South East Central Railway Tender

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South East Central Railway - SECR Tender

Opening Date21 Nov 2024
Closing Date13 Dec 2024
Tender Amount₹ 13,51,61,414.27 



(1)through Formation Treatment Renewal In The Jurisdiction Of Aden/cwa,(2)tftr- 4.2 Km Section Sonr-kelod Under The Jurisdiction Of Aden/cwa,(3)cess Repair between The Location Btc-kge


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CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE (CAST IN SITU) // Providing and laying in 4 position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : // 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement: 1.5 coarse sand (zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size derived from natural sources)




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CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE (CAST IN SITU) // Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work for : // Foundations, footings, bases for columns




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CONCRETE WORK // CEMENT CONCRETE (CAST IN SITU) // Centering and shutteringincluding strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work for : // Retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses fillets, kerbs and steps etc.




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De-stressing of LWR/CWR track of any density under traffic line block with contractor's labours, tools, equipments and consumables inclusive of all lead & lift. Activities include cutting of LWR/CWR into convenient panels of specified length, removal of ERCs, liners, greasing of ERCs and liner contact area, lifting rails and keeping them on rollers provided at every 15 sleepers, working out 1 elongation of rail ends depending on prevailing site conditions, pulling rails with the help of Hydraulic Tensor to achieve the desired elongation, cutting rails, as required, removing rollers and placing rail in position, re-fixing ERCs & liners and adjustment of gap at SEJs : Note: (1) Welding of rail joints will be paid separately. (2) Rail cutting and Hole drilling shall be paid separately. (3) Opening and closing of LC if required will be paid separately. (4) As per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM & CE's Circulars for destressing of LWR/CWR, if any. With Contractor's Hydraulic Rail tensor




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Anti-corrosive painting to weld collar for Thermit welded rail joints on track or on cess for new welded joints to protect against severe corrosion for any rail section with one coat of high build epoxy paint (two pack) of reputed make confirming to RDSO Specification M&C/PCN-111/99 on 2 welded area up to 10cm on either side including on the underside of rail foot by brush including surface preparation as per Railway's AT Weld Manual including lettering / weld numbering with approved enamel paint as directed Note: Before painting, dust, loose rust and mill scale and dirt shall be removed thoroughly by wire brushing. Scrubbing welded area with water to make it free from slag and other water soluble compounds to make it dry.




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Drilling holes of 16 mm to 32 mm dia. with Rail Drilling machine including chamfering 3 with appropriate chamfering tools in all types of rail section with contractor's tools & plants, equipment, consumable with all lead & lift etc. complete, as directed by Engineer in-charge. Rail Drilling Machine will be as per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/3, dated 24.04.1991. On Running Line




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25mm gap 'in-situ' welding during traffic block and finishing of weld to meet the prescribed tolerances and pass all stipulated tests with all required labour, materials, consumables, tools, equipments etc. to complete the work in all respect as per IR's "Manual for Fusion Welding of Rails by Alumino - Thermic Process" with latest correction slips, including marking of welded joint, painting weld collar with anticorrosive paint, restoration of track near weld joint to original position and fixing of joggled fish plate at new weld, to be removed after passing of weld in USFD test as 4 directed by Engineer in charge. Note: 1. Welding shall be carried out only by trained welder having valid competency certificate using RDSO approved Alumino Thermit Welding Portions, 3 piece prefabricated mould (ZIRCON WASHED) manually pressed, Single shot crucible fitted with auto tapping thimble and Compressed Air Petrol/LPG preheating technique as per RDSO Specification No IRST/19-2020 with latest amendment. 2. Hydraulic Weld trimmer shall be used for chipping and profile Grinder for finishing. 3. Only required nos. of Joggled fish plates shall be supplied by Railway at nearest P. Way Stores and the same shall be returned at nearest P. Way Store or at other location as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge after release from track. All other items required shall be supplied by the Contractor. For 60 Kg/60EI - R260 grade Rail




