Directorate Of Panchayat Tender
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2025_DP_737806_1Tender No
SEC/1/24Tender Authority
Directorate Of Panchayat ViewPurchaser Address
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BOQ Items
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Providing and laying flooring with 25 mm thk vinylflooringofapprovedmakeandsamplein pattern as per instruction ofArchitect of make LG or Equivalent.
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4. DiasTable&chairRepolishing&new cushion work Dimension:230x60x75 cm
3 sidescovered diastable neatlyrepolished and melamine mat finished spray polished and top cover replacing and new fitting. (DIASTABLE=5NOS. CHAIR = 23 NOS)
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Windowcurtainblinds Providing&installingVerticalBlindsofTrac
/Vistaorequivalent,100mmwide,inoneor two colours, of medium range fabric (synthetic material), of approved shade and colour,pullcordsshallbe1.7mmdia.Braided nylonwithacoreofrayonthreads.Theblinds shall be operate able in any direction with a flight up to 180 degrees and can slide to one side for opening purposes. Allmetalpartsshallbecorrosionresistantand rotating parts shall be self-lubricating. The fixing of the top rail shall be with special GI brackets at aprx 1meter c/c. complete as directed by the SBIIMS.
Providing, makingand fixing hardwood frames andmultiwoodsingle/doubleshuttertoughened glass with centre portion of doors, at entrance, etc. (each door shutter counted individually) of size 200cm x 90 m (approx. as per site requirement)asdemarcated,edgepainted,fixed in wooden top and bottom rails of approved colour and finish, fixed on SS baring hinches, lockkeyplate,provisionoflockingsystem,etc. asperapproval.Onesetof25mmdiaS.S.brush finishpullhandles(approx.300mmlength)"C" shaped, of appoved make & design on both sides. Auto finished painting works etc…The rate to include all materials, labour, transport, taxes, delivered and placed in position atsite of work.Eachdoorshallbetreatedindividually
with complete set of accessories to be provided on doors.
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6. Frontdoornew(conferencehall)withglassworks
Providing, makingand fixing hardwood frames andmultiwoodsingle/doubleshuttertoughened glass with centre portion of doors, at entrance, etc. (each door shutter counted individually) of size 200cm x 90 m (approx. as per site requirement)asdemarcated,edgepainted,fixed in wooden top and bottom rails of approved colour and finish, fixed on SS baring hinches, lockkeyplate,provisionoflockingsystem,etc. asperapproval.Onesetof25mmdiaS.S.brush finishpullhandles(approx.300mmlength)"C" shaped, of appoved make & design on both sides. Auto finished painting works etc…The rate to include all materials, labour, transport, taxes, delivered and placed in position atsite of work.Eachdoorshallbetreatedindividually
with complete set of accessories to be provided on doors.
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Airconditionerwithstabilizer(GODREJ.) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Higher Efficient models of SPLITAC,THREESTARRATINGOFBEE
AIR CONDITIONERS 1.5 Ton Machines confirming to latest Indian Standards and suitable for operation on 230 Volts + 10 %, single Phase, 50 Hz AC supply with rotary compressor, Refrigerant and capable to perform cooling, dehumidifying,
Air Circulating, auto mode, auto swing, anti bacteria filtering. Supply and installation of soft & prime quality of min. 22 G Copper pipe for " Split AC only" with class "o" Nitrile insulationofminimum12mmfor splitairconditioner
including interconnection power/ communication cable
Drain Pipe (If Required additional) Applicable to bothACs (Cassette & SplitAC). Supply and laying of heavy gauge PVC drain piping of 40mm with insulation as per site.
Providing&fixingof5KVAVoltagestabilizer withtimedelayoptionincludingallaccessories with installation at site.
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Fan size:450mm
Typeofaircircularfan:wallmountingtype Method of Mounting: oscillating.
