Bridge And Roof Company India Limited Tender

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Bridge And Roof Company India Limited Tender

Civil And Construction
Civil Works Others
Building Construction
Consultancy Services
Civil And Architectural Services
Opening Date1 Feb 2025
Closing Date3 Mar 2025
Tender Amount₹ 16,71,48,206 



Architectural And Interior Work In Connection With Building 3 - Admin And Misc. Buildings


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Passenger Lift-2 For Administration building




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Design, engineering, manufacture, procurement of materials and bought out components, assembly at shop, inspection, painting, testing at manufacturer's works,packing and delivery, including supply of all commissioning spares, special tools andtackles, first fill of oil & lubricants, drawings and documents, transportation fromVendors work/ shop to site, unloading at work site, handling, transportation toContractor's store and from Contractor's store to work site, storage at work site,assembly at work site, installation, testing, painting, pre-commissioning,commissioning, performanceguarantee run, handing over to client and other field works including civil & structuralwork complete in all respect as per the enclosed Scope of Supply & Work (Doc. No.B378-999-80-42-SOW-8209) and Job Specification (Doc. No. B378-999-80-42SP-8209)attached with the tender.Descriptionof Lift:PassengerLift (Safe Area) - Capacity 16person (1088Kg)Typeof lift door- Fire rated transparent glass door with SS304framework for car &landingdoor with all accessories as per latest IS code and its amendmentNo.of Landings: G + 3Qty.:1No.




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Goods Lift For Administration building




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Design, engineering, manufacture, procurement of materials and bought out components, assembly at shop, inspection, painting, testing at manufacturer's works,packing and delivery, including supply of all commissioning spares, special tools andtackles, first fill of oil & lubricants, drawings and documents, transportation fromVendors work/ shop to site, unloading at work site, handling, transportation toContractor's store and from Contractor's store to work site, storage at work site,assembly at work site, installation, testing, painting, pre-commissioning, commissioning, performance guarantee run, handing over to client and other fieldworks including civil & structural work complete in all respect as per the enclosedScope of Supply & Work (Doc. No. B378-999-80-42-SOW-8209) and Job Specification(Doc. No. B378-999-80-42-SP-8209) attached with the tender.Description of Lift:Goods Lift (Safe Area) - Capacity 1500 kgNo. of Landings: G + 3Qty.: 1 No.




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Supplying 40 mm and down size brick bats and laying in compacted thickness of 100mm in places as directed by Engineer-in-charge, etc. complete as per drawings,specifications and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Supplying and fixing approved quality heavy grade cast iron Floor/Nahani Trap with CP pressed steel grating including cutting floors and making good the same, etc., makinginlet and outlet connections, etc. complete for 100mm inlet and 100mm outlet as perdrawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge




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Supplying and fixing approved quality heavy grade cast iron Floor/Nahani Trap with CPpressed steel grating including cutting floors and making good the same, etc., makinginlet and outlet connections, etc. complete for 100mm inlet and 75mm outlet as perdrawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge




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Supplying and laying cast iron soil waste and vent pipe conforming to IS:1729 aboveground including specials, bends, such as Y junction, T junction (both single anddouble) including plugs, shoes, cowls, jointing with jute gasket dipped in bitumen,caulking the joints in Cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 sand) and testing, cuttingfloors/walls and making good the same etc. complete as per drawings, specificationsand directions of Engineer-in-Charge.




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100mm dia (All materials including cement supplied by contractor)




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75mm dia (All materials including cement supplied by contractor)




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Supplying and fixing approved quality Cast Iron soil/waste pipe conforming to IS3989 below ground with necessary specials, bends such as Y-junction, T- junction (bothsingle and double) including plugs, shoes, cowls, jointing with lead caulked joints andtesting, cutting in floors, earth work in excavation, encasing the pipe in 50mm THK,PCC M20, backfilling and removal of surplus earth upto a lead of 50M etc. complete asper drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Complete.




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100mm dia (All materials including cement supplied by contractor)




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75mm dia (All materials including cement supplied by contractor)




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Supplying and fixing of approved make float valve in the drinking water over head tanks for inlet including matching flanges, etc. complete as per drawings & directionsof Engineer-in-Charge. For following Nominal Dia




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Nom. Dia 2 Inch




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Nom. Dia 1 Inch




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Supplying, laying and fixing GI water pipe and fittings as per piping material Specification class in trenches, floors, walls including embedding if necessary, jointingwith white lead and yarn, with socket and screw including bends, elbows, tees,reducers, sockets, unions and other specials, supplying and fixing with hooks inwooden plugs or embedding in walls and floors, cutting pipes to required lengths,making connections, threading, cutting chases or holes in walls & making good thesame, testing, disposal of unserviceable material within a lead of 500m as directedetc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.For the following Nominal Bore(NB) pipe :




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Dia 25 Inch PMS J2A




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Dia 15 Inch PMS J2A




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Dia 20 Inch PMS J2A




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Providing and fixing approved stone ware 100mmx100mm dia. gully trap as per EIL Std. no.7-65-0214 including grating with CI frame and cover 400mmx400mmincluding brick masonry (brick class shall be as mentioned below) chamber in 1:4cement mortar( 1 cement: 4 sand) on M-20 grade cement concrete foundation,plastered inside and outside surfaces with 1:3 cement mortar (1 cement: 3 sand) with13mm average thickness including providing and fixing light duty CI frame and cover,painting CI frame and cover with two coats of chlorinated rubber zinc phosphate primer @ 40µ DFT per coat and finish painting consists of two coats of chlorinatedrubber paint @40µ DFT per coat, earth work in excavation, backfilling, removal ofsurplus earth, benching with M-20 grade cement concrete and rendering smooth witha neat coat of cement slurry etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications anddirections of Engineer-in-Charge.




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All materials including cement supplied by contractor and following brick Class




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Brick Class 5




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Supplying, laying and fixing 3 layer PP-R (Poly Propylene Random copolymer) pipes above ground. Pipes shall conform to IS:15801; SDR 7.4 U V stabilized & antimicrobialfusion welded, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply, including supplyand fixing of all PP-R plain & brass threaded polypropylene random fittings, PP-R Maleadopters, including fixing in floors, walls, supporting on columns, sleepers,embedding, jointing, including bends, elbows, tees, reducers, sockets, unions andother specials, supplying and fixing with hooks/clamps in wooden plugs, cutting pipesto required lengths, making connections, cutting chases or holes in walls & makinggood the same, testing etc all complete as per drawings, manufacturer specificationsand directions of Engineer-in-Charge. For the following Nominal Bore (NB) pipe:




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Nominal Dia. 32 mm




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Nominal Dia. 20 mm




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Nominal Dia. 25 mm




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Nominal Dia. 16 mm




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Nominal Dia. 50 mm




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Nominal Dia. 40 mm




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Nominal Dia. 63 mm




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Supply and installation on terrace, circular drinking water tank, of polyethylene with PUF insulation for temperature control, material conforming to BIS codes includingsupply and installation of all fittings, cover with suitable locking arrangement, floatvalve, making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow connection and vent pipe etc. and the base supports for tank including supply of all necessary material allcomplete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. For followingcapacities




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Capacity 1000 Litre




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Capacity 2000 Litre




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Capacity 500 Litre




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Portable/ trolley mounted Extinguishers




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Supply and installation of portable DCP ( Dry Chemical Powder Type) extinguisher including transporting to worksite, fixing in position including all accessories and alllabor and material etc. complete as per drawings, specification and directions ofEngineer-in-Charge.




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Supply and installation of portable Stored Pressure type DCP ( Dry Chemical PowderType) extinguisher including transporting to worksite, fixing in position including allaccessories and all labor and material etc. complete as per drawings, specification anddirections of Engineer-in-Charge. DCP type Fire Extinguishers shall be MonoAmmoniumPhosphatebasedand BIS marked. Thickness of body plate used DCP Fire extinguisher shall beminimum2mm.Caps & drain cap shall be made of stainless steel.Capacity-9KG




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Supply and installation of portable CO2 extinguishers including transporting to worksite, fixing in position including all accessories and all labor and material etc.complete as per drawings, specification, data sheet and directions of Engineer-inCharge.




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Capacity in Kg 4.5




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Providing and laying average 25mm cement concrete flooring in panels consisting ofbase course of 1:2:4 grade cement concrete (6mm down size stone aggregate) laidover sub-base of cement concrete and finishing with a layer of floating coat of neatcement slurry @ 2.75kg. of cement per Sq. M. of area including cleaning the sub-basesurface, applying neat cement slurry @ 2.75 kg of cement per Sq. M. of area over thesub- base to receive the base course, compacting, tamping, trowelling, finishing,curing, providing, shuttering to the edges etc. all complete.CEMENT SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST .




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25mm thk. cement concrete flooring. CEMENT SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR ATTHEIR COST




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Providing and laying cement concrete granolithic flooring in panels consisting of basecourse (under layer of 1:2:4 grade cement concrete, 6mm down size stone aggregates)laid over sub-base, wearing top- layer of cement mortar (1 cement: 3 coarse sand byvolume) finished smooth by tamping, trowelling, and with a finishing floating coat ofneat cement slurry @ 2.75kg. of cement per Sq. M. of area including cleaning the subbasesurface, applying neat cement slurry over the sub- base @ 2.75Kgof cement perSq.M of area to receive the base course, compacting, tamping, trowelling, finishing,curing,providing, shuttering to the edges etc. all complete.




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With average 25mm thick under-layer and 15mm thick top layer. CEMENT SUPPLIED BYTHE CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST.




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50mm thick heavy duty flooring




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Providing and laying average 50mm thick heavy duty flooring in panels consisting of base course of 35mm thick cement concrete (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3.5 stoneaggregates of 10mm to 6mm size by volume) laid over sub-base and 15mm thickfinishing layer consisting of cement and integral hardening compound mixed in ratioof 4 cement :1 hardenar (by weight) :2 stone agrgregates of 6mm and down size laid integral with base course and finished smooth including cleaning the sub-basesurface, applying neat cement slurry @2.75 Kg of cement per Sq.M of area over subbaseto receive the base course, levelling, tamping, trowelling, finishing, curing,providingshuttering to the edges etc. all complete.CEMENTSUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST.




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Providing and laying 125mm high cement plaster skirting with 1:3 cement mortar (1cement : 3 coarse sand by volume) finished with a floating coat of neat cement slurry@ 2.75kg. of cement per Sq.M of area including rounding of junctions with floor,preparing the wall surface, making recess in the wall, finishing, curing etc. allcomplete.




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Panel dividers in flooring/dado




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P.V.C. panel dividers ( 3mm x 20mm size.)




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P.V.C. panel dividers ( 3mm x 35mm size.)




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P.V.C. panel dividers ( 3mm x 40mm size.)




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Providing and laying machine cut chissel dressed kota stone slab of approved shade in floor tread, landing, riser, skirting, dado over and including a bed of cement mortarincluding preparing the base surface, applying neat cement slurry @ 2.75 Kg ofcement per Sq.M of area to receive the mortar, providing neat cement slurry @ 4.4kg.of cement /Sq.M of area over the mortar bed, jointing each slab with neat cementpaste/ grouting white cement and pigment ( conforming to IS : 2114, Table-1,matching the shade of slabs), machine cutting of the slab edges square, true & plumbfinishing, grinding, polishing, finishing etc. all complete.




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25mm thick kota stone slab (with tolerance +_2mm for thickness, +_2mm for length/ breadth) in floor, landing tread over average 15mm thick cement mortar 1:4(1 Cement: 4 coarse sand by volume). CEMENT SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST.




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18mm thick kota stone slab in riser, dado, skirting over average12mm thick cementmortar1:3(1 cement:3 coarse sand by volume). CEMENT SUPPLIED BY THECONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST.




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Extra for providing round nosing by machine cutting of the slab.




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Providing and laying tiles in flooring , dado, skirting etc. in approved colour, design and pattern, laid over and including a coating of approved adhesive as permanufacturers specifications, flush pointing of joints of tiles with cement paste/grouting with white cement and pigment (conforming to IS:2114, Table-1, matchingthe shade of tiles) finishing, cleaning etc. all complete.




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Ceramic, matt finished non-slip type tiles of approved make and shade(s) in approveddesign/ pattern including cleaning the finished surface with oxalic acid, wax polishingetc. for size 300mm x 300mm x 8mm (+5%) thick tiles for flooring.




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Ceramic, matt/ glazed/ semi-glazed finished tiles of approved make & shade(s) inapproved design/ pattern including cleaning the finished surface with oxalic acid, waxpolishing etc. for size 300mm x 450mm x 8.5mm thick (minimum) tiles




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Decorative, matt/ mirror finish homogeneous double charge Vitrified ceramic tiles ofminimum size 600mm x 600mm x 10mm thick in approved quality, colour, make,design/ pattern.




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Decorative, matt/ mirror finish Vitrified Ceramic tiles in approved quality, colour(s),make, design/ pattern., laid with 4mm gaps all round each tile, provided withapproved 4mm PVC spacer (cross-shaped, T-shaped and L-shaped- as required),including removing the spacers after setting, providing dust resistant self-levellingflowable epoxy grout in the joints¿ gap (3mm) in approved shade, cleaning, finishingthe finished surface with oxalic acid etc. (of minimum size 600mm x 600mm x 10mmthick)




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Decorative, premium quality digitally glazed/ mirror finished Vitrified tiles in approvedquality, colour(s), make, design/ pattern., laid with 3mm gaps all round each tile,provided with approved 3mm PVC spacer (cross-shaped, T-shaped and L-shaped- asrequired), including removing the spacers after setting, providing dust resistant selflevellingflowable epoxy grout in the joints¿ gap (3mm)in approved shade, cleaning,finishingthe finished surface with oxalic acid etc. (of minimum thickness 12mmandofsizes 600mmx 1200mmor 800mmx 800mmx 12mmthick or other approvedlargesizes).




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Providing and applying pigmented (approved shade) chemical and abrasion resistant,solvent based self levelling floor coating based on epoxy resin with amine curingagents, in 2 coats @ 125 gms/sq.m. (min.)per coat by brush or spraying over alevelling screed (min. 3mm thick) of a 3 part solvent free combination of epoxy resin,amine hardeners and graded chemically inert aggregate filler, laid over a coat of 2partepoxy resin primer applied over existing flooring etc. all as per manufacturer'sspecifications.




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Providing and applying pigmented (approved shade) chemical and abrasion resistant,solvent based coating (on dado/wall) of epoxy resin with amine curing agents, in 2coats @ 125 gms/sq.m. (min.) per coat by brush over plastering/ concrete surfacesincluding surface preparation, curing etc. all as per manufacturer's specification.




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Providing and laying minimum 18mm thick approved premium quality and shadepolished granite stone slabs in flooring, counters, treads, risers, skirting, dado etc.over and including a bed of cement mortar including preparing the base surface,applying neat cement slurry @ 2.75 kg. of cement per sq. mtr. of area to receive the mortar bed, jointing each slab with neat cement paste/ grout with white cementmaixed with pigment (conforming to IS:2114, Table-1) to match the colour of thegranite stone slabs, finishing etc. all complete.




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Granite stone slabs in flooring, counters, treads etc.(perfectly levelled) over andincluding a bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand by volume) CEMENTSUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST




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Granite stone slabs in risers, skirting, dado etc. over and including a bed of cementmortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand by volume) CEMENT SUPPLIED BY THECONTRACTOR AT THEIR COST.




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Extra for round nosing/ moulded edges (as per approved design) to Granite stoneslabs.




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Extra over marble/ kota stone flooring/ skirting/ dado items for providing mirrorpolishing (in place of normal polishing) by grinding machine (suitable for mirrorpolishing) comprising of multiple grindings up to 6 nos. with carborundum stone (indescending order of hardness of grinding stone), one no. grinding with Italiangrinding stone and one no. grinding with foam buffer set and polishing with Tenooxidegranite powder etc. all complete to give a smooth and mirror-like shiningsurface.




