Rural Development Department Tender
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₹ 4,200Document Cost
₹ 2,000Tender Fee
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2025_CERWI_109199_6Bid Award Id
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11/MOHANA/2024-25Tender Authority
Rural Development Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Fly Ash brick masonary in Cement Mortar (1:6) in foundation/Superstructure using-fly ash-brick of 23cm X 11cm X 8cm size having a crushing strength in between 75kg to 100 kg per with dimensional tolerance ± 8% including splays cutting circular moulding chamfering & corbelling watering and curring for 7days after immersing the bricks in water for six hours before use etc. complete including cost & conveyance of all materials royalty, DMF (10% over royalty), EMF (5% over royalty) & Addl. Charges, & labour & cess etc required for the work complete in all respect as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. Superstructure
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12mm (1/2") thick cement plaster in C.M (1:6) finsihed smooth to out side brick walls after racking out the joints including watering & curing for seven days with cost and conveyance of all materials and laobur with T&P required for the work with royalty, DMF (10% over royalty), EMF (5% over royalty) & Addl. Charges, Cess etc, complete in all floors as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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16mm (5/8") thick cement plaster in C.M. (1:6)finished smooth to inside surface of 9" thick brick wall after racking out the joints including watering & curing for seven days with cost and conveyance of all materials and labour with T&P required for the work with royalty, DMF (10% over royalty), EMF (5% over royalty) & Addl. Charges, & Cess etc complete in all floor as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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6mm thick cement plaster in cement mortar (1:4) to ceilling of roof lintel and chajjas after chipping and chiselling the same and clearing the surface by wire brush finished smooth watering and curing for 7 days including cost,conveyance of all materials and labour with T&P & Cess required for the work withand royality, DMF (10% over royalty), EMF (5% over royalty) & Addl. Charges, etc complete in all respects in all floors as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
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ProvidingMarble tile flooringusing (above 0.10sqm size) floor tiles fixing in floors treads (or) steps and landing on 25 mm thick bed of C.M (1:1) (1 cement : 1 sand) jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shades of the tiles including rubbing & polishing complete including cost of tiles watering & curing for 7 days with cost, conveyance,royalty, DMF (10% over royalty), EMF (5% over royalty) & Addl. Charges of all materials & labour T&P and Cess required for the work etc, complete in all respect with surface finishing with polishing materials as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.
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Wall painting two coats with plastic emulsion paint of approved quality & shade on new work to give an even shade with brush to interior walls suraface after cleaning the surface including cost of plastic emulsion paint with cost, conveyance andof all materials and labour with T&P required for the work with Cess etc complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
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Finishing wall surface two coats with any approved weather shield cement paint to outer wall surface after celaning surface including cost of paint watering curing with cost conveyance andof all materials and labour with T&P and Cessrequired for the work etc, complete in all respect as per the direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
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Priming one coat with any approved primer over wall surface including cost of primer with sand papering, polishing the surface in all respectwith cost, conveyance andof all materials and labour with T&P and Cess required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
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Priming one coat with any approved primer over iron work surface including cost of primer with sand papering, polishing the surface in all respect with cost, conveyance of all materials and labour with T&P and Cess required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
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Painting two coats with any approved paint to Iron work including cost of the paint sand papering polishing the surface with cost conveyance of all materials and labour with T&P required for the work with Cess etc, complete as per the direction of the Engineer-In-Charge.
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Supplying,fitting,fixing up window (sliding type) made up aluminum section 151-154,151-155, as windows frame sec tion no. 151-155,151-153 abd 151-167 as shuter frame with 5mm thick black glass as panel fitted with rubber beading including locking arrangement including all fitting in cluding cost of materials alllabour,T&P & Cess etc complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing fitting,fixing of AI.door with OEL anodized AI.door section of 9202 as vertical member, 9201 as top member and 9200 as bottom and middle member and 12mm thick pre-laminated board fixed on door frame by means of tapered clip no. 4660 and the frame to be completed by means of jointing angle no. 1855 including all cost of labour T&P,hire charges of drilling machine labour charges etc complete as per direction of EIC.
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Providing & fixing Plain Gypsum board celling suspended from roof by adjustableGI ceiling angle with spread at a distance notmore than 600mm fixed to roof by Rowl Plug &stiff cleart . Gypsum board 12.5 mm thick held by G.I Perimeter channel MF-3 & intermediate channel MF-7 framing , boarding, jointing &finishing with special type of Gypsum compound etc .including cost, conveyance &of all materials labour with T&P & Cess etc completein all respect as per direction of EIC.
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Providing fixing and fitting of Cornice for Gypsum board ceilling 4" wide of approved quality and approved make confirming to I S with neCessary bends etc complete fixed to wall with Screw etc as per the direction of Engineer in charge including cost of all materials withlabour T & P Cess etc complete.
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