Local Self Government Department Tender
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2025_LSGD_724861_26Bid Award Id
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LIDEW/AEE/ET/08/2024Tender Authority
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BOQ Items
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5.9.5:Centering and shuttering including strutting, etc. and removal of form for:Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders bressumers and cantilevers
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16.83:Taking out existing CC interlocking paver blocks from footpath/ central verge, including removal of rubbish etc., disposal of unserviceable material to the dumping ground, for which payment shall be made separately and stacking of serviceable material within 50 metre lead as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
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16.84:Laying old cement concrete interlocking paver blocks of any design/ shape laid in required line, level, curvature, colour and pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Old CC paver blocks shall be supplied by the department free of cost.)
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10.16.1:Steel work in built up tubular (round, square or rectangular hollow tubes etc.) trusses etc., including cutting, hoisting, fixing position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc. complete.Hot finished welded type tubes
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16.78.3:Construction of granular sub- base by Providing close graded Material conforming to specifications, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, Carriage of mixed material by tippers to work site, for all leads & lifts, spreading in uniform layers of specified thickness with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in- Charge.With material conforming to Grade - III ( size range 26.5 mm to 0.075 mm) having CBR Value - 20
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OD341386/2024-2025:Providing and laying 80 mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver block of M - 40 grade made by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction , of approved size , design & shape laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of 6 mm stone aggregate , filling with etc complete as per the Engineer in charge Details of cost of 10 sqm
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