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Providing and laying anti slip (rough)Granite stone slabs, of thickness minimum25mm, in flooring, landing, tread, ramps over minimum 20mm thick cementmortor1:4 (1 cement :4 course sand by volume) over and including a bed of cementmortar including preparing the base surface, applying neat cement slurry @ 2.75 kg.of cement per sq. mtr. of area to receive the mortar bed, jointing each slab with neatcement paste/ grout with white cement mixed with pigment (conforming to IS:2114,Table-1) to match the colour of the granite stone slabs, finishing etc. all complete.




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Cement supplied by the Contractor at there cost




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Providing and fixing approved design and shade heavy duty 10mm thick 300mm x300mm Exterior grade vitrified tiles (of ¿pavgres¿ series of ¿Kajaria¿ or approvedequivalent) over and including a bed of cement mortar including preparing the basesurface, applying neat cement slurry @ 2.75 kg. of cement per sq. mtr. of area toreceive the mortar bed, jointing each slab with neat cement paste/ grout with whitecement mixed with pigment (conforming to IS:2114, Table-1)




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Cement supplied by the Contractor at there cost




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Providing 3 nos. of 3mm grooves at spacing of 30mm in Kota/ Marble/ granite stonelaid in stairs¿ treads/ landings all complete as per the direction of Engineer-InCharge.(Single measurement shall be considered for 3parallel grooves)




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Wooden frames of doors, windows, ventilatorsProviding and fixing wooden frames of doors, windows, ventilators including cutting,shaping, jointing, applying a coat of bituminous paint on concealed surface, woodprimer on exposed surface, fixing in masonry/RCC by means of 300mm x 25mm x6mm thick M.S. hold fasts screwed to frame @ 600mm max vertically and grouted withM-15 grade concrete in min. 350mm x 100mm x 100mm sized hole made inmasonry/96mm long, 12mm dia M.S. dash fastener, painting with two coats ofapproved shade and make (ICI or equivalent) synthetic enamel paint over approvedquality primer coat, finishing etc. all complete.




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Wooden frames with second class teak wood conforming to IS : 4021.




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Wooden frames with approved quality local hard wood (Champ, Sisam, Sal etc. conforming to IS : 4021).




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35mm thick block board flush shutterProviding and fixing Factory made, overall 35mm thick block board flush shutterconsisting of solid core block board bonded with phenol phormaldehyde syntheticresin conforming to IS : 848 and faced on both faces with commercial typeplywood/teakwood veneering/ lamination bonded with phenol formaldehyde syntheticresin conforming to IS : 848, including providing and fixing second class teakwoodperimeter beading fixed by means of approved quality neoprene based adhesive andnailing @ 300 mm max.. painting exposed surface with two coats of approved shadeand make synthetic enamel paint over approved quality primer coat, providing andfixing 125mm long M.S. butt hinges [for each shutter (vertical spacing not exceeding600mm)] including fixing with door frame, finishing etc. all conforming to IS : 2202.




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Door shutter faced with 3mm thick commercial type plywood (conforming to IS : 303BS : 476. Part-7), finished with two coats of approved quality and shade syntheticenamel paint over approved quality primer.




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Door shutter faced with approved quality 1mm thick teakwood veneering conformingto IS : 303, BS : 476, Part-7.




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Door shutter faced with 1mm thick approved quality lamination of approvedshade/brand.




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38mm thick fully glazed wooden door/window shutterProviding and fixing 38mm thick fully glazed wooden door/window shutter consistingof second class teak wood stiles, rails (stiles and top rail 100mm wide, bottom rail200mm wide and lock rail 150mm wide for door but stiles & rails 100mm wide forwindows, jointed suitably) and glass panels fixed with 12.5mm square mouldedteakwood beading fixed by approved quality neoperene based adhesive and nailing @ max. 300mm c/c including providing 2 coats of approved quality Polyurethanetransparent coating with stainer mix. to achieve the desired shade on woodensurfaces, 11.10mm dia, 150mm long Aluminium butt hinges (vertical spacing notexceeding 600mm) for each shutter etc. all complete.




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Using 5.5mm thick toughened glass conforming to IS:5437




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Extra for providing and fixing square or rectangular vision panels in door shutters of4mm thick plain glass (wt. 7.2kg/Sq.M) and conforming to IS : 2835 with 20mm x10mm Teakwood beading fixed by approved quality neoprene based rubber adhesiveand nailing @ max. 300mm c/c, including all cutting, fixing, providing 2 coats ofapproved quality Polyurithane transparent coating with stainer mix to achieve thedesired shade on the teak wood etc. all complete. (Measurement for payment to bemade only for the glazed area of vision panel).




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Providing and fixing in position following items including all necessary fixtures,fittings, finishing etc. all complete.




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Approved make heavy duty overhead hydraulic door closer with adjustable spanners,metal screws etc. conforming to IS : 3564




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Approved make Chromium plated metallic (brass body) mortice lock, 6 leversconforming to IS : 2209 (inclusive of pair of handles of pressure die cast zincalloy,satin finished).




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Approved make heavy duty hydraulically operated, adjustable floor mounted doorcloser conforming to IS:6315, Double action type.




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Approved make pressure die cast zinc alloy, chromium plated door handle. 300 mmlong.




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Approved make pressure die cast zinc alloy, chromium plated door handle. 600mmlong.




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Approved quality 3mm thick plastic kick/push plate fixed with brass screws.




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Approved quality anodized aluminium aldrop 300mm long, 19.05mm dia in bronzecolour.




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Approved quality anodized aluminium tower bolts conforming to IS-204 in Bronzecolour, 250 x 10mm.




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Approved quality anodized aluminium tower bolts conforming to IS-204 in Bronzecolour, 150 x 10mm.




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Approved quality zinc alloy pressure die cast, chromium plated spring loaded rounddoor stopper with double heavy duty rubber shoes.




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Approved quality 75mm long aluminium toilet door latch with vacant/occupiedindicator.




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Approved quality chromium plated brass coat and hat hook fixed with chromiumplated brass screws.




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Providing and fixing minimum 12mm thick X 50mm wide teak wood Architrave(moulding) of approved design along frames etc. including lacquer polishing/ paintingmatching with adjoining wood work.




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S/F M.S. rolling shuttersSupplying and fixing M.S. rolling shutters, conforming to IS : 6248 including providingall accessories like shutter (constructed with inter locking lath sections formed out ofcold rolled steel strips 0.9mm thick, 80mm wide and 1.25mm thick, 80mm widerespectively for shutter width upto 3.5M and above 3.5M), jointless M.S. channelsection for guide (min. 3.15mm thick), M.S. girders, pressed bottom rails, shuttersuspension stud shaft with pully and cage, top rolling springs, locking arrangementetc. as per approved manufacturers drawings including painting with two coatsapproved make & shade and synthetic enamel paint over a coat of approved qualityred oxide zinc chromate primer, making good of all damaged surfaces etc. allcomplete.




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Motor operated rolling shutter as per approved Manufacturer's design & drawing forrolling shutters for width upto 3.5 metre with all necessary electricals like motor,switching panels, switches, cables, wires etc. as required for smooth functioning ofthe shutter




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Fully Glass DoorProviding and fixing frameless single piece Glass Doors (swing shutter) in partitionmade of 12mm thick toughened float glass (MODIGUARD or equivalent) single shutterwith stainless steel finish patch fittings (DORMA or approved equivalent)and 150mm x44mm extruded Aluminium frame at bottom , including all hardware such as SS patchfittings, floor spring, pivot on top, locking arrangement (EVERITE or approvedequivalent make), 30mm dia, 350mm long SS pull handle ( DORMA or approvedequivalent make) etc. all complete.




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Etching Film on GlassProviding & applying translucent cast vinyl self adhesive washable type film withsandblasting effect (of '3M(TM) Scotchcal(TM) Frosted Crystal 7725-324' or approvedequivalent) and of approved graphic design (electronic/ computer plotted & cut)having durability of 10-15 years, over glass surface in doors/ windows/ partitions etc. including preparation of base surface, cleaning, finishing etc. all complete.




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PVC DoorsProviding and fixing in position plastic doors (with door frames), of UV stabilizedcompounds of PVC ('Sintex' or approved equivalent), consisting of 53x 60mm Lshapeddoor frame (BLR53of 'sintex' or equivalent), 33x47mmshutter frame (DWUF306of 'sintex' or equivalent), 30mmthick infill panel slats, complete as permanufacturer'sspecifications and recommendations, including all fittings, fasteners,fixtures,sealing periphery with polymeric sealant etc all complete.




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Pressed steel sheet door shutterProviding and fixing pressed steel sheet door shutter made of 18 SWG galvanizedpressed steel sheet bent to form hollow box of 40 mm overall thickness; andconsisting of/ including:(i) 3 mm thick MS flat all along perimeter(ii) Packing the shutter with mineral wool (48 kg/cum) without gap(iii) Strengthening with 18 SWG GI vertical stiffeners @200 c/c(iv) 3 mm thick MS pad plates welded inside at required locations for fixing ofhardware etc.(v) Fixing to door frame by 100 mm long SS 304 grade heavy duty ball bearing hinge@600 c/c maximum(vi) Hardware and vision panel as required.(vii) Grinding and smoothening of welding, cleaning, finishing (synthetic enamelpainting/ polyurethane (PU) coating/ electrostatic powder coating), making truealignments and surfaces etc. all complete.Notes:1. Reference shall be made to EIL standard nos. 7-75-0070, 7-75-0071Only the net shutter(s) area shall be measured for payment




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Single shutter painted with Electrostatic powder coating with following hardware: (i) Over head hydraulic door closer (heavy duty).(ii) SS 304 grade 16 mm dia 250mm long aldrop on both sides of shutter.(iii) Spring loaded heavy duty door stopper(iv) SS 304 grade 19 mm dia.200 mm long handle on both side of shutter.(v) 10 mm dia SS 304 tower bolt (250mm long for 2100mm height & 600mm long for2500mm height)




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Double shutter painted with Electrostatic powder coating with following hardware: (i) Over head hydraulic door closer (heavy duty).(ii) SS 304 grade 16 mm dia 300mm long aldrop on both sides of shutter.(iii) Spring loaded heavy duty door stopper.(iv) SS 304 grade 19 mm dia.200 mm long handle on both side of shutter.(v) 10 mm dia SS 304 tower bolt ( 250mm long for 2100mm height & 600mm long for2500mm height)(vi) 2mm thick 25mmx 25mm GI angles (vertical) welded to each shutter at themeeting point of double shutter.




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Aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitionProviding and fixing aluminium work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitionswith extruded built up standard tubular sections/ appropriate Z sections and othersections of approved make conforming to IS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dashfasteners of required dia and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions,i.e. at top, bottom and sides with required EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasket etc.Aluminium sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointedmechanically wherever required including cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading forglazing / paneling, C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as per architecturaldrawings and the directions of Engineer-in-charge. (Glazing, paneling and dashfasteners to be paid for separately) :




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For fixed portion of aluminium doors, windows, ventilators and partitions made fromPowder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron)




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For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators made from Powder coated aluminium(minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) including providing and fixinghinges/ pivots and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required includingthe cost of EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket required (Fittings shall be paid forseparately)




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Providing and fixing float glass panes of 8.0 mm thickness in aluminium door,window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasketetc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-incharge.(Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item)




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Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand andmanufacture conforming to IS : 6315, having brand logo embossed on the body /plate with double spring mechanism and door weight upto 125 kg, for doors,including cost of cutting floors, embedding in floors as required and making good thesame matching to the existing floor finishing and stainless steel cover plate ofminimum thickness 1.25 mm with brass pivot and single piece M.S. sheet outer boxwith slide plate etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand andmanufacture conforming to IS : 6315, having brand logo embossed on the body /plate with double spring mechanism and door weight upto 125 kg, for doors,including cost of cutting floors, embedding in floors as required and making good thesame matching to the existing floor finishing and brass cover plate of minimumthickness 1.25 mm with brass pivot and single piece M.S. sheet outer box with slideplate etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and fixing machine moulded aluminium covering of approved pattern &design, made out of machine cut Powder coated aluminium sheet, 2.5mm thick(minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) and machine holed for receivingdash fastener, over expansion joints on vertical surfaces/ceiling floors, the fixing onplate in one row on one side of joint only shall be done with stainless steel dashfasteners of 8 mm dia and 75 mm long bolt including providing aluminium washers 2mm thick & 15 mm dia , at a staggered pitch of 200mm centre to centre includingdrilling holes in the receiving surface and providing expandable plastic sleeves inholes etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.




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Filling gaps of size upto 5mm depth and 5 mm width in between aluminium frame &adjacent RCC/ Brick/ Stone work by providing weather silicon sealant over backer rodof approved quality as per architectural drawings and direction of Engineer-in-chargecomplete




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Providing and fixing 255 X 19 mm adjustable friction window stays of approvedquality made from Stainless Steel (SS 304 grade) with necessary stainless steel screwsetc. to the side hung windows as per direction of Engineer-charge complete.




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Providing and fixing 355 X 19 mm adjustable friction window stays of approvedquality made from Stainless Steel (SS 304 grade) with necessary stainless steel screwsetc. to the side hung windows as per direction of Engineer-charge complete.




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Providing and fixing Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating- 50 micron) tubular handle bar 32 mm outer dia, 3.0 mm thick & 2100 mm long withSS screws etc complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and fixing 100mm brass locks (best make of approved quality) foraluminium doors including necessary cutting and making good etc. complete.




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Providing and fixing Powder coated minimum thickness 50 micron aluminium roundshape handle of outer dia 100 mm with SS screws etc. complete as per direction ofEngineer in-charge




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Providing and fixing 100 mm long aluminium handles, ISI marked, anodised (anodiccoating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to requiredcolour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete




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Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts of size 100mm x 10mm , ISI marked,anodised (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868 ) transparent ordyed to required colour or shade, with necessary screws etc. complete




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Providing and fixing toughened glass panes of 6.0 mm thickness in aluminium door,window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasketetc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-incharge.(Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item)




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Providing and fixing laminated glass panes of 6.3 mm thickness in aluminium door,window, ventilator shutters and partitions etc. with EPDM rubber/ neoprene gasketetc. complete as per the architectural drawings and the directions of engineer-incharge.(Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item)




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P/F pressed steel door and window framesProviding and fixing pressed steel door and window frames of size (assorted size outof) Overall 125mm x 60mm section, of required profile conforming to IS: 4351, madeof 16 SWG pressed steel including/ consisting of:i)3 mm thick MS flat spacers welded to frame @ 500mm c/c and at holdfast locations.ii)Filling the hollow frame section with concrete. iii)MS angle (20mmx20mmx3mm)horizontal tie member below floor finish.iv)MS holdfasts (200mmx25mmx6mm) welded to spacers.v)Fixing to masonry (by grouting the holdfasts with M-15 grade concrete in minimum250mm x 100mm x 100mm sized hole)/ fixing to RCC (by minimum 100mm long, 12mm dia metallic counter sunk anchor fasteners)vi)MS pad plates (40mm x 150mm x 3mm) & GI mortar guard welded to frame at hingeand other hardware locations.vii)Metering of joints between horizontal and vertical members, grinding andsmoothening of welding, cleaning of frame surface, finishing (synthetic enamelpainting/ electrostatic powder coating/ polyurethane (PU) coating), making truealignments and surfaces etc. all complete.Notes:1)Reference shall be made to EIL standard nos. 7-75- 0070, 7-75-00712)Cumulative length of all horizontal and vertical frame members shall be measuredfor payment.




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Frames painted with Electrostatic Powder coating.




