Directorate Of Sports And Youth Services Tender
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Directorate Of Sports And Youth Services - DSYSP Tender
Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Opening Date9 Dec 2022
Closing Date26 Dec 2022
Tender Amount₹ 1,64,77,638
₹ 1,50,000Document Cost
₹ 1,180Tender Fee
Refer Documents
Refurbishment Work Of Various Venues For Maharashtra State Olympics Games
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MSOG/2022-23/Civil/D11Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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Removing doors and windows with frames and stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Dismantling brick masonry in lime or cement mortar and stacking the materils as directed with all
leads, lifts etc.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Removing cement tiles, or marble or polished shahabad floor or dado without bed concrete including stacking the materials as directed with all leads, lifts etc. complete
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Removing urinal pans or wash hand basins with frame including disconnecting the sanitary and water supply connections, removing the same carefully and stacking the serviceable materials as and where directed including throwing the unserviceable materials outside etc complete
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Removing W.C. pans including disconnecting the sanitary and water supply connections, removing and breaking flooring and bed con-crete around pan removing the same carefully and stacking the serviceable materials as adn where directed including throwing the unserviceable materiasls out side etc. carefully and throwing out the refusal outside etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing preconstructional antitermite treatment as per I.S. 6313 (Part-I) to the soil along the external face of building by punching holes of 1.2 of 1.5 C.M. diametre about 30 -60 cm deep at 15 cm c/c as close to the wall as possible and to inject 0.5 percent of aldrin or clorophyrifos at the rate of 7.5 litres per hole and sealing the same with proper filling and covering 10 years guarantee on bond paper.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Transportation of excavated & debris from site to disposing site inluding loading , unloading & tranportation etc. complete. (lead 3km)
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Providing Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Block masonary of conforming to IS:2185 (Part 3) - 1984 in extra fine jointing mortar of fixoblock of UltraTech or equivalent in superstructure including striking joints, raking out joints and scaffolding etc. Complete. (The test shall be carried out conforming to IS:6441 (Part I) - 1972)
Spec. No.:- As directed by engineer in charge
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Providing internal cement plaster 6 mm thick in a single coat in cement mortar 1:3 without neeru finish to concrete surface in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.L.1 Page Number 367
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Providing internal cement plaster 12mm thick in single coat in cement mortar 1:4 without neeru finish to concrete or brick surfaces, in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd. L.2 Page Number 368
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Providing neeru finish to plastered surfaces in all positions including scaffolding and curing etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd. L.10, Page Number370
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Providing sand faced plaster externally in cement mortar using approved screened sand, in all positions including base coat of 15 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 using waterproofing compound at 1Kilogramper cement bag curing the same for not less than 2 days and keeping the surface of the base coat rough to receive the sand faced treatment 6 to 8 mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 finishing the surface by taking out grains and curing for fourteen days scaffolding etc.complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.L.7 Page Number 369
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Providing and laying machine cut machine Polished Kota stone flooring 25mm to 30mm thick and required width in plain/ diamond pattern on bed of 1:6 C. M. including cement float, filling joints with neat cement slurry, curing, polishing and cleaning etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.M.3 Page Number 380
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Providing and fixing in required position skirting or dado of polished Kotah Stone slab 25 mm to 30 mm thick fixed on base on plaster of cement mortar 1:4 including cement float, filling joints with cement slurry, curing rubbing, polishing and cleaning complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in Charge
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Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles decorative type having size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS. 15622- 2006 ( group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and clearing etc. complete. a) Flooring Spec.No.:- Bd.M. 12 Page No.385
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Providing and laying vitrified mirror / glossy finish tiles having size 590 mm to 605 mm x 590 mm to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming to IS. 15622-2006 ( group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and clearing etc. complete.b) Skirting /dado, Spec.No.:- Bd.M. 12 Page No.385
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Providing and laying vitrified matt fininsh tiles having size 590 mm to 605 mm x to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming IS. 15622-2006 (Group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement morar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and cleaning etc. complete. a) Flooring Spec.No.:- Bd.M.12 Page No. 385
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Providing and laying vitrified matt finish tiles having size 590 mm to 605 mm x to 605 mm of 8 to 10 mm thickness and confirming IS. 15622-2006 (Group Bla) of approved make, shade and pattern for flooring in required position laid on a bed of 1:4 cement mortar including neat cement float, filling joints, curing and cleaning etc. complete. b) Skirting /dado, Spec.No.:- Bd.M.12 Page No. 385
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Providing and laying ceramic tiles having size 30 cm. x 45 cm. confirming to corresponding I.S. for dado and skirting in required position with readymade adhesive mortar of approved quality on plaster of 1:2 cement mortar including joint filling with white/ colour cement slurry cleaning curing etc. complete. Spec.No.:- Bd.M.13 Page No. 386.
