Public Works Department Tender

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Public Works Department - PWD Tender

Civil And Construction
Opening Date27 Sep 2024
Closing Date5 Oct 2024
Tender Amount₹ 18,37,64,547 


  • EMD

    ₹ 9,36,000
  • Document Cost

    ₹ 3,540
  • Tender Fee

    ₹ 500


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Providing and laying PCC in Mix-15 grade levelling course of 100 millimetre thick below pile cap with fully automatic micro processor Programmable Logic Controller with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition enabled reversible drum type mixer/ concrete batch mix plant (pan mixer) etc. complete.




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Providing and filling sand in foundation trenches / below Raft as per drawing and technical specifications etc. complete. (Coarse Sand and Gravel )




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix Mix-30 controlled reinforced cement concrete of trap metal for raft slab including "V" haunches, formwork, scaffolding, compaction by vibrating, finishing curing etc. complete. concrete batch mix plant / pan mixer with fine agreegates of required specifications ( Vertical Shaft Impactor sand finely washed etc ) etc. complete. (excluding reinforcement). a) Rainforced Cement Concrete Grade with reversible drum type mixer/ concrete batch mix plant (pan mixer) .




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix controlled grade of Mix-20 of trap /granite /quartzite /gneiss metal for Rainforced Cement Concrete works in cut off walls / curtain walls including necessary scaffolding, centering, compacting by vibrator, finishing and curing etc. complete. (with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition enabled with reversible drum type mixer/ concrete batch mix plant (pan mixer) with fine agreegates of required specifications (Vertical Shaft Impactor sand finely washed etc ), excluding reinforcement)




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix Mix-30 controlled cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for Rainforced Cement Concrete work in solid/ deck slab etc. including ramming, vibrating, curing, formwork, centering and finishing in cement plaster excluding reinforcement etc. complete. (with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition enabled concrete batch mix plant / pan mixer and fine agreegates of required specifications ( Vertical Shaft Impactor sand finely washed etc ) i) Height up to 5 meter, normal rate.




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Providing and laying Cast in situ/Ready Mix cement concrete in Mix-10 of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for foundation and bedding including bailing out water, Steel centering, formwork, laying/pumping, compacting, roughening them if special finish is to be provided, finishing if required and curing complete, with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer/concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete. With fine aggregate (Crushed sand Vertical Shaft Impactor Grade)




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix Mix-30 plain cement concrete of trap /granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for cast in citu piers, abutment, returns, wings etc. including provision of "V" shaped false joints to form suitable panels on the faces to approve design with compacting by vibrating and curing complete, including plywood/steel form work centering ( excluding dewatering by means of pump) and including bailling out water and curing finishing in Cement Mortar 1:3 etc. complete. as directed by engineer in charge basic rate shall be increased for height above 5.00 meter in followinh manners (a) Height upto 5 Meter (With Concrete Mixer) With fine agreegates of required specifications ( Vertical Shaft Impactor sand finely washed etc)




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Providing, cutting, bending, hooking, tying and laying in position Thermo Mechanically Treated Ferrous 500 steel bars for reinforcement for all Rainforced Cement Concrete works as per detailed drawings etc. complete.




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Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for protection against scour with stone boulders weighing not less than 40Kilogrameach complete as per drawings and Technical specifications etc. complete. (boulder laid without wire crates)




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Providing railing of mild steel angle post 2.0 meter center to center of section 75 millimetre x 75 millimetre x 10 millimetre or equivalent I/C section of height 1.05 above bridge surface with minimum anchor length of 30 centimetre including hold fast of 25 millimetre diameter Mild steel bar welded at the bottom and concreting of 1:3:6 of size 30 centimetre x 30 centimetre x 30 centimetre with three rows of 40 millimetre B class Galvanised Iron pipe provided at 30 centimetre on center to center including scaffolding and one coat of anticorrosive paint with two coats of oil painting, curing of concrete etc. complete.




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Providing and laying of filter media with granular materials/ stone crushed aggregates satisfying the requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2 of Minstry of Road Transport & Highway specifications to a thickness of not less than 600 millimetre with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition as per drawing and technical specifications etc. complete.




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Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and return wall as per drawings and technical specifications etc. complete. (by granular material)




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Providing and laying 0.90 meter thick metal mat consisting of rubble, oversize metal and normal size metal in specified thickness as per detailed drawing including supplying all materials, hand packing of rubble, spreading metal in layers and hard murum including watering and compaction with power roller etc. complete.




