Rural Development Department Tender

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Rural Development Department - RDD Tender

Civil And Construction
Opening Date30 Sep 2024
Closing Date8 Oct 2024
Tender Amount₹ 71,68,384 


  • EMD

    ₹ 71,684
  • Document Cost

    ₹ 14,000
  • Tender Fee

    ₹ 500


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Providing second class burnt brick masonry with conventional / Indian Standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in foundations and plinth of inner walls / in plinth of external walls including bailling out water manually, striking joints, on unexposed faces, racking out joints on exposed faces and watering, excetra complete. (using ARTIFICIAL SAND). Item / Page No : 1 / 197 Specification No : Bd.G.1 Spec. Page No : 313 Additional Specifications : 1. The brick shall be got tested before use, from the Government laboratory at the rate of one batch of 15 bricks for every 50000 bricks or part therof at the contractors cost for the following. A) Crushing strength:- i. Dry condition 5 bricks ii. Wet condition 5 bricks B) Water aborption 5 bricks 2. In addition, bricks shall be tested for size, shape and soundness. 3. The proportion of cement mortar shall be 1:6. 4. Minimum two drums of water shall be provided to masons for soaking of bricks at each place where masons are working. 5. For mixing of mortar steel forms of required size only shall be used For mixing of mortar, steel tough or back platform shall be used. 6. The brick work shall be cured for a minimum period of 14 days. 7. The joints on both faces shall be raked to a depth of not less than the thickness of joints for affording good bond plaster. 8. Hold fast of door or window frames shall be embedded in cast in situ 1:2:4 cement concrete blocks of required size without any extra cost. 9. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable.




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Providing internal cement plaster 20 milimetre thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:3 without neeru finish, to concrete, brick surface, in all positions including scaffolding and curing, excetra complete. (using ARTIFICIAL SAND). Item / Page No : 8 / 209 Specification No : Bd.L.4 Spec. Page No : 368 Additional Specifications : 1. The surface to be plastered shall be first cleaned and thoroughly wetted for 24 hours and got checked from Engineer in-charge before starting the work. 2. Item includes rounding of all internal and external junctions, corners, jambs, etc. as directed by the Engineer in-charge. 3. Finishing shall be plain and in line, level and plumb. 4. Curing shall be done by sprinkling water on the surface for minimum period of 14 days. 5. Application of sand faced treatment shall be commenced only after passing the base coat Engineer in-charge. 6. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable.




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Providing and laying in position flooring of telephone black / amba white / cadbury brown / RBI red / ocean brown granite stone of approved shade and size 18 milimetre to 20 milimetre thick on a bed of 1:6 cement mortar including cement float, striking joints, pointing in cement mortar 1:3, curing and cleaning, excetra complete. (using ARTIFICIAL SAND). Item / Page No : 34 / 216 Specification No : Bd.M.3 B Spec. Page No : 380 Additional Specifications : 1. The work shall be carried out as per the sample approved by the Engineer in-charge and kept in the office of the Executive Engineer. 2. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable.




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Providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-30 with tremix treatment for 200 milimetre thickness for flooring with groove cutting of 4 milimetre wide 20 milimetre deep with necessary refilling with bitumen, excetra complete. (using ARTIFICIAL SAND). Item / Page No : 31 / 216 Additional Specifications : 1. The appropriate mix design shall be got done well in advance from the approved government laboratory and the same shall also be got approved from Engineer in-charge, before starting the work. 2. Cement from the same stock sent for mix design shall be used for concreting work. 3. The minimum cement for reinforced cement concrete / plain concrete to ensure durability / strength shall be as per IS 456-2000 with latest ammendment. If actual cement required / consumed is more than the provision in the IS code / approved mix design, no claim for that shall be entertained and cost for that shall be bourned by the contractor. 4. Before concreting work, cement from each consignment shall be got tested and if the strength of cement varies considerably from the approved mix design, the mix design should be got modified according to strength of fresh cement available in stock and concreting work should be done according to modified mix design. 5. For every consignment of cement, a sample shall be got tested as per norms and frequency of Vigilance and Quality Control Circle, Pune. As regards testing of cement it will be entire responsibility of the contractor. 6. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable.