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Extra for box type transoms & mullions




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P/F Gypsum Board/ Calcium silicate board PartitionsProviding and fixing partition upto ceiling height consisting of G.I. frame and requiredboard, including providing and fixing of frame work made of special section powerpressed/ roll form G.I. sheet with zinc coating of 120 gms/sqm(both side inclusive),consisting of floor and ceiling channel 50mm wide having equal flanges of 32 mm and0.50 mm thick, fixed to the floor and ceiling at the spacing of 610 mm centre tocentre with dash fastener of 12.5 mm dia meter 50 mm length or suitable anchorfastener or metal screws with nylon plugs and the studs 48 mm wide having oneflange of 34 mm and other flange 36 mm and 0.50 mm thick fixed vertically withinflanges of floor and ceiling channel and placed at a spacing of 610 mm centre tocentre by 6 mm dia bolts and nuts, including fixing of studs along both ends of partition fixed flush to wall with suitable anchor fastener or metal screws with nylonplugs at spacing of 450 mm centre to centre, and fixing of boards to both side offrame work by 25 mm long dry wall screws on studs, floor and ceiling channels at thespacing of 300 mm centre to centre. The boards are to be fixed to the frame workwith joints staggered to avoid through cracks, M.S. fixing channel of 99 mm width (0.9 mm thick having two flanges of 9.5 mm each) to be provided at the horizontal jointsof two boards, fixed to the studs using metal to metal flat head screws, includingjointing and finishing to a flush finish with recommended jointing compound, jointingtape, angle beads at corners (25 mm x 25 mm x 0.5 mm), joint finisher and two coatsof primer suitable for board as per manufacture¿s specification and direction ofengineer in charge all complete.




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75 mm overall thickness partition with 12.5 mm thick double skin fire rated boardconforming to IS: 2095: part I




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75mm overall thickness partition with 12.5 mm thick double skin tapered edged plainGypsum board conforming to IS: 2095: part I




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Providing plain cement plaster in cement mortar (1 cement:4/6 fine sand by volume)on masonry, PCC/ RCC including preperation of base, finishing, curing etc; alsoincluding providing 20 gauge chicken wire mesh stretched tight at all RCC/ PCC andmasonry meeting points in 300mm wide strips (150mm on on each surface) fixed withG.I. "U" type nails before plastering.




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Plain cement plaster with waterproofing compound conforming to IS-2645 (CICO/approved equivalent) mixed to cement mortar @ 3% by weight, Average 18mm thick1:6 (1 cement : 6 sand) Cement supplied by the Contractor at their cost.




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Plain cement plaster with waterproofing compound conforming to IS-2645 (CICO/approved equivalent) mixed to cement mortar @ 3% by weight, Average 15mm thick1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) Cement supplied by the Contractor at their cost.




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Plain cement plaster with waterproofing compound conforming to IS-2645 (CICO/approved equivalent) mixed to cement mortar @ 3% by weight, Average 12mm thick1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand) Cement supplied by the Contractor at their cost.




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Plain cement plaster with waterproofing compound conforming to IS-2645 (CICO/approved equivalent) mixed to cement mortar @ 3% by weight. Average 6mm thick 1:4(1 cement : 4 sand) Average 6mm thick 1:4 (1 cement : 4 sand). Cement supplied bythe Contractor at their cost.




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Providing 20mm x 10mm Grooves in plastering in perfect straight line, plumb anduniform size throughout including finishing etc. all complete.




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Providing and applying 12 mm thick (average) premixed formulated one coat gypsumlightweight plaster having additives and light weight aggregates as vermiculite/ perliterespectively conforming to IS: 2547 (Part - 1 & II) 1976, applied on hacked / unevenbackground such as bare brick/ block/ RCC work on walls & ceiling at all floors andlocations, finished in smooth line and level etc. complete




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PCC 1:2:4 over concrete surfacesProviding and laying cement concrete (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 aggregate) overconcrete surfaces, laid to slope at all heights including, finishing, curing, tamping etc.all




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Cement supplied by the Contractor at their cost.




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Cinder Concrete (1:10)Providing and laying Cinder Concrete (1 cement : 10 cinder of 48mm size and downgrade) in all sunk areas finished with 12mm thick plain cement plaster (1 cement : 6coarse sand by volume) including consolidating, finishing, curing, maintaining slopeetc. all complete.




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Cement supplied by the contractor at their cost




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P/L A.P.P. modified reinforced bituminous memb. waterproofingProviding and laying 4mm thick A.P.P (atactic polypropelene) modified reinforcedbituminous waterproofing membrane over terrace and parapet including cleaning andpreperation of the surface consisting of making good all the cracks and damages,filling potholes/ depressions, removing weak foam concrete/ plaster and refilling withsame wherever required thus preparing smooth surface of the terrace; providing andapplying one coat of cold applied bitumen based primer @ 0.2 to 0.4 litre per sq. mtr.;laying the membrane by torch welding over primer, providing 100mm overlaps andappropriately pressing the membrane to remove any entrapped air, including fixing onparapet after providing 10mm x 20mm continuous groove in parapet for terminatingthe membrane and filling the groove with polyurethane sealant and continuing thistreatment at rain water outlet points; providing finishing protective layer of 35 mmthk. P.C.C. (1:2:4) in panels of maximum size 1200mm x 1200mm chequered finishwith 24 SWG chicken wiremesh interposed in between finished smooth with jointsbetween panels sealed with suitable polyurethane sealant; providing fillets of 75 mmradius with P.C.C. (1:2:4) at junctions of horizontal and vertical surfaces finishedsmooth; providing 450mm x 450mm khuras (rain water collecting pits) in 1:2:4cement concrete at all outlets, levelled down by min. 25mm, finishing, curing etc. allcomplete as per approved manufacturer's standard specifications and recommendations




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Cement supplied by the contractor at their cost




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Polyuretane waterproofing cum insulation system Providing and laying waterproofing cum insulation system over roof consisting of onecoat of polyurethane primer @6-8 sq m area/ Litre over prepared roof surface, 40 mmthick polyurethane foam insulation applied in layers with spraying machine over theprimer coat, minimum 1.5mm DFT polyurethane water proofing coating applied byspray or brush (in minimum two layers, with scrim cloth reinforcement in between thelayers) over Polyurethane foam insulation, 150 GSM Geo textile membrane overcuredPolyurethane water proofing coating and finishing protective layer of minimum 50mmthick PCC (1:2:4, inpanels of maximum size 2500mm x 2500mm, chequered finish,reinforced with 24 G wire netting, laid in slope) including cleaning and surfacepreparation of the roof surface, providing 75mm radius fillets with P.C.C. (1:2:4) atjunctions of horizontal and vertical surfaces finished smooth; 450mmx 450mm khuras(rain water collecting pits) at all outlets, testing for water leakage, scrim clothreinforcements at junction of horizontal and vertical surfaces and also nearopeningsfor rainwater pipes/ outlets,continuing the waterproofing up the parapets/ walls for aminimum of 150mm over the finished roof surface, continuing into rainwater pipes byat least 100 mm etc, supply of all materials, finishing, curing etc. all complete as perjob specification, drawings and directions of Engineer-In-Charge.




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Cement supplied by the contractor at their cost




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Providing and applying two or more coats (to give a smooth and even shade) ofpremium plastic emulsion paint conforming to IS:5411 of approved make and shadeincluding cleaning and preparation of surface consisting of application of Plaster ofParis punning over entire surface, filling all holes and depressions with plaster ofParis, applying a coat of cement primer, two or more coats of oil based putty (as per manufacturer's recommendations to give a paste like putty), sandpapering etc. allcomplete.




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Providing and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved make andshade to give an even shade including cleaning and preparation of surfaces, providing2 coats of primer, stopping and filling etc. complete.




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Providing & applying 3 coats of waterproof decorative cement paint of approved makeand approved shade, cleaning, including preparation of surfaces, curing etc. allcomplete.




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Providing and applying textured wall coating system consisting of twin pack fine gradesilica granules/ dry flakes made of special grade of china clay/ granite type flakes of`Heritage' or equivalent in approved shade and texture; mixed in-situ with 100%acrylic polymer bonding agent; applied over plastered surfaces; the granules/ flakesetc., bonding material, mixing, method of application surface preperation etc. all shallbe as per manufacturer's recommendations and specifications.




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Providing and applying textured granular type wall coating.




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Providing and applying min 2 mm thick white cement and polymer based wall putty (JKWall care/ Birla Putty/ SARA or approved equivalent) over plastered surfaces (masonrywall/ RCC) and smoothening the surface with sand paper etc., preparation of surfaceetc. all complete as per the approved manufacturer's recommendations and directionsof Engineer-in-charge




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Providing and applying/ finishing the walls/ RCC surfaces with Premium Acrylicsmooth exterior paint with silicon additives with low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)content (Snowcryl-XT of 'Snowcem India Ltd. or approved equivalent) of requiredshades on new work applied in two or more coats at the rate of 1.43 ltr/ 10 sq.m over and including base coat of waterproof cement paint (of Snowcem Plus or approvedequivalent) including cleaning, preparation of surfaces, curing etc. all complete




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Providing and fixing 40mm x 6mm M.S. flat wind ties over sheeting with anticorrosive polymer coated G.I. nuts, bolts, polymer cap, seal and thrust washers of approvedmake iincluding painting with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved makeover a coat of approved quality red oxide zinc chromate primer etc.all complete.




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Providing and fixing rain water pipes with M.S. holder clamps includingfixing/embedding into masonry/concrete, providing connections like shoes, vents,specials, bends etc. fixing in perfect plumb etc. all complete.




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110mm dia O.D. Size. exposed PVC rain water pipe jointed with bonding solution ofapproved quality and make with pressure rating of 4kg/cm2 including clamps,connections etc. all as per approved manufacturer's details.




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160mm dia O.D. Size. exposed PVC rain water pipe jointed with bonding solution ofapproved quality and make with pressure rating of 4kg/cm2 including clamps,connections etc. all as per approved manufacturer's details.




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110mm dia O.D. Size. embedded PVC rain water pipe jointed with bonding solution ofapproved quality and make with pressure rating of 4kg/cm2 including clamps,connections etc. all as per approved manufacturer's details.




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160mm dia O.D. Size. embedded PVC rain water pipe jointed with bonding solution ofapproved quality and make with pressure rating of 4kg/cm2 including clamps,connections etc. all as per approved manufacturer's details




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Providing and laying in position approved quality profiled, precoated, steel sheets (forroofing, cladding etc.) made from cold rolled high tensile Zincalume/ Galvalume Steelof 550 MPA yield stress conforming to IS:513, IS:15961 and ASTM AS: 1397; thesubstrate shall be hot dip metallic coating of aluminium- zinc alloy (150 grams per sq. mtr. Total on both sides, coating class AZ150); the bottom unexposed surface shall beprovided with alkyd backer of minimum 5 microns over a 5 micron coat of primer; topexposed surface shall have SDP (Super Durable Polyester) paint system MINIMUM 20microns in approved shade applied over 5 microns primer; overall coated thickness ofsheets not less than 0.52 mm having base metal thickness of minimum 0.45mm(negative tolerance not acceptable), profile depth not less than 28mm and pitch of 195 to 255mm; including cutting, mitering, laps, providing cutouts for fixing accessories,necessary fastners (approved quality anti corrosive polyester polymer coated, rivets,nuts, bolts, self drilling screws/ fasteners with integral washers and EPDM seals, andnylon colour caps and natural cure type joint sealants etc.) All complete as perapproved manufacturer's specifications.Note: The steel sheet shall have brand marking of coated steel manufacturer (productdetails, date, mfg name, etc) on back side at regular interval confirming genuinity ofthe material.




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Providing and laying in position roofing and cladding accessories like ridge piece,corner piece, north light curve piece, apron piece, gutter, flashing etc. fabricated outof 0.5mm precoated Zincalume/ Galvalume Steel steel sheets of same material/quality etc. as that of sheeting; bent and profiled to match with the roofing andcladding, including all cutting, fabrication, rivetting, fastners etc. all complete.




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Polycarbonate sheets roofing/ claddingProviding and fixing in position (for roofing and cladding) machine made 2mm thickcorrugated polycarbonate sheets (conforming to IS :14434, 14443) of approvedmanufacturer (in approved shade) extruded from polycarbonate resin, having profilesas approved/ matching exactly with the surrounding pre-coated roofing/ claddingsheets and having following properties:(a) Specific gravity 1.2 g/ cm3(b) Hardness 119 M Scale(c) Tensile Strength 64 Mpa(d) Compressive strength 66Mpa(e) Impact Strength 900 J/mThe item includes fixing to steel structure members (truss/ purlins)/ brick masonrywalls by means of polymer coated 'J' or 'L' hooks, bolts, nuts 8mm dia G.I. bitumenwashers etc. all complete as per approved manufacturer's recommendations andspecifications.




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Providing and fixing white glazed Earthenware Orissa pan type water closet withintegral footrest of 550mmx440mm size conforming to IS : 2556, Part - III includingglazed earthenware flushing cistern supported on MS brackets conforming to IS:774 of10 litre capacity with CP brass handles,32mm dia telescopic flush pipe with fittings &clamps,15 mm dia overflow pipe with mosquitoproof net,15mm dia PVC connectionpipe 450mm long,painting of all exposed metalic surfaces with 2 coats of approvedshade and quality synthetic enamel paint (ICI or approved equivalent) over a primingcoat of approved qualityred oxide zinc chromate, cutting walls, floors and makinggood of same,finishing, soldered joints, making inlet/ outlet connections,providingmin. 150mm thick sand cushion, finishing etc. all complete.




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Providing and fixing white glazed Earthen ware double trap, syphonic pattern washdown water closet conforming to IS : 2556 Part II including white plastic solid seat andcover conforming to IS : 2548, CP brass hinges and rubber buffers,10 litres capacityglazed Earthenware low level cistern conforming to IS:774 with internal overflowsystem & fittings,CP brass 40mm dia flush pipe,15 mm dia ,450mm long PVCconnection pipe,ball valve, painting of all exposed matalic surfaces with 2 coats ofapproved shade and quality synthetic enamel paint (ICI or approved equivalent) over apriming coat of approved quality red oxide zinc chromate, cutting walls, floors andmaking good of same, making inlet and outlet connections, finishing etc. all complete




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Providing and fixing white glazed ceramic, flat back half stall type Urinals of 610mm x400mm x 380mm size conforming to IS:2556 Part-VI including automatic glazed Earthenware cistern for every one 15mm dia CP brass cistern outlet 750mmlong,32mm dia GI waste pipe with brass union,CP brass bottle trap,CP brassspreader,tee,distribution pipe etc.,MS brackets for cistern, painting of all exposedmettalic surface with 2 coats of approved shade and quality synthetic enamel paint (ICIor approved equivalent) over a priming coat of approved quality red oxide zincchromate, making inlet and outlet connections, fixing with C.P. brass screws, finishingetc. all complete.




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One urinal.(with 5 litre capacity cistern)




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Set of 2 urinals.(with 10 litre capacity cistern)




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Set of 3 urinals.(with 15 litre capacity cistern)




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Marble Partition




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Providing and fixing minimum 17mm thick, marble partitions (approved quality & shade) with round edges for urinals including cutting walls, inserting (upto 100mmdepth) and fixing the slab with Cement Mortar (1 cement : 3 coarse sand by volume).fixing with M.S. channels at bottom, suitably embedded in wall with grouting, paintingall exposed metallic surfaces with 2 coats of approved shade and quality syntheticenamel paint (ICI or approved equivalent) over an approved quality priming of redoxide zinc chromate, making good of all damaged work,finishing etc. all complete.




