Pune University Tender
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Pune University - UOFP Tender
Furnitures and Fixtures
Opening Date15 Oct 2020
Closing Date29 Oct 2020
Tender Amount₹ 54,96,072 This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
₹ 55,000Document Cost
₹ 3,000Tender Fee
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Repairs To Heritage Stone Masonry Work And Providing Heritage Grills And Gates Around Main Building At Savitribai Phule Pune University
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CANO 20-21/SPPU/ESTATE/EE/CIVIL/03Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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Filling in plinth and floors with contractors material/ brought from out side in layers of 15cm to 20cm including watering and compaction etc. complete. (approved by Engg-in-charge)
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Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in M-10 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water, Steel centering, formwork, laying/pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing if required and curing complete, with reversible Drum Type mixer/concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc
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Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete M-25 of trap / granite /quartzite/ gneiss metal for R.C.C. work in foundations like raft, strip foundations, grillage and footings of R.C.C. columns and steel stanchions etc. including bailing out water, Steel centering, formwork ,cover blocks, laying/pumping, compaction and curing roughening the surface if special finish is to be provided (Excluding reinforcement and structural steel) etc. complete, with reversible Drum Type mixer/ concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Natural Sand / Crushed sand VSI Grade finely washed etc)
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Providing uncoursed rubble masonry of trap / granite / quartzite / gneiss stones in cement mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth of inner walls / in plinth of external walls including bailing out water manually , striking joints on un exposed faces and watering etc.complete.
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Providing random rubble Masonry Nevasa stones in cement mortar 1:6 in plinth including bailing out water manually, strikin joints on unexposed faces. (excluding pointing) etc. complete
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Dismantling stone masonry in lime or cement mortar including stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts etc.
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Providing Ashler Stone Masonry (first sort) work in cement mortar 1: 4 with watering as shown in drawing and design with all necessary including scaffolding etc. Complete. NDSR , Spec; (as directed by Engg-in-Charge)
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Removing and Refixing of existing ashler coping in 1: 5 cement mortar including cheiselling cleaning, filling joints, curing etc. complete
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Providing and fixing stone ashler 'coping' in Nevasa stone of uniform colour and texture,in the shape and size as shown in diagram; coherent with the existing coping Design; produced from stones of size in between 350-600mm long, and width 400-500mm, fixing the same in position, in alignment of old coping and masonry in rich cement mortar in proportion of 1:4, including racking out joints, cleaning the surface, watering, curing etc. complete. (approved by Engg-in-charge).Please refer detail drawing of Ashler Coping.
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Removing and refixing of existing ashler steps, with proper cleaning and refixing the same at position and alignment in cement morter (1:4) inclusive of curing, cleaning, raking the joints, pointing etc. complete.
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Providing and fixing ashler stone steps of size in between 400-600mm(long), 350- 430 mm (width) and 125-150mm (height) in cement mortar 1:5 proportion by providing ashler finish to expose portion of stone and matching the stone joints with existing stone including manual chisseling, nosing, curing, cleaning etc. complete.
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Removing and rearranging the existing ballusterades, duly cleaned up, rectifying damaged surface if necessary, and placed in position, in rich cement mortar 1 : 4 proportions, and also by using 'anchorpins' and chemical 10mm dia. at top and bottom of the ballustrades, in alignment and design of the old existing stair railing, inclusive of all labour, material, curing, cleaning etc. complete. (approved by Engg-/architect in-charge)
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Preparing and fixing the New ballustrades in locaion and position as shown in diagram, in alignment with the old existing design and produced from a Single Nevasa stone of measuring 15cmx15cmx50 cm, in size, shape and profile exactly like old ballustrades, and fixing the same in rich cement mortar in 1 : 4 proportion, using 'anchorpin' with chemical 10mm dia. at top and bottom portion, with all the labour, material, curing, cleaning etc. complete. (approved by Engg//architectin-charge)
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Decorative gates:- Providing and fixing, decorative gate of required size on decorative fabricated pillar support of size and design as shown in the adjoining drawings of material bright steel, with necessary fixtures such as tower bolts, aldrop, hold fasts, hinges, in bright steel bars, of size as shown in drawings and specifications, finished with proper grinding, and fixing in true level and plumb inclusive of primer and synthetic enamal paint of approved quality and shade, and 75 mm dia. wheel with ball bearingat bottom of gate if required,cleaning, etc. complete. (as directed by Engg//architect-in-charge).(Fabricated Pillar support are seperately quoted).Please refer detail drawing of Decorative gate. Main Gate sizes 7m x 3.3m,4m x 2.51m and Wicket gate 2.33m x 2.66m
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Decorative Grill:- Providing and fixing a decorative grill as shown in adjoining figure, made of bright steel bars material of vertical bar of thickness 12mm, the sizes and design as mentioned on drawings, fixed to MS pipes 75x75x5mm as shown in drawing with proper finishing,inclusive of all fixtures shown in the drawings, fitting, fixing, in true level and plumb, with primer, synthetic enamal paint of approved quality and colour, cleaning etc. complete. (as directed by Engg/architect-in-charge) M.S bars of 75 x75x5 mm framing not included in this item.Please refer detail drawing of Decorative grill.
