Rural Development Department Tender
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Rural Development Department - RDD Tender
Civil And Construction
Building Construction
Opening Date17 Jan 2025
Closing Date28 Jan 2025
Tender Amount₹ 12,67,119
₹ 12,671Document Cost
₹ 590Tender Fee
₹ 500
Scription for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user this is tender description for unregistered user
Tender Id
2025_RDPUN_1138760_5Tender No
E-tender/2024-25/1Tender Authority
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GEM & Bid Advisory Services
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BOQ Items
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Item No.4 :- Providing and laying in situ Ready Mix ty Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for RC.C. work in foundations like raft strip foundations grillage and footings of RCC columns and steal stanchions etc. including balling out water, Steel centering formwork, laying/pumping cover blocks, compaction and curing roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) etc. complete, with fully automatic micro processor based PLC WITHOUT SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type miser concrete Baton mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed) (No25-11 NS, PgNo 178) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (Bd F3 Page No. 298 and 8.7.
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Item No. 5 :- Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mia cement concrete M-20 of trap/granite/quartzite/gneise metal for R.C C. columns as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction finishing the formes surfaces with cement mortar 1.3 of sufficient minimum thickness to give a smooth and even surface or roughening if special finish is to be provided and curing etc. complete, (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) with fuilty automatic micro processor based PLC WITHOUT SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer concrets Baton mix plant (Pan mixer) etc complete. Win line aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed (IN025-31 NS PgNo 179) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (Bid F5 Page No 300 and 87. Page No. 281 RA NO. 3 4.860
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Item No. 6 :- Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mie cement concret M-20 of trap/granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for R RCC beam beams and intels as per detailed designs and drawings priss directed including steel centering formwork cover blocks, layingisumping compactionand mughening the surface if special finish is to be provided and curing ets complete (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel), with fully automatic matic imens processor based PLC WITHOUT SCADA enabled reversuble Drum Type mixer concrete Batch tch mox plant (Pan mixer) els complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed) (IN025-50 NSPgNo 181) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (BdF6 Page No 300 and B7 Page No:38) RA NO
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Item No. 7 :- Providing and laying Cast in in situ Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trap/granite/quartzitel gneiss matal for RCC slabis and landings as per detailed designs and drawings including steel centering, formwork cover blocks, laying/pumsing cement mortar 13 o even surface or compaction finishing the formed surfaces with of sufficient minimum thickness roughening if special finish is to to give a smooth and is to be provided and curing atc complete, Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) with fully automatic micro processor based PLC WITHC THOUT SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type morer concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) stc. completa With Fire aggregate (Crushed sand VSi Grade finely washed No25-70 NS, PgNo 182) STATE SSR Ifan Spec (Bd F8 Page No. 302 and 8.7, Page No 361 RA NO. 5
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Item No. 8 :- Providing and laying Cast in situ Ready Mix cement concrete M-20 of trapi granitel quartzite/ greiss metal for R.C.C. chajja as per delsind design and drawings including steel centering, formwork, cover blocks compacting g. curing, finishing and rougherting the surface if e if special finish is to be provided and curing complete (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) with fully automatic micro processor based PLC WITHOUT SCADA enabled reversible Drum Type mixer concrete Batch mix plant Pan mixer) etc. complete With fine aggregate (Crushed sand VSI Grade finely finely washed 1. (INo26-05 NS 5. Pg/No 184) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (BdF Page No 303 and 8.7 Page No 38) RA NO