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Providing selected hard murum filling including laying in layers of 15 centimetre to 20 centimetre, watering and compacting, excetra compelte. Item / Page No : 24 / 82 Specification No : CD.14 Spec. Page No : 167 Additional Specifications : The filling shall be of hard murum instead of selected earth as mentioned in the specification.




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Providing and fixing heavy duty inter locking concrete rubber mould glossy paving blocks of 80 milimetre thickness of having a strength of 400 kilogramme per square centimetre of approved quality and shape on a bed of crushed sand of 25 milimetre to 30 milimetre thick including striking joints and cleaning, excetra complete.(using 100 percent crushed sand) Item / Page No : 54 / 219 Specification No : Bd.M Spec. Page No : --- Additional Specifications : 1. The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in-charge. 2. The work shall be carried out as per the sample approved by the Engineer in-charge and kept in the office of the Executive Engineer.




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Providing and laying Cast in situ / Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap / granite /quartzite/ gneiss metal for bed blocks, foundation blocks and such other items including bailling out water, plywood / steel formwork, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing uneven and honeycombed surface and curing, excetra complete. The cement mortar 1:3 plaster is considered for rendering uneven and honeycombed surface only. Newly laid concrete shall be covered by gunny bag, plastic, tarpaulin, excetra (Wooden centering will not be allowed.)with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) excetra complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc) (using ARTIFICIAL SAND). Item / Page No : 10 / 176 Specification No : Bd.E.4, B-7 Spec. Page No : 289-290, 38-40 Additional Specifications : 1. The appropriate mix design shall be got done well in advance from the approved government laboratory and the same shall also be got approved from Engineer in-charge, before starting the work. 2. Cement from the same stock sent for mix design shall be used for concreting work. 3. The minimum cement for reinforced cement concrete / plain concrete to ensure durability / strength shall be as per IS 456-2000 with latest ammendment. If actual cement required / consumed is more than the provision in the IS code / approved mix design, no claim for that shall be entertained and cost for that shall be bourned by the contractor. 4. Before concreting work, cement from each consignment shall be got tested and if the strength of cement varies considerably from the approved mix design, the mix design should be got modified according to strength of fresh cement available in stock and concreting work should be done according to modified mix design. 5. For every consignment of cement, a sample shall be got tested as per norms and frequency of Vigilance and Quality Control Circle, Pune. As regards testing of cement it will be entire responsibility of the contractor. 6. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable.




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Excavation for foundation in earth, soil of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material up to a distance of 50 metre beyond the building area and stacking and spreading as directed, dewatering, preparing the bed for the foundation and necessary back filling, ramming, watering including shoring and strutting excetra complete. - (Lift upto 1.5 metre) By Manual Means Item / Page No : 1 / 153 Specification No : Bd.A.1 Spec. Page No : 259 Additional Specifications : The useful excavated material shall be utilised as directed by the Engineer in-charge.




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Providing cast in situ / ready mix M-20 grade cement concrete for head walls of cross drainage work / retaining walls excetra including necessary form work, compaction, finishing and curing excetra complete. (with reversible drum type mixer/ concrete batch mix plant (pan mixer) without Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition (using ARTIFICIAL SAND). Item / Page No : 29 / 83 Specification No : CD.8 Spec. Page No : 163-164 Additional Specifications : 1. The appropriate mix design shall be got done well in advance from the approved government laboratory and the same shall also be got approved from Engineer in-charge, before starting the work. 2. Cement from the same stock sent for mix design shall be used for concreting work. 3. The minimum cement for reinforced cement concrete / plain concrete to ensure durability / strength shall be as per IS 456-2000 with latest ammendment. If actual cement required / consumed is more than the provision in the IS code / approved mix design, no claim for that shall be entertained and cost for that shall be bourned by the contractor. 4. Before concreting work, cement from each consignment shall be got tested and if the strength of cement varies considerably from the approved mix design, the mix design should be got modified according to strength of fresh cement available in stock and concreting work should be done according to modified mix design. 5. For every consignment of cement, a sample shall be got tested as per norms and frequency of Vigilance and Quality Control Circle, Pune. As regards testing of cement it will be entire responsibility of the contractor. 6. If artificial / VSI crushed sand is used instead of natural sand; terms, conditions and specifications mentioned in Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Pune bearing No CEP/D-2/Buildings-2/5940/2017 dated 17/10/2017 and Annexure-I attached to it and also Circular by Chief Engineer, Public Works Region, Nagpur bearing No 36 dated 15/01/2019 and Annexure-I attached to it will be appicable.




