Odisha Tourism Development Corporation Limited Tender
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₹ 20,668Document Cost
₹ 6,000Tender Fee
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2020_OTDC_62505_1Bid Award Id
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E.E - III/02/2020-21 dt.26.08.2020Tender Authority
Odisha Tourism Development Corporation Limited ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Providing and lying plain cement concrete of proportion (1:4:8) in foundation and floors using Portland Slag Cement(PSC) with 4 cm. Size black hard crusher broken granite stone metal and screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, washed and cleaned including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete to required levels laid in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick in each layer including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes all materials and cost all labours, sundries, T & P required for the work including shoring, shuttering and dewatering if required including hire & running charges of water pump complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing, lifting, hoisting and laying Reinforced cement concrete of different RCC structure in foundation level of M-20 grade as per approved designs and drawings having a minimum compressive strength (in work test) 200 Kg. / Square cm. in 15 cm. cubes at 28 days after mixing and test conducted in accordance with I.S. 516 using 12 mm. to 20 mm. size black hard crushed broken granite stone chips and screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, washed and cleaned ( 20mm. size chips not to exceeds 25 % ) to be mixed in concrete mixture with Portland slag cement (PSC) including hoisting, lowering, laying and compaction concrete by using vibrators, watering and curing for 28 days, centering and shuttering then after dismantling and removing debris from the work site and finishing the exposed surface smooth providing grooves or beads wherever necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T & P required of the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. But excluding cost and conveyance of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires and labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending etc. of M.S. rods or tor steel tying the grills and placing in proper position
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A) Column Base
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B) Column & Beam
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i) Ground floor
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ii) First floor
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C) Roof slab (Double Stage)
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Providing, fixing and placing of Tor steel (HYSD) Fe-500(Make:SAIL/RINL/TISCON/JINDAL STEEL/SHYAM STEEL )for RCC work in all floors of required diameter of approved quality with straightening, Cutting, bending, binding welding or jointing if necessary, bending, binding, tying the grills as required for R.C.C. works, providing fan hooks where necessary and hoisting, lowering and placing in proper position according to approved designs and drawings including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, taxes of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge required for the work and cost of all labour, sundries, T & P and scaffolding complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge ( payment will be made according to the actual weight of M.S rod /Tor steel consumed in the work and no separate payment will be made towards weight of binding wires which is to be borne by the contractor at his own cost.
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i) Ground floor
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ii) First floor
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Providing Fly Ash Brick masonry using fly ash bricks of size 25 cm. x 12 cm. x 8 cm. having crushing strength not less than 75 kg. Per. Sqr. Cm. in cement mortar of mix(1:6) with ordinary Portland slag cement(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar in foundation, plinth, basement and for ornamental flower beds, plinth moulding and similar such type of works with all necessary projections, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering and similar such type of works, watering and curing etc. including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries, T&P required for the works etc. complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing Fly Ash Brick masonry using fly ash brick of size 25 cm. x 12 cm. x 8 cm. having crushing strength not less than 75 kg. Per. Sqr. Cm. in cement mortar of mix(1:6) with ordinary Portland slag cement(PSC) and screened & washed sand for mortar in superstructure including splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering and similar such type of works, watering and curing etc. including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, scaffolding, sundries, T&P required for the works etc. complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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i) Ground floor
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ii) First floor
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Providing 16 mm. thick cement plaster in all floors at all height with cement mortar of mix (1:6) finished smooth to inside surface of brick masonry walls after racking out joints including watering and curing rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, coveyance, loading and unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labour, T&P, sundries and scaffolding required for the work etc. with providing grooves as directed by the Engineer in charge.