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Pre, during, and post BCM works for deep screening of ballast in Points and crossings with all contractor's labour, tools and plants as required to carry out the work to the standards in specific time including crossing of tracks etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer - in - charge. 5 I. Pre-BCM Operation : a) making trenches for insertion of cutter bars at various locations as per the directions of engineer in charge. i.e.., one trench ahead of one rail length from SRJ and second trench near sleeper No 62 ( 1in 12) etc., b) Filling up ballast up to sleeper level. c) Tightening of fittings/ plate screws, ERCs, Stud bolts, check rail bolts. II. During BCM Operation : a) Assistance to S&T Department : Opening of cables at approach of Points & Crossings, TLD Boxes/ removing of Point motor and refixing the same and covering cables after passing of BCM in block period with S&T Staff. b) Engineering : c) Removing of two long sleepers i.e.., sleeper No 3 & 4 and refixing the same in position during block after passage of BCM. d) Removing obstruction i.e.., S&T CC block duly digging with crow bars and breaking with chisel/ hammer, cutting of rail pegs with gas. e) To remove, excess ballast on rail table for free movement of BCM and for packing purpose. f) Extension of cutter bar wherever required in assisting machine staff. g) Removing of cutter bar/ Chain links from the trenches after screening work by BCM. III . Post BCM Operation : a) Packing switch portion including Motor long sleeper i.e.., SRJ to heel joint to reset Point for train movement & initial packing of lead portion to allow train at 20KMPH and lifting the track in two stages (50mm to 75mm in each lift) wherever required for correcting the longitudinal surfacing b) Dumping of ballast in the deficient portion in crib, on main line turnout side for initial packing purpose. c) Boxing / Levelling of muck duly ensuring levelling of muck on cess side and lowering of cess to the deep screened depth and removing of muck in between the lines and leading up to 250mts. Note: 1. For technical reasons, some of the points and crossings cannot be deep screened either fully or partially by BCM, in which case, the left over length will be deep screening manually. 2. The length of points and crossings assembly for payment of this item should be taken from SRJ to longest concrete sleeper available just beyond heel of crossing along main line.




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Through Sleeper Renewal (TSR) with PSC sleepers involving removal existing sleepers of any type along with fittings from track, insertion of PSC sleepers lying along the cess / formation / 6 slope / toe within 5 metres height with all fittings to specified spacing, gauge and squareness, one round of through packing to make track fit for 20 kmph speed, dressing of ballast to standard profile, all in accordance with the latest provisions of IRPWM and stacking of all released material neatly at specified places within an average lead of 100 m as directed by Engineer in-charge. For PSC wider base sleepers - For location of work not involving deep screening




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Quick cutting with abrasive rail cutter of all types of rail sections including wear resistant, head hardened rails up to 110 UTS, with contractors tools & plants, equipment, consumable 7 with all lead & lift etc. complete as directed by Engineer in-charge. Abrasive Rail Cutter will be as per RDSO Specification No. TM/SM/1 (Rev. 01 of 2012) with latest status of RDSO; Rail Cutting Wheel Abrasive Disc will be as per RDSO Specification No.TM/SM/2 (Rev. 01 of 2020) 60 Kg - 110/90 UTS - On Running Line




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First or Second Through Packing of track of all sleeper density including giving a 8 general lift, as desired to eliminate sag after Deep Screening work, lifting of track, lowering of track and major realignment of curves and formation rehabilitation as per procedure prescribed in latest edition of IRPWM. Note: General lift is normally 25 mm and isolated lift may be up to 50 mm. For PSC Sleeper Track with Sleeper Density of 1660




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Transportation of Rails, sleepers, switches, crossings, SEJs and Glued Joints by road 9 vehicles for different leads. Note: 1. Lead shall be the shortest motorable road length between the points of loading and unloading. 2. Loading and unloading shall be paid extra under relevant items. Lead beyond 10 Km and up to 20 km




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Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around buried type abutments, bridge gaps, trolley refuges, platforms etc. with contractor's own earth conforming to Soil Quality Class SQ1/SQ2/SQ3, after preparation of foundations as applicable, benching in existing banks wherever required, spreading in layers with motor grader, bringing the moisture content to OMC, 10 mechanical compaction to specified density and dressing of bank to final profile as per RDSO Specifications: RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest correction slips. Note: 1) Foundation preparation, Benching including additional earthwork on account of this, wherever required, shall be paid extra under relevant schedule item for benching. 2) Payment for Earthwork under this item shall be made based on the cross section measurements calculated (i) with original ground profile of existing bank based on initial ground levels before doing benching and (ii) final profile of the bank worked out with final levels as per prevailing guidelines. Using Soil Class SQ1




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Supplying, laying Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bondedtype Geotextile for use as Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part I made of Polypropylene / Polyethylene / Polyamide or combination there of having apparent opening size of less than or equal to 85 microns and elongation at failure more than 50% in both directions including transportation labour, lead & lift complete as directed by Engineer in-charge. On top of subgrade or prepared subgrade before laying blanketing layer with minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal Tear test and Puncture test of 700N, 250 N and 1800 N respectively.