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Providing and fixing glazed Earthenware Hand Wash Basin with antisplash rims on 3sides, of 550mm x 400mm size conforming to IS : 2556 Part-IV, including approvedM.S./C.I. brackets conforming to IS : 775, one 15mm dia CP brass pillar cock, rubberplug with CP brass chain,32mm CP Waste fitting of standard pattern pipe with 32mmdia GI pipe, C.P. brass bottle trap, cutting walls, floors and making good the same,painting all exposed metallic surfaces with 2 coats of approved shade and qualitysynthetic enamel paint (ICI or approved equivalent) over an approved quality primingcoat of red oxide zinc chromate making all connections, finishing etc. all complete.




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Providing Handwash basin of white glazed earthen-ware.




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Kitchen Sink




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Providing and fixing white glazed vitrous china Lab sink/kitchen sink of 610mm x 450mm x 250mm size conforming to IS : 2556, Part-V including approved M.S./C.I.brackets conforming to IS : 775, one 15mm dia CP brass bibcock, 15mm dia PVCconection, C.P. brass chain with 40mm dia GI pipe connected to floor trap with unions,painting all exposed metallic surfaces with 2 coats of approved shade and qualitysynthetic enamel paint (ICI or approved equivalent) over a priming coat of approvedquality red oxide zinc chromate,cutting floor,Walls and making goodgood the same,making all connections, finishing etc. all complete.




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Glass Shelf




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Providing and fixing 600mm x 120mm x 4mm thick Glass shelf of approved quality with CP brass bracket and guard rails including fixing to wall with wooden cleats andCP brass screws, cutting walls and making good the same, finishing etc.all complete.




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Towel Rail




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Providing and fixing approved quality chromium plated brass towel rail of 20mm dia, 600mm length and 1.25mm thickness including fixing to wall with wooden cleats andCP brass screws, cutting walls and making good the same, finishing etc. all complete.




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Soap Container




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Providing and fixing approved quality chromium plated liquid soap container including fixing to wall with wooden cleats and CP brass screws, cutting walls and making goodthe same,finishing etc. all complete.




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Providing and fixing Heavy grade Bib cocks/ stop cocks of spring loaded self closingtype conforming to IS : 781 including making connections, cutting walls and makinggood the same etc. all complete.




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15mm dia CP Brass stop cock.




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15mm dia CP Brass bib cock.




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Providing and fixing CP brass shower rose conforming to IS-2064:




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150mm dia shower rose.




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Toilet Paper Holder




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Providing and fixing CP Brass Toilet paper holder of approved make with CP brass brackets including fixing to wall with wooden cleats, CP brass screws,cutting walls andmaking good the same, finishing etc. all complete.




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Providing and fixing in position round/ oval shaped counter Hand Wash Basin withanti-splash rims, conforming to IS:2556 Part IV, to fit in exactly and neatly in thecutout in the marble/ granite stone finished R.C.C counter; one 15mm dia CP brasspillar cock, rubber plug with C.P. brass chain, 32mm C.P. waste fitting of standardpattern type with 32mm dia G.I. pipe, C.P. brass bottle trap, cutting walls, counter etc.and making good the same, also including providing cut out in marble/ granite slabcounter top (and R.C.C underneath) of exact size and shape for wash basin to fit inneatly and perfectly; making all connections, finishing etc. all complete. (Marble/Granite counter top shall be paid seperately under relevant item of `Floor Finishing')




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Providing round/ oval shaped counter Wash Basin of glazed chinaware in White colour.




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Providing round/ oval shaped counter Wash Basin of glazed chinaware in approved colour.




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Stainless steel Kitchen/ Laboratory sink




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Providing and fixing stainless steel Kitchen/ Laboratory sink of approx. Size 610mm x 450mm x 200mm made of min. 1mm thick stainless steel sheet of `Salem Steel' orequivalent supported on and including M.S. brackets conforming to IS: 775; one15mm dia C.P brass long body bib cock (if fixed to wall) or swivel type pillar cock (iffixed to counter), 15mm dia PVC/ G.I. connections to floor trap with unions etc.;painting all exposed metallic surfaces with min. 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint ofapproved make and shade over acoat of red oxide zinc chromate primer; cutting floor,walls, counter etc. and making good the same, making all connections, finishing etc.all complete.




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17mm thick polished granite stone partitions




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Providing and fixing minimum 17mm thick polished granite stone partitions (in approved quality, shade and design/ shape) with round edges for urinals includingcutting walls, inserting (up to 100mm depth) and fixing the slab with Cement Mortar(1 cement : 3 coarse sand by volume), making good of all damaged work, finishingetc. all complete




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round edged mirror of 6mm thick




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Providing and fixing round edged mirror of 6mm thick float glass with 6mm thick waterproof marine ply backing and rounded/ beveled edging, fixed on wall withwooden cleats and CP brass screws including cutting walls/ tiles, making good thesame, finishing etc. all complete.




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CP Brass hand shower




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Providing and fixing CP Brass hand shower (health Faucet, of Jaquar or approved equivalent ) with 8 mm Dia, 1 metre long PVC Tube and Wall hook in approved colourand finish with all necessary fittings etc. all complete.




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chromium plated brass towel ring




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Providing and fixing approved quality chromium plated brass towel ring of 150mm dia including fixing to wall with wooden cleats and CP brass screws, cutting walls andmaking good the same, finishing etc. all complete.




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chromium plated brass towel rack




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Providing and fixing approved quality chromium plated brass towel rack with towel rail, of 250mm width and 600mm length including fixing to wall with wooden cleatsand CP brass screws, cutting walls and making good the same, finishing etc. allcomplete




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chromium plated brass Soap dish




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Providing and fixing approved quality chromium plated brass Soap dish of 100mm width and 130mm length including fixing to wall with wooden cleats and CP brassscrews, cutting walls and making good the same, finishing etc. all complete.




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white glazed Earthen ware double trap, syphonic pattern wall mounted (Europeantype) wc




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"Providing and fixing white glazed Earthen ware double trap, syphonic pattern wallmounted (European type) water closet conforming to IS: 2556 Part 16 including whiteplastic solid seat and cover conforming to IS : 2548, CP brass hinges and rubberbuffers, CP brass 40mm dia flush pipe,15 mm dia, ball valve, painting of all exposedmetalic surfaces with 2 coats of approved shade and quality synthetic enamel paint(ICI or approved equivalent) over a priming coat of approved quality red oxide zincchromate, cutting walls, floors and making good of same, making inlet and outletconnections, finishing etc. all complete.




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white glazed ceramic, flat back half stall type Urinals sensor based




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"Providing and fixing white glazed ceramic, flat back half stall type Urinals of 610mm x 400mm x 380mm size conforming to IS:2556 Part-VI, having electronic, batteryoperated sensor based flushing system of approved make and model including 32mmdia GI waste pipe with brass union, CP brass bottle trap, CP brass spreader, tee,distribution pipe etc., painting of all exposed metallic surface with 2 coats of approvedshade and quality synthetic enamel paint (ICI or approved equivalent) over a primingcoat of approved quality red oxide zinc chromate, making inlet and outletconnections, fixing with C.P. brass screws, finishing etc. all complete.




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C.P. brass 2 way bib cock quarter turn type for health faucet




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Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning C.P. brass 2 way bib cock quarter turn type for health faucet of following make or approved equivalent 15 mm nominal bore,all complete as per standard design, specifications and direction of Engineer-incharge.




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C.P. brass wall mount Lavatory faucet mixer for wash basin




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Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning C.P. brass wall mount Lavatory faucet mixer for wash basin of following make or approved equivalent 15 mm nominal bore,all complete as per standard design, specifications and direction of Engineer-incharge.




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Glass shelf




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"Providing and fixing 600mm x 120mm x 6mm thick Glass shelf of approvedquality with 'D' or 'F' bracket (Stainless Steel 202 grade) and guard rails includingfixing to wall with plastic rawl plugs and SS screws, drilling walls and making good thesame, finishing etc., all complete.




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Providing and Fixing Concealed Flushing Cistern Size 550X95X500mm with dual flushActuator, flush-stop function, noise less float valve and fast filling action with allcomponent parts of high quality complete including frame for concealed cistern etc.all complete as per the instructions of the engineer-incharge.




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Providing and Fixing of Flushing plate with dual knobs chrome Finish in desired shapeand size for Concealed Flushing Cistern including all tools, tackles etc., all completeas per the instructions of engineer-in-charge.




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Providing and fixing Mineral Fibre Tile false ceiling consisting of A. 600mm x 600mm x 15mm thick Mineral Fibre Acoustical tiles with durable tegular edging having noisereduction coefficient (NRC) value of min. 0.50, light reflectance value of min.80%,thermal conductivity (K) value of 0.052-0.057 w/m deg.C and fire performanceconforming to class-I as per BS-476,back of the tiles being provided with one coat ofprotective coating. B. Suspension system consisting of hot dipped galvanised steelmain runners @ max. 1200mm c/c ( 0.33mm thk.,"T"shaped, 24mm x 38mm size withsingle rotary stiching), cross runners ( 0.25mm thk.,"T" shaped with double rotarystiching, 24mm x 30mm size, 1200mm long and 24mm x 25mm size, 600mm long ),perimeter sections ( 0.45mm thick,22mm x 22mm size) including suspending thesystem by means of 4mm dia MS wire,6mm thk. MS cleat of 25mm x 25mm size, dashfasteners and level adjustors, providing 30 micron powder coating to exposed metallicmembers, providing slit openings for fixing supply/return air grill, lighting fixtures,AC ducts etc. all complete




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With fine granulated surface tiles (Acoustical punchers (10mm deep) = 24000sm)




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Providing and fixing partition/ panelling boards over MS framework as per desiredpattern including providing cut-outs for fixing wall fixtures, conduits etc. allcomplete.




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12mm thick particle board panels in panelling conforming to IS : 3087 (3 layer flatpressed, bonded with BWP type phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin conforming to IS :848, BS ; 476 part-7,and categorised as Class-1, as per IS : 1642 finished with 1mmthick approved quality lamination of approved shade and texture on all exposed sides)on both/one side of MS framework with screws @ 300mm c/c, the panels being fixedon one side of framework only.with 10mm vertical grooves at joints includingproviding and fixing 10mmx 10mm teakwood fillet/gola in the grooves by means ofadhesive, polishing the fillet with spirit polish, cleaning of surfaces, finishing etc. allcomplete.




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12.5mm thick Gypsum board panels in partition (conforming to IS : 2095, havingthermal conductivity of 0.16w/mk, thermal resistance of 0.085sq.m k/w, categorisedas Class-1, when tested to BS 476 Part-7) painted and screw fixed to the GIframework with 12.5mm dia dry wall screws @ 230mm c/c, including finishing thejoints in the board flush with fillers, to give a smooth, seamless joints, cleaning ofsurfaces, fixing etc. the panels being fixed on both sides of frame work includingproviding and fixing Gypsum boards along the exposed edges of frame work andpainting the boards with aproved shade plastic emulsion paint conforming to IS:5411




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12.5mm thick Gypsum board panels in panelling (conforming to IS : 2095, havingthermal conductivity of 0.16w/mk, thermal resistance of 0.085sq.m k/w, categorisedas Class-1, when tested to BS 476 Part-7) painted and screw fixed to the GIframework with 12.5mm dia dry wall screws @ 230mm c/c, including finishing thejoints in the board flush with fillers, to give a smooth, seamless joints, cleaning ofsurfaces, fixing etc. the panels being fixed on one side of framework only and paintedwith approved shade plastic emulsion paint conforming to IS:5411.




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5.5mm thick toughened glass panels ( conforming to IS :5437) in partitions with putty,12mm x 10mm second T.W beading on Teak Wood frame (50mm x partition depth)fixed to MS frame work in the partition including adjustment of partition members, finishing etc. all complete.




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Tray type Aluminium plank false ceiling




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Providing and fixing Tray type Aluminium plank false ceiling consisting of 254/305mm x 1264mm or 600mm x 600mm size Aluminium planks (profiled forpositive engagement into clip-in profiles and demounting of individual planks)manufactured out of 0.7mm thk. Aluminium alloy 3105/3005/5052 (as per ASTM209M) with stove enamelled (coil coated) finish in approved colour and suspensionsystem consisting of 0.5mm thk. 40mm x 20mm galvanised steel clip-in main runnerprofiles (@ 1264mm or 600mm as per plank size) supported by and including 0.5mmthk. 25mm x 16mm GI suspension angle,1mm thk. 25mm x 34mm x 76mm CRCAzinc plated steel ceiling brackets (@ max. 1264mm c/c or 600mm as per profile) fixedto roof slab/beam,0.5mm thk. 40mm wide, 105mm high G.I. hold on clamps slottedfor level adjustment, perimeter angles including providing slit openings for fixingsupply/return air grill, lighting fixtures, AC ducts etc. all complete. .




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underdeck insulation consisting of rigid Polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) slabs




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Providing and fixing in position underdeck insulation consisting of rigid Polyisocyanurate foam (PIR) slabs of size 1000 x 500mm and thickness of 30mm(covered on one side with glass fibre tissue/ Aluminium foil having 50mm overlap)conforming to IS:12436 having density not less than 32 kg./ Cu. M., thermalconductivity (K- value) not more than 0.023 w/mk measured at 10 deg. C; classifiedas 'Class I' for surface spread of flame as per BS 476, part 7; fixed to R.C.C. slab byhot blow grade bitumen of 85/25 grade or cold adhesive CPRX applied over a coat ofbituminous primer @ 0.5 Litres/ Sq.M. applied to bare R.C.C. surface and to the twosurface of each PIR panel and pressed in position (while the bitumen is still tacky) withthe help of G.I. screws (No. 8 x 75mm long) fixed into rawl plugs (holes in R.C.C. forthe rawl plugs shall be drilled prior to applying coat of bituminous primer) of size 8 x25mm inserted (5 nos. for each slab- One each at 4 corners and one at center) and G.Iwashers 25mm dia; including covering the overlaps with approved quality sealingcompound (MAS-94 or equivalent); chicken wire mesh 24G x 19mm shall then be fixed to G.I screws and tightened with lacing wire; including preparation of surfaceconsisting of cleaning R.C.C surface of all dust, dirt and loose particles by wirebrushing; etc. all complete as per approved manufacturer's standard specificationsand recommendations.




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Providing and installing/ fixing in position 600mm-1000mm high truly levelled andaligned cavity/ false flooring system having load bearing capacity of uniformlydistributed load of minimum 2025 kg/ sq.m. and point load of 675 Kg., the systemconsisting of: (i) Sub-structure/ pedestal assembly (designed for speedy assembly/ removal forrelocation/ maintenance) of zinc electro plated steel comprising of:a. 90mm x 90mm x 4mm embossed pedestal head attachment mechanically riveted toa 90mm long, minimum 19mm dia threaded bright M.S. rod stud with check nuts forlevel adjustment (for upto 25mm) and arresting vertical movement, anti-vibrationalPVC cap (for panel and stringer location), b. CRCA (Electrical resistant welded) Pedestal of 32mm dia (OD), 2mm thick pipemechanically reduced to four ribs at top to accommodate head assembly, mechanicallylocked to maintain true plumb welded to pedestal base plate.c. Pedestal Base plate 150mm x 150mm x 4mm thick (with stiffening folds) fixed/anchored to main concrete floor @ 600mm c/c both ways (for installing flooring tiles)by means of adhesive or fastener as recommended by Manufacturer (ii) Stringers of minimum sectional size 20mm x 32mm x 1.2mm made of hot dipgalvanized steel cold rolled construction with ribs embossed on 3 sides (designed forstrength, lateral stability, rolling loads and to support panels on all four sides foralignment), having counter sunk holes at both ends for fixing to pedestal headassembly with M6 machine screws. (iii) Removable and re-usable Floor panels of size 600mm x 600mm made of all steelwelded construction (cleaned, degreased and phosphated with 11 tank process,finished with 40-60 micron epoxy coating (and, heated to achieve adhesion to the panel surface and corrosion resistance) with bottom surface consisting of multiple hemispherical and reverse cones and top plain sheet (fuse welded at 129 locations) toform an enclosed panel of an overall depth 37mm; the inner empty core of the panel injected with light weight fire retardant, non-combustible cementitious compound (athigh pressure to fill all crevices of the panel), each panel finished on top with 2mmthick fire retardant floor grade high pressure laminate/ 2mm thick anti-static PVC tilesin approved design/ shade/ texture; fixed to flooring panel by means of approvedadhesive; the edges of the finished panels provided with conductive PVC edge trim5mm wide on all sides (mechanically locked and sealed in place). The item includes: i) Providing and fixing all accessories like screws, bolts, adhesive etc. as permanufacturer's specifications. ii) Making necessary adjustment in grid dimensions, stringer lengths, floor paneldimensions etc. at ends or centre (to cater to specific room sizes) or at panelslocations, as required iii) Cutting of floor panels as required at ends. iv) Treating the underneath cement concrete floor with one component polyurethanefloor coating etc. all complete. v) Providing additional steel structural supports/ pedestal assembly at edges, cut outsetc. as required. vi) Providing all necessary accessories such as outlet boxes, grommets, Panel lifters (atleast one for each building) as required etc. all complete.