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Providing 6 mm. thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:4) in all floors at all height with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar to ceiling plaster of roof slab, staircase, landings, chajja and shelves etc. including roughening, scraping, chiseling, cleaning to all R.C.C surface including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T&P , scaffolding, watering and curing etc. complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Painting to external surface of building with two coats of texture paint over a coat of primer of approved shade and quality of approved design, after cleaning by watering & removing the dirts etc. to the surface to be painted including watering, curing, cost, conveyance and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, brushes, T&P etc. and necessary scaffolding work complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing, fixing and carving in khandolite stone of size of 1'0" width 0'6" deapth using Khandolite stone of approved quality and carving to be done as per the design & drawing (attach) with required centering & shuttering, scaffolding with lifting & laying in proper position including cost, conveyance, loading and unloading and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T & P, scaffolding etc. required for the work and complete in all respect as per the approved specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Supplying,fitting,fixing,1" thick and 1'-0"height Stainless Steel box type letter of approved quality on surface of the gateith required centering & shuttering ,scaffolding with lifting & laying in proper position including cost, conveyance, loading and unloading and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T & P, scaffolding etc. required for the work and complete in all respect as per the approved specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Kitchen Renovation
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Dismantling and removing R.C.C. columns, beams, slab, staircase landing, lintels including stacking the useful materials for reuse and removing the debris within 50m lead etc. complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing, lifting, hoisting and laying Reinforced cement concrete of different RCC structure in foundation level of M-200 grade as per approved designs and drawings having a minimum compressive strength (in work test) 200 Kg. / Square cm. in 15 cm. cubes at 28 days after mixing and test conducted in accordance with I.S. 516 using 12 mm. to 20 mm. size black hard crushed broken granite stone chips and screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, washed and cleaned ( 20mm. size chips not to exceeds 25 % ) to be mixed in concrete mixture with Portland slag cement (PSC) including hoisting, lowering, laying and compaction concrete by using vibrators, watering and curing for 28 days, centering and shuttering then after dismantling and removing debris from the work site and finishing the exposed surface smooth providing grooves or beads wherever necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T & P required of the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. But excluding cost and conveyance of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires and labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending etc. of M.S. rods or tor steel tying the grills and placing in proper position.
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a) Coloumn & Beam
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b) Roof Slab
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Providing, fixing and placing of Tor steel (HYSD) Fe-500(SAIL/TATA) for RCC work in all floors of required diameter of approved quality with straightening, Cutting, bending, binding welding or jointing if necessary, bending, binding, tying the grills as required for R.C.C. works, providing fan hooks where necessary and hoisting, lowering and placing in proper position according to approved designs and drawings including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, taxes of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge required for the work and cost of all labour, sundries, T & P and scaffolding complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge ( payment will be made according to the actual weight of M.S rod /Tor steel consumed in the work and no separate payment will be made towards weight of binding wires which is to be borne by the contractor at his own cost.
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Providing 6 mm. thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:4) in all floors at all height with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar to ceiling plaster of roof slab, staircase, landings, chajja and shelves etc. including roughening, scraping, chiseling, cleaning closed deep chipping with slurry treatment and finished smooth to all R.C.C surface including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T&P , scaffolding, watering and curing etc. complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing 25mm thick grading concrete in C.C. (1:2:2) laid in proper slope over terrace roof slab by using two part of sand, one part of cement and two parts of 6mm size black hard crusher broken granite chips with addition of water proofing compound of approved quality to be mixed with specified ratio including watering, curing, cost, conveyance, royalties, taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, T&P etc. complete as required for the finished item of work as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Pada Prakhyalana
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Earthwork in excavation of foundation trenches in ordinary soil including dressing of sides and leveling the bed up to the required depth and depositing the excavated materials away from the work site with all leads and lifts, including shoring, shuttering and dewatering (if required) with cost of labour, hire & running charges of water pumps sundries & T&P required for the work complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge
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Supplying and filling the Foundation & Plinth with clean coarse river sand of approved quality from approved quarry, laying in layers not exceeding 150mm thick, watering and ramming including cost, conveyance, royalty and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, T&P etc. as required for the work complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing and lying plain cement concrete of proportion (1:4:8) in foundation and floors using Portland Slag Cement(PSC) with 4 cm. Size black hard crusher broken granite stone metal and screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, washed and cleaned including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete to required levels laid in layers not exceeding 15 cm thick in each layer including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes all materials and cost all labours, sundries, T & P required for the work including shoring, shuttering and dewatering if required including hire & running charges of water pump complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) in foundation and bottom layers of flooring and the pipe lines and drains using 20mm size black hard crusher broken granite metal of approve quality from approved quarry including mixing lowering laying and compacting to proper thickness, watering and curing for required period, including cost of all materials, labour, conveyance, loading and unloading, taxes, royalties, scaffolding, sundries, tools and plants etc.complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