Typeoffanmotor:Shadedpoletype.(incase of 450 mm sweep size)
Minimumtotalairdelivery(cubicmeter/m): 125 (for 450mm sweep size)
Conformity:generallyconfirmingtoIS: 2997(latest)
Providingand fixingfanwith wallsideetc..
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Providing and fixing gypsum false ceiling 2' to 3' width at edges as per the given design in 12.5mm. thick Gypboard (POP) plain false ceiling with GI suspended from RCC slab/Beam as approved byAE including G.I. Parameter Channels of size 0.55mm. thickhavingoneflangeof20mm.andanotherflange of 30mm and web of 27mm alongwith parameter of ceiling, screwfixed, to the brick wall /partition with thehelpofnylonsleevesandscrewsat600mm.C/C. The suspended G.I. Intermediate channels of size 45x0.9mm. thick with two flanges of 15mm. each from the so fit at 1200mm. C/C with GI cleats and steel expansion fasteners. Ceiling sections of 0.55mm. thick having web of 51.5mm. and two flanges of 26mm. each with lips of 10.5mm.
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Providing, making and fixing hardwood frames and multiwoodsingle/doubleshuttertoughenedglasswith centreportionofdoors,atentrance,etc.(eachdoorshutter counted individually) of size 200cm x 100 m (approx. as per site requirement)as demarcated,edge painted, fixed in wooden top and bottom rails of approved colour and finish, fixed on SS baring hinches, lock key plate, provision of locking system, etc.asperapproval.Onesetof25mmdiaS.S.brush finish pull handles (approx. 300mm length) "C" shaped,ofappovedmake&designonbothsides.Auto finished painting works etc…The rate to include all materials, labour, transport, taxes, delivered and placed in position at site of work. Each door shall be treated individually with complete set of accessories to be provided on doors.
Size:-200 x100cm
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WALLRACKSHOWCASEWITHGLASSDOOR Providing, making and placing in position low height storage cabinets as storage and/or runners from350mmto500mmdepth,heightof750to900 and length as per site requirement, and in 18 mm grade multi wood ISI high density grade.
the cupboard unit shall be with openable shutter & adjustable shelf all along the full width of the credenza. All cupboards shall have locking arrangement and handles. No vertical edge of the storage units should be left sharp. The rate to includefornecessaryhardwarefittings(allSSbrush finish) like shutters will be on ebco self closing hinges,SShandletodrawers&shutters,oneno.of brassmagneticballcatcherforeachshutter,oneno. 75 mm long SS
tower bolt to relevant shutter and made lock for each compartment & drawers with common key, etc. Auto finished paint and two coats of top Coat, suitableformultiwoodForlightfittingsincutouts etc. Angle beads, edge bends, control joints as requiredtobeprovided.Thequotedratestoinclude all the above items, wall panelling to be painted with minimum two or three coats of auto finished PU paints.
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Providing&installingVerticalBlindsofTrac/ Vistaorequivalent,100mmwide,intwocolours,
of medium range fabric (synthetic material), of approvedshadeandcolour,pullcordsshallbe
1.7mm dia. Braided nylon with a core of rayon threads. The blinds shall be operate able in any direction with a flight upto 180 degrees and can slide to one side for opening purposes. All metal parts shall be corrosion resistant and rotatingpartsshallbeself-lubricating.Thefixingof the top rail shall be with special GI brackets at approx 1meter c/c. complete as directed by the SBIIMS.