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False flooring panels with 2mm thick anti-static PVC tiles conforming to BS : 2050,Table-2, IS 3461/3462 in approved design/ shade/ texture.




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False flooring panels with minimum 10mm thick polished mirror or mat finishedvitrified tiles in approved design/ shade/ texture.




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Providing and fixing false ceiling at all height including providing and fixing of framework made of special sections, power pressed from M.S. sheets and galvanized withzinc coating of 120 gms/sqm (both side inclusive) as per IS : 277 and consisting ofangle cleats of size 25 mm wide x 1.6 mm thick with flanges of 27 mm and 37mm, at1200 mm centre to centre, one flange fixed to the ceiling with dash fastener 12.5 mm dia x 50mm long with 6mm dia bolts, other flange of cleat fixed to the angle hangersof 25x10x0.50 mm of required length with nuts & bolts of required size and other endof angle hanger fixed with intermediate G.I. channels 45x15x0.9 mm running at thespacing of 1200 mm centre to centre, to which the ceiling section 0.5 mm thickbottom wedge of 80 mm with tapered flanges of 26 mm each having lips of 10.5 mm,at 450 mm centre to centre, shall be fixed in a direction perpendicular to G.I.intermediate channel with connecting clips made out of 2.64 mm dia x 230 mm longG.I. wire at every junction, including fixing perimeter channels 0.5 mm thick 27 mmhigh having flanges of 20 mm and 30 mm long, the perimeter of ceiling fixed towall/partition with the help of rawl plugs at 450 mm centre, with 25mm long dry wallscrews @ 230 mm interval, including fixing of gypsum board to ceiling section andperimeter channel with the help of dry wall screws of size 3.5 x 25 mm at 230 mmc/c, including jointing and finishing to a flush finish of tapered and square edges ofthe board with recomme-nded jointing compound , jointing tapes , finishing withjointing compound in 3 layers covering upto 150 mm on both sides of joint and twocoats of primer suitable for board, all as per manufacturer¿s specification and alsoincluding the cost of making openings for light fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts madewith frame of perimeter channels suitably fixed, all complete as per drawings,specification and direction of the Engineer in Charge but excluding the cost of painting with




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12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum fire resistant board conforming to IS: 2095- PartI




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12.5 mm thick tapered edge gypsum moisture resistant board




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Providing and fixing in position wall panelling at all heights with integral densifiedcalcium silicate panels/tiles of size 595 x 595mm, having NRC (Noise Reductioncoefficient) of 0.50 (minimum) as per IS 8225:1987, Light reflectance of 85%(minimum). Non combustible as per BS:476 (part-4), fire performance as per BS:476(part 6 &7), humidity resistance of 100%, thermal conductivity 0.043 W/m K as perASTM 518:1991, comprising of a frame made from especially fabricated galvanised mild steel sheet 0.50 mm thick pressed section (galvanizing @120 grams per sqmincluding both sides) i.e.vertical studs of size 48 x 34 x 36 mm are placed at 600mmcenter to center in a floor and ceiling channel section of size 50 x 32m fixed to thefloor and soffit at 600mm centers using 12mm dia,50mm long wedge type expandedzinc alloy dash fastner with 10mm bolt. This same channel is then to be fixed inhoriziontal direction at 600mm center to center so as to form a grid of 600mm x600mm. Glasswool of 50mm thickness is then to be inserted in the slots and finallycalcium silicate non combustible panels/tiles are to be screw fixed with self tappingpan head nickel coated mild steel screws of size 13 x 3.2mm on to this grid leaving aneven groove of 1 mm between the panels. The joints between the panels are to beduly jointed and finished using recommended jointing calcium silicate basedcompound and fiber joint tape roll 50mm wide (90 metre )roll and two coats of primersuitable for panelling as per manufacturer's specification as per direction of Engineerin-Chargeall complete.




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With 15 mm thick fully perforated square/butt edge light weight calcium silicatepanels/ tiles




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50mm dia GI pipe spouts




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Providing and fixing in position 50mm dia GI pipe spouts to slope for drainage of canopy, chajja etc., including puncturing the masonry /RCC and grouting with M-15grade concrete, finishing etc. all complete.




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Providing and laying cinder concrete filling in sunk slabs of Toilets etc. consisting of




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Average 18mm plain cement plaster (1 cement : 6 sand by volume) with waterproofingcompound conforming to IS : 2645 mixed @ 3% by weight over RCC slab includingpreparing the base surface, finishing with one floating coat of neat cement slurry @2.75 Kg. of cement per Sq.M of area, including curing, finishing etc. all complete.Cement supplied by the Contractor at their cost.




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Cinder concrete (1 cement : 10 cinder of 12mm size and down grade) over cementplaster including consolidating, finishing, curing, maintaining slope etc. allcomplete.Cement supplied by the Contractor at their cost.




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Silicon/acrylic based water repellant finish




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Providing and applying one coat of silicon/acrylic based water repellant finish as per aproved manufacturer's specifications on wall surfaces including filling all cracks withwhite cement and matching pigment cleaning the surface of all dust before evenly applying with brush, curing, drying the coated surfaces for 24 hours etc. all complete.




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Anti-Termite coating




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Providing and applying Anti-Termite coating conforming to I.S. 401 coating to all woodwork (panel/frame) with approved quality aldrine- chlorinated phenol compoundconforming to I.S. 401 to be applied in 3 or more coats (covering capacity-3 sq.m percoat) as required before finishing of the surface if any (viz.painting lamination etc.) allcomplete




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12mm thick machine cut terracotta fine finished interlocking type 'Mangalore tiles'




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Providing and laying in position 12mm thick machine cut terracotta fine finished interlocking type 'Mangalore tiles' in approved design/ profile laid over a bed ofcement sand mortar (1:4) of average 10mm thickness, including applying neat cementslurry over the mortar to receive the tiles, providing ridge pieces at junctions,including tamping, finishing, curing, replacing all damaged tiles etc. all complete.




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Providing and fixing hand railing up to 1000mm high above finished floor level overstair and landing consisting of one 25mm square M.S. baluster embedded or fixed tofloor/steps by 6mm thk. x 20mm wide M.S. clamps anchored into floor/ steps in floorand each step grouted with M-15 grade concrete in cut out of 50mm x 50mm x100mm size block, teakwood moulded/ M.S. pipe handrail fixed on baluster, 40mm x40mm x 6mm M.S. flat shoe welded at the bottom of baluster, including painting thebalusters, M.S. surfaces with double coating of approved shade and make syntheticenamel paint over a coat of approved quality red oxide zinc chromate primer coat,finishing etc. all complete. (Only length of top handrail shall be considered forpayment, not the cumulative length of individual members)




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75mm x 50mm moulded second class teak wood handrail fixed over baluster byscrewing to 25mm x 6mm thick MS continuous flat (welded to baluster top, included)with M.S. screws @ 600mm c/c including oil polishing the handrail using oil solubledyes in linseed oil as per IS : 2338 providing brass shoes, as per EIL STD. No. 7-750035.




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Moulded second class teakwood handrail as in 11.17.01 but fixed to 20mm MS square bar embedded in wall by grouting with M -15 grade concrete in cut out of 100mm x100mm x 100mm size @ 750mm c/c as per EIL STD No. 7-75-0035




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1000 mm high satin finish stainless steel (SS 304 grade) tubular railing




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Supplying, assembling and installing 1000 mm high satin finish stainless steel (SS 304 grade) tubular railing of approved design in staircases, ramps, around floor cut outsetc. consisting of:1. 50mm dia SS pipe top handrail2. 32 mm dia SS pipe balusters (at every third step for staircase, @ maximum 1200mmc/c for ramp, floor cutouts)3. 3 nos minimum 18mm dia SS pipe intermediate handrails.Including:1. Fixing balusters to floor with 4 nos bolts änd 8mm thick, 100mm dia SS base plate& SS cap/collar.2. Fixing top handrail to the balusters with 12mm dia SS bar connector & 6mm thick SSsaddle plate.3. Fixing intermediate handrails to the balusters with 12mm dia SS bar connector.4. All end caps, decorative caps over balustrades,necessary bending, welding,polishing of all welded joints (Length of top handrail shall be measured for payment).




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Providing and fixing Toilet cubicle system of overall height of 2000mm made out of 18 and 12 mm thick compact laminated board , in select colours as per manufacturershade card, with 18mm thick front panels and doors with SS U-section top rail on topside for better rigidity to be supported by adjustable SS leg 100 to 150 mm height,12mm thick continuous divider/ intermediate panels of maximum depth 1500 mmwithout any joints fixed to wall and front by using U profile, door size 600 x 1800 (forhandicap toilet 900 x 1800) with front panel cut and fixed as per the requirement,maximum width of the front panel including door to be 1100 mm (for handicap toilet1600mm provided with a 10 x 10mm rebate on both the sides of door and front panelwith 2mm thick silicon rubber lining pasted in the rebate for noise reduction of the door. Each cubicle shall be equipped with the following necessary hardware:SS316 - primary thumb turn/ indicator lock - 1no.SS316 - Door know. Handle set - 1 no. SS316 - Coat hoos - 1 no.SS316 - Auto reverse hinge with cap - 3 nos.SS316 - 150 mm height adjustable leg - 2 nos.SS316 - l-bracket, corner fixing wherever required.The square meter area of from panels and doorMode of measurement - Square meterbasis , front panel and door measurement will be taken from wall to wall and floor totop rail, divider measurement to be taken from wall to front and the total height of thedivider.




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Area of front panels and door measured from floor to top rail




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Area of divider/ intermediate panel measured as/actual




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EARTHWORKSupplying and filling in good quality earth including fine dressing to levels specified,watering, ramming consolidating and dressing etc. all complete.




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HARDCORE FOR SUB BASEProviding and laying HARDCORE sub base with stone aggregate 63 to 40mm size andapproved binding material including screening, sorting, spreading, packing andconsolidation with half tonne roller to template etc. all complete.




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GUNITED SPRAYED CONCRETE WATERPROOFINGProviding and laying GUNITED SPRAYED CONCRETE WATERPROOFING (40mm thk.) inWaterbody areas consisting of mix 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 coarse aggregateof 10mm nominal size) over G.I. Wire mesh of approved weight per sq.m. using appropriate equipment & the following operations: a) Cleaning the surfaces wheregunited concrete is to be applied, b) Fixing of G.I. wire mesh with approved fastenerson surface, c) Applying sprayed concrete d) Finishing the surface with trowel toachieve smooth finish etc. all complete.




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Providing and laying approved GRANITE COBBLE STONE (shotblasted finish, size100x100x100mm thk. or as/ design) as per approved pattern used in drop off areas,laid over 100mm thk. PCC base & well compacted sub base/ WBM as per approvedpaving pattern including rubbing, polishing and grout etc. all complete.




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Supplying and laying CONCRETE INTERLOCKED GRASS PAVERS laid over 100mm thk.sand base over well compacted subbase/ WBM and mortar with joints filled in finesand as per manufactured requirements etc. all complete.




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Supplying and laying of POLYCARBONATE GRASS TRACK PAVERS (Ovilite or equivalent) with self anchoring pegs, made of high impact resistant HDPE. The base of the panelis equipped with a slot opening for drainage. The grass paver to have interlock systemto lock each other and should have compressive strength of minimum 150 tons/sq.m.,capable to take the load of the fire tender, should have high level of porosity greaterthan 90%, porous for grass, shrubs and low planters laid over 50mm sand bed overwell compacted subbase/ WBM as per manufacturer specifications etc. all complete




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Providing and fixing approved GRANITE STONE in cladding & coping (shotblasted,polished & honed finish, 20mm thk.) fixed with approved low VOC content adhesive including rubbing, polishing and grout (to match color of stone) etc. all complete.




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Providing and fixing approved GLASS MOSAIC TILES (Color - Shades of blue, Size -20x20x6mm or as/ design, Bisazza or equivalent) used in waterbodies, fixed withapproved low VOC content adhesive including rubbing, polishing and grout etc. allcomplete.




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Providing & laying 50-70mm dia polished white Indian MARBLE PEBBLES laid loose inlayers including rubbing, polishing, etc. all complete.




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Providing and applying approved EPOXY PAINT of required shade on steel work (two ormore coats) as per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat,preparation of surface, etc. all complete.




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Providing and fixing of STAINLESS STEEL SECTIONS (Size of members- 30x30,50x100mm, 75x100mm, 75x150mm, 100x200, 150x150, 150x300mm or as/design) for pergola framework covered with 2mm dia S.S. wiremesh fixed with frameincluding cutting, hoisting, fixing in position using structural steel etc. all complete asrequired.




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Providing and fixing of RECYCLED TIMBER (Size of members - 30x30,50x100mm,75x100mm, 75x150mm, 100x200, 150x150, 150x300mm or as/ design) for pergolaframework & columns covered with 2mm dia wiremesh fixed with frame includingcutting, hoisting, fixing in position using structural steel etc. all complete as required.




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SITE PREPARATION Uprooting rank vegetation and weeds by digging the area to a max. depth of 60cmremoving all weeds and other growth with roots by forking repeatedly, breaking clods,rough dressing, flooding with water, uprooting fresh growths after 10 to 15 days andthen fine dressing for planting new grass, including disposal of all rubbish & otherdisposal, stone etc. with all leads and lifts taking out the disposal rubbish / materialsfrom the site as directed by Engineer In Charge, due earth to be sieved as directedthrough 6/10mm sieve and shall be reduced in lawn area, all complete.




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SWEET EARTHSupplying, stacking, filling/ spreading of SWEET EARTH free from stone, rubbish etc.including royalty and carriage with all leads (earth measured in stacks will be reducedby 20% for payment), all complete




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SAND FILLSupplying & stacking of FINE SAND from river bed & spreading in the area as perdirection of Engineer In Charge, including royalty & carriage with all leads etc. allcomplete.




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GRASS AREAGrassing with ?Doob? grass including transplanting the GRASS with 75 mm spacing oneither side, watering and maintenance of the lawn as required (during initialdevelopment of 15 days or more, watering is to be done every day) till the grass formsa thick lawn free from weeds and fit for mowing, including ground preparationconsisting of supplying and mixing earth and manure in proportion 8:1 along withUrea, N.P.K. mixed in proportion as per the suppliers specifications and spreading to athickness of 200mm, Flooding the area with water including making kiaries and dismantling the same, weeding after 10 to 15 days & then fine dressing the ground tolevels as specified in the drawings, including watering and maintenance of the lawn asrequired etc. for a period of one year after planting, all complete.