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Prividing and fixing pressure relief pipes of 110 millimetre diametre of Poly Vinyl Chloride as per drawing for Reinforced Cement Concrete Raft, galaries returns, abutments, wing wall etc complete.




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Providing earth work in embankment with approved materials obtained from departmental land upto lead of 50 meter including all lifts, laying in layers of 20 centimetre to 30 centimetre thickness breaking clods, dressing to the required lines, curves, grades & section, watering and compaction with vibratory roller to achieve not less than 97 percent of standard proctor density etc. complete ( Material obtained from departmental Land)




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Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded Material, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at Optimum Moisture Content, carriage of mixed Material to work site, spreading in uniform layers with motor grader/ Paver on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 -- Plant Mix Method and Grading - I Material




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Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub-base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate (natural sand / Vertical Shaft Impactor grade finely washed crushed sand) conforming to Indian Standard: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 millimetre, cement content not to be less than 150 kilogram per cubic metre, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant / Weigh batch mixer, transported to site with all leads and lifts, laid with a paver with electronic sensor / by suitable means as approved by Engineer-in-charge, compacting with vibratory roller, finishing, curing and including preparation of sub-grade surface if required etc. complete. With fully automatic microprocessor based Programmable Logical Control with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition enabled reversible Drum Type mixer / concrete Batch mix plant (Pan mixer) etc. complete.




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Providing and laying in-situ Mix-40 Grade unreinforced plain cement concrete pavement with max 20% fly Ash ( Fly-ash upto 20% by weight of Cement) over a prepared sub base with 43 grade cement , coarse and fine aggregate ( natural sand/ Vertical Shaft Impactor grade finely washed crushed sand) conforming to Indian Standard 383, using fine and coarse aggregates combined gradation as per Table 600-3 of Ministry of Road Transport & Highway Specification 2013, mixed in a Tilting type Concrete Mixer as per approved mix design, admixtures, spreading, laying compacting and finished in a continuous operation without paver machine, finishing to lines and grades as directed by Engineer-in-charge and curing by curing compound /by providing cement vata in cement Mortar 1:8 @ 0.6 meter x 0.6 meter centre to centre, admeasuring 80 millimetre at bottom and 40 millimetre at top with depth of 75 millimetre and maintaining the same throughout curing period by any other method approved by Engineer-in-charge. (with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)




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Providing and fixing in position Thermo Mechanically Treated Ferrous 500, 25 millimetre diameter dowel bars precoated with anticorrosive epoxy paint of required diameter 60 centimetres long and at 30.00 centimetre centre to centre and wherever directed including handling, straightening, necessary cutting supported by Thermo Mechanically Treated Ferrous 500, chairs with proper alignment by using properly designed assembly of Bulkheads lubricating half length with bituminous paint as directed etc. complete.




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Providing and fixing in position Thermo Mechanically Treated Ferrous 500, tie bars precoated with anticorrosive epoxy paint of 12 millimetre diameter 70 centimetres long and at 30.00 centimetre centre to centre and wherever directed including handling, straightening wrapping with paper of approved quality for half length, necessary cutting, handling, straightening , supported by assembly of Thermo Mechanically Treated Ferrous 500, chairs with proper alignment etc. complete.




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Cutting transverse contraction joints 3 to 4 millimetre wide and depth 60 millimetre .in concrete slab using concrete cutting machine with diamond studded saw within 48 hours of casting of bay / slab etc. complete including subsequent widening of the groove 8 to 10 millimetre wide at top having depth of 15 millimetre as directed by Engineer incharge.




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Providing to contraction joints polysuphide sealent (Pouring grade) confirming to BS : 5212 - 1989 into sawed groove widened at top for sealent reservoir of specified size and shape as per detailed drawing including fixing Polyethylene foam backer rod of required diameter (appraox. 25% larger than the initial 3 to 4 millimetre joint) overlaid with bond breaking tape as per detailed drawing. Item includes cleaning the joints with water jet / air compressor and allowing joint to become thoroughly dry before sealent is applied and applying primer. (A) Contraction and longitudinal joints (15 millimetre deep x 8 millimetre wide)




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Providing and fabricating structural steel work in rolled sections like joists, channels, angles, tees etc. as per detailed design and drawings or as directed including cutting, fabricating, hoisting, erecting, fixing in position making riveted / bolted /welded connections without connecting plates, braces etc. and including one coat of anticorrosive paint and over it two coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc. complete.




