Rural Development Department Tender
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₹ 26,100Document Cost
₹ 6,000Tender Fee
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2024_CERWI_108857_9Tender No
Online Tender/10/SERWD PHULBANI/2024-25Tender Authority
Rural Development Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Providing laying spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate of 53mm to 22.4mm size using Gr-III size granite metal to Water Bound Macadam specification (75mm compacted thickness) includingspreading in uniform thickness hand packing rolling with 3 wheeled steel roller 8-10 tonne in staes to proper grade and camber applying and brooming requisite type of screening/ binding materials as crusher dust to fill up the interestices required density as per approved drawing and technical specification and as per the Clause 404 of MoSRT and H specification for Road and Bridge works (latest revision)
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Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsiton on prepared surface of granular base including clearing of road surface of grnular base including cleaning of road surface of granulr base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 06kg/sqm using mechanicval clause 502 of MoSRT & H specification for road and bridge works (4th Revision)
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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion of prepared surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface of granular base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.2kg/sqm using mechaical clause 503 of MosRT&H specification for road and bridge works (4th Revision)
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20mm thick premix carpet using 0.27cum of 13.2mm 5.6mm size broken chips and 14.60kg penetration grade of bitumen for 10sqm including hand packing to proper camber and consolidation with PRR including hire and runing charges of PRR hot mix plant bitumen boilers and all other T&P articles including cost and conveyance of materials with all taxes labour royalty etc. complete as per the speciication and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge
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6mm thick precoated seal coat Type-B using 0.6 cum of 6.7mm size chips and 6.8kg of bitumen for 10 sqm of road surface including rolling with PRR including cost conveyance chips and bitumen etc. complete as per the specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures upto 3m depth as per drawing and technical specification Cluse 1104 of MoRD including setting out construction of shoring and bracing removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dresssing of sides and bdottom and backfiling with approved material as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge
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Supplying filling in foundation and plinth with sand of approved quality in proper layers well watered and rammed with cost, conveyance, royalty, Cess and taxes of all materials and labour, T&P etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC.
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Providing and laying plain cement concrete M-10 nominal mix (1:3:6) in foundation and plinth using 40mm down graded aggregates as per drawing and technical specification etc. complete with watering curing etc. including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC (In open foundation)
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Providing and laying plain cement concrete M-15 nominal mix (1:2.5:5) in foundation and plinth using 40mm down graded aggregates as per drawing and technical specification etc. complete with watering curing etc. including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC (In open foundation)
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Providing and laying plain cement concrete M-15 nominal mix (1:2.5:5) in substructure using 40mm down graded aggregates as per drawing and technical specification etc. complete with watering curing etc. including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC (In Sub-structure)
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Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 in substructure s as per drawing and technical specification etc. complete with watering curing etc. including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC (In Sub-structure)
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Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete M-25 in supersubstructure s as per drawing and technical specification etc. complete with watering curing etc. including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC (In Superstructure)
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Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Wearing Course M-30 grade including Reinforcement complete s as per drawing and technical specification etc. complete with watering curing etc. including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC
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Supplying fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in Substructure/Superstructure etc. compelte as per the drawing and technical specification Clause 1002,1005,1010 & 1202 and as per the direction and specification of the Engineer-in-Charge
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Construction of pecast RCC railing of M30 grade aggregate size not exceeding 20mm as per the drawing and technical specification Clause 1002,1005,1010 & 1202 and as per the direction and specification of the Engineer-in-Charge
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Providing weep hole in brick masonry /plain/reinforcement concrete abutment/wing wall / return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe extending through the full width of the structure with slope 1(V) to 20(H) towards drawing face etc complete as per the specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge
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Dismantling & removing old damage R.C.C. Coloumn Beam, Slab, Staircase, Landing including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC
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Dismantling brick or stone masonary above 3.0mtr height including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.
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Providing and laying filter media with granular crushed aggregates as per specification to a thickness of not less than 600mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and providing over the entire surface behind abutment wing wall return wall to the full height, compacted to firm condition etc. complete as per the drawing and technical specification and as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge
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Earthwork in excavation of foundation in hard soil within initial leads and lifts including dressing and leveling the bed and depositing the excavated earth places away from work site including cost of labour T&P etc. complete as per specification and direction of the E.I.C
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Supplying filling in foundation and plinth with sand of approved quality in proper layers well watered and rammed with cost, conveyance, royalty, Cess and taxes of all materials and labour, T&P etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC.
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Plain cement concrete in foundation and plinth using 40mm down graded aggregates as per drawing and technical specification etc. complete with watering curing etc. including cost conveyance and Royalty, Cess of all materials with all taxes and compacting watering curing and all labour with T&P articles required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of the EIC (In open foundation)
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In substructure
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Providing weep hole in brick masonry /plain/reinforcement concrete abutment/wing wall / return wall with 100 mm dia AC pipe extending through the full width of the structure with slope 1(V) to 20(H) towards drawing face etc complete as per the specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge
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Earthwork in hard soil or gravelly soil within 50m initial lead and 1.5m initial lift including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 0.3m in depth with ordinary compaction including cost of labour T and P etc. complete as per specification and direction of the E.I.C
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