Raja Ramanna Centre For Advanced Technology Tender

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Raja Ramanna Centre For Advanced Technology - RRCAT Tender

Paints and Enamels
Opening Date7 Feb 2025
Closing Date21 Feb 2025
Tender Amount₹ 1,04,00,000 



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Scraping the walls and concrete surfaces at all level to remove existing white/colour wash, distemper, oil paint, oil bound distemper, acrylic emulsion paint or other similar finishes and making the surface smooth by repairing the scratch etc. including necessary scaffolding, cost of sand papers, steel scrapers, compatible scratch filler etc. complete as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Painting plastered surfaces with two coats of Acrylic emulsion paint of approved shade and preffered make over one coat of approved cement primer including preparing the surfaces, filling with full wall putty, scaffolding and cleaning, tools & tackles, safety appliances etc. complete as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Applying one coat of preffered make primer over old painted surfaces, preparing the surfaces including removal of old paint, if any, sand papering, filling with putty wherever required, to have proper and leveled surface to receive finishing coats, scaffolding, tools & tackles, safety appliances etc. complete and as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Red Oxide/ Zinc Chromate primer over steel surfaces




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Repainting of old painted surfaces with two coats of paint of approved shade and preffered make including preparing the surfaces, removal of old paint, if any, sand papering, filling with putty as required, scaffolding and cleaning, tools & tackles, safety appliances etc. complete and as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Using FLAT OIL paint on plastered surface




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Using Acrylic emulsion paint on plastered surfaces




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Using Flat Oil paint on wood/steel surfaces




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Providing & applying, at all heights, 2 coats of overall dry film thickness of 150 microns using approved shade TWO COMPONENT ALIPHATIC POLYURETHANE WALL COATING using FIBFLOOR-PU of preffered make over Polymer wall putty for smooth finish on entire surface area of wall including scraping, preparing the surfaces, removal of old paint, if any, sand papering etc complete as per drawing, generally as per manufacturer’s recommendation / specification and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: The rate includes cost of all materials, labour, GST & all other taxes, scaffold, tools & tackles, safety appliances etc. complete and as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Dismantling Old Plaster or Skirting, racking out joints and cleaning the surfaces for plaster including scaffolding, disposal of debris to the dumping ground within 50 metres lead etc. complete and as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Waterproof cement plaster in cement mortar 1:3, 12mm thick with waterproofing compound @ 2% by weight of cement including double scaffolding, curing, hacking of concrete surfaces etc. complete and as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Sand faced plaster 20mm thick in 2 coats over exterior masonry and concrete surfaces at all heights with base coat in cement mortar 1:4, 12mm thick and finishing coat in cement mortar 1:3, 8mm thick final rendering, double scaffolding wherever necessary, hacking of concrete surfaces, curing etc. complete and addition of waterproofing compound @ 2% of weight of cement for the base coat etc. complete and as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing & applying at all heights & levels on horizontal & vertical surfaces two coats of Acrylic based elastic elastomeric membrane coating of preffered make with matching colouring pigment including surface preparation, sealing att cracks if any in the area to be treated by using ready to use applying one coat of compatible primer etc. complete generally as per manufacturer's specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: 1. The waterproofing treatment shall be guaranteed for absolute water tightness for a period of 3 years. 2. An amount @ 10% of the value of the item shall be withheld by the department for a period of 3 years from the date of completion.




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Removing Bituminous based waterproofing treatment from terrace, chajjas etc. and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 metres lead including cost of all materials, labour, tools & tackles, scraping the surface to make it clean, scaffolding etc. complete as per specifications and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.




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Providing and laying 3mm thick and weight 4kg/m². APP Polymer Modified bituminous membrane (non-woven polyester reinforcement weighing not less than 160 grams/m² and having specified properties by torch welding over a layer of the bituminous primer @ 0.30kg/m² (minimum) and confirming to IS-3384, 1965 on prepared surfaces, side and end laps between adjacent rolls shall be kept 10 cms and 15 cms respectively and torch bonded by hot round nosed trowel to ensure water tightness, Providing and applying on the top of the membrane two coats of reflective Aluminium paint all as per manufacturer's specification & as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Note: 1. The waterproofing treatment shall be guaranteed for absolute water tightness for a period of 5 years. The measurement for payment shall be the entire area of slab/walls covered by the treatment in m² and no extra shall be paid for laps. 2. An amount @ 10% of the value of the item shall be withheld by the department for a period of 5 years from the date of completion.




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Repairing the cracks in wall/ceilling by making groove of size 6mm X 6mm, cleaning the grooved surface, remove loose material if any, fill the crack with elastomeric polymer based crack filling compound of preffered make in one or two part system including removing fungal growth if any, surface preparation , scaffolding , cost of all materials, requisite labourers, tools and tackles etc. complete generally as per Manufacturer's specifications/ recommendation and as directed by Engineer- in- Charge.




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