Networking Tenders

Networking Tenders

Urban Administration And Development Tender

Civil And Construction...+3Consultancy Services, Water Storage And Supply, Civil And Architectural Services
Corrigendum : Corrigendum Added
Shahdol, Madhya Pradesh
Details: Work Of Water Supply System Of Bakho Town Under Amrut 2.0 survey (both Existing And Proposed Components), Soil Investigation, Design and Construction Of a) construction Of Intake Well And Raw Water Pumphouse On Son river Intake Well Is Considered With Diameter 6 Meters And height 22 Meters Having Average Wall Thickness 350 Mm Also pumphouse Of 4.00 M Height Is Considered b) Construction Of Collecting Well Having A Diameter Of 4.5 M And 6 meter. c) Raw Water Pump: Supplying And Installation Of 3 Nos. Vertical turbine Pumps 3 No 35 Kw (discharge M 23 Lps. Head 94.0 meter) (2w+1s) d) Water Treatment Plant Of 3.50 Mld Capacity Along With Clear water Pumps For 3.50 Mld And All Necessary Electrical And mechanical Equipment For Clear Water Pump House e) Clear Water Pump: 3 Nos.22 Kw (two Working And One Stand By) discharge 22 Ips And 57 M Head,22 Kw f) Providing And Laying Of Raw Water Pumping Main 300 Mm Dia di-k-9 Having Cumulative Length Of 7126 Meter. g) Providing And Laying Of Clear Water Pumping Main 100mm To 300 Mm Dia Di-k-9 Having Cummulative Length Of 4048 Meter. h) Construction Of Three Nos. 20.00 M Staging Height Rcc Overhead service Reservoir Having Capacity Of 475 Kl, 400 Kl, 425 Kl For effective Distribution Of Water. i) Providing, Laying And Jointing Of 110mm To 355 Hdpe Pn-6 Class pipe & 400 Mm Dia Di K7 Pipe For Strengthening And Extension Of water Supply Distribution Network Of Bakho Water Supply arrangement Having Total Length Of 51518 Meter. j ) Supply And Installation Of Plc Scada For Entire Water Supply system k) Providing / Shifting House Service Connections For 1226 Nos. Of domestic Water Connection. 1) 11 Kv Ht Feeder Of 10 Km Length For Intake Well & Wtp substation For Wtp And Intake Well.
Closing DateCancelled
Tender Amount₹ 16.8 Cr 

Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited - MDL Tender

Mumbai, Maharashtra
Details: Case For Using Chem Samples Make Dewalt Y 12651 , box For Storage Of Chemical Samples Dewa Y 12651 , ear Defenders 3m Peltor X Series Over Y 12651 , paint Spraying Equipment 230v Model Pilo Y 12651 , heavy Duty Hot Wire Cfm Thermo Anemomete Y 12651 , Sight Flow Funnel Indicator Dia 32mm Y 12651 , sight Flow Funnel Indicator Dia 65mm Y 12651 , sight Flow Funnel Indicator Dia 20mm Y 12651 , portable Digital Multimeter Fluke 179 Y 12651 , Pen drives Sandisk 2tb Extreme Pro Ssd P Y 12651 , induction Heater Linmast Part No Lbh4 Y 12651 , helmet With Torch Helmet With Head Lamp Y 12651 , optic Fiber Optical Repair Kit Proskit Y 12651 , oscilloscope Metrix Tetronix Tbs1052c Y 12651 , boiler Disinfection Bajaj Auto Ketiles C Y 12651 , high Voltage Class B Elastomer Insulat Y 12651 , portable Welding Machine Yeswelder Ar Y 12651 , arc Sensitive Welding Helmet Roebll Au Y 12651 , table For Pc S Y 12651 , Floor Cleaning Detergent 5 ltr Jerry Can Y 12651 , Mop Handle Holder Andpads make Upyog Spin Y 12651 , Set Of Tools For Milling machine For Ste Y 12651 , Inspection Lamp Facom Model 779 Eye Y 12651 , Sets Of Drilling Bits For Drilling mach Y 12651 , See Thru Gauges For Use In Tank Level in Y 12651 , Recordable Dvd Verbatim Y 12651 , various Chemicals For Lab Potassium Dic Y 12651 , silver Rods For Brazing Y 12651 , Recordable Cd verbatim Cap 4 7 Gb Y 12651 , Infrared Camera Fluke 726 Precision Mul Y 12651 , Photo Luminiscent sticker Strip With Bla Y 12651 , Mild Steel Phoenix platform Scales Mode Y 12651 , Lan Tester Fluke network Tester Msr Ttk Y 12651 , Ethernet Connection with Cap Rj45 Shiel Y 12651 , Hot Air Gun With temperature Control Exc Y 12651 , Kent Supreme plus 2020 11112 Zero Wa Y 12651 , Facom Chipping hammer Set V 321ah Pneu Y 12651 , Floor Cleaning machine Eureka E51 Pr Y 12651 , Fluke 381 Clamp meter With Iflex Tong Y 12651 , S Wrap Polymer sticks Sealing Compound Y 12651 , S Wrap Polymer general Purpose Y 12651 , Industrial Laser Cleaning machine Mapis Y 12651 , Sonic Industrial Imager To detect Gas Le Y 12651 , Valve Refacer Machine pathak Industries Y 12651 , Frequency Generator fluke 789 Y 12651 , Laptop Hp Victus Intel Core I7 13th Gen Y 12651 , Refrigerant Analyser Cosmos Xp 704 Ill R Y 12651 , Electric Tricylce Mahindra Treo Zor 10hp Y 12651
Closing Date3 Mar 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 

