Minor Irrigation Department Tender
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₹ 2,10,000Document Cost
₹ 10,000Tender Fee
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Rehabilitation, Improvement And Basic Facility Of Laigaon Dam In Boudh District
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2024_CEMIB_100246_1Bid Award Id
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NCB-01/DRIP-MICP/2023-24Tender Authority
Minor Irrigation Department ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Excavation of any approved type of soil in approved borrow area by mechanical means loading into and transportation by mechanical means and unloading the soil within all lead on properly prepared and scientifically approved surface including spreading and levelling the earth in 22.5 cm layers to make ready for watering and compaction with sheep foot rollers and dozers but excluding watering and compaction in dams and dykes (Resectioning of dam section and filling of Cracks/Sink holes) for all heights including construction, maintenance, watering and lighting of haul road and borrow area with all lead, lift, labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P all taxes excluding GST etc. complete the item as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.(Measurement of the fill to be taken on the finished compacted section under OMC condition.).
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Excavation, loading, unloading and carriage by mechanical means of all kinds of soil, including stoney earth, gravel and moorum etc interspread with boulders upto 1/2 cum size (Leading channel to HR) including trimming of slopes and bed to design section and depositing the the excavated materials away from work site with all lead, lift, labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P all taxes excluding GST etc. to complete the item as per the specification and as directed by the Engineerin-in-charge.
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Watering earthwork upto OMC condition and compaction by sheep foot rollers and dozers in layers not exceeding 22.5 cm to 95% dry density including hire and running charges of all the machineries all labour, T&P, all taxes excluding GST etc.complete as per direction of EIC.(Measurement to be taken on the finished compacted section of the fill under OMC condition).
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Providing stone riprap to the slopes of earth dam and dyke with quarried and blasted granite stone boulders of size 0.30m (1 man stone) weighting not less then 40 Kg including dumping on slopes filling interstices with small stones and wedges and packing surface to proper line and levels including fixing wave breakers with all leads and lifts labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P, all taxes excluding GST etc. complete as directed by the EIC.(No deduction towards voids in finished section.)
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Removing old revetments and approns and repacking with old stones with all leads and lifts labour, T&P, all taxes excluding GST etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
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Fine dressing and turfing with all leads and lifts to the slopes of the dam and embankment with best compacted dub grass sods including periodical watering till the survival of turf with all leads and lifts labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P, all taxes excluding GST etc complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (The measurement will be taken after survival of sods).
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CC M15 grade with crushed granite coarse aggregate of 20 mm down graded free from skin materials mixing in concrete mixture laying in layers including cost of all materials ,machineries and labour with all lift/delft Hire charge,T&P in all respect to proper slope & level with curing for required period with all conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries & other taxes excluding GST etc.complete etc in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (Construction of R/S rotecton wall inspection of the authority may modify the drawing)
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Collecting and spreading moorum and consolidation with suitable means including watering, cost, conveyance, royalty & other taxes excluding GST of all materials including all labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P etc complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge..
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Rigid smooth centering and shuttering for C.C. works in foundation,plinth band and footing bases of columns mass concrete etc including false works and dismantling them after casting including cost of materials complete with all cost, conveyance & other taxes excluding GST etc complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.after .(Construction of R/S Protecton wall inspection of the authority may modify the drawing)
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16 mm. thick cement plaster (1:6) over masonary work with cost, conveyance, royalty & other taxes excluding GST of all materials , labour, Hire charges of machineries ,T&P etc complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.( also or brick work).
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Rough stone dry packing in aprons and revetments (toe drain, proction wall) to all heights with H.G. Stone of 0.3m and above weighing not less than 40 Kg. Quarried of approved quality including cost, conveyance, royalty to proper slope and level complete in all respect excluding GST and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge
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Construction of embankment (approach road to dam) with all kinds of soil,transporting by mechanical means to site, spreading, grading to required slope & compacting by watering to meet requirement of table 300-2 & Clause 305 of MoSRT&H Specification of Road & Bridge works (4th Revision) (Video to be Preserved) with cost, conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries & other taxes excluding GST of all materials. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(Approach road to dam and Dam top Road)
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Providing moorum satisfy the P.I. value (with proper labtest) mixing sand if required in Sub-base including Conveying from stacks, spreading and compaction with P.R.R. Upto OMC including watering etc complete with cost, conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries & other taxes excluding GST of all materials complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(approach road to dam and Dam top Road)
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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel/ vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grad & camber, applying & brooming requisite type of screening / binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering & compacting to the required density as per Clause 404 of MoSRT&H Specification for Roas & Bridge works (4th Revision)WBM Grade-II (Video to be Preserved) with cost, conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries & other taxes excluding GST etc. of all materials to complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(approach road to dam and Dam top Road)
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Providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water bound macadam specification including spreading in uniform thickness, hand packing, rolling with 3 wheeled steel/ vibratory roller 8-10 tonnes in stages to proper grade & camber, applying & brooming requisite type of screening / binding materials to fill up the interstices of coarse aggregate, watering & compacting to the required density as per Clause 404 of MoSRT&H Specification for Roads & Bridge works (4th Revision)WBM Grade-III (Video to be Preserved) with cost, conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries & other taxes excluding GST of all materials to complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(approach road to dam and Dam top Road)