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Providing and fixing 22 B.W.G. plain FRP sheets on top of weather shed, including scaffolding, fixing by means of nut and bolts or as directed etc. complete. (Brackets of 70 x 45 millimetre to be paid separately)




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Providing and fixing of retro- reflectorised informatory sign board rectangular/Square in shape having area less than 0.9 One Square Metre made out of 2 millimetre aluminum sheet bonded with white retro reflective sheeting of Class B ( Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) having pressure sensitive/heat activated adhesive retoreflective specified back ground, border and back side retoreflctive symbols, letters, numerals, arrow as per Indian Road Congress: 67-2012 Table No 8.3, supported with back support frame 25 millimetre x 25 millimetre x 3 millimetre, duly painted on back side with two coats of grey stove enamel paint and supported on one no. mild steel angle iron post 75 millimetre x 75 millimetre x 6 millimetre, 3.5 meter long firmly fixed to the ground by means of properly designed foundation with Mix-25 grade cement concrete 45 centimetre x 45 centimetre x 60 centimetre, 60 centimetre below ground level as per approved drawing The angle iron post shall be duly painted with one coat of epoxy primer and two coats of epoxy finish paints having alternate black and white bands of 25 centimetre width including Galvanised Iron fixures and transportation etc.complete.The nut bolts of board with angle iron post/supporting structure after fixing at site has to be electrically welded. Class B ( Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) sheeting shall have 7 years written warranty from the manufacturer and authorised distributor/convertor issued for field performance including the screen printed areas and cut-out sheeting and cut-out durable transparent overlay film and this warranty certificate in original should be submitted to the Engineer in charge by the contractor/supplier.




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Dismantling the Reinforced Cement Concrete Work 1:2:4 and sorting out the materials such as steel etc. as directed and stacking them within the specified lead as directed etc. complete.




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Excavation for foundation in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel, soft murum including shoring and strutting, dewatering as necessary and disposing off excavated stuff as directed etc. complete. (By Mechanical Means) b) 1.50 meter to 3.00 meter lift, Add 10%




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Excavation for foundation in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel, soft murum including shoring and strutting, dewatering as necessary and disposing off excavated stuff as directed etc. complete. ( By Mechanical Means) c) 3.00 meter to 4.50 meter lift, Add 20%




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Excavation for foundation in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel, soft murum including shoring and strutting, dewatering as necessary and disposing off excavated stuff as directed etc. complete. (By Mechanical Means) d) 4.50 meter to 6.0 meter lift, Add 30%




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Excavation for foundation in hard rock by chiselling and wedging or line drilling including shoring and strutting, dewatering as necessary and disposing off excavated stuff as directed etc. complete. a) Upto 1.50 meter lift Normal Rate




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Excavation for foundation in hard rock by chiselling and wedging or line drilling including shoring and strutting, dewatering as necessary and disposing off excavated stuff as directed etc. complete. b) 1.50 meter to 3.00 meter lift, Add 10%




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Excavation for foundation in hard rock by chiselling and wedging or line drilling including shoring and strutting, dewatering as necessary and disposing off excavated stuff as directed etc. complete. c) 3.00 meter to 4.50 meter lift, Add 20%




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Dewatering on BHP basis by using water pump including diversion of stream, providing cofferdams, earthern bunds etc. as may be necessary for foundation and other parts of the the works and pumping out water during and after excavation as may be required by using 10.0 to 19.0 BHP pump etc. complete. (prior approval of Superintending Engineer will be necessary)




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix Mix-30 cement concrete of trap /granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for cast in citu Reinforced Cement Concrete solid piers,column etc . including provision of V shaped false joints to form suitable panels on the faces to approve design with compacting by vibrating and curing complete. Including plywood/steel formwork, centering ( excluding dewatering by means of pump) and including bailling out water and including Cement Mortar 1:3 curing complete. a) Height upto 5 Meter (With Concrete Mixer) i) Height up to 5 meter, normal rate.




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix M-30 cement concrete of trap /granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for cast in citu Reinforced Cement Concrete solid piers,column etc . including provision of V shaped false joints to form suitable panels on the faces to approve design with compacting by vibrating and curing complete. Including plywood/steel formwork, centering ( excluding dewatering by means of pump) and including bailling out water and including CM 1:3 curing complete. a) Height upto 5 M. (With Concrete Mixer) ii) Height 5 to 7.50 meter, add 5 percent extra over basic rate.




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix M-30 cement concrete of trap /granite/quartzite/ gneiss metal for cast in citu Reinforced Cement Concrete solid piers,column etc . including provision of V shaped false joints to form suitable panels on the faces to approve design with compacting by vibrating and curing complete. Including plywood/steel formwork, centering ( excluding dewatering by means of pump) and including bailling out water and including CM 1:3 curing complete. a) Height upto 5 M. (With Concrete Mixer) iii) Height 7.50 to 10 meter, 7.50 percent extra.