Tamil Nadu Generation And Distribution Corporation Limited - TANGEDCO Tender

Electrical Works...+1Electrical and Electronics
Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu
Details: Works contract for execution of providing 1)Improvement estimate for Improving Tail End Voltage for 1no new DT at Vendalicode area in 11KV Thiruvattar Feeder under U KLM section. 2)Improvement estimate for Newly proposed 25KV ADT for Improving Tail End voltage in Kurakudi Mathoor area in Surlacode Feeder under U KLM section. 3)Improvement estimate for segregation of existing HT/LT networks of different feeders in same pole (HT of 11KV CWSS feeders and LT of 11KV Arumanaloor Feeder) for 1no new DT 25KVA under U KLM Section. 4)Improvement estimate for newly proposed 63KVA DT for avoiding DT failure of existing overloaded DT kulasekharam SS I 250 KVA Nagacode Junction area in Thiruvattar Feeder under U KLM section. 5)Improvement estimate for strenghtening of existing HT conductor ACSR 7/2.59 in to ACSR 7/4.09 in location of Vendalicode Tapping to Vendalicode SS II 100KVA in 11KV Thiruvattar Feeder under U KLM Section. 6)Improvement estimate for replacement of 2nos deteriorated 9mtr structure poles 2nos in Ponmanai SS II 100KVA Thiruvattar Feeder under U KLM Section. 7)Improvement estimate for replacement of 9mtr structure poles 2nos in Surulacode SS III 63KVA in 11KV Arumanalloor Feeder under U KLM Section. 8)Improvement estimate for insertion of 18nos 9mtr PSC poles in various locations in 11KV Arumanaloor feeder under Urban Kulasekharam Section. 9)Improvement estimate for changing of existing old type weaked 240 nos 11KV pin insulator and 60 nos 11KV Disc into new type insulators in various locations in 11KV CWSS feeder under U KLM Section. 10)Natural calamity estimate for replacement of 3nos 8mtr PSC pole at loc no. FII/17,18 in Manvilai SS 100KVA and FI/5 in Cherupaloor SS II 250 KVA damaged due to fallen of Rubber tree over HT/LT line under Urban Kulasekharam Section. 11)DCW estimate for shifting of 1no DT for Valiyattumugam SS VI 250KVA as per request of Thiru.Gangatharan at Pillathoor under Urban KLM Section. 12)DCW estimate for 2nos 9mtr PSC poles and line materials shifting as per request of The Executive Officer Thirparappu Town Panchayat under Urban KLM Section. 13)EOS to one number new IIA OHT service to The President Kattimancode Village Panchayat by providing 1No 25KVA DT at Cheruppancode SS III under Vellichanthai Section. 14)Eos to 1no OHT services to The President at Village Panchayat, Kurakudi Mathoor Area by providing 1no 25KVA add.Distribution Transformer in 11 KV Surulacode Feeder Under Kulasekharam Urban Section. 15)Improvement estimate for change the existing 5nos 9mtr pole into 36' RSJ pole and 5nos 9.14 mtr RCC pole into 40' RSJ pole in 11KV Thiruvattar and Surulacode double feeder invarious locations under Urban KLM Section. 16)Improvement estimate for change the existing 3nos 9mtr pole into 36' RSJ pole and 5nos 9.14 mtr RCC pole into 42' RSJ pole and 2nos 9.14 mtr RCC pole into 36' RSJ in 11KV Thiruvattar and Arumanaloor and CWSS feeder invarious locations under Urban KLM Section. 17)Improvement estimate for newly proposed 1nos 25KVA DT for improving tailend voltage in Vendalicode Area in 11KV Thiruvattar feeder under U KLM Section. 18)DCW estimate for LTCT Meter Board shifting and 5 span LT line deviation in LTCT SC no 161-008-129 as per request of Thiru.Gangatharan at Pillathor Valiyatumugam in Valiyatumugam SS VI 250KVA under Urban KLM Section. 19)Improvement estimate for proposal is furnished for demand of 350KVA HT SC to M/S KSR Blue Metal Valiyattumugam, Chandam under Moolachel Section. 20)Improvement estimate for newly proposed 25KVA DT for improving Tailend voltage in Vilagam area under Thickanamcode Section. 21)Improvement estimate for newly proposed 25KVA DT for improving Tailend voltage in Kurangudivilai area under Thickanamcode Section, Kanyakumari Electricity Distribution Circle.
Closing Date7 Jan 2025
Tender AmountRefer Documents 
3051-3060 of 3053 archived Tenders