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Supplying, laying Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type Geotextile for use as Separator/Filtration for Railway formation as per RDSO Specification No. 12 RDSO/2018/GE:IRS-0004 - Part I made of Polypropylene / Polyethylene / Polyamide or combination there of having apparent opening size of less than or equal to 85 microns and elongation at failure more than 50% in both directions including transportation labour, lead & lift complete as directed by Engineer in-charge. Below the ballast and above blanket layer with minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal Tear test and Puncture test of 1750N, 800 N and 5800 N respectively.




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Turfing / planting, including all lead & lift and watering as required until properly rooted with. Note: Initially payment of only 40% will be made. Balance 60% will be paid after 3 months of maintenance period, only if the turfing is properly rooted on entire turfed area. Turfing with sods, 10cm thick and 20cm square closely laid.




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Earthwork in cutting in formation, trolley refuges, side drains, level crossing approaches, platforms, catch water drains, diversion of nallah & finishing to required dimension and slopes to obtain a neat appearance to standard profile inclusive of all labour, materials, plant & machinery, leading all cut spoils either to make spoil dumps or for filling in embankment with leads within 2 km on either side of edge of the cutting(s) including all lifts, ascent, descent, loading, 14 unloading, bailing & pumping out water, if required, clearance of site and all other works incidental thereto for completing the work as per RDSO Specification No. RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 with latest updated correction slips and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Note: (i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led into bank formation and Unusable spoils shall be dumped / stacked away from toe of embankment. (ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be stacked by the contractor and will be property of the Railways. (iii)Cut trees shall be property of Railways and to be deposited in the railway godown unless specified otherwise in the Conditions of Contract. In all conditions and classifications of soil except rock




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Cess repair/widening work as per RDSO Specifications and guidelines RDSO/2020/GE: IRS-0004 or latest in running line with suitable soil to the designed profile The work shall include uprooting and disposing of all the vegetation, benching at every 30 Cm vertical height, earthwork in benching portion and compaction using suitable slope vibratory Rollers/Compactors etc. to achieve 1 prescribed MDD. Note: 1. Payment of cess repairs shall be based on the quantities worked out from the cross sectional calculations only and worked out from the initial ground levels before doing benching and final levels as done for new embankment. The earth work in benching portion shall not be paid extra as the same has been included in the rate. 2. The earth work shall be started only after Completing of the benching and certified. 3. The benching Work shall be done for a maximum height of 1.50 m at any time based on the progress of earthwork starting from toe of the embankment.




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Rehabilitation of existing week formation by replacing top layers of existing formation only with mechanically manufactured blanketing material of specified formation width and thickness 2 under traffic/power block or without traffic block by blocking the line for longer period by diverting the traffic or otherwise. The item includes all things necessary to complete the work, all in accordance with the latest applicable specifications, guidelines, manuals instructions and includes, more particularly, and without in any way limiting the generality of liability to complete the work in all respect e.g. (i) dismantling/lifting of track panel by crane, (ii) scooping of ballast from track, screening & stacking along track (iii) removal of top layers of existing formation up to 550 mm (iv) spreading of blanketing material in layers not exceeding in 30 cm in thickness in loose conditions, leveling by motor grader & compacting by vibro roller of required capacity up to specified degree of compaction to achieve a compacted blanket thickness of 550 mm & finishing to correct profile. (v) placing 4m width of Non-woven Needle Punched and Mechanically or Thermally bonded type Geo-textile with minimum strengths in Grab test, Trapezoidal Tear test and Puncture test of 1750N, 800 N and 5800 N respectively (vi) spreading new/screened ballast layer of 200mm uniform thickness over it and compaction by rollers (vii) linking of track panels with Crane and connecting at both ends, initial packing and leveling (viii) screening of scooped ballast, stacking and using the same at the same location or adjacent location along with additional ballast to provide specified cushion and profile (ix) disposal of waste material at nominated place (x) all pre and post attention during required nos. of machine tamping (xi) removal of service rails with rail panel and de-stressing of track after final packing & surfacing and all other incidental works required to complete the work in all respect. Under Traffic Block




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