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MULTIWOODWALLPANELLING&DESIGNED Providing and fixing full height partly multi wood, partly glazed double skin partition with following specifications (Measurement shall be taken up to finished partition level & not of frame work and sal wood member shall go up to slab/beam soffit). Providingandfixingsingleskinpanelling(type-II)on walls, front facia, boxing for rolling shutter, and/or columns and/or glazing soffits at various parts of the premisesasrequiredwithplyframeworkforlevelling and 18 mm thick multi wood of approved ISI grade, and/orlimiteduseof12mmmultiwoodforpanelling ofcircularcolumnsetc.includingfixingasperpattern and style as directed, with salwood frame of size 38 mmx25mmfixedverticallyandhorizontally600mm c/corlessaspersiteconditionand18mmthickmulti woodshallbefixedovertheframe(eitherinoneplane or at different levels) finished with 1mm thick decorative laminate of approved made and shade ( in one or multi colour) shall be fixed with proper adhesive as directed. AutofinishedpaintandtwocoatsoftopCoat,suitable formultiwood Forlightfittingsincut outsetc.Angle beads, edge bends, control joints as required to be provided. The quoted rates to include all the above items,wallpanellingtobepaintedwithminimumtwo or three coats of auto finished PU paints.
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secretary room
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Providing and fixing gypsum false ceiling 2' to 3' width at edges as per the given design in 12.5mm. thick Gypboard (POP) plain false ceiling with GI suspended from RCC slab/Beam as approved byAE including G.I. Parameter Channels of size 0.55mm. thickhavingoneflangeof20mm.andanotherflange of 30mm and web of 27mm alongwith parameter of ceiling, screwfixed, to the brick wall /partition with thehelpofnylonsleevesandscrewsat600mm.C/C. The suspended G.I. Intermediate channels of size 45x0.9mm. thick with two flanges of 15mm. each from the so fit at 1200mm. C/C with GI cleats and steel expansion fasteners. Ceiling sections of 0.55mm. thick having web of 51.5mm. and two flanges of 26mm. each with lips of 10.5mm.
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Providing, making and fixing hardwood frames and multi wood single/double shutter toughened glass with centre portion of doors, at entrance, etc. (each doorshuttercountedindividually)ofsize200cmx
100 m (approx. as per site requirement) as demarcated, edge painted, fixed in wooden top and bottom rails of approved colour and finish, fixed on SS baring hinches, lock key plate, provision of lockingsystem,etc.asperapproval.Onesetof25mm dia S. S. brush finish pull handles (approx. 300mm length) "C" shaped, of appoved make & design on bothsides.Autofinishedpaintingworksetc…Therate to include all materials, labour, transport, taxes, delivered and placedin positionat site ofwork. Each doorshallbetreatedindividuallywithcompletesetof accessories to be provided on doors.
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Providing&installingVerticalBlindsofTrac/Vista or equivalent, 100 mm wide, in two colours, of medium range fabric (synthetic material), of approvedshadeandcolour,pullcordsshallbe
1.7mm dia. Braided nylon with a core of rayon threads. The blinds shall be operate able in any direction with a flight upto 180 degrees and can slide to one side for opening purposes. All metal parts shall be corrosion resistant and rotatingpartsshallbeself-lubricating.Thefixingof the top rail shall be with special GI brackets at approx 1meter c/c. complete as directed by the SBIIMS.
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Providing and fixing full height partly multi wood, partly glazed double skin partition with following specifications (Measurement shall be taken up to finished partition level & not of frame work and sal wood member shall go up to slab/beam soffit).
Providingandfixingsingleskinpanelling(type-II)on walls, front facia, boxing for rolling shutter, and/or columns and/or glazing soffits at various parts of the premisesasrequiredwithplyframeworkforlevelling and 18 mm thick multi wood of approved ISI grade, and/orlimiteduseof12mmmultiwoodforpanelling ofcircularcolumnsetc.includingfixingasperpattern and style as directed, with salwood frame of size 38 mm x 25 mm fixed vertically and horizontally 600 mm c/c or less as per site condition and 18 mm thick multi wood shall be fixed over the frame ( either in one plane or at different levels) finished with 1mm thickdecorativelaminateofapprovedmadeandshade ( in one or multi colour) shall be fixed with proper adhesive as directed. Auto finished paint and two coats of top Coat, suitable for multi wood For light fittings in cut outs etc. Angle beads, edge bends, control joints as required to be provided. The quoted rates to include alltheaboveitems,wallpanellingtobepaintedwith minimum two or three coats of auto finished PU
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