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Providing & applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base including clearing of road surface and spraying primer @ 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means (Video to be Preserved) with cost, conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P & other taxes excluding GST of all materials complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(approach road to dam and Dam top Road after inspection of the authority )
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Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen emulsion using emulsion pressure distributor @ 0.20 kg per sqm on the prepared bituminous/granular surface cleaned with mechanical broom with cost, conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P & other taxes excluding GST of all materials etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(approach road to dam and Dam top after inspection of the authority )
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Providing and laying 20 mm thick premix carpet using 0.27 cum of 13.2 mm to 5.6 mm chips crushed stone chipping and 14.6 kg penitration grade bitumen for 10 sqm and rolling with PRR including hire running charges of PRR, Hot mix plant, boiler etc with cost, conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P & other taxes of all materials excluding GST complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(approach road to dam and Dam top Road after inspection of the authority )
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Providing and laying 6 mm thick pre coated seal coat type- B using 0.06 cum of 6.7 mm chips and 6.8 kg penitration grade bitumen for 10 sqm and rolling with PRR including hire running charges of PRR, Hot mix plant, boiler etc with cost, conveyance, royalty, labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P & other taxes excluding GST of all materials complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(for approach road to dam and Dam top Road after inspection of the authority )
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Laying and fixing RCC hume pipe,finishing the exposed surface smooth including cost and carriage of hume pipe 1000 mm dia NP3 with all labour, T&P & other taxes excluding GST etc complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(for construction of Cause way over surplus channel )
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Brick work with B.K bricks 25cmx 12cm x 8 cm size having crushing strength not less than 75 kg / cm2 with dimensional tolerence +_ percent in cement mortar (1:6) in foundation and plinth with cost, conveyance, royalty labour, T&P & other taxes excluding GST etc. of all materials complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(for construction of Operating Room)
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RCC work of M-20 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard granite (crusher broken) stone chips including hoisting and laying, curing with cost, conveyance, royalty labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P & other taxes excluding GST etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(Operating Room)
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Supplying Fitting and fixing of steel gate with locking system of approved specification with cost, conveyance, labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P & other taxes excluding GST etc complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(Construction of Gate for entrance of Dam)
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Fixing 25 mm. dia anchor bars in foundation rock including drilling 35 mm. dia holes, fixing wedged anchor and grouting with cement mortar 1:4 complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge excluding cost of M.S. rods for dams, barrages and power house structures including pull testing of 30% of anchors. (Depth of hole only to be measured for payment purpose) with cost, conveyance, labour, Hire charges of machineries, T&P & other taxes excluding GST etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (for construction of Cause way over surplus channel and R/S protection wall after removal of loose boulders authority to decide)
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Supplying,fitting and placing uncoated HYSD bar reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specification with cost, conveyance, labour, T&P royalty & other taxes excluding GST of all materials, etc. complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.(for construction of Operating Room)
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Filling of foundation with the excavated earth with all leads and lifts, delifts labour, T&P including watering and ramming in layers complete in all respect etc. completed as directed by the Engineer in charge.(for construction R/S protection wall, after inspection of the authority may modify the drawing)
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Racking out the crack in a “U” shaped groove 25 mm wide and 50 mm deep, removing all loose material and saturate dry areas with water, applying a slurry coat of crystalined based water proofing coating at coverage of 1.5 lb. /sq. yd. (0.8 kg/m2) in the slot (application may be performed by brush), fixing the nozzle into the RCC surface in a distance of 1mtr each, filling the groove up to surface level with 25mmX25mm hydraulic patching mortar ’N Plug (apply Patch ’N Plug by gloved hands only), curing by water spraying periodically for two days after the treatment has set anf filling the balance part of the slut of 25mmX25mm with high strength crystaline based repair mortar with all labour, T&P & other taxes excluding GST etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.(For closing of Gap in Left side of Surplus wallafter insection of authority)
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Racking & Pointing: Racking the Masonry joints of size "100 mm wide and 150 mm deep" or as existing size including chipping out the existing deteriorated mortar filling followed by thoroughly cleaning the racked joints by using Wire brush, Air blower & Water jet to clean and remove dust, loose particles, oil, laitance etc. Priming the racked groove (25 mm wide and 50 mm deep) by mixing “water based, high solids, polymer dispersion” and “a high strength, low shrinkage, polypropylene fibre reinforced cementitious repair mortar based on crystalline technology” in a prescribed ratio of 1:2 which has properties of excellent bond strength and UV & chemical resistivity followed by the filling of groove by cementetious repair mortar prepared by mixing “high strength, low shrinkage, polypropylene fiber reinforced cementitious repair mortar based on crystalline technology” with water based, high solids, polymer dispersion” and water in a prescribed ratio of 14: 1: 1 with all labour, T&P & other taxes excluding GST etc. complete as directed by the Engineer in Charge. (the work is to be done by deploying expert labours having experience of working on dam structures by using latest machines, tools and all safety equipment)(For closing of Gap in Left side of Surplus wall after insection of authority )
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Providing and applying of post construction Antitermite treatment by drilling 12mm dia holes at distance of 30cm at junction of wall and foot about 300mm deep enough to reach the soil below and chemical emulsion ( PREMISE IMIDACHI OPRIED 30.5 SC of BAYER Make mixed with 475ltr water) pumped to soak the soil @ 1ltr solution of each hole as per manufacturers application and the holes should be pluged with filling materials including cost of all materials, labour charges, conveyance, hiring charges of machineries and all taxes excluding GST as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.(For Removal of termite)
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