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Providing and filling annular space around footing in rock by using concrete of Mix-15 grade etc. complete.




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix controlled Mix-30 cement concrete of of trap / granite / quartzite/ gniess metal for reinforced cement concrete caps over piers and abutments including necessary sacffolding plywood/steel formwork, compacting by vibrating, finishing in Cement Mortar 1:3 and curing etc complete ( Excluding reinforcement) With reversible drum type mixer/ concrete batch mix plant (pan mixer) . with fine agreegates of required specifications ( Vertical Shaft Impactor sand finely washed etc )




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Providing tar paper bearing including laying in proper position etc. complete.




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Providing and laying in situ / ready mix Mix-40 controlled cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quartzite/ gneiss metal for Rainforced Cement Concrete work in solid/ deck slab etc. including ramming, vibrating, curing, formwork, centering and finishing in cement plaster excluding reinforcement etc. complete. (with fully automatic micro processor based Programmable Logic Controller with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition enabled concrete batch mix plant / pan mixer and fine agreegates of required specifications ( Vertical Shaft Impactor sand finely washed etc )




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Supplying installation testing and commissoning of Hubless centrifugally cast iron pipes as per ISI 15905 equivalent to NECO inclusive of all necessary special fitting like bends, tees, and caps, 'Y' bends for cleaning offsets, junctions, cowls, etc. lad under floor/fixed on walls and in pipe shafts etc. complete. The quoted rate should include lead and lifting charges to all levels, necessary scaffolding and supports like hanger supports grip bolts and CV sheet 304 grade clamps etc. with prior approval of concerned Superitending Engineer.




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DENSE BITUMINOUS MACADAM: Proving and laying dense bituminous macadam using crushed aggregates of Grading 1, premixed with bituminous binder of specified grade of Bitumen at 4.50 percent by weight of total mix and filler, transported to site with Vehical Tracking system , laid over a previously prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level, alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired density for 76-100 millimetre compacted thickness .USING Drum mix type hot mix plant with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Sensor Paver, Vibratory roller with Stone Dust filler.(Viscocity Grade-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)




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BITUMINOUS CONCRETE:- Providing and laying bituminous concrete using crushed aggregates of grading 1, premixed with bituminous binder at 5.20 per cent by weight of total mix and filler, transported to site with Vehicle Tracking System , laid over a previously prepared surface, finished to the required grade, level, alignment, and rolling to achieve the desired compaction for 50 millimetre compacted thickness with specified grade of Bitumen,Excluding prime / tack coat. For Bitumen of specified grade -- USING Drum mix type hot mix plant with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Sensor Paver, Vibratory roller with Stone Dust filler. (Viscocity Grade-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)




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Providing and applying tack coat on the prepared surface heating by fames in Boiler and spraying bitumen with sprayer on Dry / Hungry Bituminous surface 3 kilogram per 10 square metre (Viscocity Grade-30 bulk bitumen rates are considered to arrive at rates)




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Footpaths and Separators -- Construction of footpath/separator by providing a 150 mm compacted granular sub base as per clause 401 and 25 mm thick cement concrete grade M15, over laid with pre-cast concrete tiles in cement mortar 1:3 including provision of all drainage arrangements but excluding kerb channel.




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Providing expansion joints with 25 millimetre thick bituminous pad as per detailed drawings etc. complete.




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Construction of precast Rainforced Cement Concrete railing of Mix-30 Grade, aggregate size not exceeding 12 millimetre, true to line and grade, tolerance of vertical Rainforced Cement Concrete post not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing between vertical post not to exceed 2000 millimetre, leaving adequate space between vertical post for expansion as per approved drawings and technical specifications etc. complete.




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Providing and laying weep holes of 100 millimetre diameter Poly Vinyl Chloride pipes as per drawing for abutment returns, return walls etc. Complete.




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Providing 100 millimetre diameter Galvanised Iron water spouts as per detailed drawings in Reinforced Cement Concrete slab and wearing surface / kerb etc. complete.