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Item No. 9 :- Providing and fling in position TMT FE-500 bar reinforcement of various diametens for RCC plie caps footings foundations, slabs, beams columns, canopies, staircase, neweis, chajjas linteis pardis, copings, fins arches etc as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules including cutting, bending hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete (No26 33 PgNo 188) (STATE SSR) Item Spec: (Bd. F. 17. Page No 308) RA NO.7
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Item No. 10:- 10 Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional S type type bricks in cement mortar 1.6 in foundations and pinin of inner walls/ in plinth extemal walls including bailing out water manually striking joints son unexposed faces, raking out joints s o on exposed faces and watering ets. Complete (INo27-01 PgNo 197) | STATE SSR) flem Spec (Bd G 1 Page PRA NOB No. 313)
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Item No. 11:- Filing in plinth and floors with approved excavated maternal in 15cm to 20cm, layers including watering and compacting etc. complete No21-36. PgNo 157) (STATE SSR) llem Spec (Bo A 10
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Item No. 12:- Filling and Roars contratars mataam mom de an approved by Engineer ancharge in layers af 15m 10 15) (STATE SSNB Spec: Md A RAND Page No 3631
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Item No. 13:- Providing second wees converter 1.5 type bricks masury wit in cement mortar in supe tructure perstructu including sanking javits ring dat jints, watering anil scaffolding Compete JINDST-05 PNo 197) (STATE SSR nem Spec (Bo No 3151 105 Page
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Item No. 14:- Providing sand faced plasser externally in cement monar weing approvest screened sand, in all positions including base coat of 18 thick cement mortar 1 using waterproofing compound at 1 kg per cement bag cuing the same for not less than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coal rough to receive the sand faced treatment to surface mm thick in cement martar 14 finishing the surface by taking out graine and min
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Item No. 15:- Providing internal cernent plaster 12min thick in single coat in cament mortar 13 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all position including scaffolding and curing etc complete (No32-05. PgNo 209) (STATE SSR) Item Spec: (Bd L2 Page No 368) 288.00-5% Sugarcane area in 289.00-14.45
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Item No. 16:- Proeding neeru finish to plastered surfaces in all positions ncluding scaffolding and curing etc. complete (No32-15. PgNo 210)( STATE SSR) tem Spec (Bu L10 Page No 3701 15.005% Sugarcane area ie 85.00-3.25
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Item No. 17:- Providing and pecorative type having size 500 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of t 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS 15622-2006 (group Bla) of approved make shade and pattem for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 14 ement mortar including neat cement float filling joints, cuning and clearing atz Complete A) Flooring (INo33-40 PpNo 217) (STATE SSR) Item
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Item No. 18:- Providing and fixing machine cut machine polished 18 mm to 20 mm thick talephone black/ Ambe White/Cat bary brown RBI red/ Ocean Brown granite stone for Leads and risers of steps and staircases of approved colour and share with rounded moulding and three grooved line for the treads of bed of 14 Cement mortar including float filling joints with naat cement slurry cunng polishing and cleaning etc. complete (No33-35 PgNo 216) (STATE SSR) item Spec: (Bd. M 22 8/Page No. 390) RA NO: 12
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Item No. 19:- Providing and laying ceramic tiles having size 30 cm. X 45 om. For dado and skirting in required position with readymade adhesive mortar of approwed quality on plaster of 12 cement mortar including joint fling with white colour cement slurry cleaning curing etc stimate20-21-E01
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Item No. 20:-Providing and laying Antiskid Ceramic tiles of approved quality of size 30 cm x 30 dom and confirming ta 15 15622-2006 (Group-B A) for antiskid flooring in required position laid on a bed of 14 cement mortar including serment float filing joint with etc Complete cement slurry cleaning curing (INo33-67 PgNo 220) (STATE SSR) Them Spec (Bd M-12 page No 385) RA NO.15