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TREE PLANTINGProviding & transplanting best quality healthy TREES species [Acacia nilotica (Babul),Alstonia scholaris (Devil's tree), Anogeissus latifolia (Axle wood), Artocarpusintegrifolia (Jack fruit), Azadirachta indica (Neem), Bauhinia purpurea (Orchid tree),Bombax malabaricum (Semal), Butea frondosa (Flame of the forest/ Palash),Callistemon lanceolatus (Bottle brush), Cassia fistula (Amaltas), Cassia siamea,Chorisia speciosa (Silk cotton tree), Dalbergia sisso (Sheesham), Delonix regia(Gulmohur), Dendrocalamus strictus (Bamboo), Emblica officinalis (Aonla), Eugeniajambolana (Jamun), Ficus benjamina, Ficus elastica (Rubber), Ficus glomerata, Ficusreligiosa (Peepal), Holorrhaena antidysenterica, Lagerstroemia flos reginae, Madhucaindica (Mahua), Mangifera indica (Mango), Melia azardirachta, Morus indica (Mulberry),Ocimum americanum, Plumeria obtusa, Pterospermum acerifolium (Kanak champa),Samanea saman (Rain tree), Saraca indica (Sita ashok), Shorea robusta (Sal),Tamarindus indica (Tamarind), Tectona grandis (Teak), Terminalia arjuna, Terminaliachibula, Terminalia bellarica, Ziziphus jujuba (Ber) or any other native/ droughttolerant species or as per the owner?s choice] of approx. height 2500mm (obtainedfrom renowned nursery) in erect position and supported with bamboo stick withoutbreaking the earth balls around the roots, packing the soil tight around the plant andwater properly, including digging the tree pits (holes 1200 mm dia., 1200 mm deep)prior to planting and refilling the same with sweet earth mixed with manure 2 :1 byvolume (2 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part of stackedvolume of manure after reduction by 8%) along with Urea, N.P.K. mixed in proportionas per suppliers specifications, flooding with water, dressing including removal of rubbish and surplus earth if any with all leads and lifts etc, all complete, All trees to be approved before planting inclusive of maintenance as specified for one year afterplanting including rectification/ replacement of any damaged work or plant, watering at required frequency, providing and laying manure as required etc. all complete.




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SHRUBS AND HEDGES PLANTINGProviding and transplanting best quality SHRUBS AND HEDGES species [Allamandaschotii, Bauhinia tomentosa, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, Calliandra haematocephala,Cassia biflora, Cestrum diurnum, Clerodendron inerme, Cyprus rotundus, Durantagoldii, Duranta variegated, Ficus blakei, Ficus panda, Ficus nuda, Ficus reginold, Ficusstarlite, Gardenia jasminoides, Hamelia patens dwarf, Heliconia spp., Hibiscus rosasinensis, Hibiscus variegated, Ixora chinensis, Ixora singaporensis, Jatrophapanduraefolia, Jasminum spp., Melaleuca bracteates, Murraya exotica (mock orange),Nerium oleander alba, Nerium oleander roseum, Nerium oleander dwarf, Plumbagocapensis, Spider lily, Strelitzia regia, Tabernaemontana coronaria 'dwarf',Tabernaemontana coronaria variegated, Tecoma capensis (Capehoney suckle), Tecomagaudichaudi, Tecoma stans, Thevetia nerifolia, Thuja spp., Vinca rosea, Vinca roseaalba, Yucca gloriosa or any other native/ drought tolerant species or as per the owner?s choice] of approx. height 450-900mm in erect position without breaking the earthballs around the roots, packing the soil tight around the plant and water properly,including preparation of beds for hedging and shrubbery by excavating 600 x 600mmdeep, pits dug a few days in advance, top soil with manure (compost) 2 :1 by volume(2 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part of stacked volumeof manure after reduction by 8%) along with Urea, N.P.K. mixed in proportion as perthe suppliers specifications, flooding with water, dressing including removal ofrubbish and surplus earth if any with all leads and lifts etc, all complete. All shrubs tobe approved before planting inclusive of maintenance as specified for one year afterplanting including rectification/ replacement of any damaged work or plant, wateringat required frequency, providing and laying manure as required etc. all complete.




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GROUNDCOVER PLANTINGPlanting best quality pot-grown healthy GROUNDCOVER species [Alternanthera green, Alternanthera red, Alternanthera variegated, Asparagus myeri (plume asparagus),Asparagus sprengeri, Chlorophytum comosum, Cyperus alternifolia, Dianellatasmanica, Ficus longisland, Ficus pumila, Fountain grass, Iresine herbstii, Lantanacamara red, Lantana camara variegated, Lantana camara white, Lantana camara yellow,Lantana sellowiana, Ophiopogon jaburan, Ophiopogon jaburan variegated, Portulacagrandiflora, Rhoeo discolor, Red fountain grass, Setcreasa spp.Strelitzia regia,Syngonium butterfly, Verbena spp., Wedelia trilobata (creeping daisy) Zebrina pendulaor any other native/ drought tolerant species or as per the owner?s choice] of approx.height 300mm with minimum stem of species in erect position without breaking theearth balls around the roots, packing the soil tight around the plant and waterproperly, including preparation of beds by excavating 300 x 300 mm deep, pits dug afew days in advance, top soil with manure (compost) 2 :1 by volume (2 parts ofstacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part of stacked volume of manureafter reduction by 8%) along with Urea, N.P.K. mixed in proportion as per the suppliersspecifications flooding with water, dressing including removal of rubbish and surplusearth if any with all leads and lifts etc, all complete. All groundcovers to be approvedbefore planting inclusive of maintenance as specified for one year after plantingincluding rectification/ replacement of any damaged work or plant, watering atrequired frequency, providing and laying manure as required etc. all complete.




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CLIMBER/ VINE & CREEPER PLANTINGPlanting best quality pot-grown healthy CLIMBER/ VINE/ CREEPERS species [Allamandacatharitica, Bignonia venusta, Bougainvillea spp., Clerodendron splendens,Clerodendron thompsani, Duranta repens gold, Duranta repens variegate, Ficusrepens, Jacquemontia violacea, Jasminum nitidum, Passiflora caerulea, Quisqualisindica, Rhyncospermum jasminoides, Vernonia elaengifolia or any other native ordrought tolerant species or as per the owner?s choice] of approx. height 450-900 mm in erect position with 300mm to 450mm spacing and minimum stem of species in erect position without breaking the earth balls around the roots, packing the soil tightaround the plant and water properly, including preparation of beds by excavating 450 x 450 mm deep, pits dug a few days in advance, top soil with manure (compost) 2 :1by volume (2 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part ofstacked volume of manure after reduction by 8%) along with Urea, N.P.K. mixed inproportion as per the suppliers specifications flooding with water, dressing includingremoval of rubbish and surplus earth if any with all leads and lifts etc, all complete. Allclimbers to be approved before planting inclusive of maintenance as specified for oneyear after planting including rectification/ replacement of any damaged work or plant,watering at required frequency, providing and laying manure as required etc. allcomplete.




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ORNAMENTAL PLANTSPlanting best quality pot-grown healthy ORNAMENTAL PLANTS species [Agave spp.,Bamboo buddha belly, Bismarckia nobilis, Cycas circinallis, Cycus revoluta, Furcareawatsoniana, Golden bamboo, Phoenix roebelenii, Phoenix sylvestris, Sansveira spp.,Washingtonia robusta, Wodyetia bifurcata, Roystonea regia (Royal palm) or any othernative/ drought tolerant species or as per the owner?s choice] of approx. height 15002500mmin erect position with minimum stem of species in erect position withoutbreakingthe earth balls around the roots, packing the soil tight around the plant andwaterproperly, including preparation of beds by excavating 1200x 1200mm deep,pitsdug a few days in advance, top soil with manure (compost) 2:1by volume (2partsofstacked volume of earth after reduction by 20%: 1part of stacked volume ofmanureafter reduction by 8%)along with Urea, N.P.K. mixed in proportion as per thesuppliersspecifications flooding with water, dressing including removal of rubbishandsurplus earth if any with all leads and lifts etc, all complete. All plants to beapprovedbefore planting inclusive of maintenance as specified for one year afterplantingincluding rectification/ replacement of any damaged work or plant, wateringatrequired frequency, providing and laying manure as required etc. all complete.




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INDOOR PLANTS Providing, planting/ transplanting in position saplings of INDOOR PLANT species(Areca palm, Cycas revoluta, Phoenix roebellini, Rhapis excelsa, Keveda, Maranta,Bread fruit Wine, Livistonia chinensis, Arokaria, Dracaena, Dracaena variegated, Fern,Ribbon grass, Chlorophytum, Furcarea watsoniana, Lovlina palm or any other as perthe owner?s choice) approximate height 450mm to 600mm; (obtained from renownednursery) of specified species including preparation soil with manure (compost) 2 :1 byvolume (2 parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20% : 1 part of stackedvolume of manure after reduction by 8%) along with Urea, N.P.K. mixed in proportionas per the suppliers specifications weathered by watering and drying and then filled inearthen pot, transplanting the saplings in erect position without breaking the earthballs around the roots, packing the soil tight around the plant and water properly.Initial maintenance of plants for a period of one year from the date of formalcompletion of all works under this contract including rectification/ replacement of anydamaged work or plant, watering at required frequency, providing and laying manureas required, all complete.




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MANURESupplying & stacking at site and spreading manure of approved quality afterscreening including carrige with all leads (manure measured in stack will be reducedby 8% for payment) etc. all complete.




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Liasoning for tree cutting / felling / transplantation etc Liasoning (Obtaining approval / permissions) for cutting, felling, trimming, uprooting, transplantation, disposal of Evergreen TREES like Date and other types of palm trees, gilmohar, rent tree, neem, wad, pipal trees and any other trees from all statutory authorities (as required by prevailing laws) such as local municipalities (Ex: MCGM, MCD, KMC, GCC etc.) , panchayat / block office, forest department etc. as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Contractor¿s scope shall include following. A) To arrange for the census of the trees, taking pictures of the trees as per the requirement of Authorities,updating of the census data in relevant drawings ( in soft or hard copy, as per requirement), site visit of Authorities or their appointed personnel ( as and when required). These activities may be required to be done more than once. (B) To arrange/coordinate site visits in coordination with OWNER and Authorities. (C) To make the proposal and to submit the proposal to Authorities. (D) To arrange periodical inspection with concerned authorities, making report of the progress of work periodically. (E) Follow up, coordination and obtain the approval from Authorities for transplanting/cutting/planting of the proposed trees at the sites. (F) Coordinate the site activities of tree cutting/plantation/transplantation as the case may be, arrange site visits of horticulturist, co-ordinate and submit the reports to Authorities as and when required, till the survival of plants. It is to be noted that above activities (Sl. No. A to F) is only indicative in nature and not exhaustive. Any other requirements (if required) viz. NOC's, permission etc. from local bodies and authorities, coordination with local bodies and authorities other than listed above required for getting approvals shall be in the scope of liaison architect/agency/consultant. The price quoted shall include all necessary permissions, approvals, liaisoning with concerned authorities, however, statutory fees, as applicable shall be borne by OWNER. (Execution of cutting / transplantation shall be paid under separate item). Payment shall be made for the number of trees for which the approval is mentioned in the Authority letter.




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Providing and fixing in position minimum 25mm thick granite stone (in dry cladding)of uniform colour and size by means of Stainless steel clamps (of Hilti/ approvedequivalent make) of minimum weight 250 gms and of minimum 5mm thickness withvarious offset lengths from 50-65mm and 80-120mm, fastening the clamps with ETAapproved universal anchors and pins etc. (of Hilti/ approved equivalent make) for fixing/ anchoring in masonary/ RCC using sufficient number of clamps/ anchors/ pinsall as per approved manufacturer's standard details and fixing sequence/methodology to ensure stable cladding system (with a guarantee for a time span ofnot less than 15 years) including sealing the joints with polyurethane based adhesivesealant ('SIKAFLEX 11FC of SIKA India Pvt. Ltd' or approved equivalent) and applyingone or more coats of Silicon based water repellant coat ('SIKAGUARD 703W of SIKAIndia Pvt. Ltd' or approved equivalent) on front side of the stone cladding incl. cost ofscaffolding etc. complete in all respect for all heights as per the instruction ofEngineer-in-charge.




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Granite stone dry cladding with clamps of 304 hybrid grade (of Hilti/ approvedequivalent make).




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Providing, supplying and installing at site Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) Claddings,made up of mainly White Cement (conforming to ASTM C 150), High Silica sand(conforming to ASTM c144), AR Glassfibre, Admixtuers (conforming to ASTMc260,ASTM c618), by using Spray Process and as recommended by PCI (PrecastInstitute) USA, Manual 128 (edn4) or as per GRCA International specifications withdesign as per details provided in drawings and site requirements/ measurements andas per approved finish and color shade, with sealers and hardwares required, all inaccordance with the manufacturer's specifications and conforming to Indian/ ASTMstandards, along with submission of shop drawings for approval, complete in all respects.




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Providing, supplying and installing at site Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) Jallis(Grills), made up of mainly White Cement (conforming to ASTM C 150), High Silica sand(conforming to ASTM c144), AR Glasfibre, Admixtuers (conforming to ASTMc260,ASTM c618), by using Vibration Cast Premix Process and as recommended by PCI(Precast Institute) USA, Manual 128 (edn4) or as per GRCA International specificationswith design as per details provided in drawings and site requirements/ measurements and as per approved finish and color shade, with sealers and hardwares required, allin accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and conforming to Indian/ASTM standards, along with submission of shop drawings for approval, complete in all respects.




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Designing, engineering, providing and fixing in position fully sealed and air, water andweather tight structural glazing system comprising of framing system (mullions,transoms etc.) made from extruded, powder coated (min. 30 microns in approvedcolour) aluminium alloy HE9WP (conforming to IS:733) of commercial quality, free fromall defects/ impairing appearance especially selected to fulfil the design requirementsspelt out in the specifications; machine cut glass infill panels (of size as per thedesign) made of minimum 6mm thick hard coated (Glaverbel Stopsol or approvedequivalent in approved shade) reflective toughened glass, the glazed framing panelformed by means of special structural quality silicone adhesive sealant applied on allfour sides (between glazing panel unit and aluminium alloy framing system) and fixedto framing system. The item includes fixing the framing system to the RCC framedstructure/ masonry walls by providing and fixing necessary Aluminium brackets (withflexible joints); with other fastening devices like bolts, anchors, etc. (made fromStainless Steel grade 316, rivets and pins of aluminium alloy of appropriate grade asrequired) self locking type and torque tightening type; also including providingsmooth membrane of Teflon (Min. 1.0 mm thickness), providing (at all joints of theframing, glazed panels as well as joints between aluminium frame with concrete and/or masonry) of adhesive silicon sealant and superior quality approved make EDPMgaskets, cleaning etc. all complete.




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Providing and erecting/ fixing/ installing in position aluminium composite panelssystem (for external application) of 'Alucobond'/ 'Eurobond'/ 'Reynobond' or approvedequivalent comprising of aluminium framework consisting of 40mm x 40mm x 4mmthick x 100mm long aluminium angle cleats (bracket) suitably spaced and placed tocomply to design/ elevation/ colour pattern etc. and fixed to masonry/ RCC column/beam of the building by means of M8 x 65mm long G.I Anchor bolts, aluminium continuous vertical angle 40mm x 40mm x 4mm fixed/ bolted to angle cleats bymeans of M8 x 25mm long nut and bolt arrangement, suitable horizontal aluminiumangle horizontal members as required; cladding panels 4mm thick (overall thickness)made of high quality extrusion grade LDPE/ LLDPE core material (3mm thick)sandwiched between 0.5mm thick aluminium foil (on either side) made of aluminiumalloy 1100-H18 or approved equivalent and finished with minimum 35 micron (5micron primer and 25 micron top coat) thermoplastic PVDF layer 'Kynar 500'(minimum 70%) and polyester coating in approved shade; all complete includingproviding approved silicon sealant at all joints, necessary accessories like backingrods, aluminium pop rivets, bolts, screws, corner pieces etc. as required for thecompletion of the work as per the approved manufacturer's specifications andrecommendations, cleaning, finishing etc., all complete.