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Brick work in superstructure with flyash bricks of size 25x12x8cm in cement mortar (1:6) with best quality bricks having crushing strength not less than 75 Kg/cm2 immersing the bricks in water for not less than 6 hours before use (the bricks shall be well burnt, free from cracks, well shaped, uniform in size and shall produce a clear metallic ringing sound when struck) includes molding, chamfering, corbelling .complete as per drawing, design and specification, watering and curing for 7days including cost, conveyance, royalty and taxes of all materials, labour, T&P etc. and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
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Providing, lifting, hoisting and laying Reinforced cement concrete of different RCC structure in foundation level of M-200 grade as per approved designs and drawings having a minimum compressive strength (in work test) 200 Kg. / Square cm. in 15 cm. cubes at 28 days after mixing and test conducted in accordance with I.S. 516 using 12 mm. to 20 mm. size black hard crushed broken granite stone chips and screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, washed and cleaned ( 20mm. size chips not to exceeds 25 % ) to be mixed in concrete mixture with Portland slag cement (PSC) including hoisting, lowering, laying and compaction concrete by using vibrators, watering and curing for 28 days, centering and shuttering then after dismantling and removing debris from the work site and finishing the exposed surface smooth providing grooves or beads wherever necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T & P required of the work etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. But excluding cost and conveyance of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires and labour charges for straightening, cutting, bending etc. of M.S. rods or tor steel tying the grills and placing in proper position.
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A) Wall
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Providing, fixing and placing of Tor steel (HYSD) Fe-500(Make:SAIL/RINL/TISCON/JINDAL STEEL/SHYAM STEEL )for RCC work in all floors of required diameter of approved quality with straightening, Cutting, bending, binding welding or jointing if necessary, bending, binding, tying the grills as required for R.C.C. works, providing fan hooks where necessary and hoisting, lowering and placing in proper position according to approved designs and drawings including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, taxes of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge required for the work and cost of all labour, sundries, T & P and scaffolding complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge ( payment will be made according to the actual weight of M.S rod /Tor steel consumed in the work and no separate payment will be made towards weight of binding wires which is to be borne by the contractor at his own cost.
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Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in all floors at all height with cement mortar of mix (1:6) with Portland slag cement (PSC) and with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the rough surface of brick masonry walls after racking out joints including watering and curing rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, T&P, sundries and scaffolding required for the work etc. with providing grooves as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
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Providing Marble tiles (up to 0.4 to 1.0 Sqm.) flooring using marble stone of approved quality, colour and size of 16mm minimum thick in floors, treads on steps and landing on 25mm. thick bed of cement mortar mix of (1:4) with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and with Portland slag cement (PSC) grouted with neat white cement slurry laid in proper slope joining the marble slab with neat white cement slurry mixed with required quantity of pigment of approved marks to match the shades of the marbles tiles to marble colour if required, watering and curing for 21 days, including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties, and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T&P required for the work including rubbing mechanically and wax polishing etc. in all floors at all height complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge
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Providing Marble tiles (up to 0.4 to 1.0 Sqm.) flooring using marble stone of approved quality, colour and size of thickness 16mm minimum thick conforming to IS 13753 of approved make & shade in Dadoes over 12mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 Coarse sand) finished with modular pointing in white cement & pigment to match the shade of the tiles including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour curing sundries and T & P etc. required for the work etc. complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing 20mm thick and above 0.40 Sqm size granite tile flooring in staircase of approved quality, colour and size in floors, treads on steps and landings in all floors at all height on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar of mix (1:4) laid in proper slope and gradient with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and grouted with neat white cement slurry jointing the tile with neat white cement slurry mixed with required quantities of pigments of approved marks to match the shades of the granite tile if required watering and curing for 21 days, including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T&P required for the work including rubbing mechanically and wax polishing etc. complete in all respect as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Providing edge moulding to 18 mm thick marble stone or Granite stone counters, Vanities, steps etc., including machine polishing to edge to give high gloss finish including making three nos of groove over tread etc. complete including cost, coveyance, loading and unloading and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T&P, scaffolding etc. required for the work and complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge.