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Providing and laying in position flooring of telephone black / Amba White / Cat bary brown / Ruby red / Ocean Brown granite stone of approved shade and size 18 mm to 20 mm thick on bed 1:6 cement mortar including cement floats striking joints, pointing in C.M. 1:3 curing and cleaning etc. complete. Spec.No.:- Bd.M. 3 B/Page No. 380
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Providing and laying telephone black / Amba White / Cadburybrown / Ruby red / Ocean Brown granite stone of 18 to 20 mm thick for door frame/ dado/ window boxing etc. On C.M. 1:6 including filling joints with polymer base filler nosing the sharp edges wherever necessary, curing, etc. complete. Spec.No.:- As directed by Engineer-In- Charge
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Providing and fixing machine cut machine polished 18 mm to 20 mm thick telephone black / Amba White / Cat bary brown / RBI red / Ocean Brown granite stone for treads and risers of steps and staircases of approved colour and shade with rounded moulding and three grooved line for the treads on bed of 1:4 Cement mortar including float filling joints with neat cement slurry curing polishing and cleaning etc. complete. Spec.No.:- Bd. M.22 B/Page No. 390
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Providing and fixing machine cut mirror polished 18 mm to 20 mm thick telephone black granite / Amba White / Cat bary brown / RBI red / Ocean Brown granite stone partition with full moulding the edges etc. complete . Both side polish
Spec. No.:- Bd.M.35 B/Page Number393
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Providing cement based water proofing treatment to terraces (Indian water proofing or alike) with brick bats laid in required slope to drain the water for any span after cleaning the base surface. Applying a coat of cement slurry admixed with approved water proofing compound and laying the brick bats on bottom layer in C.M.1:5 admixed with approved water proofing compound filling up to half depth of brick bats, curing this layer for 3 days, applying cement slurry over this layer joints of brick bats with C.M.1:3 admixed with approved water proofing compound and finally top finishing with average 20 mm. thick layers of same mortar added with jute fiber at 1 Kg per bag including finishing the surface smooth with cement slurry admixed with approved water proofing compound. Marking finished surface with false squares of 300mm x 300 mm. making the junctions at the parapet rounded and tapered top for required height, with drip mould at the junction of plaster and parapet and curing and covering 10 years Guarantee against leakproofness on Court fee stamp paper of Rs. 500/- including ponding test etc. complete. Spec.No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
a) Second floor & terrace
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Providing water proofing in W.C. and bath including brick bat coba in all position including providing and laying 12 mm bedding in cement mortor 1:3 on vergin concrete slab with water proofing compound @1 kg/per bag of cement laying brick bat coba of required thickness in cm 1:5 with water proofing compound 1 kg/bag of cement grouting and finishing the top layer with 20 mm thick brick bedding in cm mortor 1:3 with water proofing compound 1 kg/per bag of cement and testing the treated portion for 48 hours by pond test and covering ten years' guarantee on requisite stamp paper including curing etc. complete .