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Providing and laying weep holes of 100 milimetre diameter asbestos cement / polyvinyl chloride pipes as per drawing for abutment, returns, return walls, excetra complete. Item / Page No : 37 / 132 Specification No : MORTH 2705, 2706 Spec. Page No : --- Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge.




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Providing and fixing board displaying information, such as 'Name of work, Tender cost, Name of Contractor, Work completion and liability period etc', having rectangular shape of 1.20 metre X 0.90 metre size made out 18 gauge (1.25 milimetre) thick mild steel sheet painted with one coat of Zinc chromate stoving primer and two coats of enamel paint on front side and grey stove enamel on back side and border / messages / symbols excetra with approved colour shade paint complete, on M.S.angle of size 35 milimetre X 35 milimetre X 3 milimetre frame with properly cross braced mild steel angles of size 35 milimetre X 35 milimetre X 3 milimetre duly painted including two mild steel angle iron posts of size 65 milimetre X 65 milimetre X 6 milimetre, 3.65 metre long painted with alternate black and white bands of 25 centimetre width including all fixtures excetraand fixing the boards in 1:4:8 concrete block of size 60 centimetre X 60 centimetre X 75 centimetre including, excavation, refilling, transportation, and labour etc complete. Spec. number As directed by Engineer in Charge Item / Page No : 36 / 60 Specification No : MoRTH-801 Spec. Page No : --- Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per instructions of Engineer in charge.




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Laboratory testing charges for various materials required for items of work, on the basis of testing frequency and charges fixed by Vigilence and Quality Control Circle, Pune. Item / Page No : 4 / 0 Additional Specifications : 1. The amount of the laboratory testing charges will be paid to the contractor after submission of the original receipt from the Office of the Vigilance and Quality Control with name of work mensioned on the original receipt within the stipulated period of work. 2. The frequency of tests will be as per the instructions of Vigilance and Quality Control, Pune; vide their letter No. Prasha/2647/ 2010 dated 30/10/2010. 3. No extra claim shall be entertained on account of additional tests required and material transportation charges for tests. 4. In addition to above, the conditions under clause 25 - Samples and Testing of Material, under 'Additional General Conditions and Specifications' of this tender document shall be applicable. 5. Above / below percentage quoted by the contractor will not be applicable for this item.Standard Consistancy, Fineness, Specific Gravity, Setting Time (Initial and Final), Compressive Strength, Soundness Test for Cement 1 Test per 50.00 Metric Ton




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Royalty charges for various building construction bonafied materials which are used for government bonafied works and for which Royalty charges are to be paid by the contractor. (This Item is to be paid to the contractor only after he pays the Royalty amount to Revenue department and produces the required voucher.) Item / Page No : 3 / 0 Additional Specifications : 1. Government of Maharashtra, Revenue and Forest Department Gazette Number 146 Dated 04/06/2021 and Government of Maharashtra Public Works Department State Schedule of Rates 2021-22 General Note Number A(v), Page 5. 2. The amount of royalty charges will be paid only after submission of the receipt in original from Revenue authority for payment of royalty to Government, stating the name of work. 3. Above / below percentage quoted by the contractor will not be applicable for this item.




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Providing and Fixing matt finish stainless steel of 302 grade railing with top pipe of 50 milimetre diameter and vertical pipe of 38 milimetre diameter at 0.60 metre center to center or as required and horizontal pipes of 25 milimetre diameter in three rows, all pipes of 2 milimetre thick including buffing,fabricating fixtures and fastening including pipe base of appropriate diameter and ball base of 75 milimetre diameter above newel post of 75 milimetre diameter excetra complete (Prior approval of sample and brand by Ex.Engineer is necessary before use) welding, grinding, finishing, buffing to stainless steel pipe, excetra complete. Item / Page No : 8 / 265 Additional Specifications : The work shall be done as per instructions of Engineer in charge.




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Add Insurance-0.50% Non-Dsr Item Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per the instructions of Engineer in-charge.




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Add G.S.T-18.00% Non-Dsr Item Additional Specifications : The work shall be carried out as per the instructions of Engineer in-charge.




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