Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth Tender
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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth - MPKV Tender
Coronavirus COVID 19
Opening Date13 Apr 2018
Closing Date21 Apr 2018
Tender Amount₹ 70,551 This is an estimated amount, exact amount may vary.
₹ 8,000Document Cost
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E Tender of Mango Fruits on Standing Mango trees of Seed Cell, MPKV Rahuri
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Central Nursary Mango Garden No.2Tender Authority
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providing and fixing ceramic tiles of approved quality X 30 Cm. X 7 mm. for flooring in required position laid on a bed of, 1:4 cement mortar including cement float, filling joint with white/ coloured cement slurry, cleaning, curing complete. Spec.No.: As directed by Engineer in charge. D.S.R.I.No.330,page No.110
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providing and fixing ceramic tiles of approved quality X 30 Cm. X 7 mm. for dado and skiting in required position with ready made adhesive mortar of approved quality on plaster of 1:2 cement mortar including joint filling with white/ colour cement slurry, cleaning, curing complete. Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer in charge .D.S.R.I. No.331,page No.110
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p/f in position fibre reiforced plastic door shutter 30 mm thk. of approved size and colour with gel coat and pigment on both side with 1.5 to 3.00 mm thk. F.R.P. coating over face of door shutter and 1.5 to 2.00 mm thk. around top and surface at edges additional reinforceement ,the foam material used for shutter,rails and styles shall be resisted to mild acid and alkali with density 35 kgcum of rigid polyurethane in situ foam including wood at appropriate places to take up fixtures and fastenings confirming to I.S.4020-1998 WITH NECESSARY FIXITURES AND FASTENINGS ETC.COMPLETE .DSR ITAM .NO.534,PAGE NO160
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finishing the terrace slab integrally mixed with water proffing comppound in cement mortar1:3 proporation with 20mm thick layer including curing finishing using water proofing compound ar rate of 1 kg per of, cement complete. Spac No. As directed by the Engineer in charge D.S.R.I. NO.186,page No.66
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providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ Indian standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in supperstructure including strtiking joints,racking out joints ,watering and scaffolding complete. Space. No.0 149,page No.57
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providing and casting in situ cement conrete M-15/1:2:4 of trap/granite/quartzite/gneiss metal for coping to plinth or parapet ,moulede incluing centering .form work, compacting ,roughening them if special finish is to be provoded ,finishing if required and curing etc.complete.(7.60 bag/cum) Spac. No.Bd.E.3 page No.288 D.S.R.I.NO.37 page no.25
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providing sand faced plasterd externally in cement mortal using kharsalia / kasaba or similar type of sand] in all positions including base xoat of 15 mm.thick in cement mortar 1:4 using water proofing compound at 1 kg. per cement bag, curing the same of the base than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coatrough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to 8 mm.thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc. complete. Spec No.: Bd.L. 7 page No.367 D.S.R.I.No.260 page no.95
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Providing second class Burnt Brick masonry with conventional/ Indian standard type bricks in cement mortar 1:6 in foundation and plinth of inner walls/ in plinth of external walls including bailing out water manually, striking joints on unexposed faces, racking out joints on exposed faces and watering complete. Spec. No. Bd.G.I. Page No. 313 D. S. R. I. No.145 Page No.57
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providing and laying in situ cement concrete M-20/1:1:-1/2:3 of trap /granite /quartzite/gneiss metal for bed block ,foundation blocks and such other items including bailling out water manually,form work,compacting,roughening them if special finish is to be provided,finishing if required and curing etc. complete. Spac.No.Bd E4 page No.289D.SR.I. nO.62 PAGE No.32
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p/f mild steel powder coated m.s.benches mfg.from any ISO certified company for 3 Adults 1.80 mtr longx0.60 m wide using 50x25 m.s.pipes, using 25 mm dia m.s.pipes for resting side with approved powder coating as directed by engineer in charge [AS PER RATE ANAL]
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providing structural steel work in rolled section fixed with connection plantes or angle cleats as in main and cross beams ,hip and jack rafters,purlins connection to truss members and the like,as per detailed designs and drawing or as directed including cutting,fabrication, hoisting , erecting, fixing in position, making riveted/complete. Spac. No .Bd.C.3 page No.275 D.S.R.I.No.20,page No.22
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providing and fixing 50mm diameter B class galvanized iron pipe gate with wicket gate ofapproved drowing with all fixtures and fitting in two leaves with strong hold fast embedded in cement concrete block at top and bottom with locking arrangement including cutting,bending ,making holes and with one coat of primer complete weight 30 kg.sqm.Spac.No.As directed by Engineer in charge.D.S.R.I.NO25 page No.23.
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providing and laying 100mm Diameter salt glazed stone were pipes including fittings such as bends,tees,single junction ,double junctions, laying,joining (excluding excavation and refilling the trences) complete.Spec.No.:Bd.V. 39 page No.573.D.S.R.T.NO.729 page No206
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providing and applying proming coat on concreat /massonry/asbestos cement/plastered surfaces,including scaffolding if necessary ,papering the surface by thoroughly cleaning oil,grease,dirt and other foreign material and sand papering as required .Spec.No.:As directed by Engineer in charge.D.S.R.I.nO 388, PAGE NO.122
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providing and applying washable oil-bound distemper of approved colour and shade to old and new surfaces in two coast including scaffolding ,prparing the surfaces(excluding the primer coat )complete. Spec.No.Bd.p.5 page no.413.D.S.R.I.No.402,page No.124
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providing and applying three coast of Apex paint of approved colour and shade to old and new surface in two coat including scaffolding if necessary and prparing the surface [Excluding the primer coat] etc.complete. DSR.I.No.391,p-122
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