Spec. No.: As directed by Engineer-in-charge
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Providing waterproof plaster in W.C. and bath 12 mm thick for dado in cement mortar 1:3 with neat finishing, floating using waterproofing compound at the rate of 1 Kilogram. per bag of cement of approved make and manufacturer and curing etc. complete. (Excluding Tiles) (As directed by Engineer in Charge)
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing frame with / without ventilator of size as specified with Country cut teak wood for doors and windows including chamfering, rounding, rebating, iron holdfast of size 300mm x 40mm x 5mm with oil painting, etc. complete Spec.No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Solid Core Flush door Single leaf
Providing and fixing factory made solid core flush door in single leaf 35 mm thick, decorative types, of exterior grade, as per detailed drawings, conforming to I.S.:2202 - 1962 (Revised) with approved face Laminet WP on both faces with/without glazing and venetians in the positions shown on the drawings or as directed, all necessary beads, moulding and lipping, holdfasts, mat finish stainless steel fixtures fastenings , finishing with french-polish/ waxing complete. (without door frame).(Sample to be got approved from Ex.Engineer before use) Commercial Hard Wood shutter
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer-in-charge
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Solid Core Flush door Double leaf
Providing and fixing factory made solid core flush door shutters in double leaves 35mm thick,decorative type of exterior grade, as per detailed drawings, conforming to I.S.: 2202 1966 (Revised) including approved face laminet WP on both sides, without glazing and venetians including mat finish stainless steel fixtures and fastening, stoppers and finishing with french polishing etc. (Excluding door frame)(Sample to be got approved from Ex. Engineer before use) Commercial Hard Wood shutter
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer-in-charge
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Providing and fixing M.S. grill door 24 Kilogram/Square Metre of various size as per detailed drawings without hot dip coating, iron fixtures and fastenings and 3 coats of oil painting etc
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing in position (as per 1868 / 1982) Aluminium sliding window of three tracks with rectangular pipe 95 x 38.10 x 0.90 mm at weight 0.637 Kilogram/Running metre. with window frame bottom track section 92 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 1.070 Kilogram/Running metre.. Top and side track section 92 x 31.75 x 1.30 mm at weight 0.933 Kilogram/Running metre. The shutter should be of bearing bottom 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight 0.417 Kilogram/Running metre. Inter locking section 40 x 18 x 1.10 mm at weight 0.469 Kilogram/Running metre. and handle and top section 40 x 18 x 1.25 mm at weight o.417 Kilogram/Running metre. As per detailed drawings and as directed by Engineerincharge with all necessary Aluminium sections fixtures and fastenings such as roller bearing in nylon casting and self locking catch fitted in vertical section of shutter including 5 mm thick plain glass and aluminium mosquito net shutter with stainless steel jail with all required screws and nuts etc, complete. With powder coating with box
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing in position powder coated aluminium louvered windows / ventilator of various sizes with powder coating as per detailed drawing and specifications including aluminium frames 80 x 38 mm x 1.22 mm box type, 5 mm thick sheet glass louvers, of approved quality etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing false ceiling of 12mm thick as per drawings including powder coated G.I. wall angle of 20mm x 20mm size, G.I. grid runners of size 20mm x 38mm at 600mm center to center both ways and suspended using G.I. 3mm wire including fixing using butterfly clips and fasteners including transporting, scaffolding all necessary labour and machinery, finishing etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd. R. 19 Page Number 462
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Providing and Fixing of GI Lay in Plain metal ceiling consisting of 600x600mm Lay in tiles of pre coated galvanized steel in 0.5 mm thickness in Global white color tile to be laid on grid systeM.S. Hostel A with 15mm wide T - section flanges color white having rotary stitching on the Main Runner, 1200 mm and 600 mm Cross Tees.Providing and Fixing of GI Lay in Plain metal ceiling consisting of 600x600mm Lay in tiles of pre coated galvanized steel in 0.5 mm thickness in Global white color tile to be laid on grid systeM.S. Hostel A with 15mm wide T - section flanges color white having rotary stitching on the Main Runner, 1200 mm and 600 mm Cross Tees.products approved as per GRIHA and BS 476 etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing colour coated Zincalume ( R ) AZ150 ( min 150 gms/ total on each side ) profiled sheets for roofing. The feed material is manufactured out of nominal 0.45 mm Base Metal Thickness ( BMT ) (0.5 mm