser printer at Maintenance Terminal. Embedded industrial grade fan less PCs shall be as per minimum requirement of Embedded PC for EI mentioned in RDSO TAN no. STS/E/TAN/3007 dated 2.11.12 or latest. The work should be done as per TAN no. STS/E/TAN/3012 Ver 3.0 dated 28.06.2021 or latest. Approved completion drawing shall be submitted immediate after commissioning of EI. The optical fiber connectivity with fiber management and diagnostic analysis system shall be provided to connect EI with SM room PC terminal. (In case of distributed EI, outdoor Optical Fiber cables between centres to goomties in ring path shall be laid through other schedule of the tender).This item also includes supply of following:- (a) Tool Kits required for trouble shooting and repair of hardware and software as per RDSO specification. (b) Documents/manuals for EI system as per para no.10.2 of Specification No. RDSO/SPN/192/2019 Ver.2 or as per para no.11.2 for RDSO/SPN/203/2011 Ver.1 or latest. (c) Supply & provision of protective devices like surge and lightning protection devices compatible to RE standards as recommended by OEM / RDSO. (d) Spare: Supply of essential spares to the extent of 10% of the quantities installed (subject to minimum 1 No.) Note:- i) The functional Vital Bit list is attached for reference (Annexure-D). A-class protection, Ring earth & trainings are not be included in this schedule. Inspection: RDSO. However, items not covered under RDSO inspection shall be inspected by the Representative of Railway .Other Details are in enclosed Annexure. For Auto EI (between DHUTRA - JSG GOODS Section) in Centralized EI (1) configuration with functional Vital Bits Upto 80 No.




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