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Supply & Fixing of Rectified Porcelain Stoneware Tiles for Ventilated Facades of Specified size as per specification/ site drawings having 6 millimetre and 9 millimetre thickness with factory made Kerfs (grooves) as per need and size 600/1200 and 800/1600. The Rectified Porcelain Stoneware Tiles shall possess properties having Water absorption 0.5% Bending Strength 40 N/ millimetre square and are resistant to : UV Light, chemicals, smog, thermal shocks & bacteria. The facade will be made from Nexion Rectified Porcelain Stoneware Tiles (Sintered Compact Surfaces) specified as per ISO 13006 : Annex G- EN 14411 : Annex G : Dry Pressed Ceramic Tiles and all the tests carried out by Italian labs accredited according to ISO/ IEC 17025 : 2005. The Terramilano Fixing sub structure will confirm to Norme Tec niche per le Costruzioni NTC/8 (Technical Standard for construction) guidelines for construction in Italy, Eurocode 0 " Information on the method of semi-probabilistic limit states and safety factor " Euro coad 1 " Determination and calculation of actions on structure " Euro 9 " Project aluminum structures " UNI 11018 and ETAG 034 The Substructure will consists of Upright extruded aluminum profile TruSt80, alloy 6060 T5 thickness equal to 1.5 to 2 millimetre and dimension 80 x 110 millimetre, inter axis 80 centimetre of Length 3660 millimetre, 8085 Aluminum box Section of 1 x 3 inch, 1 x 2 inch and 1x 5 inch of length 3660 millimetre and thickness 1.5 to 2 mm as per need. Brackets St80 galvanized steel and aluminum of 80 millimetre x 60 millimetre, aluminum L bracket size 1.5 x 1.5 inch and 1 x 2.5 inch thickness 3 millimetre that allow to anchor the vertical stand to the Building, 9 millimetre / 6 millimetre S10 Hooks Harmonic Stainless Steel AISI 304 which supports the weight of the Tiles; Bossong/Hilti Mechanical Fasteners and Nylon Anchor Fastner; and Structural Sealant of 3 Meter for Ventilated Facade. Packing of Edges and corner with window seal with ACP of appoved make for water Proofing and alteration. Inclusive of scaffolding and fixing. The installation method differ according to the structure of building and design. For EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL CLADDING OF STRUCTURE. with prior approval of concerned Superitending Engineer.




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P/Fixing of carbon fiber sheet of 430 GSM with adhesive including of hanging scofolding of all manpower and equipments complete in all respect




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Providing and fixing board displaying information, such as "Name of work, Tender cost, Name of Contractor, Work completion and liability period etc", having rectangular shape of 1.20 meter x 0.90 meter size made up of 4 millimetre aluminum composite pannel sheet with 0.5 millimetre skin thickness on either side bonded with white retro reflective sheeting of Class B (Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) having pressure sensitive adhesive. Retro reflective sheeting with specified background, border and back side reto reflective symbols, letters, numerals, arrow as per Indian Road Congress : 67-2012 Table No 8.3, on Mild steel angle of size 35 x 35 x 3 millimetre frame with properly cross braced Mild steel angles of size 35 millimetre x 35 millimetre x 3 millimetre duly painted including Two mild steel angle iron posts of size 65 millimetre x 65 millimetre x 6 millimetre , 3.65 meter long painted with alternate black and white bands of 25 centimetre width including all fixtures etc.and fixing the boards in 1:4:8 concrete block of size 60 centimetre x 60 centimetre x 75 centimetre including, excavation, refilling, transportation, and labour etc complete. Class B (Type IV High intensity micro-prismatic grade sheeting-HIP) shall have 7 years written warranty from the manufacturer including the Digitally Printed areas with Latex printing technology with sheeting manufacturer approved inks and laminated with UV overlay film and this warranty certificate in original should be submitted to the Engineer in charge by the contractor/supplier.




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Providing and fixing 90 centimetre x 60 centimetre Marble plate engraving 10 centimetre height letter, figures including painting the lefters/figures with approved colour and shade complete




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Cement Standard Consistancy Fineness, Specific Gravity, Setting (Initial & Final),Compressive




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Sand a) Silt Factore Test




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b) Fineness Modules




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Crushed metal a) Water Absorption




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b) Sieve Analysis




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d) Flakiness Index & Elongation Index




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e) Stripping Value




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Murum a) Sieve Analysis




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b) Liquid Limit & Plastic Limit




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Steel a) Upto 16 millimetre-Tensile Strength, % of Elongation, Yield Stress, Weght Per Meter,Bend / Rebend Test, Proof Stress.




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B) ABOVE 16 millimetre-Tensile Strength, % of Elongation, Yield Stress, Weght Per Meter,Bend / Rebend Test, Proof Stress.




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Job Mix for Mix-15, Mix-20, Mix-30 and Mix-40




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Cement concrete Compressive Strength (Kilogram per square metre)




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Eartwork Compaction Test




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Bitumen a) Penetration & Softening Point




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B) Viscosity




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C) Ductility




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Royalty charges for Sand




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Royalty charges for other materials




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