TCT ), Hi-strength steel with min.550 MPa yield strength, metallic hot dip coated with Aluminium-Zinc alloy (55% aluminium 43.4% zinc 1.6% silicon) with COLORBOND ( R ) steel quality super durable polyester paint coat ( with inorganic pigment). The paint shall have a total coating thickness of nominal 35 um, comprising of nominal 25 um exterior coat on top surface and nominal 10 um reverse coat on back surface. Profile sheet shall have nom. 950-1050 mm effective cover width and nominal 25-30 mm deep ribs with subtle square fluting in the five pan at nominal 180-250 mm center- to-center. The end rib shall be designed for anti-capillary groove. and return leg. The feed material should have coil manufacturers product details marked a regular interval. Including fasteners with min. fastened with min. 25 um Zinc-Tin alloy coated, Hex head, self-drilling screw etc. complete. (weight of profile 4.52 Kilogram/ One Square Metre)
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing, fabricating and erecting at site of work the tubular steel structure (shed) as per standard design and specifications having various spans in between trusses and in multiples of standard length of bays as specified as per standard specifications, inclusive of cost of steel tubular trusses, tubular columns purlins, tie runners, foundation bolts, base plates, nuts and bolts, welding wherever required etc. as per detailed drawing inclusive of one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting of approved quality and shade etc. complete. Spec. One Number : As directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Spec. No.:- B-18 Page One Number 78
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Providing and applying two coat of pearl/ luster finish paint of approved colour and shade to the existing plaster surface including scaffolding, preparing the surface, applying the acrylic wall putti etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and applying priming coat on concrete/ masonary/ Asbestos Cement plastered surfaces including scaffolding if necessary, preparing the surface by thoroughly cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other foreign matter and sand papering as required etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and applying washable oil-bound distemper of approved colour and shade to old and new surfaces in two coats including scaffolding, preparing the surfaces. (excluding the primer coat.) etc. complete.
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Providing and applying two coats of exterior acraylic emulsion paint confirming to corresponding I.S. of approved manufacture and of approved colour to the plastered surfaces including cleaning ,preparing the plaster surface, applying primer coat ,scaffolding if necessary , and watering the surface for two days etc complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing mild steel grill work for windows, ventilators, etc. 15 Kilogram/Square Metre as per drawing including fixtures necessary welding and painting with one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of oil painting complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.U.1 Page Number 537
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Providing and Fixing mat finish stainless steel (of 302 grade ) railing with top pipe of 50 mm dia. and vertical pipe of 38 mm dia at 0.60 m c/c or as required and horizontal pipes of 25 mm dia in three rows, all pipes of 2 mm thick including buffing,fabricating fixtures and fastening including pipe base of appropriate diameter and ball base of 75 mm dia above newel post of 75 mm diameter etc. complete (Prior approval of sample and brand by Ex.Engineer is necessary before use)
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer Incharge
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Providing and fixing white european type wall-hung, of size 360mm x 360mm x 575mm with flush valve of approved make including soil pipe, vent pipe upto outside face of wall, 100mm dia C.I. plug bend inlet pipe all fittings,cutting & making good walls, floors etc as directed by Engineer in charge.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing white glazed earthenware Wash Hand Basin of 55cm. x 40 cm. size including cold water pillar tap/cold and hot water pillar tap brackets, rubber plugs and brass chain, stop tap and necessary pipe connections including P.V.C. waste pipe and trap up to the outside face of the wall. Making good the damaged surface, testing etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.V.30 Page Number 565
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providing and fixing oval type under counter wash hand basin of 16 inch x 22 inch size and of special colour shade having telephonic black / coloured granite of 180 mm thick stone black kadappa framework including chromium plated coupling bottle - Trap using CERA company or equivalent oval typa wash basin model no 3448 as per detailed drawing or as directed by engg incharge etc complete. (Counter size 1.20 m x 0.60 m )