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Painting to external surface of building with two coats of weather coat over a coat of primer of approved shade and quality of approved design, after cleaning by watering & removing the dirts etc. to the surface to be painted including watering, curing, cost, conveyance and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, brushes, T&P etc. and necessary scaffolding work complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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PH item
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Supplying all materials, labours, T&P and fitting and fixing of the following size of UPVC pipe confiEach Each Rmtting to IS : 15778 certification mark with socket and screw joints in walls and floors including supplying of required number of fittings of approved make including cutting threads to pipes and pipes to length, including wastage,etc for fitting to the walls with supply of holder ats, clamps, fixing wooden plugs in walls, including testing of pipe line for water tightness complete as per IS specification including cost, conveyance and taxes of all materials all complete as per PH specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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a) 25 mm dia
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b) 40 mm dia
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Supplying all materials, labour, T&P, fitting & fixing of different size brass / GM Full way Valve of approved make including supply of all necessary jointing materials such as red lead paint, yarns etc. including cost, conveyance & taxes of all materials, T&P etc. all complete as per P.H. specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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a) 25 mm dia
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b) 40 mm dia
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Supplying all materials, labour, T&P, fitting and fixing UPVC SWR pipes & fittings of approved make confirming to IS-13592, both below and above ground level / floor and on walls including supply of bobbins, nains, screws, wooden cleats, pipe clips as per requirement, including earth work in excavation and fitting, including cuting walls and floor and making good the damages with cement concrete (1:2:4) with hard granite chips, incluidng scaffolding wherever necessary all complete as per the PH specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge.
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a) 75 mm dia
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b) 110 mm dia
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Supplying all materials, labour, T&P and fixing standard sized Bib cock of Jaquar Continental Cat. No.-CON-037KN or equivalent etc complete including cutting the wall and making good the damages, including cost of all materials complete as per PH specification and direction of Engineering-in-charge.
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Providing, Fitting & fixing of Aquaguard pure chill RO+ UV 80 SS , External Diamension (640 x 450 x 1350)mm, operating power supply 170-260V AC 1 Ph, Running current in AMPs (MAX) 4.5 ± 10%, Power in watt 700 ± 10%,Water storage tank capasity 80 liters, capasity with comfort lable water outlet tempreture at 17®C ± 1% is 60 Ltr, compressure make Emerson KCE 444/ Equivalent, Refrigerant is HFC R 134-a, Thermalinsulation for storage tank is PUF, 02 nos of faucet, 02 nos of cold water faucet, 07 nos stages for filter cum purifier, RO Membrane Rating is 4 nos x 80 GPD or equivalent, 50LPH permeate production capasity, 25 % of purified water Recovery, Approx. 90% Rejection of TDS, SS 304 storage tank material, SS 304 Outer body material, Concealed type of product construction, Indoor type of Installation, weight 85 KG, minimum water pressure 0.6 kg/sqcm, Recommended Total Dissolved solid in input water is 2000 ppm(max), Recommended Hardness in input water is 500 ppm (max), Recommended pH of input water is 6.5 to 8.5, Recommended Chlorine in input water is 0.2 ppm (max), Recommended iron in input water is 0.3 ppm (max), Turbidity ˂ 5 NTU (max) etc Complete as per PH specification and direction of Engineering-in-charge.
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