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Item No. 21:-Providing and thing frame with/without ventitator of size as specified with Country non teak wood for doors and windows including chamfening, rounding, rebating iron holdfast of size 300mm x 40mm x 5mm with oil painting etc complete (No39-02 PgNo 245) (STATE SSR) nem Spec (As directed by Engileer in charge 3 107112.00-5% Sugarcane area le 107112.00+5355.60
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Item No. 22:-Providing and long liber glass reinforced polyster door shutter 30 mm thick as per 15 14858 (2000) (Reaffirmed 2006) without ventilator including chromium pintad fixtures and fastening with chromium plated handles on both sides eic complete (INo39-58 PgNo 257) (
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Item No. 23:-Providing and fixing solid core flush door shutter commercial in single leaf 32 mm thick without ventilator commercial type of exterior grade as per detailed drawings with wrought iron hold fast, stainless steel fixtures and fastenings and handles painting 3 coats complete on both sides and finishing with oil (INo38-10, PgNo 246) (STATE SSR item Spec (Bd-T-36, Page No 500) 2913.000% Sugarcane area ia 2913.00 145.65
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Item No. 24:-Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows. ventilators, etc 15 kg/som as per drawing including fixtures necessary welding and painting with one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats painting complete (INo40-02 PgNo 264) (STATE SSR | Item Spec (Bd U.1 Page No. 537) 1707 + 5% Sugarcane area ie 1707.00-85.35 of oil
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Item No. 25:-Providing and fixing in position las per 1868/1982) Alluminium sliding window of three tracks with rectangular pipe 95 x 38. 10x 0.90 mm at weight 0.637 kg/Rmt with window frame bottom track section 92 x31.75 x 130 mm at weight 1.070 kg/Rmt. Top and side track section 92 31 75*1 30+ at weight 0.933 kg/Rmt. The shutter should be of bearing 40 * 18 * 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 kg/Rmt. Inter locking section 40x 1.10 0 460 kmt and handle and top section 40pi18pi 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 kg/Rmt. As per detailed drawings and as directed by Engineer-in-charge with all necessary Aluminium sections fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 mm thick plain glass and aluminiuent mosquito net shutter with stainless steel jail with all required acrews and nuts etc. complete With colour Anodising with box (No39-41, PgNo 253) ( STATE SSR) Item Spec (As directed by engineer-in-charge) 5502.6 + 5% Sugarcane area ie 5502.00-275 10
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Item No. 26:-Providing and fiving hurme pipe septic tank 000mm diantater with vent pipe and cap including luding necessary (including excevation and laying) (No-42-18 PgNo 275) No 5751 STATE SSRI Item Spec (Bd V 45, Page 18726.005% Sugarcane area a 16726.00-836.30
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Item No. 27:-Providing soak pit of size 120cm x 120cm x 120cm including excavating and tiling with brick-bats (No42-10, PgNo 275) (STATE SSR Item Spec: (Bd V40 Page No 576) 295200+5% Sugarcane area te 2952.00- 147 80
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Item No. 28:-Providing and fleing Orissa type white glazed earthenware 575 mm water closet pan p including S trap with earthenware footrests cast iron soil and vent pipe upto outside face of the wall 1:2:4 brick bat lime concrete bedding without flushing tarik and its accessories etc complete (INo-42-30 PgNo 277) (STATE SSR) ltem Spec: (As incred by Engineer in charge) 4007.005% Sugarcane area is 4007.00+200.35
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Item No. 29:-Providing and fixing coloured glazed earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 55cm x 40 cm size including cold water pillar tap/cold and hot water piller tap brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap and necessary pipe connection including PVC. waste pipe and trap up to the outside face of the wall. Making good the damaged surface, lesting etc complete (No41-66 PgNo 2721 (STATE SSR) Hem Spec: (Bd V.30 Page No 5651 5886.00+ +5% Sugarcane area Le 5986. 1.00-299.30
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Item No. 30:-Providing and fixing HDP container Syntex or alike one piece moulded water tank made out of high density polythyler and built comigated inclusive of delivery up to destination noisting and fixing of accessories such as inlet, outlet overflow pipe inclusive of all tanks capacity between 200 to 1000 liters (No-42-53 PgNo 260) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (As directed by engineer-in-charge) 14.00-5% Sugarcane area le 14.00 +0.70