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing 450mm x 550mm size superior type Belgium mirror with 16mm dia. nickel plated towel rod etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing C.P.Two way BIB cock of approved make continental including necessary sockets/union nut etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing Hand shower (health faucet) with 8mm dia. 1m long flexible tube having wall hook with approved make including necessary sockets/ union nut etc. complete as directed by Engineer in charge.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and constructing granite kitchen platform with fixing of stainless steel sink 600 mm x 450 mm size as per detailed drawing including vertical both side polished kadappah stone 25 to 30 mm thick supports with kadappah top 35 to 40 mm thick and polished granite 16 to 20 mm top with side strips of granite at front and both sides of platform raised with two vertical granite supports 15 cm height and top granite of 75 x 40 cm including cutting, opening for sink of required size in kadappah as well as granite etc. complete. (Platform top size __ m x 0.60 m and height is 0.75 m)
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing stainless steel sink of size 600 x 510 x 200 mm incluidng coupling, outlet pipe, elbow and other necessary fitting, finishing etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing C.P. sink cock with raised J" shaped swinging casted spout of approved make including necessary sockets/ union nut etc. complete."
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing 10cm C.I. Nahani Trap including C.I. grating bend and piece of C.I. pipe upto the outside face of the wall complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.V.32 Page Number567
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Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floor 15 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- BD.V 5 page 551 and as directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing on walls/ceiling/floor 20 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- BD.V 5 page 551 and as directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floor 25 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- BD.V 5 page 551 and as directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floor 32 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- BD.V 5 page 551 and as directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing on walls /ceiling/ floor 40 mm dia. CPVC pipe with necessary fittings, remaking good the demolished portion etc. complete. Including removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- BD.V 5 page 551 and as directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floors, 25 mm dia. heavy grade having embossed as ISI Mark galvanised iron pipes weight of 3.01 Kilogram/meter with necessary fittings . remaking good the demolished portion and applying primer of anti-corrosive oil paint 2 coats Including necessary scaffolding and removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.V.5 Page Number 551
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Providing and fixing on walls/ ceiling/ floors, 32 mm dia. heavy grade having embossed as ISI Mark galvanised iron pipes weight of 3.89 Kilogram/meter with necessary fittings . remaking good the demolished portion and applying primer of anti-corrosive oil paint 2 coats Including necessary scaffolding and removing existing pipe line if necessary and conveying and stacking the same in PWD chowky or as directed etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.V.5 Page Number 551
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Providing and fixing 75 mm dia stabiliser pipe/ P.V.C. / soil vent/waste pipe and with necessary fixtures and fitting such as bends, tees, single junctions, slotted vent, clamps etc. complete
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing 100 mm dia stabiliser pipe/ P.V.C./ soil vent/waste pipe and with necessary fixtures and fitting such as bends, tees, single junctions, slotted vent, clamps etc. complete. Spec.No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing P.V.C. Rain water pipes of 110mm outer diameter and having wall thickness of 2.2 to 2.7 mm confirming to I.S. 13592-1992 including proper rainwater receiving recess with P.V.C. plug, bend, necessary fittings, such as, offsets, shoes, inluding fixing the pipe on wall using approved wooden cleats projecting 25mm to 40mm from face of wall a fixing with clips of approved quality and number ,filing the joint using rubber gasket with solvent cement and properly resting the shoe of pipes on C.C. or masonry blocks, including necessary scaffolding and maintenance for 3 yrs for any leakages or dislocations of pipes. All the P.V.C. fittings and additional 2 piece socket clips shall be got approved from engineer in charge etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer Incharge
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Providing and fixing H.D.P container one piece moulded water tank made out of low density polythyler and built corrugation including of delivery up to destination hoisting and fixing of accessories such as inlet, outlet overflow of all tanks capacity above 1000 to 20,000 litres
Spec. No.:- As directed by engineer-in- charge.