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Designing, providing and fixing Spider glazing works at all levels and locations instraight, slope and curvilinear profile, as required, using 12.76 mm thick (6mm thickclear inner glass+ 0.76 thick PVB layer + 6mm thick clear outer glass) temperedlaminated glass of approved make, fixed with SS316 grade articulated counter sunkspider fittings and all required accessories of approved make, including filling up ofgaps at joints with clear glass sealant of approved make; including designing,preparing shop drawings, structural calculations and water penetration test as perstandard procedures; the glazing system designed to accommodate all lateralmovements.Note: The rate shall include making necessary provisions for making door openingsand necessary holes in glazing for fixing frameless door, all complete as perarchitectural drawings and direction of engineer in charge. (Glazed area excludingdoor openings shall be measured for payment. However, door shutter shall be paidseparately under relevant item).




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Structural glazing system with DGUDesigning, engineering, providing and fixing in position fully sealed and air, water and weather tight Structural glazing system comprising of framing system(mullions,transoms etc.) made from extruded, powder coated (min. 30 microns inapproved colour) aluminium alloy HE9WP (conforming to IS:733) of commercial quality,free from all defects/ impairing appearance especially selected to fulfil the designrequirements spelt out in the specifications; 24mm thick hermetically sealed doubleinsulated toughened glass (6mm high performance blue green shade toughened glasson outside + 12mm dry air gap by a metal spacer filled with dehydrating agent insidethe unit to prevent moisture formation between the two panes +6mm thick cleartoughened glass on in side ) Glass type -GT3 performance characteristic shall be asgiven below or better than:(i) Light transmission : 40%-50%(ii) External Reflection : 10-20%(iii) Internal Reflection : 15%-20%(iv) Shading coefficient : 0.28(v) Solar Factor : =0.25(vi) U Value : 1.5 to 1.8 W/m2 degree K (of size as per the design), the glazed framing panel formed by means of specialstructural quality silicone adhesive sealant applied on all four sides (between glazingpanel unit and aluminium alloy framing system) and fixed to framing system. The item includes fixing the framing system to the RCC framed structure/ masonry walls by providing and fixing necessary Aluminium brackets (with flexible joints); with otherfastening devices like bolts, anchors, etc. (made from Stainless Steel grade 316, rivetsand pins of aluminium alloy of appropriate grade as required) self locking type andtorque tightening type; also including providing smooth membrane of Teflon (Min. 1.0mm thickness), providing (at all joints of the framing, glazed panels as well as jointsbetween aluminium frame with concrete and/ or masonry) of adhesive silicon sealantand superior quality approved make EDPM gaskets, cleaning etc. all complete.




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Extra for top hung open out (openable) window panelExtra over structural glazing for providing and fixing top hung open out (openable)window panel including providing and fixing of two point locking handles of approved design, heavy duty aluminium approved quality hinges with concealed 4 points pegstay of aluminium or heavy duty friction stay of approved make suitable to withstandthe required wind pressure and shutter loads all fittings and fixtures to be concealedexcept hinges/stay and handle, complete in all respects with necessary hardware andfittings such as friction hinges, lockable handles etc.of approved make.(Weight of aluminium frame, excluding rough ground, shall be taken as 3.0 Kg. Per sqm)




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Fire rated Doors/ Windows and Partitions




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P/F Fire rated Single glazed door with panic barProviding and fixing 2 hours fire rated, fully glazed, single shutter doors consisting ofsteel door frame, shutter including stiles, rails, insulation, transparent glass, sealantand hardware such as hinges, panic bar, locks/ trims for panic bar, door closer, doorstopper, concealed flush bolt including fixing with masonry, partition etc. all completeas per Specification and approved Manufacturer's details




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P/F Fire rated Double glazed door with panic barProviding and fixing 2 hours fire rated, fully glazed, double shutter doors consistingof steel door frame, shutter including stiles, rails, insulation, transparent glass,sealant and hardware such as hinges, panic bar, locks/ trims for panic bar, doorcloser, door stopper, concealed flush bolt including fixing with masonry, partition etc.all complete as per Specification and approved Manufacturer's details.




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Fire rated Single Steel door with panic barProviding and fixing 2 hours fire rated, single shutter steel doors consisting of steeldoor frame, shutter, vision panel, insulation and hardware such as hinges, panic bar,locks/ trims for panic bar, door closer, door stopper, concealed flush bolt etc.including fixing with masonry, partition etc. all complete as per specification andapproved Manufacturer's details.




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Fire rated Double Steel door with panic barProviding and fixing 2 hours fire rated, double shutter steel doors consisting of steeldoor frame, shutter, vision panel, insulation and hardware such as hinges, panic bar,locks/ trims for panic bar, door closer, door stopper, concealed flush bolt includingfixing with masonry, partition etc. all complete as per specification and approvedManufacturer's details.




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Fire rated glazed partitionProviding and fixing 2 hours fire rated, glazed partition of desired design consisting ofsteel frame, insulation and transparent glass and glazing beading, matrix mineralboards, intumescent putty, fire resistant acrylic sealant etc. all complete includingpreparing fabrication/ installation drawings including fixing with masonry, partitionetc. all complete as per specification and approved Manufacturer's details.




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Providing and fixing U Baffle Aluminium panel ceiling of approved Wooden Finish MWBN colour consisting of panel size 150mm deepX50 mm width using 0.7m thick,panelling upto 4mtr,Coil Coated on a Continuous Paint Line, Double baked and roll formed from enamelled corrosion resistance Aluminium alloy AA3005(Al.Mg) for higherstrength and good roll forming characteristics. Panels shall be clipped to a bakedenamelled Aluminium carrier of 30 mm wide x 47mm high x 0.5mm thick, BlackColour coated, one leg of the carriers with cutouts to hold the panels in a module of200mm.Panel carrier shall be suspended by means of threaded rod at a distance of1.8mtr c/c. The baffle shall be manufactured on high speed, high precision rollforming machine with ARKU SIX Hi configuration roller levelling process to ensure theflatness and to avoid the failure of metal at corners which may occur normally onpress brake machine. Paint Finish: Aluminium panels shall be chromatised formaximum bond between metal and paint enamelled twice under high temperature,Exposed side with a full primer and finish coat on a Continuous Paint Line. Ceiling Finish above U Baffle Ceiling: Ceiling area above U Baffle to be painted in black colourbefore fixing this system. The baffle ceiling system should meet the requiredstandards for Green Pro certification and should qualify as green product as per CIIgreen products and services council. The manufacturer should be ISO9001:2015Quality Management System Certificationcompliant with in house testing facility and should have their own manufacturing plantin India. Measurementsshall be wall to wall without any deductions for lights, diffusers, columns etc.




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Supply and installation of stainless steel 304 Grade glass railing system comprising Ø50mm Handrail fixed on Ø 50mm S.S. Round baluster with Double glass holdingBracket accessories, placed at maximum 1200mm c/c along with 12mm Toughenedglass connected with baluster with special glass holding fixtures. The Glass heightshould be taken as minimum 775mm. The balustrade would be fixed onto floor withSS 304 Grade base plate of Ø100x8mm thickness. Base plate shall be concealed withsuitable S.S. 304 grade cover Cap so that the mounting anchor fasteners are notvisible after installation. 3 No.CSK Allen Bolt (M10X80mm S.S.304) &Anchor (M10X70mm Brass) will be used. Wall thickness of all Pipes shall be taken as 1.5mm along withall visible components developed in High Grade S.S. and whenever required, joints tobe filled with bushings for extra strength. Railing height to be taken @ 1000mm fromfloor level. [No welding of SS pipes will be allowed and work shall be done by aspecialized agency on modular and component basis]




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Providing and fixing 12 mm thick toughened glass partition fixed in 50x50x1.6mmstainless steel grade 304 channel in floor and false ceilling upto false ceiling height of3000 mm gaps to be filled with silicon from floor level above false ceilling level G.I.frame work with 50x50x1.6 mm thick tube 610 mm center to center both side withframe work with 15 mm thick gypsum board on both side fixed with necessaryarrangement as per manufacturer's specification joints to be filled of two boards, flushfinish with recommended jointing compound, jointing tape, and two or more coats ofplastic emulsion paint over two coats of primer suitable for board as permanufacture's specification and all work to be carried out as par drawing or asdirected by engineer in charge.




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Providing and Fixing for 6mm thick lacquer glass of approved color by architect/Client with clear neutral silicon of make GE WINSIL 20/ SILPURF OR DOW CORNING 995 on a perfectly leveled water proof nonconventional plywood marine plywood fixedover MS 25x50 mm framework @610c/c both ways, plywood of minimum 12mmthickness mounted on the RC wall/any other structure. The 6 mm thick lacqueredglass highly durable, humid resistance, poly urethane lacquer glass. The Planilaqueglass should be manufactured by industrial curtain coating process. It should meetquality standards as per BS EN 1036 1999 & confirms to PERSOZ hardness test of atleast 220 oscillations. The substrate of the glass should conform to Standard BS EN572 1995 parts 1 and 2: Glass in Building Laqured glass. Basic soda lime silicate glassproducts. Planilaque lacquered glass to be manufactured to right specifications,relating to consistency of color, opacity and homogeneity throughout productioncampaigns and also to the ageing properties, mechanical resistance, and resistance tohumidity and to chemical agents of the lacquer. The color of the lacquer shouldremain stablewhen exposed to normal levels of ultra-violet light in interior applications. Permissibletolerances in the color measurements, on the glass side.




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Providing and supplying 'Acoustical Wall Paneling' with square edges made of fibreglass substrate 25mm thick and wrapped on the front side with an acousticallytransparent and classified for Fire reaction Class A as per ASTM E-84, fabric with anoption of colors - Husk, Copper, Sangria, Sesame, Coffee, Charcoal, Titanium, Flame,Peanut & Shell as per the choice of the Architect/ Client of size 600X600 mm providinga minimum sound absorption level of 0.85 NRC to be affixed to wall using Wall panelimpalers as per the instructions laid down by the manufacturer.INSTALLATION: 4nos. wall panel Impalers of shall be fixed to the wall surface usingself-tapping screws. Silica based construction adhesive to be dabbed on to theprojecting elements (spikes) of the impalers. wall panels shall be pierced through thespikes of the impalers ensuring the line and level of the panels are maintained. Installation to be carried out by approved manufacturer Trained Installation team & Installation should be carried out as per approved recommended procedure. All asapproved by engineer in charge. (Basic cost of fabric Is Rs:-550/- per metre)




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Providing and fixing 6.0mm thick HPL facade cladding panels in wood grain décor withweather protection of double hardened acrylic polyurethane resins of of approvedmake/ model fixed to the wall with aluminum support frame structure complete as permanufacturer's specification, including installation and fixing mechanism as explainedbelow:Installation:Sub-structure for aluminium frame work - fixing of powder coated 2mm thickAluminium box section of size 50mm X 25 mm or 75mm X 25mm with maximumfastening gap between 450mm to 600mm using specially developed HRD- HR0210X80 Stainless steel screw fasteners suitable for both concrete and masonry blocks.Fixing Mechanism:The compact exterior grade decorative high pressure laminate should be fixed toaluminium channel using powder coated dome head blind rivet of size 4.8mm X19mm, keeping one fixed point and balance as sliding points to comply stress freesystem. Panels are installed to maintain a minimum expansion gap of 6mm bothhorizontally and vertically with respect to the next panel. The rates shall be inclusiveof scaffolding staging etc. for any height and for plain as well as for architecturalsurface. All complete as per approval and instructions of the Architect / Engineer-in-charge.




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Presmatic Washbasin - Providing and fixing in position round/ oval shaped countertype Hand Wash Basin of approved quality, design & colour ("HINDWARE" or approvedequivalent) to fit in exactly and neatly in the cutout in the marble/ granite stonefinished R.C.C counter including providing and fixing Pillar Cock Auto Closing System(PRS-CHR-031) of JAQUAR or approved equivalent with base flange or approvedequivalent) in approved colour and finish all necessary fittings, C.P. waste fitting ofstandard pattern type with pipe, C.P. brass bottle trap, cutting walls, counter etc. andmaking good the same, also including providing cut out in marble/ granite slabcounter top (and R.C.C underneath) of exact size and shape for wash basin to fit in neatly and perfectly; making all connections, finishing etc. all complete.




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Grab Bar for specially abled toilet - Providing and Fixing CP Grab bar 600 mm long ofapproved make with SS Screws over Rawl plugs complete for Handicapped Toilet as directed by Engineer-inchargeMake: (Kohler Cat No: 10701D-CP), (EURONICS EGR 01), (Jaquar AHS-CHR-1507)




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Providing and Fixing CP Hinged Arms (Sliding rail) of approved make for HandicappedToilet with SS Screws over Rawl Plugs complete as per instructions ofthe engineer-inchargeMake:(Jaquar SHA-1187N)




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Providing and laying tactile tile (for vision impaired persons as per standards) of size300x300x9.8mm having with water absorption less than 0.5% and conforming to IS:15622 of approved make in all colours and shades in for outdoor floors such asfootpath, court yard, multi modals location etc., laidon 20mm thick base of cementmortar 1:4 (1cement : 4 coarse sand) in all shapes & patterns including grouting thejoints with white cement mixed with matching pigments etc. complete as per directionof Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing & fixing white vitreous china water less urinal ofsize 600 x 330 x 315 mm having antibacterial /germs freeceramic surface, fixed with cartridge having debriscatcher and hygiene seal.Make: (Hindware:Cat. No.: 60017), (Parryware:C0577,C8145, C8125,C8126)




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Aluminium louvered window/ventilator of minimum 2mmthick, overall 75mm wide approved shade electrostaticallypowder coated Aluminium sheet louvers fixed @ 50mm,bend to shape including providing minimum 3mmAluminium sheet side members for framing the louversincluding fixing the louver-frame to window/ ventilatorframe, providing all accessories etc. all complete, allmembers (louvers, louver frame, window/ventilator frameetc.) being of Aluminium and of similar electrostaticallypowder coating finish.




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Providing and Fixing I-flush system of Jaquar make or equivalent with dual flush Actuator, flush-stop function,noise less float valve and fast filling action with allcomponent parts of high quality complete includingaccessories all complete as per the instructions of theengineer-in-charge.




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Providing & laying approved quality of Flocked antimicrobial type antistatic carpet rolls(minimum 1500mm wide ,4 mm thick)confirming to ISO 1765 in approved colour,pattern including fixing with approved appropiate adhesive , finishing , cleaning etc allcomplete as per specifications, drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.




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Providing and fixing of Automatic biparting sliding door of approx. r clear opening(size 3000x2400mm) with heavy duty automatic operator with ST flex profile system,compliant wih European standards and produced according to the guidelines forpower-operated windows, doors and gates, BGR 232, the UVV and the VDEregulations. TÜV design tested, tested according to the low voltage guidelines, fulfillsDIN 18650 standards, for framed door of 12mm toughened sliding door panels(2nos.) and fixed panels (2nos.) each of size 1500mm x 2400mm, including internalcover, eagle sensors on both sides, Electromechanical lock, light barriers andprogrammer switch complete, with Operator Dimensions 100 x 180 and of requiredlength to suit the size of opening, having separate track profile from the main profilefor enabling reduction in vibration, Microprocessor controlled control unit,selflearning, with adjustable parameters for opening and closing speed, holdopentime and opening and closing force, reversing when ecountered with obstruction,Class of protection IP 20 etc., having a constant power supply 230V, 50/60Hz (byothers), for various opening sizes all complete as per design and instructions ofEngineerinCharge.