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Gate pillars:- Providing and fixing gate pillars of sizes and design as shown in adjoining drawing made in bright steel bars,and using central support of 2nos.x200x75x6mm C-channels weld together of height as shown in drawings with base plate in MS flat, size 500x500x16mm of required shape and size at the top and bottom fixed on concrete base of 600x600x750mm inclusive of curing, fitting, fixing in true level and plumb, welding, forging, grinding whenever necessary; finishing with primer, synthetic enamal paint of approved quality and colour, cleaning etc. complete. (as directed by Engg//architect-in-charge). Please refer detail drawing of Gate pillars.
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Providing, fabricating and erecting at site of work the tubular steel structure as per standard design and specifications having various spans in between trusses and in multiples of standard length of bays as specified as per standard specifications, inclusive of cost of steel tubular trusses, tubular columns purlins, tie runners, foundation bolts, base plates, nuts and bolts, welding wherever required etc. as per detailed drawing inclusive of one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc. complete. Spec. No.( as directed by Engg/Architect-in-charge.)
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Providing core cutting to stone masonry of size 100 mm dia.and depth 450mm.
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Providing and fixing in position TMT - FE - 500 bar reinforcement of various diameters for R.C.C. pile caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams columns, canopies, staircase, newels, chajjas, lintels pardis,copings, fins, arches etc. as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules. including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required complete.
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Cleaning the external surface of walls using high pressure water jet pressure more than 100 bars to remove algae, fungus growth, flakes of stones including double scaffolding, water protection of window panes by covering the windows with 6mm plywood, covering the electrical cables, decorative and ornamental plaster with plastics or any suitable material etc. complete.
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Providing and applying stone polymer plaster to repair the damaged surfaces, edges etc; in Two layer ; one being preparing the mix by adding Styrene Butadine Rubber Latex Bonding agent in cement, in proportion 1 : 1, applied with brush after removing the unwanted, loose material, through clearing by vaccum cleaner and providing 2nd application, as a mixture of 10 % to 15 % by weight SBR Agent with cement 50kg, sieved sand, forming a rich mortar mix in 1 : 3 proportion, adding @20 % of water to make it of workable consistancy, applying this mixture when the first coat is still Wet, providing proper shape and size as required ; with all the material labour, curing, cleaning etc. complete
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Providing pointing as per existing pointing including racking out the joints and filling the gap with cement mortar 1:3 for stone masonry work including scaffolding and curing etc. complete.
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Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened sand, in all positions including base coat of 15mm thick in C.M. 1:4 using waterproofing compound at 1kg. Per cement bag curing the same for not less than 2days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to 8mm thick in C.M. 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc. complete With natural sand-
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Providing and laying weep holes of 75mm diameter PVC pipes as per drawing for abutment returns, return walls,stone masonary etc. Complete
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Removing demolished rabbit / debris/ soil up to 1.5 km Transport.
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BASIC TEST OF CEMENT. Standard Consistancy Fineness, Specific Gravity, Setting Time ( Initial & Final),Compressive Strength, Soundness.
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BRIGHT STEEL BAR TESTING (set of 3bars)Tensile Strength, % elongation, Yield stress, Weight per Meter, Bend/ Rebend Test, Proof Stress
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STONE TEST crushing value/ compressive strength water absorption & specific gravity.
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