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Item No. 31:-Providing and fixing on walls/ ceting/ floor 15 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fiflings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PVD chowky or as directed etc complete (INo42-55 PgNo 280) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (BD V5 page 551 and as directed by Engineer in charge) 266.005% Sugarcane area i.e 266.00-13.30
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Item No. 32:-Providing and fixing on walls/ceiling/floor 20 mm dia CPVC pipe with necessary fittings remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete including removing existing pipe line necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc complete (IN042-56 PgNo 280) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (BDV & page 551 and as directed by Engineer in charge) 310.00 5% Sugarcane area i. 310.00+ 15.50
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Item No. 33:-Providing and fixing CP. BIB cock with wall flange jaquar or equivalent make continental (CAT NO CON-047) including necessary sockets/union nut etc complete (INo42-83, PgNo 283) (STATE SSR) lem Spec (As directed by Engineer in charge)
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Item No. 34:-Provisting and Fixing half tum 25 mm cack including die gun metal flushing all accessones et complete (No42-32 PgNo 277) STATE SSR) Item Spec (As directed by Engineer in charge) 9.53 * 0 + 5% pm Sugarcane area le 953.00-47.65
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Item No. 35:-Providing and fixing 75 mm mm dia stabiliser pipe/ PVC soil vent/waste pipe and with necessary fixtures and fitting such as bends, lees single junctions, siorted vent clamos etc. complete (No42-51, PgNG 279) STATE SSR) Item Spec: (As directed by Engineer in charge) mathfrak OO = 5% Sugarcane area L. DD = 30.35
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Item No. 36:-Providing and fixing 100 mm dia stabiliser pipe/ PVC soil vent/waste pipe and with necessary fixtures and fitting such as bends tees, single junctions, slotted vent, clamps etc complete (INo42-52 PgNo 279) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (As directed by Engineer in charge) 788.00 5% Sugarcane area i.e 788.00-39.40
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Item No. 37:-Providing and applying water proofing treatment using acrylic polymer modified cement based water proofing coating with fibre glass mesh mixing at the rate of powder to liquid (2.1) by weight covering 9 to 10 sqm ikg with two coat using Dr. Fixit or alike of chemicals for masonry and concrete surface by brush covering 7 years guarantee on Stamp Papers etc complete. (INo31-09, PgNo 206) (STATE SSR) Item Spec (As directed by Engineer in charge) RA NO. 16 amp Papers etc
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Item No. 38:-Providing and applying plastic emulsion paint of approved quality, colour and shade to old surface in three coats including scaffolding. preparing the surface (excluding primer coat) etc, complete (INo36-13, PgNo 228) (STATE SSR) Item Spec: (Bd. PB Page No 414 & Pre-approval of Superintending Engineer) 100 * 6 \% Sugarcane area ie 100.00 +5.00
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Item No. 39:-Providing and applying two coats of water proof cement paint of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, cleaning and preparing the surface. watering for two days etc. complete (No35-13) PyNo 224) (STATE SSR Item Spec (Bd 0.8 Page No. 406) 79 * 5 \% Sugarcane area ie 79 * 3.9 \le
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Item No. 40:- Providing and fixing board displaying information, such as Name of work, Tender cost, Name of Contractor, Work completion and liability period etc, having rectangular shape of 1.20m x 0.90m size made sul 18 gauge (1.25mm) thick mild steel sheet painted with one coat of Zinc chromate stoving primer and two coats of enamel paint on front side and grey stove enamel on back side and border/messages/symbols etc. with approved colour shade paint complete, on M.S angle of size 35 * 35 * 3 mm frame with properly cross braced MS angles of size 36mmx35mmx3mm duly painted including Two M.S. angle iron posts of size 65 mm x 65 mm x 6 mm. 3.65 m long painted with alternate black and white bands of 25 cm width including all futures etc and fixing the boards in 1:48 concrete block of size 60 cm x 60 cm x 75 cm including, excavation, refilling, transportation. and labour etc .complete Spec. No. As directed by Engineer in Charge (No6-38 PgNo 50) (STATE SSR) Itam Spec: (MORTH 801)
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