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Providing and Fixing Bib Cock 2 in 1 for health faucetincluding all tools, tackles etc., all complete as per theinstructions of Engineer-in-charge.Make: (Hindware: Cat. No.: F400003), (Jaquar: KUP35041PM),(Cera: F1003211),(Parryware: G3134A1)




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Providing and fixing Stainless steel plate 304grade of 1.50mm thick, including writingwith Embossing of letters of required size including fixing at required placed withstuds, screws and rawl plugs etc. compete as per direction of engineer-in-charge.




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Supplying and fixing of Pictogram of brush finish over steel plate depicting man /women in square shape of size 150 x 150 x 2mm thick (of approved make) etc. allcomplete as per direction of Engineer In-charge.




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Supply and installation of 88mm x 426mm x 2mm thick signage with L bracketindicating "WASH ROOMS" in letters and suspended from ceiling with necessaryhardware etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer In-charge.




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Execution of Green Building activity - Executing Green building related site activitiesrequired for obtaining GRIHA rating as per specification no B378-999-81-46SP-8209broadly consisting of:1.Preservationand protection of landscape during construction2.Topsoil preservation and Soil Conservation.3.Provideminimum level of sanitation and safety facilities for construction workers4.Reduceair and noise pollution during construction.5. Safe disposal of waste generated during construction.6.Efficient waste segregation through use of different coloured bins.(Bio-degradable,Recyclable & Toxic)7.Barricading/ demarcating the green building site/ plot as required.8. Efficient use of natural resources such as water consumption during constructionetc. 9.Following the construction related green practises as specified in the GRIHA manual




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Design, Manufacturing and installation of customized design of 3D IlluminatedStainless Steel signageage, made out of stainless steel 316 grade Mirror Finishwith 50mm raising of 1.5mm wall thickness, fully loaded electronic waterproof (RGB)Modules lights of Samsung/Philips operated by remote controlincluding all types of electrical wiring and transformers etc. complete as per drawing,specification and direction of Engineerincharge.




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Providing and fixing in position of illuminated EMERGENCY EXIT direction signage1. signage Frame 1.5mm CRCA MS powder coated white2. signage Face Laminated acrylic 6mm thick with graphics in white and green transluscent vinyl on the inside face of the glass3. Illumination : All Internal illumination using LED lamps connected to a UPS with amin 1.5hr backup4. signage Fixing Suspenders and projecting pipes shall be stainless steel to matchother similar hardware 35mm dia.including electrical connections (as required), cutting and opening thefloor/wall/ceiling finish (as required) at location, and making good to match theoriginal finish after fixing and installation of signage with all accessories such asthimbles, end connectors, nutinserts, screws, rivets, bolts, washers, nuts,etc. all complete with due considerations to harsh weather conditions as per approveddesign/ drawings and instructions of the engineer-in-charge




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Supply, fabricating and installingaluminium alloy sheet (A3105 confirming to ASTMB209) facial in 4 mm thickness and modules up to 3000 mm x 3000 mmwith approved patterns made by CNC rourt cutting including cutting and profilingindesired shape, cutting patterns, fixing withaluminium/ms framing.supporting structure frame work, fixing acessessories(nuts , bolts, screws , clamps,fastners etc)finishing etc all complete as per approved drawings, finishingshall be 50 microne powder coating in approved colour on all sides anad edges.Note:aluminium , ms framing , structutre/frame work shall be paid under relevenitems.




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Supply and fixing of Chromium Plated (CP) Automatic Sensor pillar Tap for washbasins with Infra-Red sensor system compete set for 15 mm nominal bore (havingfoam flow technology) with all associated work all complete .




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Supplying & Laying 60mm thick interlocking Paver Blocks for footpaths and any otherplace etc. ( solar reflectance index value higher than 0.5) including providing 40 mmthick sand filling below Paver Blocks including compaction of sand layer, filling thejoints by dry sand, providing precast kerb stone of PCC M 30 at edges includingpreparation of compacted base/ sub base etc. all complete as per drawing, standard,specification and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. (All material including cementsupplied by contractor, paver blocks shall confirm to category "A" as per IRC SP63.Colour and shape of paver block shall be as per Owner requirement.).




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Supplying & Laying 100mm thick interlocking Paver Blocks for road, parking area andany other place etc. ( solar reflectance index value higher than 0.5) includingproviding 30 mm thick sand filling below Paver Blocks including compaction of sandlayer, filling the joints by dry sand, providing precast kerb stone of PCC M-30 at edgespreparation of compacted base/ sub base etc. all complete as per drawing, standard,specification and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. (All material including cementsupplied by contractor, paver blocks shall confirm to category "B" as per IRC SP63.Color and shape of paver block shall be as per Owner requirement.




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Designing , engineering , preparation of drawing, supplying, laying, testing, &commissioning of IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT AND FITTINGS (plumbing & electrical) ofapproved makes including the following: a) PVC pipes of varing sizes conforming toIS:4985:1988 and suitable for the respective working pressures with all fittings andaccessories e.g. couplings, tees bends, reducers, screwed adapters, valves,flange etc.jointing as per manufacturers' instruction, including earth work in excavation andrefilling (Earth work , b) Drip Irrigation for planting beds as per vendor requirements,c) Pop up Sprinklers (gear drive, full or part, Seal A-Matic model) for the grass andvegetation areas as per drawings, job specification including all fitting/ accessoriesrequired, d) Pumps of required capacity e) Rain sensor, Soil moisture sensor, weathertrack controller as/ GRIHA norms and attached job specification etc all complete.




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Design,engineering , supply, fixing, testing & commissioning of WATERBODYEQUIPMENT AND FITTINGS (plumbing & electrical) of approved makes including uPVCpipes, nozzles, geyser jets, floor inlets, elbows, tees, valves, junction boxes, pumps ofrequired capacity, filters, balancing tank, underwater light fixtures, panel board, PVCconduits, etc. of varying sizes as/ vendor requirements to be assembled and tested atsite etc. all complete.




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25 mm wooden planking, tongued and grooved in flooring, including fixing with iron screws complete with :




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Second class teak wood




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Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by themanufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, ofapproved brand & manufacturer, in all colours and shade, in skirting, riser of steps,laid with cement based high polymer modified quick set tile adhesive (water based)conforming to IS: 15477, in average 6 mm thickness, including grouting of joints(Payment for grouting of joints to be made separately).




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Size of Tile 600x600 mm




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Size of Tile 1000x1000 mm




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Grouting the joints of flooring tiles having joints of 3 mm width, using epoxy grout mix of 0.70 kg of organic coated filler of desired shade (0.10 kg of hardener and 0.20kg of resin per kg), including filling / grouting and finishing complete as per directionof Engineer-in-charge.




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Size of Tile 600x600 mm




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Size of Tile 1000x1000 mm




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Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in floor with different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08% and conformingto IS:15622, of approved brand & manufacturer, in all colours and shade, laid withcement based high polymer modified quick set tile adhesive (water based) conformingto IS : 15477, in average 6 mm thickness, including grouting of joints (Payment forgrouting of joints to be made separately).




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Size of Tile 600x600 mm




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Size of Tile 1000x1000 mm




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Providing & fixing on roof pressed clay tile (Mangalore tile) of 20 mm nominal thickness and of approved size and as per approved patternon steel frame work complete (steel frame work to be paidseparately).




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Providing & laying on roof pressed clay tile ridge (Mangalore tile) of 20mm thickness and of approved pattern on steel frame work complete (steel frame work to be paidseparately).




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Providing and fixing Heat Resistant Terrace Tiles (300 mm x 300 mm x 20 mm) withSRI (solar refractive index) 78, solar reflection 0.70 and initial emittance 0.75 on waterproof and sloped surface of terrace, laidon 20 mm thick cement sand mortar in the ratio of 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) andgrouting the joints with mix of white cement & marble powder in ratio of 1:1,including rubbing and polishing of the surface upto 3 cuts complete, includingproviding skirting upto 150 mm height along the parapet walls in the same manner.




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Providing and fixing thermal insulation with Resin Bonded rock wool conforming to IS:8183, having density 48 kg/m3,50 mm thick,wrapped in 200 G Virgin Polythene Bagsfixed to wall with screw, rawel plug & washers and held and in position by crisscossing GI wire etc. complete as per directions of Engineer-in- Charge.




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Providing and applying two coats of High Albedo paint having minimum SolarReflective Index (SRI) 108 (with solar reflectance & thermal emittance tested as perASTM) C 1549 and ASTM C 1371 respectively), VOC less than 10 cc/gm. The coatingthickness and the methodology of application shall strctly as per manufacturer'sspecifications and as approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Surface preparation includescleaning with metal wire brush to remove all dust, fungus etc., washing with water allcomplete. The contractor shall give guarantee for the perfomance of SRI and also thedurabitity of coating, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




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Distempering with 1st quality acrylic distemper (ready mixed) having VOC content lessthan 50 gms/litre, of approved manufacturer, of required shade and colour complete,as per manufacturers specification.




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Two or more coats on new work




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Finishing with Deluxe Multi surface paint system for interiors and exteriors using Primer as per manufacturers specifications :




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Two or more coats applied on walls @ 1.25 ltr/10 sqm over and including one coat ofSpecial primer applied @ 0.75 ltr /10 sqm




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Finishing walls with 100% Premium acrylic emulsion paint having VOC less than 50gm/litre and UV resistance as per IS 15489:2004, Alkali & fungal resistance, dirtresistance exterior paint of required shade (Company Depot Tinted) with siliconadditives.




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New work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43 litre/ 10 sqm. Over and includingpriming coat of exterior primer applied @ 0.90 litre/10 sqm.




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Wall painting with premium acrylic emulsion paint of interior grade, having VOC(Volatile Organic Compound ) content less than 50 grams/ litre of approved brand andmanufacture, including applying additional coats wherever required to achieve evenshade and colour.




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One coat




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Two coats




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Applying priming coats with primer of approved brand and manufacture, having low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound ) content.




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With ready mixed pink or grey primer on wood work (hard and soft wood) having VOC content less than 50 grams/ litre




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With water thinnable cement primer on wall surface having VOC content less than 50grams/litre




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Varnishing with flatting varnish of approved brand and manufacture one or more coatson old work.




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Polishing in high gloss/matt finish melamine clear polish on wood work in requiredcolor/wooden shade texture with following process in the sequence as detailed below:1. The surface to be polished is rubbed with sand paper 80/120 no. and then withsand paper of 160/180 nos.2. Applying two coats of sealer with spray gun and allowing sufficient drying time for1st coat and 2nd coat is allowed to dry for 8 to 12 hrs.3. On drying of sealer coat, wet rubbing with emery cloth of finer grading with ample water to remove excess sealer layer and make the surface further smooth after thiswet rubbing, then surface is applied with special grade melamine fillers to fill all thesmall and big holes/grooves etc. Filler coat to be allowed to dry for 4 to 6 hrs onwhich again a light wet rubbing is done and this surface is further allowed to dry for12 hrs.4. On this, 1st coat of melamine polish is applied with spray gun using melamine clearpolish and melamine thinner in required proportion. This 1st coat is allowed to dry for24 hrs then this dry surface is again fine wet rubbed smooth, which is further allowedto dry for 12 hrs. The final melamine polish is applied with compressor pressure spraygun using melamine clear polish and melamine thinner mixed in required proportioncomplete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (Final coat to be done in 1 or 2layers without gap of time)




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Providing the following personel to BANDR with required experience and qualification for the purpose of BANDR's work on monthly basis. Note: 1. Contractor shall pay the wages, ESI and EPF to the personel mentioned below. 2. Contractor shall be capable to pay the wages as per tender document timely before 10th of every month from his own resources. 3. The contractor shall be liable for any issues arising in relation to EPF, ESI and shall deal with it taking responsibility of the related procedures. 4. The Contractor has to submit the CV/Resume/Bio-data of the peronel to be deployed for BANDR's works and shall deploy the personel only after approval of Engineer-in-Charge. 5. In case, the person employed by the contractor commits any act of omission/commission that amounts to misconduct/indiscipline/ incompetence, the contractor shall be liable to take appropriate disciplinary action against such persons, including their removal from the site of work. 6. The Contractor shall replace immediately any of its personnel found unacceptable to this office because of security risks, incompetence, conflict of interest, improper conduct etc. upon receiving a notice 7. This item is for sole purpose of BANDR's work and not for contractor's work. This item does not relieve the contractor's responsibility to bring the manpower required to execute their own work awarded.




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Lead Safety Officer Safety Officer/Engineer should possess following qualification & experience: (i) Recognized degree in any branch of Engg. or Tech. or Architecture with practical experience of working in a building or other construction work in supervisory capacity for a period of not less than two years, or possessing recognized diploma in any branch of Engg. or Tech with practical experience of working in a building or other construction work in supervisory capacity for a period of not less than five years. (ii) Recognized degree or one year diploma in Industrial safety (from any Indian Institutes recognized by AICTE or State Council of Tech. Education of any Indian State/Union territory) with at least one paper in construction safety (as an elective subject). (iii) Preferably have adequate knowledge of the language spoken by majority of the workers at the construction site. Alternately (i) Person possessing Graduation Degree in Science with Physics & Chemistry and degree or one year diploma in Industrial Safety (from any Indian institutes recognized by AICTE or State Council of Tech. Education of any Indian State/ Union Territory) with practical experience of working in a building, plant or other construction works (as Safety Officer, in line with Indian Factories Act, 1948) for a period of not less than five years, may be considered as Safety Officer.




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Safety Supervisor As a minimum, he shall possess class XII pass certificate and trained in fire-fighting as well as in safety/occupational health related subjects, with minimum two year of practical experience in construction work environment and should have adequate knowledge of the local language spoken by majority of the workers at the construction site.




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Civil QA/QC Officer Qualification Criteria: Degree or Diploma in Engineering with following experience- Degree holders : 10 yrs of construction experience of which minimum 3 years in QA/QC Diploma holders : 13 yrs of construction experience of which minimum 6 years in QA/QC




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1)The Schedule of Quantities & Rates shall be read with all other sections of this Bidding Document. 2)The Contractor is deemed to have studied the drawings, specifications and details of works to be done within the Time Schedule and should have acquainted himself of the conditions prevailing at site. 3)No claim shall be entertained during currency of this Contract towards any items due to the above including where the Contractor has quoted low/ high rates. 4)Owner reserves the right to interpolate or extrapolate the rates for any new item of work not covered in Schedule of Quantities & Rates from the similar items already available in schedule of quantitties & rates. All the works shall be measured upon completion and paid for at the rate quoted and accepted in the "Schedule of Quantitites & Rates". In case any activity though specifically not covered in schedule of quantities & rates descriptions but the same is covered under scope of work/ scope of supply/ specification/ drawings etc. no extra claim on this account shall be entertained, since Schedule of Quantities & Rates is to be read in conjunction with all other documents forming part of the Contract. 5) All items of work mentioned in the SOQR shall be carried out as per the specifications, drawings and instructions of Owner and the rates are deemed to be inclusive of labour, supervision, tools & tackles, Equipment & Machineries wherever required as called for in the detail specification and conditions of the Contract. 6) Owner / Consultant reserves the right to cancel / delete / curtail any item or group of work if necessary. Such a step shall not be construed as reason for changing the rates. 7) Bidder shall indicate the ONE SINGLE PERCENTAGE on total intended value/Price in the “Summary of Prices” sheet. Bidder shall not change rate/amount indicated in "Schedule of Quantities & Rates”. 8) Bidder shall furnish the details as requested below along with this Preamble to Schedule of Quantities & Rates, to be submitted along with their price offer:




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