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Providing and fixing 40 mm. dia Ball cock medium type with PVC float including sockets and necessary fittings and tested as per municipal requirements etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge. A. Second Floor
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Providing and fixing screw down for 32 mm dia. wheeled stop tap of brass including necessary sockets/union nut complete. Spec.No.:- Bd.V.9 Page No. 555
a)Second Floor
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Providing and fixing 15cm x 10cm salt glazed stoneware gully trap in cement concrete 1:4:8 outside the building including cast iron grating in the sink, connecting glazed stoneware pipe, brick masonry chamber with cast iron lid and cast iron grating for the gully trap.
Spec. No.:- Bd.V.38, Page Number 572
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Providing and constructing Brick Masonry Inspection Chamber 60cm x 45cm x 90cm including 1:4:8 cement concrete foundation 1:2:4 cement concrete channels half round G.S.W. pipes, Brick Masonry, plastering from inside and with frame fixed in cement concrete with R.C.C. Cover medium duty 140 kg with frame etc complete. Spec.No.:- Bd.V.43, Page No. 574
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Providing and constructing Brick Masonry Inspection Chamber 90cm x 45cm x 90cm including 1:4:8 cement concrete foundation 1:2:4 cement concrete channels half round G.S.W.pipes, Brick Masonry, plastering from inside and with frame fixed in cement concrete with R.C.C. Cover medium duty 140Kilogramwith frame etc complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.V.43, Page Number 574
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Providing and constructing Brick Masonry inspection trap Chamber 90cm x 45cm including 1:4:8 C.C foundation, 1:2:4 C.C.channels/half round glazed stoneware pipe channel, salt glazed stone-ware intercepting trap with rodding pipe set in 1:4:8 cement concrete block, brick masonry plastering inside and Outside, fixed in cement concrete with R.C.C. Cover medium duty 140 Kilogram. etc complete
Spec. No.:- Bd.V.44, Page Number 575
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Providing and laying concrete pipes of I.S.NP. class of 150mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying, fixing with collars in cement mortar 1:1 and refilling the trench complete. Spec.No.:- Bd.V.41, Page No. 573
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Providing and laying concrete pipes of I.S.NP. class of 225mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying, fixing with collars in cement mortar 1:1 and refilling the trench complete. Spec.No.:- Bd.V.41, Page No. 573
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Providing and laying concrete pipes of I.S.NP. class of 300mm diameter in proper line, level and slope including necessary collars, excavation, laying, fixing with collars in cement mortar 1:1 and refilling the trench complete. Spec.No.:- Bd.V.41, Page No. 573
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Providing and fixing reinforced cement concrete cover of size 60 cm x 45 cm with frame over inspection chamber etc. complete.Medium duty (100 Kilogram)
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Providing and fixing C.P. Angular stop clock with wall flange of approved make continental including necessary sockets/union nut etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing 100 mm dia. chromium plated brass showers rose to 15mm dia. supply pipe including necessary bend and socket complete.
Spec. No.:- Bd.V. 12 Page Number 556
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Providing and fixing C.P. wall mixer with provision for overhead shower with 115mm long bend pipe and wall flange of approved make including necessary sockets/union nut etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Providing and fixing C.P. BIB cock with wall flange of approved make including necessary sockets/ union nut etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge
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Removing chockes and leakages from down take G.I/CI/PVC pipe line on walls floor level by using zoola / scaffolding and rectify the same for functioning with all lifts etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Manualy clearing the chockes from under ground drainage line including Inspection chambers with the help of required tools for propre functioning line chamber to chamber etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Manualy clearing by removeing the chockes from Nahni Trap, Gully Trap, Wash basin unit, Sink and WC with the help of required tools for proper functioning the same etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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Filling tiles joint portion of flooring and dado filling with white cement by removing existing loose morter/ cement slurry from joint with tools and finish with washing cleaning and curing etc. complete.
Spec. No.:- As directed by Engineer in charge.
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